//------------------------------// // Sunset's Struggles // Story: The End of All Things 2: Through Dark Times // by ElmoHater862 //------------------------------// Back in the base Sunset was being kept in, the doctors and nurses were trying many things to save her life. They try putting her through therapy sessions to recover, but that didn't work. They gave her special pills, but ended up giving her the wrong kind because it turned out that they didn't have any pills which may help Sunset overcome her guilt, miserably and despair, making her feel worse. They put her to sleep with a needle a couple of times but it still didn't help. They even make her see the special therapist but it still sadly wasn't enough. And seeing the other creatures being summoned to this hidden hospital, so badly injured because of the rampaging villains and their evil allies certainly didn't help Sunset become any better, only making her to want to kill herself even more. Doctor Whooves and Nurse Redheart came into her room, Doctor Whooves carrying a small bottle of pills and Nurse Redheart carrying a tray of food and a small cup of juice. They both had a concerned look on their faces. They slowly approached her, unstrapping her. "How are you doing, honey?" Nurse Redheart asked as she carefully placed the tray on the small table next to Sunset. "HOW AM I DOING!?!" Sunset screamed, scaring both the nurse and doctor. "HOW AM I DOING?! I AM NOT DOING WELL!" "Sunset, I know things are rough for you," Doctor Whooves sighed, being as calm as he could be. "But you can't keep putting yourself through this! It have taken a serious toll on your mental heath." "Yeah," Nurse Redheart agreed. "Your friend Twilight doesn't want you to be like this! She don't want you to end your own life. She wouldn't like that." "I DON'T CARE!" Sunset hollered. "I WANT TO DIE! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME DIE?!" "Honey, if you die, your friends and family will be very devastated," Nurse Redheart said firmly but gently. "And poor Twilight will have to spend a lot of bits to have a funeral held for you, which is the last thing she needs right now, especially with the bad creatures that are out there destroying the entire world." "IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Sunset screeched angrily. "IT'S MY FAULT THAT WE ARE IN THIS MESS!" "Sunset, this isn't your fault!" Doctor Whooves exclaimed. "Things were far out of your control. No pony could have stopped those monsters from invading!" "BUT IT IS MY FAULT!" Sunset screamed, tears streaming down her face. "IT IS BECAUSE OF ME NOT BEING ABLE TO PREVENT ALL OF THIS FROM HAPPENING THAT WE ARE IN THIS MESS! IT IS BECAUSE OF ME THAT TWILIGHT HAVE GOTTEN HURT SO BADLY BY THOSE DEMENTED EVIL ONES! WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE TO DIE!?!" "Sunset sweetie, please!" Nurse Redheart begged. "It's not really your fault! The five evil beings that have helped Grogar destroy the tree of harmony all those years ago just didn't take their punishment very well, and the three sirens, the very same trio that we thought were long gone after Starswirl the Bearded have banished them to another realm so long ago, just have happened to return and have took advantage of the whole ordeal with those five." "THOSE THREE SURE DIDN'T HELP STOPPING THOSE FIVE TERRIBLE BEINGS AND THEIR WRENCHED MINIONS FROM RUINING EVERYTHING!" Sunset screamed once again. "ALL THEY DID WAS MAKING THINGS EVEN WORSE BY FEEDING ON THE NEGATIVE ENERGY OF PONIES AND OTHER CREATURES, MAKING THEM FIGHT EACH OTHER SO MUCH THAT THEY DON'T EVER WANT TO TALK TO ONE ANOTHER AGAIN!" Her throat was beginning to hurt from all the screaming and screeching. Nurse Redheart and Doctor Whooves felt very worried about Sunset and her well being. They worry that she would end up dying from depression and grief if they don't find a way to help her get better. Nurse Redheart feel her heart breaking seeing Sunset Shimmer so mentally ill due to her own guilt of not stopping the evil ones from attacking Equestria even though it wasn't her fault while Doctor Whooves held a bit of hatred and rage towards the villains for putting all of them through this. "Well, this may not be able to help much, but I have brought a bottle of pills for you, Sunset," Doctor Whooves said calmly as he opened up the bottle. "Yeah, and I have brought you a tray of food and a cup of apple juice to try and cheer you up," Nurse Redheart added. "It's right next to your bed on your table." "I'M NOT HUNGRY!" Sunset shouted, even though it have hurt her throat greatly. "I'M NOT THIRSTY EITHER! AND I HIGHLY DOUBT THOSE PILLS ARE GONNA MAKE ME BETTER! THE OTHER PILLS YOU HAVE GIVEN ME HAVE NOT HELPED! SO WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THESE WILL!?!" "Sunset honey, please calm down!" Nurse Redheart pleaded desperately. "I know you're upset, but screaming is is not gonna help." "I know those pills won't really help, but they're all we got right now," Doctor Whooves said, trying to offer Sunset two pills. "Please take them!" Sunset wanted to yell at him, feeling like screaming even more, but was beginning to get tired, so she begrudgingly agreed. She opened her mouth wide as Doctor Whooves puts two pills into her mouth. Nurse Redheart let Sunset have a few sips of apple juice to sallow the pills down. "Okay, we will come back in awhile to see how you feel honey," Nurse Redheart said gently, rubbing Sunset's forehead to try and smooth her. "In the meantime, why don't you eat your food while we go tend to other patients?" "Alright," Sunset said, sighing reluctantly as she gently pick up her tray of food. "I'll try to eat this and drink my apple juice." "Okay then," Doctor Whooves nodded as he and Nurse Redheart left Sunset's room and go to where the other doctors and nurses were. "Any luck?" one doctor asked. "Well, we tried to convince her to stop blaming herself for what we are going through," Doctor Whooves explained. "But she have screamed at us, telling us that she wanted to die because of what happened to Twilight." "We could barley get her to swallow the pills and eat her meal," Nurse Redheart added. "We are greatly worried about her." "Well, she is not the only one we have to take care of," another nurse said. "There is a lot of patients here that are badly injured, and some are actually on the verge of death." "Oh yes," Doctor Whooves said in agreement. "Those monsters and their minions have attacked them so badly!" "These poor souls did not deserve this," Nurse Redheart said, her heart breaking knowing that so many creatures were suffering because of the evil ones. Suddenly, medical workers rushed in with a yak who was in critical condition, her bones was sticking out, shocking the nurses and doctors. "Sweet Celestia! What happened?" Nurse Redheart gasped, covering her mouth with her fore hooves. "Lord Tirek have just attacked this poor creature," one of the medical workers explained. "He have attacked her so brutally and broke her bones, causing them to stick out after draining her strength without mercy." "How horrible!" Doctor Whooves sighed heavily, trying to keep his emotions at bay. "Take her to the Emergency Room at once!" "Right away," another medical worker nodded as they took the injured yak away. "How could this happen?" Doctor Whooves said as he drinks a cup of hot coffee. "Don't know," Nurse Redheart replied as she took a sip of her cup of cold water. "But there's no way we could have prevented this from happening. Fate doesn't always turn out well." "I fully agree with you Nurse Redheart, but try telling that to Sunset Shimmer," Doctor Whooves said. "She wouldn't stop blaming her for all this and she keeps trying to commit suicide!" "Well," Nurse Redheart begin. "All we can do is hope and pray that everything will get better for us. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go ted to another patient." "Alright then," Doctor Whooves nodded as Nurse Redheart pick up her tray of medic stuff and headed off to go help an injured changeling while he went to go tend to an injured unicorn with her bones sticking up too. Things weren't really looking good right now.