The Master Mev

by kazamacat

Chapter 76 - A New Student

Chrysalis gulped and walked near Rainbow Dash. She sat on her haunches next to the master mev and gazed at the Tree of Harmony.

Rainbow Dash quietly finished eating the Mean Applejack log and licked her forehooves clean as she did so. Then she said, "Right, onto business. I will not help you take over Equestria."

Chrysalis said nothing at first. She remained quiet and contemplative.

"But," Rainbow said, "I think I'd like to keep you around."

These words caught the changeling's attention. Chrysalis glanced at her, incredulous again. "Why?"

"Before we get into that, let's make sure we're on the same page on some things," Rainbow noted. "This whole revenge scheme you've got against my pack, especially Starlight, needs to stop.

"I am obligated to take care of them as their master, and they are my friends. I won't be so easy on you if there is a next time. I don't look at petrification or outright killing as something I won't do. Not to say I want to do those things, just saying...if that's what it takes to stop you, I will do it. You knowing about this place needs to not be a problem."

Chrysalis considered the logic behind such threats—and that she would do the same for her own hive in the past. She quietly nodded. "Of course, Master."

Rainbow eyed her and waited.

"I will stop my attempts at revenge, and my knowledge of this place will not be a problem," Chrysalis added. She meant it. In a sense, she was trapped. In another sense, she was intrigued by her newfound position with the mev.

"Excellent," Rainbow replied.

"So...why do you want to keep me around?" Chrysalis wondered.

"I'm going to the Changeling Kingdom on Sunday with some of my servants," Rainbow explained. "Meeting you today could be a coincidence or it could be a sign that you're supposed to come with me for some reason. In case it's the second, I'd like you to tag along. Maybe you could help us out, coincidence or not."

"Why would I do that?" Chrysalis asked.

Rainbow shrugged. "I'd like us to be friends. It's a thing a friend would do. Even if not, you strike me as the type who likes to feel useful and powerful.

"Being with us will put you in that position since you might know something Thorax doesn't. There's a particular magic we're hoping to find. Plus, you could reconcile with your former subjects, or at least start trying."

"I don't want to reconcile with them!" Chrysalis hissed. "They betrayed me!"

"Have you given any thought to why?" Rainbow asked.

"It's Starlight's fault!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"The changelings changed their forms of their own free will after they learned they could do so and not starve. The only one making that out to be a bad thing is you," Rainbow pointed out. "Have you ever thought of how badly that reflects on you as someone with such a powerful title as 'Queen'?"

At that, Chrysalis' lip trembled. Somehow hearing a master mev say it, hit her harder than any other creature. After all, master mevs had actual magic in the use of their title. They understood and cared more than most others about what a title meant to their company. Chrysalis stared at the ground in shame.

A thoughtful pause passed over between the two. Rainbow gestured up at the Tree of Harmony in front of them. "Do you know which one's mine?"

"I would assume it is the lightning bolt," Chrysalis noted.

"Sure, but which harmony element is it?" Rainbow asked with a sly smile.

Chrysalis looked at her in confusion.

"Ah, you don't know that each one has a name," Rainbow realized. "They're not just pretty gems in cutie mark shapes."

The former changeling queen sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine. What is the name of your harmony element?"

"Let's make it a game," Rainbow offered with another sly smile. "I'll give you some hints and if you guess right, I'll give you a little something as your prize."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "Very well," she agreed with mild interest.

"You said your former subjects betrayed you, and I brought up my own element. I'm a master and have servants. There's a certain element between us for our mev bond. That element something you feel lost to you from your subjects. What is it?" Rainbow asked.

Chrysalis thought carefully before finally saying, "Loyalty?"

Rainbow blew out a tiny wispy pink heart in Chrysalis' direction. "You are correct."

The changeling glanced at her and then slurped it up. "How did you…?"

"Trade secret," Rainbow told her.

They sat quietly as Rainbow waited in mild hope that her questions and little game sparked something of consideration and hope in Chrysalis herself. Games were things friend played and an easy start to a friendship for younger creatures. Older creatures could do it too, even if it not as easily.

"When you said 'keep me around' earlier, do you just mean long enough for this trip?" Chrysalis asked. She gulped, uncertain of what answer she even wanted for her question. She had been on her own for some time now. "Am I...with you, somewhere for this?"

"Longer. I doubt you and the other changelings will resolve things in a single trip," Rainbow admitted. "I've got some ideas. I'm still not helping you take over Equestria, know...if I were to help you take over Equestria, you would have to reconcile with your hive."

Chrysalis said nothing, but she was clearly thinking those words were significant. "And then...if you were to help me take over Equestria, what would be next?"

Rainbow chuckled. "It's still not happening, but sure, I'll humor you." Her expression grew stern and serious. "I would tell you that I must erase everything that you are as I mold you into a proper alicorn permanently. Such a transformation would take months or years. That would be for a mere chance too, no guarantees. Somehow through it all, we we would have to figure out how to give you the power to move the sun and moon. I cannot eat that magic myself because of what I am."

"Is that why you have denied me?" Chrysalis asked. She wasn't sure she'd agree to such a term. The cost was severe, but then, attempts at ruling Equestria had cost her plenty twice over already. She had nothing but herself at this point.

"In part, yes," Rainbow answered with a weary sigh. "Nonetheless, such a transformation would require some education. Two alicorns rule Equestria. If they somehow become indisposed, Twilight Sparkle, another alicorn, rules Equestria. Twilight just so happens to be one of my fledglings, an expert on magic, and headmare to a school of friendship. She earned her wings through a demonstration of leadership. That's what you were asking of me: to lead Equestria.

"The best possible place for you to be, to learn about leadership, friendship, Equestria, and so on, this kingdom you supposedly wish to rule, is as a student at Twilight's School of Friendship."

"They would never accept me," Chrysalis quickly hissed in response. "And even if they did, I just...I'm so old compared to them or even you and the other teachers."

"Well…" Rainbow noted thoughtfully, stroking her chin with a hoof, as she expected this resistance, "...before the school was built, Twilight had one student who stayed in her castle. As her master, perhaps I could arrange something if we took you on as a client." The master mev agreed that perhaps a more private setting was better. "Or find a way for you to stay with me even. I'm no princess, but I do have some leadership experience."

Chrysalis' jaw fell open.

"Twilight's pretty busy, so her time to teach you is quite limited—mine too. I think you'd learn best by observation once the timing lines up properly. While I know you have your resentment toward Starlight Glimmer, you're going to have to get over that. She lives at that castle still and was a student to Twilight herself at one point. She was that one student. She can teach you as well. I think you two would actually get along well once you worked past your animosity for her," Rainbow continued.

The frustrated changeling clenched her jaw but continued listening.

"I don't expect that to happen overnight either," Rainbow noted. "So, what do you think? You won't come out the other end as the ruler of Equestria, but I think it beats colorful logs that end up feeding me. Well, for you. At least if you run off again, I probably have more new food to look forward to, I suppose." Rainbow gave her a wicked smile.

Chrysalis couldn't help chuckling and shook her head with a wry smile. After a settled pause, she decided, "I'll...go. And the rest."

"Good. That's progress," Rainbow declared happily. "Meet me at Twilight's castle mid-day tomorrow. I will see to it that the proper arrangements are made. I need to talk to my Rexa to figure out who will be your main teacher and roommate."

Chrysalis smiled weakly, nodded, and left.

Rainbow Dash joined her friends in cleaning up the campsite and relayed the result of her conversation with Chrysalis.

"So, what do you think?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"Both options are a bit risky, Master," Twilight considered. "You've got Rhezenda's trunk and your crown, but I've got the Staff of Sacanas and some other things...."

" did let Starlight stay with you..." Rainbow reminded her.

"I suppose I did, but that felt a little more friendly once we connected with each other," Twilight admitted. She sighed. "I think...have her stay with me for now. Starlight and Spike can both keep an eye on her, and I do think that Jin and the others can sort of guard us indirectly with how they connect to the rest of Equestria."

Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. "All good points. I was mainly thinking to approach this like when you took Starlight on as your pupil, and Chrysalis must get over her hatred for Starlight. She will have three potential friends besides me with three roommates too."

Twilight nodded. "True. Just...I will provide shelter, but I think she should be more your charge, your student, than mine."

"Fair enough," Rainbow conceded. "We'll take some precautions, but I think she is sincere in giving up on the revenge scheme and leaving the tree alone. Even though I'm not helping her rule Equestria, she sees something of an opportunity to her favor if she sticks with us. That will help."

Again, Twilight nodded in agreement.

Starlight recommended she teleport over to the Changeling Kingdom. She wanted to alert Thorax about Chrysalis joining them for the visit and make sure he approved. Rainbow agreed. When Starlight teleported back, she said the changelings were nervous but would do their best for the visit in two days.

Chrysalis arrived at Twilight Sparkle's castle on Saturday as Rainbow Dash instructed. She was in her unicorn photographer disguise from the previous day. Starlight Glimmer opened the door. "Welcome to your new home," the lilac unicorn said with a warm smile.

"So this was the place decided?" Chrysalis asked, slightly nervous..

"Yup," Starlight answered.

Once inside, Chrysalis reverted to her changeling form. "Is Master Rainbow Dash here?" she asked.

"Yes, she's in the library along with Twilight, Spike, and three other ponies we'll tell you more about soon," Starlight said. "Do you wish to speak with her before I show you to your room and give you the tour?"

"You're doing that and not Princess Twilight?" Chrysalis wondered.

"Yeah. You and I need to learn to get along," Starlight explained. "You don't have to like me or be friends with me, though I'm up for it if you change your mind. You do need to let go of your hatred for me."

"I see," Chrysalis acknowledged dryly. "Let's get the tour over with first."

Starlight proceeded and finished with the library where Rainbow herself was waiting while reading a book. Flanked on each side of her seat were Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, who were at least pretending to read while occasionally whispering to each other. Sweetie Belle sat near Rainbow Dash and was practicing her drawing. Twilight and Spike were busily going over something for the school.

"Queen Chrysalis is here," Starlight informed everyone.

Twilight immediately stopped what she was doing and gave a respectful bow. "Welcome to your new home, Queen Chrysalis."

Chrysalis looked over to see an expectant smile from Rainbow Dash. The three fillies near the master mev stared blankly at her. Chrysalis again met Twilight's eyes and said with a respectful bow in turn, "Thank you, Princess Twilight. You are being more than hospitable for taking me in."

"I do have some concerns," Twilight freely admitted, "but I serve my master, who in turn takes care of me and serves the land as a whole. We are putting a lot of unfounded faith in you for this. Do you understand that?"

"I do," Chrysalis replied.

"Good," Twilight said and returned to her station.

Spike gave the caste's new resident a timid wave from where he stood and said nothing.

Rainbow herself approached with the fillies at her side. "Good afternoon, Queen Chrysalis."

"Am I to keep my title even though I no longer rule my hive?" Chrysalis asked her.

"A new one or even removal would be appropriate," Rainbow admitted, "but all in good time. It is only your first day with us after all. As you know, I am a master mev. I have a full pack named 'Team Awesome'. You encountered us all together yesterday with your little incident."

Chrysalis coughed. "Yes."

"Tuesday nights we have pack meetings, and I take lessons in magic here at the castle. Due to the fact that you are very freshly in my care and our history together, you will not be allowed in the castle during that time. I will find someone to host you until I have sensed you are ready to be in the same building," Rainbow explained sternly. "Understood?"

"Of course, Master," Chrysalis replied. "That is proper."

"Allow me to introduce you to my younger servants," Rainbow offered. "This is Rhezenda Sweetie Belle."

"Hello," Sweetie offered pleasantly.

"She is my right hoof and a link to outsiders," Rainbow explained. "These two are my bodyguards. This one here is my little sister, Scootaloo," Rainbow gestured.

Scootaloo waved with similar pleasant air as Sweetie Belle. "Hiya."

"And this one is Apple Bloom," Rainbow stated.

"Hey," Apple Bloom addressed Chrysalis with a simple, friendly air.

"Sweetie is Rarity's younger sister, and Apple Bloom is Applejack's younger sister," Rainbow said.

Chrysalis said nothing at first and looked at the three fillies with interest. "I must admit, I'm surprised that you have child servants."

"We have our reasons," Rainbow said with a small smile. The crusaders smiled as well. "These three are often known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders for a role they serve in Equestria as part of their special talent. When they serve my pack, they are the Awesome Crusaders."

The girls helplessly giggled with affirming smiles.

"For now, what I want to understand is if you are capable of changing the way your subjects did," Rainbow said. "It doesn't have to be now because it would actually have more power and more impact if it happened among your former subjects tomorrow."

"Oh," Chrysalis said. "I'm not sure I could do such a thing as easily and quickly as they all did...or that I would want to do that."

Rainbow Dash became contemplative. She considered that she had not named it in their agreement and that from what Starlight, Twilight, and Spike told her, Thorax still kept his initial appearance when first befriending Spike. Plus, Chrysalis was right. It might not be so simple with her being their former queen. "You raise good points," the mev acknowledged.

"Do I need to hide what I am to the ponies here in Ponyville?" Chrysalis asked. "Just go around as the unicorn I usually am?"

"Do what you think is best. My team is here to help you, so we will do our best to handle any concerns," Rainbow assured her. "It's not like we ever announced to everyone that all was well with Discord."

"That's true, I never thought about that," Scootaloo said to her friends.

Rainbow's accommodating nature put her new client's mind at ease. "Thank you, Master," Chrysalis said.

"I hope that covers everything I need to say to you today," Rainbow told her. We will all meet here again tomorrow. Starlight will be teleporting us. It will be myself, the Awesome Crusaders, Starlight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. The changelings have been informed you will be with us and approved of your visit."

"Very well," Chrysalis noted with a light nod.

"Good. Awesome Crusaders, let's move out," the master mev instructed with a playful smile, and the four departed together.