Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Log

by deathflame46

Duel 2: The Friendship games

“Man I hate any day of the week but school days suck most.” I think walking up and getting on the bus on time. 

“Hehe.” Infinity starts to crackle as I see him coiled around a massive tree that exists in the spirit world. 

After what felt like a year of waiting I get to school, and surprisingly get called out by the same group of girls from yesterday, but before I can make it to them the bell rings, and I head off to math for another exciting lesson on geometry. In the class I sit with 3 other people till I realize that one of them is Sunset who still looks like she doesn't trust me. With our eyes locked the teacher says that we will be put with groups to help set up for the games in a tomorrow instead of the assignment. 

Sunset without breaking eye contact asks. “How many are in one group?” Before the teacher could even reply I had guessed the answer to that question.

Two Sunset, two people per group and one group of three.” The teacher says as she notices our stares and says. “Because you are looking into his eyes so deeply then you can work together.” As soon as she says that I can see the despair filling her eyes as we grab the list of things and leave the class to set up.

“Sorry Sunset but it looks like you are with me on this one.” I say trying not to laugh at the karma that had hit her for judging me about something I thought I had control of. “But hey we can get our stuff done easy if you just don't get in my way and let me do my ‘magic’.” I say as I grab one of my cards and shout “ Souleating Oviraptor I need your help.” as it glows and summons the monster still curled up as if it was asleep. “Hey Ovi you up if you are could you bring someone Misc over here?” I ask as it gets up and does a small roar as another dinosaur pokes his head out of the ground and my necklace starts to glow a bright blue.

“Who are you talking to?” Sunset says struggling with a box as it gets lifted from her arms.

“Right you can't see them right now but to deal with the higher spots i have some monsters to help us.” I say as my hair brightens to a dark red and the monsters become visible. “These two have been picked to help one can carry the weight, and Ovi can climb some things but these walls look like it can be done easily for him right bud?” I say as Ovi speaks in his Australian accent.

“Yeah it should not be a Problem for me especially with Misc here I could get this whole building done in 3-4 hours.” He says as his fire burns brighter.

“Thanks dude you are a lifesaver.” I say as I start to ride Misc up to a point and change the lettering on the school's sign outside to say. ‘Host of This Year's Friendship Games!’ As I'm doing that I hear Sunset yell at me about something as the bell rang. I hide the monsters and send them back to their cards. 

In the Duel period I try to go to sleep and ignore the ever present threat to my sanity that is Rainbow Dash. “Starshot we have that quiz today and I need your help on it please!” She says over and over again as I slowly get up, fix her board for her then collapse back on the desk and go right back to sleep. “Rough night huh?” Rainbow says as she grabs her phone to text someone.

“I just want to sleep and don't want to  deal with this plus don't you have an event to train for?” I say as she gets up and tries to pull me out of my chair.

“Yeah but I need help so can you please help me.” She says in a high pitched voice

 I get up, look her in the eyes and with a dead stare I give one simple word. “No.” I say and before she can get a word out “I'm not helping you because it's your test not mine.”

“I also have to talk to you about the games and how they have been on a losing streak.” She says as I perk up to a sound that I never like to hear as the PA system starts to ring.

“All students report to the gym for a message from your principal.” It rings and ends with a click.

“I need you to help by using some of your monsters to pump up the other students.” She tells me as she drags me behind the stage. “I think the Cyber Dragons you showed us should be enough to get them pumped!” She basically commands me to use Infinity and Siger.

“I guess I will.” I say as Principal Celestia finishes her speech, and Rainbow Dash walks on stage. I get to talking with these two dragons that are still fighting like kids. “Look we can't mess this up ok. Infinity you will go left and Siger you will be on the right just roar your best guys.” As I finish that sentence I hear Rainbow get to the midpoint of her song and dance. “ Siger after you just wrap around her and Infinity you are with me ok?” I say as they look at me and make a confirming sound not wanting to talk. 

As the curtains pull back we can hear the students singing. “Na na na na na na Wondercolts united together! Na na na na na na Wondercolts united forever!”

“Ready boys?” I say as my hair glows bright red, almost pinkish in color.

“Ready!” They say as we get unveiled with both dragons lighting up a bright blue for Siger, and a crimson red for Infinity. 

All goes well till I look up to see Rainbow Dash with the same set of ears that Sunset had but more importantly wings and she was flying! “What the hell!” I think to myself as I see her notice me and start to fly down towards me in a way as if she wanted me to catch her. Seeing this I wait till she is right above me, and catch her as she finishes her song. As she does the dragons start to coil around each other making a protective cage around us.

All I hear from the students is cheating and to me that was strange but Rainbow was soaking it up. slowly she turned back into her normal self, and I let the dragons go back to their world. “Wasn’t that awesome!” She shouts still not getting out of my arms and me not wanting to drop her just stand there till the rest of the group shows up.

“Rainbow Dash, that was amazing!” Flutter shy said as Pinkie Pie rudely interrupted her.

“I can't believe you planned all of this!” Pinkie Pie said as she jumped up and down.

“Well I got a little help from the principles and Starshot.” She said as she noticed that I was still holding on to her. “Uh you can put me down now.” She says as I just drop her and she lands on her feet.

“Anybody want to ask the question of how you pony up without the guitar?” Applejack asks as Sunset inevitably pops in.

“I don't know how she did it but I could go check on how she did.” She said avoiding eye contact with me as I towered over her.

“So do you guys know what you are competing in for the games?” I ask as they all look at me with shock.

“You know what you are in?” Applejack questions as she continues. ”They wont even let us look anywhere near the field so what are you in?”

“A Yugioh duel of course, but its rules and what type of duel are unknown to me at this time.” I say as we walk out of the gym and go separate ways. 

A few hours later the buses for Crystal Prep arrive and as I walk by I see some of the students in a line outside the bus getting their names called. I sit and look for one detail on a duel disk. If someone was to have one here it would mean they are my target. Once the whole commotion outside had settled down I followed a Crystal Prep student inside as she looked at her necklace. “I wonder if her necklace is the same as mine?” I think as I see people talking to her saying hi as if they know her. “So she is Twilight and does not look athletic, probably only here to watch the games.”  I think again as she collides with the school jock Flash Sentry and has a little chat with him and walks off towards the club room. “What's with her interest in that?” I mumble as she stops and her necklace opens as I hear Rarity go from her normal energized voice to a more sad and depressed tone.

As soon as she walks in the room I hear the girls all shout. “Twilight!”

“Yep, that's me.” Twilight says as she stands there staring awkwardly as I enter the room.

“Starshot yay.” I hear Sunset Shimmer say as I roll my eyes to her comment.

“Twilight welcome back.” I hear the principal say as she leads the principal of Crystal Prep around the school.

“Twilight, why are you here and not with the others on the buses?” CP’s principal asks as she takes Twilight out of the room and tells Celestia. “I'm sorry about her. I'll get her with her class and be back soon.”

As the welcoming ceremony and opening of the friendship games starts I walk off trying to figure out what the necklace was for and why it glowed. After not seeing her once I walked out and headed to the Duel classroom to grab my duel disk and make it look normal for monsters to be out and around the school. “Petiteranodon could you act as a set of eyes for me?” I say placing his card on my duel disk and picking him up.

“Sure thing!” He says as he hops in my backpack. “Anything we are looking for?”

“A purple girl with a necklace from Crystal Prep. Her name is Twilight. If you see her you can hop out and sit on my head ok.” I tell him as he makes a light, cheap sound.

Suddenly a loud screeching could be heard from the gym as I walked by it, basically forcing me inside to hear a Principal gloat about her school as the bell rings to send us home for the day.

After running for what felt like hours I got to school as the academic decathlon started. I did not have to compete in this due to the fact that each school had selected one student to be exempt from one game. I was chosen to be exempt from this. Instead I went to the second event with the other exempted contestant. As I walked into the room where our scores would be given I was not allowed to see the other student until the others came in and once they did the scores were revealed. First was Canterlot High me and the girls were the 7 chosen to be the competitors with Sunset as our captain. Crystal Prep had Twilight and some Blue haired girl as their captain. 

As i left the room i got called over by celestia. “Starshot you need to know the type of duel you will be playing. It is a Turbo Duel.” She says as I remember what it is.

“The one where you have a Duel Runner and play a card game on a motorcycle, yes?” I ask as she nods her head yes and leaves me to get changed. “Why did it feel off today as if something had come through a portal? Not just one but three things. It feels like I summoned a monster but I didn't.” I think as I walk off into a Room with a fake wall. “Rarity left me an outfit huh? What a nice surprise and it's a Motocross Outfit?” I think as I grab the tag that is on it and read it. 

We saw the track and thought that you might need this so treat it with care. - From Rarity

“It fits well actually.” I say as I see the Duel Runner in front of me painted in a black and red color scheme. “Even customized my Runner nice.” I say as i hear from the other side

“Oh yours too?” an all too familiar voice says as a tv on both sides turns on as we watch the others compete in their events.

Archery was first and our spear heads for it were Applejack and Fluttershy. I was not worried about Applejack. She is country as it gets and her bow skills are the best in the school. Fluttershy though she could shoot well but not accurately. By a mirricale we win and our next set of racers start going being Rarity and Pinkie Pie in rollerskating. Both do well and finish before Crystal Prep starts their 2nd lap around the track, and that's good for me because the team who finishes first gets their duelist out with Speed World active to build speed counters. As the last two girls hit the track I see the blue and orange bikes of Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer going around the track with Crystal Prep right behind them. The race continues as normal till a portal opens and a Monster appears out of it.

“Verte Anaconda!” I say as I have my Oviraptor jump in and take it out before too much damage can be done. As he destroys the plant I rev up my Duel Runner as I see Rainbow Dash flying after she saved Sunset From the Anaconda’s tail but same could nor be said for Crystal Prep as one of their Bikes had been crushed by the massive snake. As the bikes cross the like my gate gets open first as I speed into my first Turbo Duel.

Duel Start!
Starshot:8000 LP :3 Speed Counter/s
Twilight:8000 LP :1 Speed Counter/s

“So I'm fighting Twilight then.” I think as she finally gets out of the gate with her Duel Runner as I cross the starting line I wait for her to so we can truly start. Finally she crosses it as I shout “My turn I'll start by summoning Cyber Dragon Core in attack position! Then I'll activate the effect of core to add 1 Cyber Spell or Trap to my hand. I chose Cyber Revsystem! Then I’ll end my turn.” I say as my Speed Counter goes up to 4.

“It's my turn! I draw! I set 2 cards and end my turn.” she says as she gains a Speed Counter.

Turn 2
Starshot:8000 LP :4 Speed Counter/s
Twilight:8000 LP :2 Speed Counter/s

“Guess it's my turn. I draw! I summon Cyber Dragon Drei In attack position and activate its effect. This allows all Cyber Dragons to become level 5. Now with 2 level 5 monsters i create the Overlay Network Rise cybernetic dragon of the heating abyss! I XYZ summon Cyber Dragon Nova! Now with Nova I can rebuild the Overlay Network! Descend upon us with your infinite wrath! I XYZ summon Cyber Dragon Infinity!” As I say that the large dragon appears beside me flying and keeping its speed with me as we both hear the amazement of the crowd. “Now from my hand I activate Cyber Emergency! This card lets me add a Cyber Dragon to the hand and I add Cyber Dragon Nachster! Then using the effects I can special summon it to the field by discarding 1 Cyber Dragon. Then I'll activate his other effect to summon one Cyber Dragon from the grave. Welcome the original Cyber Dragon. Now I will make the Link Circuit by using my Nachster and Cyber Dragon! I Link summon Link-2 Cyber Dragon Siger!” as I finish that the monster is summoned and met with roars from the crowd. “Infinity go in for the attack! Infinity Gear Reverse!” I shout pulling a drift on the bike as he charges at Twilight shooting a beam of harsh red light at her. “Sieger if you don't mind you are up next. Cyber Revolution!” I shout as Siger’s horns on the side of his face glow and let out a charge of energy at Twilight about to hit her.

“I activate Magician Navigation!” she shouts as a Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl get summoned to the field.

“Fine, I end my turn by setting one face down.” I say as I speed up to try and get a 2nd Speed Counter for the turn.

“I Draw! I’m activating Polymerization!” she says as she holds the card up the cheers of the Crystal Prep students goes wild.

“Not so fast Twilight I use Cyber Dragon Infinity’s effect. By discarding one Overlay Unit I can negate the activation.” I say as he card is shot and destroyed by Infinity.
“Fine I summon a monster face down and end my turn.” she says as it goes back to my turn.

Turn 3
Starshot:8000 LP :3 Speed Counter/s
Twilight:5100 LP :4 Speed Counter/s

“Time to finish this duel for Canterlot! I draw! Ugh Infinity go attack her Dark Magician Girl! Infinity Gear Reverse!” I shout as Infinity starts his assault. “Siger back him up with your Cybernetic Enhancement!” I shout the order as Siger lets out a roar making Infinity grow larger and his attack connects. Twilight spins out and fixes her Ridder as I end my turn.

“My turn! I draw! I’ll play the Trap Crackdown.” She says as her trap springs up.

“I use Cyber Dragon Infinity’s effect. By discarding one Overlay Unit I can negate the activation. Sorry Twilight but that is not something you will do.” I say as Infinity eats an Overlay to stop the activation.

“Just what I was waiting for. I’ll play the other Polymerization from my hand to fuze my Dark Magician, and my Girl Dark Magician! I fusion summon The Dark Magicians! Now go and attack his Cyber Dragon Siger! Dark Burning Magic!” She shouts. 

Right before it hit Siger I call out . “Siger go activate your effect!” I say as he grows larger.

“Now The Dark Magicians your turn Magic Navigation! I get to draw one card and if it's a spell or trap I can play it immediately!” she shouts as she draws a card. “I Activate Red-Eyes Fusion Sending one Red-Eyes monster to my grave and one Dark Magician to the grave I can fusion summon! I summon Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon!” As she says that the Dark Magician wearing red dragon armor came out of nowhere and started to fly alongside Twilight. “Now go Dragoon, use  Dark Flare Burst on Infinity!” she says as it starts to point its want at my Cyber Dragon as it fires a blast from it destroying it. “I’ll end my turn.” Twilight says as she passes me now for the first time after I took damage from the attack.

Turn 3
Starshot:7600 LP :5 Speed Counter/s
Twilight:5100 LP :3 Speed Counter/s

“I draw! I activate Cyber Repair Plant! If I have 3 or more light machine monsters in my grave I can use both effects! First I'll send one monster back to my deck from the graveyard and I pick Cyber Dragon Nachster, then I'll add one light machine monster to my hand. I pick Cyber Dragon Nachster and summon it to the field allowing me to summon back Cyber Dragon Nova! With rank 5 Cyber Dragon Nova I can create the Overlay Network! Descend upon us with your infinite wrath! I XYZ summon Cyber Dragon Infinity!” I say as a second infinity appears to the crowd's surprise. 

“I'm activating the effect of Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon it gains 1000 attack points for each effect activated meaning 4000 extra attack points bringing it up to 7000!” Twilight says as her monster glows a fierce red.

“No matter Infinity, use your effect to turn her The Dark Magicians into an Overlay Unit!” I shout as Twilight laughs.

“This is the most fun I have had in a long time! Now Dragoon’s 2nd effect will activate, allowing me to destroy a card that activates its effect.” she says smiling like a psycho 

“Too bad Cyber Dragon Infinity’s effect will activate Destroying your Dragoon!” I say as the chain resolves and her Dragoon is destroyed before her effect can activate. “Cyber Dragon Infinity attack her directly Infinity Gear Reverse! Siger it's your turn to end this duel Cyber Revolution! I shout as Siger charges at her dealing damage to end the duel and breaking her pendant around her neck. “That's the game and our first win for Canterlot High!” I say as Twilight gets swallowed up by a mystical force without me knowing  till I drive around to that part of the track and I end up crashing my Duel Runner to not get swallowed in it. “What the hell!” I say as I see a figure appear in the dark.

“Our Duel is not over till I say it is!” the figure spoke as it walked out of the shadows. I could see a girl like twilight but she was covered in magic from head to toe till it took form. “I am Midnight Sparkle and I challenge no I'm forcing you to duel!” Midnight says as she forms fully with pitch black wings with purple tips.

“Fine I'll duel you but what's with the new attitude and wings?” I ask switching decks.

“Oh it's nothing like you will be. If I win I get your necklace, and magic that you hold in you! So I can right the wrongs of this world by destroying it then moving to find more magic!” She shouts as I start to walk towards her.

“And if i win you will stop your conquest goals fair right oh mighty Midnight.” I say being sarcastic at the last line.

“Hahahahaha.” she laughs an evil laugh.

“DUEL!” We both shout as the girls run up beside me to help face this threat.