
by WatchTower1992

…To Potty Savvy!

The next morning, I produced a white potty chair that was just the right size for Fluttershy. “Sit down on this potty,” I told her, “and tell me how it feels.” I magically kept her tail out of harm’s way as she sat down. “Oh, my!” she cried, very much surprised by the potty. “I feel nice and cozy!” she told me.
“That’s great!” I told Fluttershy. “Now,” I asked her, “are you still afraid to go to the potty?” “Erm—I’m sitting on the potty right now,” she countered. “But your diaper is on,” I explained to her. “Are you ready to go to the potty with your diaper off now?” I clarified.

“Everypony, listen up!” I called. Fluttershy’s friends immediately paid attention to me, and Fluttershy herself stood right next to me so that she would not be afraid. “There’s a very good reason that Fluttershy still needs her diaper,” I announced. “She’s afraid of going to the potty,” I explained. “There will be no—more—teasing!” I commanded.

I talked to Fluttershy—again—in the privacy of the room in which I changed her diaper. “Erm—I don’t like to talk about this,” she confessed, “but—just getting scared makes me go in my diaper!” “Oh, dear—no wonder you’re so afraid!” I exclaimed sympathetically. “Do I need to visit the doctor?” she asked me. “If talking to the doctor will help you feel better,” I answered, “then I suppose that a visit to the doctor is exactly what you need!”

My prediction came true. After her visit to the doctor, Fluttershy felt all better about herself. “The doctor was so kind to me!” she told me, beside herself with joy. “How so?” I asked her. “He’ll let me wear a diaper for as long as I want!” she explained.
Fluttershy told her friends the good news immediately. “Guess what, everypony!” she called, and all her friends listened to her. She announced, “I get to wear my diaper for as long as I like—even though I’m learning to go to the potty!” “Really?” asked Twilight Sparkle. “Oh, yes—really!” she answered happily.
“We’re sorry for teasing you, Fluttershy,” apologized Rainbow Dash. “We were not nice to you at all,” confessed Twilight Sparkle. “Come to think of it, your diaper is darling!” commented Rarity. “Potty learning takes patience,” added Applejack. “We miss playing with you!” whined Pinkie Pie.
“Awww—thank you, girls!” cried Fluttershy, and let all her friends give her a huge group hug. They hugged her the way her diaper hugged her flanks. “One day, I won’t need my diaper anymore,” she told them, “because I’ll be able to use the potty all by myself.” “But for now,” she continued, “baby steps, everypony—baby steps.” Now, because her friends had made amends with her, because she felt much better about her precious, cozy diaper, and because she was no longer afraid to use the potty, Fluttershy asked her friends for permission to go to the potty—where I always helped her—every time she needed to use the potty.