Humans Assemble!

by Mistershield

Freelancers Reunited

Chapter 39- Freelancers Reunited!

One by one, the humans walked up to a small side room. Unlike the standard large rooms set aside for operations or patients, this was just more the size of a half room. Most of the guys had their arms ready, knowing that blood would have to be drawn out.

“Before we start, can I ask if any- Human?” Nurse Redheart asked, looking over at Twilight. The purple unicorn nodded, smiling at how smart this nurse actually was. “Good. Does anyone have any knowledge over medicine or blood types?” Phoenix walked out of the line, holding his free arm up. Rainbow Dash blinked, looking up at her partner.

“What?” Phoenix said, turning to look over at the other humans also looking at the once lawyer.

“Really? You know a lot about this stuff?” Rainbow Dash asked. She thought he just knew law.

“Look, when you deal with murder cases a lot, you learn a thing or two about blood types,” Phoenix said, frowning at the memories.

“You know, you would want an attorney with some knowledge if you want them to defend you,” Ralf said, moving a hand to hold his chin. “I mean granted, when you work in the army you don't really need lawyers.” Snake nodded with that. Trixie and a few of the mares remained sitting in the waiting room, not to keen on the idea of blood or needles.

“That’s good. Could you please help us during this process?” Nurse Redheart said. One of the orderlies from before- The male pony- Brought a giant syringe and needle.

“Nope, not doing it,” Sokka said, his eyes growing wide at the size of that thing. Derpy had left to go get her daughter and save time. Otacon pointed at the thing, second in line behind Spy. Blue Spy moved his right hand out to slap his forehead. Zecora had to frown at the thing as well. Where was that nurse going to stick that thing away? Spy’s arms were thin as bamboo. Dovahkiin idly moved a hand out, grabbing Dan by the back of his neck to keep him from walking away. Pinkie Pie and Applejack moved in to push Dan back in line. Even Ash, manly as he was, was having second thoughts.

“If you put that anywhere near me, I shall consider that a formal challenge and duel you.” Samurai Jack said. His hand immediately moved to grab his sword. Spike hopped off Jack’s shoulder, thinking maybe he was not a bloodthirsty type of dragon.

“Stop being babies! Where are the war faces you had before!” Nurse Redheart said, frowning at them all.

“Don’t you have anything, um...” Phoenix raised both his hands out in front of himself. The palms moved out to measure the syringe and container. Damn, that was bigger than he thought, it was over a foot. He immediately moved his hands away from the scary thing and then brought both palms against each other to make it smaller.

“Stop being babies. We need a litter of blood for Nate. This way, even if you are not compatible, we have reserve blood in storage for you humans. Also, this will save us time,” the white earth pony said. “Besides, its only a litter, that much blood won’t...” Nurse Redheart stopped, turning to look at Dan and Sokka. “Maybe not from them, their smaller bodies may not be able to give a litter without needing some food.”

“As it were, I suppose its time to pony up or shut up,” Otacon said with a sigh. Sephiroth and Samus looked at the needle and were inwardly glad they did not have to subject themselves to that. Princess Luna lowered her head to look over at Big Macintosh and Lyra. Their partners did not have to give blood...

“Will you two bring some food for the humans while we wait? They will need it after donating blood.” The two nodded, moving to go get some of the food the humans could digest.

“Yeah, some donuts sound good,” Dan said, suddenly perking up at the idea. Pancakes were delicious, but a donut was starting to sound great.

“What’s a do-nut?” Sokka asked. Please no one teach him about donuts...

“How about some apples?” Big Macintosh suggested.

“F*** you, donuts are awesome!” Travis said. If he was going to donate blood, he better get a damn donut.

“They’re delicious,” Ralf added.

“So you are his official next of kin?” Dr. Stable asked, leading Rarity over to Nate’s room.

“I suppose I would be considered that, yes. Although Dan is leader of the humans, while he is in Equestria, he’s staying with me,” Rarity said to nod. It looks like Nate was taken out of emergency rooms and taken into a regular room.

“Oh. So his land-mare?” The doctor asked. ((Landlady if you are not sure what that term meant.))

“Um, something.... More than that,” Rarity said, blushing a bit.

“Say no more. Right now, we just moved Nate to a larger room to accommodate room for visitors.” After a few more steps, the medical unicorn stopped in front of a room to motion for Rarity to step inside. “Brace yourself though.” She bowed her her and then walked inside to look inside the lightly blue painted patient room.

“No more... Needles,” Nate said, joking a bit. His voice was a bit cracked though. The human was hooked up to various things. A heart monitor to measure his vitals. A serum hanging from an IV was attached to his right arm. He was topless, various tubes attached with tape over his chest and skin. The bed he was on was a bit short for his large frame, a second bed had been moved over to hold his legs up. Other medical machines were at the headrest side of the bed. The white unicorn took a moment a bring a hoof to cover her mouth at the sight.

“Nathan? Its Rarity,” she finally said, walking into the room. She tried to smile and hold back her tears.

“Rarity?” Nate asked, perking up his eyebrows. The human turned his head at the direction of the voice. His brown eyes were dulled out, and had changed color to a white and blue hue. His skin which had a light tan complexion, had paled to the same complexion Dan had. “You ok?”

“Yes, the doctor says you will be back to your handsome self in no time,” She said, walking over to his right side and face him. His hand moved out, trying to feel the pressure placed on the bed when Rarity rested her hooves on the bed. The unicorn blinked once, her mouth open a bit. Was Nathan completely blind? She lowered her head down, bringing muzzle to his fingers.

“Ha,” The Element of Equality said, finding her face. His fingers closed to move his hand up and down to pet her face. After a second, he brought his palm in to hold her cheek up. “What do you mean? I’ve... Always looked good...” Nate said, smiling at her.

“How could I forget?” Rarity said to chuckle. After a second, she closed her eyes to rest her face against his hand. “At least your humor is still there.”

“Be straight with me.... How bad is it?” He turned his head, making his face point to the ceiling. “They keep drawing blood and injecting me.” Rarity opened her eyes, turning to look at his face and sighed.

“They have no idea. I’m afraid humans are outside their speciality. All they are going by is pony speculation,” she said. She moved both of her hooves out, grabbing hold of his hand and slide her right hoof up and down over his skin. “But don't you worry! The others are getting testing as we speak to transfer blood to you.”

“Really? Even Dan?”

“Oh, every single one of them! Well, not Sephiroth and Samus. According to them, they can’t give blood due to their condition.” Rarity said to smile. “But you should have seen them Nate! They all wanted to bring his hospital down until they heard you needed blood. Your fellow humans immediately presented their arms.”

“Wow... I had no idea,” he said to smile. He would have liked to think he could also give blood if the other humans needed it.

“Oh, you have no idea! I have never seen Phoenix so angry in all my life! He looked ready to explode like a volcano! Even Dan looked frightened.”

“Oh, I would have liked to see that,” Nate said, closing his eyes. Rarity immediately moved her face closer to his.

“Oh Nate, are you tired? You know you shouldn’t sleep..”

“Oh.. I’m not tired. But I feel so out of it. I think its the meds...” Nate said to open his eyes. It was all a blurry white. The only think dark he could make out was her mane. Rarity turned her head to the sides, thinking about something to talk about. Keep him awake.

“Nathan, do you have a special someone waiting for you at home?” Rarity asked, knowing she was going to regret this. But she needed to get him to focus on someone important in his life- Even if it wasn’t her. Let him live for that special pony or human.

“Well, there is Sully. He’s my business partner and kinda of my mentor,” Nate said. He smiled a bit, remembering his many escapades. “As for ladies... Well one or two entered my life. But its kinda odd. Nothing serious though.” He shut both eyes to shake his head to the sides.

“Oh? Why is that exactly?” Rarity asked, curious now. It seems that Nathan was able to think straight at least. Well, if he was not on the spot. Let him gradually work to it seems to be the best way.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” Nate said, opening his eyes again.

“Oh, why not? Something embarrassing?”

“Not really. I’d don’t want to get into it...”

“Tell me, please?” Rarity asked, moving her head in to rub against his neck and tickle his skin with her mane.

“Don’t make me laugh... It hurts!” Nate said, chuckling. He winced for a moment, relaxing his arm down to his sides. “Besides, you don’t want to hear it...”

“Tell me tell me tell me tell me!” Rarity said, tip toeing on her hooves up and down rapidly as she begged and drew her head away.

“So, how exactly does blood type work?” Rainbow Dash asked. One by one, a few of the humans that had their testing done walked off to their duties. Luckily, Big Macintosh and Lyra managed to get donuts from Sugarcube Corners quickly. Short on time though, all they could get was a few chocolate iced ones. Still, the humans looked like they liked it.

“You really want to know these things Rainbow Dash?” Phoenix asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Got nothing better-”

“Help me!” Sokka yelled out, trying to hold on Dan.

“You are not going to stick that thing in me!” Dan yelled out, kicking and screaming as Ralf and Sokka moved to monkey pile him.

“I can’t hold him! He’s wiry!” Ralf said with a frown. Dovahkiin and Sephiroth had gone off to find the Crusaders, Soma and Spy had left to Everfree, and Otacon and Samus had gone to Golden Oaks Library. This left very few humans left able to contain all that anger. Their pony partners also left with them, leaving few ponies with strength or magic power to hold him down.

“Danny! Stop being a fraidy cat! Smile!” Pinkie Pie said, frowning down at her fiance.

“If you loved me, you would help me out!” Dan said as Jack and Ash moved to grab Dan’s legs. It was troubling though, Dan did not stop squirming. “As your leader, I command you to release me!”

“Nurse, hurry! I don't know how long we can hold him!” Sokka said, holding on to Dan’s left arm. Between the four of them, they finally manage to pin Dan down. The ponies blinked once, amazed that it took that many of them to hold down the smallest human.

“He wasn’t kidding, Dan’s got spirit in him,” Cherilee said. “But honestly, he’s behaving like a child.” Spike nodded. Dinky chuckled, walking over next to the baby dragon and look down at the crazy human.

“Please Sir! This is for Nate!” Ralf said, trying to appeal to his new commander.

“Knock it off Dan! We need the blood! Several of us are already incompatible!” Phoenix said, walking over to look down at Dan’s face.

“What?” The Element of Anger asked, calming down. He frowned, the other humans looking up at the lawyer. “But there’s so many of us!”

“Yeah well, tests are still being done. But I kinda figured based on our personalities,” Phoenix said with a frown.

“You mind explaining that, Sir?” Ralf asked, letting go of Dan. The other humans also released him, moving to stand.

“Well, Nurse Redheart, you’d better listen too,” Phoenix said to nod at everyone. “There are four types of blood, and each type has a negative and positive.”

“So, eight in total?” The nurse asked. It was weird to listen though- Ponies had 8 general blood types, and there were over 30 combinations.

“In Japan, blood types are more important in society in comparison to other countries. Most people of a particular blood type tend to share generally the same personality. Like being able to get angry easier.” They all stopped to look at Dan.

“Why is everyone looking at me?” The Element of Anger said. Distracted, the nurse pony slowly stalked Dan.

“But moving on,” Phoenix said to cross both arms on his chest. The nurse took a chance to stick the needle into Dan’s left arm and start drawing blood.

“You dirty little-” Dan stopped to look at the conniving nurse, only to grit his teeth at the pain. Pinkie immediately moved to help him stand.

“Dirty move nurse. Nice,” Travis said with a smile. “You were saying Phoenix?”

“Well, that kind of thinking for blood types is kinda outdated, but it is based on statistics. There are about 16 of us, and going by the number only 1 out of 7 of us will have the blood type needed, but its only a rough guess.” Phoenix said to look down at Rainbow Dash.

“Needed? You mean they don’t have to match?” The cyan pegasus asked.

“Out of the 8 blood types, one of them is a universal receiver, which means they can get any type of blood. One of the others is a universal donor, which can be given to all. Going by what I have seen so far though, several of us are already eliminated for one reason or another...” Phoenix said to shake his head to the sides.

“Almost done,” The nurse said, sticking out her tongue as she filled the syringe bottle with Dan’s blood.

“Like who?” Ralf asked.

“Well, Samus and Sephiroth already said why they couldn’t. If we went by the same reasoning, Dovahkiin is part dragon, so his blood may not be good. Something’s up with Snake’s blood though, I have no idea what. But his blood is not reacting to the tests like the other’s are...” The lawyer turned to look at Snake, wondering if he knew what was up.

“Well, I am a twin, identical one. Because of my birth, there was some complications in our genes,” Snake said. Better leave out the whole general gene manipulation and gene therapy out. Then there was also that FOXDIE. It shouldn’t hurt Nate though, since it was designed to only go after particular people. “But I thought I should try anyway.” A few humans nodded, nothing so uncommon in their world. The ponies however, surprised. Twins were even more rare in Equestria, least identical ones.

“Ah, twins can be tricky I guess. Ash, sorry but something’s up with your blood too,” Phoenix said to shrug. “Any special guesses?”

“I guess being infused with the ability to wield magic and possessed by the dead spirits could have something to do with it...” The chainsaw user said. Mayor Mare walked over to Ash, rubbing her head against his non metal hand. Ash did want to help out Nate. Derpy frowned, lowering her head at the news. That poor human.

“Great... So that leave us with,” Dan begun to count with his fingers. “About 9 of us that can be potential donors. Give me my donut!” Dan said, relieved the needle was taken out. Pinkie Pie happily carried the box of donuts on her back to give him his treat.

“Well, Soma and Sokka may not be good candidates either... But if they have the same blood type its still good,” Phoenix said to look at the youngest teen.

“Why us?” Sokka asked, the only one that could speak for his generational age.

“Well, blood types are also divided by age groups. Younger people tend to have stronger blood, but its still developing. In adults, its already kind of stable.”

“Great, more good news,” Travis said. Saving lives was so annoying.

“Then the samurai, Jack...” Phoenix said, biting his lower lip to show off his teeth..

“Couldn’t you have just given us a damn list from the get go?” Dan asked. “What’s wrong with Jack?”

“Well, you noticed we’re all from different time lines, right?” Phoenix asked, looking at Jack. The Asian warrior nodded. “He already admitted he was from the distant past. Because of this, ancient communities were not as diverse as in our times. So their blood type was more restrictive. It’s why blood transfusions were successful in the past. It wasn't until the age of exploration were doctors started to care more about blood types. That’s when blood transfusions became deadly, since the host body would reject the donor blood.”

“Wonderful. Let’s hope we don’t have to give Nate too many transfusions then,” Sokka said. If he had to guess, he was going to say he had the same blood type as Dan. Least he learned something new.

“Nurse Redheart! We found one compatible blood type!” An orderly came out. It was the female nurse with the candy striper Cutie Mark.

“Oh! Wonderful! Prep Nate for transfusion immediately! Who was it?” The nurse asked.

“Travis Touchdown!”

“Oh, I wish Spike was here, he could help me reading through the books. He also knew where each book was,” Twilight Sparkle said, as she read through books. The very first one she had gone for was Super Natural Cures, but she decided that Zecora would already have gone through those notes to find the right one. So she went straight for the medical magical books. Maybe she could find a cure spell.

“Any luck yet, Miss Sparkle?” Big Macintosh asked. Books were already on the floor, Twilight having already looking through them. While she read through the indexes to see if the books were useful, he had the job to pull out books for her. May as well make himself useful in some way.

“Very little actually. A lot of the plants inside the Everfree Forest have yet to be documented. And a lot of the symptoms Nate seems to have are not common with one source. But since this was a concoction of some sort, it means it could have been a combination of things,” Twilight said to lift her head and nod. She was glad to have someone helping. “But it seems nothing short of a miracle one cure all will do the trick.”

Hovering over the Library, Samus and Otakon were looking through databases. Samus looked through the medical files, trying to narrow down what the poison could be. Just knowing what they were dealing with could be a huge help. Otacon in the meantime looked through her surplus and supplies to try and find spares. while the bounty hunter did have nanotech that could infuse medicines, they still had to find the proper cure.

“Samus? Do you mind if I take some of your gear and make some radios? We can use your ship to bounce the signal,” Otacon said while he waited.

“That should be fine. Although, radios sound like the least of our worries,” Samus said as her hands slipped through visual display after visual display. A quick note told her that her suit was about 60 percent done with its restoration. With any luck, they could find whoever did this and make them pay.

“Well, I would have liked to make some nanomachines to function with the Codec system, but it seems your tech is too advanced to be backwards compatible. But at least I can set up some Bluetooth-type communicators,” Otacon said as his hands begun to work.

“You mind if I ask you something, Otacon?” Samus asked. She never looked away from her search.

“Go ahead,” Otacon said, moving his hands to start using the tools.

“Why do you know so much about Changelings? I know why Nate knew about ponies...” Samus said, turning to look away from the screen to face the doctor. He stopped working for the second, turning to look at her. He stayed quiet for a second and then sighed.

“Look, I am under contract with you. I won’t betray your trust if that’s an issue,” Samus said. “But I just want to know that Nate was not targeted by your actions.”

“I was their strategist and champion for a while,” Otacon said with a dejected sigh. He had lowered his head, taking a second to lick his lips. They felt so dry for a second. “Unlike the others who found ponies so quickly- I was found by the changelings.” He turned to look back at his work and continue making the bluetooths. “I lead a few campaigns against the ponies until I got separated from a recon mission. That’s when Snake rescued me and we joined our new comrades.”

“Was that a changeling that attacked Nate?” Samus asked. She didn’t feel that the scientist was lying.

“I don’t think so. While they do know magic, I have never seen a pony or changeling having to announce the name of their magic or even any chanting to use it...” Otacon said, picking up his head. “And that is what’s bothering me. If this wasn’t a changeling then, what was it?” Samus turned back to her work and frowned. What indeed.

“Sweetie Bell?” Junebug asked, lifting her eyebrows to approach the young ponies. What creature could have done this? Though the shaved Applebloom looked alright, what with that diamond tiara and all. And Scootaloo in her dress looked appropriate. But the filly in the garbage was definitely out of place.

“Yes?” The little white bald unicorn said.

“What... happened?” The orange creme earth pony asked. Her head moved up and down, inspecting the Crusaders. They did not looked hurt otherwise. “Did you get into Berry’s wine?”

“I did a bad thing,” Sweetie Bell said to bring her tail around her garbage bag. Least Dan left those on them.

“And I helped,” Applebloom said.

“So we got punished for it,” Scootaloo said. They all looked at the ground. The looks the ponies at the market made them feel more than self conscious. Scootaloo blushed, more embarrassed by her wearing a dress.

“Who could have thought of such a thing?” The daisy seller said, frowning at the situation. “What did you do to get punished like this?”

“We almost got a special pony killed,” Applebloom admitted. They had to be honest too.

“Oh mercy, really?” Junebug asked. That was a serious enough mistake that called for such a terrible punishment.

“It was one of the humans that saved Ponyville...” Sweetie Bell said. Junebug opened her mouth at that, while a few of the other ponies quickly turned to look at the Crusaders.

“You... What?” Junebug asked. How did three little fillies try to kill one of the these power filled humans?

“The humans and the Elements of Harmony were fighting a dragon. One of the humans tried to save us when we got involved. Then the dragon hit the human...” Scootaloo said to lift her head up. “But we’re really sorry.”

“Oh girls...” Junebug said, lowering her eyelids a little.

“At least finally somebody put a stop to their shenanigans.”
“Really, three unsupervised fillies like that... The shame their parents must have.”
“They deserve more than just what they got.”
“The humans? Our heroes? They tried to get one killed?”
“Can you imagine what the humans could do if one of their own got killed? They may turn on us.”

Murmurs spread amongst the ponies. Many of them looked upset, understandably so. The three fillies begun to retreat, slowly stepping away from the situation. Things were not looking good for them.

“I say they deserve more!” Diamond Tiara said, stepping out with SIlver Spoon. The two fancy fillies nodded, looking at the Crusaders.

“We already got punished!” Scootaloo protested.

“You know, the have been raising a ruckus ever since they started Crusading.”
“I’m appalled that they are not in a time out or even grounded in their homes...”
“I know I-”

A blinding flash from a flashbang made all of the pony stop. The Crusaders and the rest of the ponies winced, and waited for a few seconds before they could see again. Opening an eyelid slowly, Diamond Tiara turned to look at the Crusaders. Behind them, Creeper Pasta stood behind the three maneless ones.

“Right. Looks like business is closed for the day!” Merchant said. While the others had been talking, he had taken his typewriter and things to pack it up into his backpack. He now stood hunched over, having thrown a flashbang to make his way behind them all. “Can’t sell things with a mob about to form now.”

“Wait a second! We were having a-” Diamond Tiara shut up, finding a triple barrel Hydra shotgun pointed at her mouth.

“I said, shop’s closed,” The red eyed human said. He narrowed those eyes and brought his face closer to the fancy one’s face and stare at her eyes. “I suggest you continue shopping, hmm?”

“Oh- Alright?” Silver Spoon immediately begun to pull on her friend’s tail to push her away. The other ponies looked at the strange spectacle, wondering why a human would protect the Crusaders. The bony white hands of the merchant spun the shotgun once again in his arm before sliding the firearm into his backpack.

“Move along folks,” Junebug said, suddenly thinking it was a good idea to make the others continue with their day. His red eyes meant business, and angering one of the humans may not be for Ponyville best interest.

“Uh, thanks mister,” Applebloom said, slowly moving to Merchant side.

“Don’t thank me. I’m just someone that doesn’t like others picking on others because they look strange.” Creeper Pasta said. He didn’t even bother to look at them and started to march. Time to find a new spot to set up shop. And he had found such prime real estate too...

“Applebloom!” Applejack rushed in, with Dovahkiin at her heels. “What was that light? Are you okay?” The little Apple sister smiled, glad to see family. However, Applejack stopped in her tracks, her eyes going wide at her sister’s new look. “What in tarnation?!” Dovahkiin, unable to stop on command in the middle of a sprint shot, tripped and spilled over the cowpony. Merchant stopped in his tracks, looking over at the new commotion. Another human?

“Ow, what was that for?” The dragonborn moved his head up, turning to look at back at the Apple sisters. His mouth fell open a bit, some dirt on his chest. Did... Did Dan do that to the Crusaders?

“You okay, stranger?” Merchant asked, moving out a bony hand to help the Dovahkiin up. The Element of Resolve turned to look at the new human and blinked. Both hands moved to grab hold of each other.

“Thank you. Are you human?” Dovahkiin asked, not sure what he was looking at. A red eyed human? Or was he some kind of ancient elf?

“Aye, stranger,” Merchant said with a nod, letting go of Dovahkiin once he was on his feet.

“Applebloom! You and the Crusaders?” Applejack asked, walking over to look at the fillies. “Dan did this, didn’t he?”

“Indeed he did,” Sephiroth said, finally catching up along with Lyra.

“Yeah... Dan outdid himself on this one,” Dovahkiin said with a sigh. “I’m Dovahkiin, that’s Sephiroth. You do well to join us sir.” The dragonborn nodded to the odd creature.

“Yes, but we deserve it. This mister helped us when we were in trouble though,” Scootaloo said, turning to look at the seller.

“Thank ya stranger,” Applejack said, lifting her head up to smile at the oddly dressed human. The merchant moved his right hand up to hold the tip of his hood to nod in greetings.

“Another one? We must hurry,” Lyra said. She walked over to Sweetie Bell. “You have to show us where your sister keeps the Element of Generosity necklace. Nate’s in danger!”

“Nathan?! Of course! Crusaders, hurry!” The tiny white unicorn said. She ran off to the boutique, leading the others away. Merchant tilted his head to the side, and then shrugged. More humans with real money? More customers. Running was not his thing though. Junebug turned to look back at the others, and decided to run after the Merchant. She owed the humans her personal thanks for saving her.

“That foul poison be a true feat, but rest assured it shall be beat!” Zecora said, frowning as she spun a large wooden ladle around in her cauldron. Quickly the zebra worked, tired as she was though. She almost ran the entire distance here from the hospital. Soma, and Fluttershy could only watch in silence. None of them knew alchemy or potions, so they would only get in her way. Only Spy helped, hoping a scroll open for the zebra for her to stop and read now and then.

“Fluttershy?” Soma turned to look at his partner.

“Yes Soma?” Fluttershy asked, moving her head out of the view of her mane. This was one of the few times the Element of Acceptance addressed her.

“About the hospital-”

“Shh!” Spy said, turning his head back to look at Soma.

“But I-”

“Zip it!” Spy said, this time frowning.

“Look Spy, I have to-”

“English no good? Fermez la bouche!” Spy said, getting upset now. Zecora had to concentrate on this.

“I’m sorry, okay?” Soma said, frowning a bit.

“Is English and le French too hard? My apologies, your last name be Cruz? Cierra la boca!” Spy said for the last time. “Or is Nate’s life not important?” Soma sighed and then shut up, lowering his head. Adults were jerks sometimes. Fluttershy blinked once, looking up at her partner. He did need some patience. She decided to play the silent game. She moved to take a breath of air and smile, looking at Soma.

Soma took one look at Fluttershy and burst out laughing. Even when she looked so ridiculous, she was still so cute! The pink maned pegasus frowned, that was not how you played the game!

“Mayhaps, you should wait outside till Zecora iz done, yes?”

Soma signed and nodded, walking outside. Fluttershy followed after him, her head lowered in defeat. Nothing was working!

Travis was laying down on a bed, his jacket and shirt taken off. He was laying down next to Nate, who seemed to have taken a turn for the worse. Nate had been talking before, but now he was unable to breath right without the help of an oxygen tube. Rarity had her head lowered, unable to hide her tears.

“Hey Nate! Wake up!” Travis said, frowning a bit. “Team Freelancers, remember?”

“Travis?” Nate asked, lifting his eyebrows. At least he didn't have to wear the whole oxygen mask yet.

“We’re here too,” Sokka said as Ash followed behind him into the room.

“Who is it?” Nate asked, not sure he could recognize the voice.

“Its Sokka and Ash mate,” The sales clerk said. “We came by to see what’s up. Looks like you're going be blood brother with Travis there.”

“Blood brothers?” Travis asked, lifting his eyebrows. He already had a demented dead sister, and his own twin brother was an uptight jerk. The assassin turned to look at Nate again and smiled. Hell, he’d take Nate over the others. Least Nate was funny.

“Yes, Travis was a match for your blood. So he decided to give you some of his. Isn't that very generous of him?” Rarity said, smiling.

“I.. always wanted a brother,” Nate said, both eyes closed halfway. Dr. Stable walked between the two, connecting the tubes to the machine that would pump the blood from one to the other.

“Hey, bros before hoes,” Travis said, grinning now.

“A garden tool?” Princess Luna asked. That got the humans to laugh at the private joke.

“I don’t get it,” Sokka said, turning to look at Derpy. She shrugged as well.

“Don’t worry Nate. My blood is good stuff. It will kick that poison’s ass!” Travis said with a grin. Ash shook his head to the sides, glad Nate was at least feeling better. The room fell quiet, looking as the blood moved from one human, then into the machine, and finally into the sick one.

“Will this make Mr. Drake better?” Dinky asked, lifting her head to look at her moma.

“Of course my Muffin. Mr. Nate here says after he gets better, he will make muffins with us all!” Derpy said, smiling at her daughter.

“I will?” Nate asked.

“He will?” Rarity asked.

“I’d better not,” Travis said.

“Yeah, don’t question it,” Sokka said, getting oddly serious again. Ash blinked, looking at the weird bran and fiber loving family.

“Hey Nate, after all this is said and done, lets go get some beers! Just the guys!” Ash said, grinning to cross both arms on his chest.

“Sounds good,” Nate said, closing his eyes as the side of his left arm felt warm. New blood was finally entering his body.

“After this, you earned a special reward Sir Travis. Just name it” Princess Luna said to look at her knight.

“My maid better have a paddle and a leash ready...” Travis said with a grin. They were supposed to take the blood from his sample, but it was better to take it directly from the source. Ash heard that one, and it even made him blush. That guy had balls to talk about things like that in a hospital. “And don’t forget the bridle. I am going for a ride tonight!” The assassin moved his free hand to pet Luna’s face. The poor night princess blushed and looked away from the others. Why did she said ‘Just name it’?!

“Rarity! Rarity!” Pinkie Pie peeked her head in to look around. The others turned to look at the pink pony. “The others are coming back! And the Crusaders look awesome!”

“Nate!” Sweetie Bell said, running into the room.

“Sweetie Bell!” Rarity said, immediately picking up her head at the sight of her bald sister. “What horrendous thing happened to your mane!?”

“I got the Element of Generosity!” She said, ignoring her sister’s comments. She dropped the jewel and its harness on the bed and then turned to look at Nate. “Will he be okay?” Sweetie Bell asked. Rarity took a second to recover from her sister’s face and sighed.

“What’s going on?” The nearly blind Nate said.

“I am going to blast you with Generosity Nate, with any luck, you-”

“Like Phoenix got blasted? It may work...” The treasure hunter said with a smile. He did want to get that Brand so bad now.

“Umm, still donating blood here!” Travis said, lifting his head up to look over at them all.

“Yes, I do insist you- And there they go,” Dr. Stables said, seeing Ash walk over to disconnect Travis from the machine. Travis sighed and then shook his head to the sides. It couldn’t have been more than a pint of blood taken out of him. Still, if Nate got better, then he suppose he could live with it. Dr. Stable said and sighed, and then moved to help detach the tubes from his true patient.

“Nate, I need you to focus. Equality, ok?” Rarity said, smiling down at Nate. “You and me are going to have a long talk young lady,” The white unicorn said to her younger sister. “Now, give us some space.” Sweetie Bell nodded, turning to look at Nate once more. He looked so sick... The others turned to lean back, wanting to see how a Brand was obtained.

“Ok, I must focus on Generosity,” Rarity said, closing her eyes. Memories flooded her, giving others clothes and free clothing repair. Of possibly donating her tail so her sister would have a mane. Her jewel begun to glow, collecting power. Nate moved a hand to his head, trying to focus. Equality. All he wanted to do was to be able to stand toe to toe with the Elements of Change. To know his contributions were worth it. And that somehow, the others no-element humans could get a Brand too.

The white unicorn opened her eyes, now white with power as she smiled. The light from her jewel was shot up, hitting Nate on his chest. The blue white light begun to cover Nate’s body, making him lift from the bed along with his covers.

“Truly amazing,” Dr. Stables said, watching with his mouth open at the spectacle. Ash could only whistle at the special effects.

“Groovy,” Ash said, nodding. After a few more seconds, Rarity closed her eyes as the jewel stopped firing her beam. Nate’s body also settled on the bed, but he had managed to sit up. His naked torso now had his henley shirt back on. The color of his skin was returning slowly

“Nathan?” Sokka asked, taking a step forward. Travis looked at his new blood brother, wondering if he was alright.

“You know.. I think I am feeling better,” Nate said, moving his right hand up to rip the oxygen tube from his face. On his face, he wore a pair of very pointed black sunglasses Both eyes opened to look around the room and grin. He could see again. He held up his right arm up, looking at the back of his hand. Sure enough, he obtained a Brand.

“Oh Nathan! You have a Cutie- Er, Brand!” Rarity said, smiling down at him.

“And you look so much better!” Sweetie Bell said, moving to jump on Nate’s bed and smile. Nathan immediately almost jumped off his bed at the bald unicorn filly.

“Travis?” Luna asked, lowering her head to look at her partner. Something was glowing under the glove he wore on his right hand.

“The hell?” Travis asked, moving to sit up as well. His left hand moved to remove his right glove and looked at what was making the glowing phenomenon. He had the same Brand that Nathan received.

Author’s Notes: Didn’t you know? More than one creature can get the same Brand... Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

Donuts are awesome.