Daring Do’s Private Day

by Badguy400

Chapter Two: An Interesting Mealtime

Daring Do is in the kitchen with Sombra. Surprisingly she’s happy and bouncing for some reason. Why… ? Simple! Daring Do never got the chance to try out her new cooking. And since she’s so eager about it, she decided that hey, if anyone were to test her cooking, then it’d be a villain! Sure it wasn’t her plan at first, but who’s to judge… ? Aside from Sombra that is.

“Okay… hehe… “ Sombra said whilst seeing Daring Do bouncing about. “What’s this all about?” Daring Do pauses, blushes, and opens a fridge to reveal Daring Do’s cooking. It consisted of a hay loaf with some herbs, crisp top, and some delectable tomatoes for appearance. Seeing this, Sombra said; “hehe… . Getting into the culinary arts I see… ? Interesting… .” Daring blushed, and then bent down to get the loaf out; since unfortunately it was a small fridge, and she didn’t have enough fortune to get a bigger one. Not to mention that it was her idea to get a small fridge for some reason… ; despite the fact that she’s living in a shack or house; not an apartment or hotel… . But regardless, she got it, and wasn’t too phased by it.

Trying to look away from Daring Do’s diapered behind, Sombra says with a slight blush; “can you hurry this up please? I really don’t wanna see your behind like this… .” Daring blushed once more, and then got the loaf out of the fridge and closed the door with one of her back hooves.

Sitting down on the table, Sombra asks; “so what’s the matter? Can’t talk… ?” Daring Do blushed again, shook her head no, and then began to cut one slice of the loaf off to give it to Sombra to eat. After receiving his slice, Sombra grabbed his utensils, and then began cutting into the slice before eating the piece of the loaf. Realizing how good it tasted, he said; “wow this is good. What’d you put in this?” Daring Do blushed with a smile, and shrugged. Seeing this Sombra nodded and continued eating, but before asking her; “but in all seriousness, why can’t you talk? You afraid of me?” Daring blushed once more, only that her blush is a little more noticeable, and then she sank a little into her seat, with an audible crinkle noise coming from her. Noticing this, Sombra sighs, chuckles, and then says; “you’re fine… . I ain’t gonna hurt you. If I wanted to hurt you, then I would’ve done it already. Okay?” Daring nodded, and continued her meal.

After the dishes were put up, Sombra turned to look at Daring, and asked; “so you can’t talk because of like what? Is it a curse?” Daring nodded and opened her mouth to talk; yet no noise can come out of it to prove her point. Sombra said; “ahhh… .” and cleared his throat before saying; “so I take it that not only that the curse made you mute… , but it also made you wear that?” pointing to her diaper. Daring blushed, nodded with a frown, and then sat down on the couch in her living room. Sombra sat next to her, looked at her with a raised eyebrow, and then said; “but then again… . I did hear you talk a little while ago… . What happened?” Realizing this, Daring Do got a little anxious, and began hyperventilating. Seeing this, Sombra picked her up, sat her down on his lap, and began petting her belly whilst telling her; “hey hey.. relax. You’re fine… . Relax… . I promise… . Also; is the point of you not talking before, or after you’re in shock of seeing me?” Daring Do thought about it for a minute, before trying to gesture to Sombra that it was after she saw him… , but couldn’t because of her hooves. Noticing this, Sombra just guessed; “before… ?” Daring shook her head no in response. Knowing this, Sombra then said; “after… . Heh, sorry for scaring ya.” Daring Do waved it off with her hoof, and then began to lean back on Sombra. Snickering, Sombra said; “you do realize that you’re not a baby, right… ?” Daring Do nodded, but smirked as she then laid her head down on Sombra’s chest, and then closed her eyes with a snore. Snickering, Sombra replied; “okay.. okay… . I get it now… . Take it easy… . I get it now… .” Daring Do smirked, and then fell asleep. Sighing, Sombra then said to himself; “I’m so gonna get in trouble for being here… “ before falling asleep too because of a food coma.