//------------------------------// // This is the only Chapter // Story: A Little Letter // by Richard79 //------------------------------// A Little Letter Spike had the letter in his claws, his heart was on top of the world. He’d finally written down what he wanted to say. Yeah, now comes the part I have yet to do. Give this to Rarity. Spike was lost in his thoughts and didn’t hear the knock at the huge double doors of Friendship Castle. Twilight trotted by and rolled her as Spike went into another series of spins. She already knew who was at door. Unbeknownst to Spike, Twilight had already invited Rarity over. She figured Rarity could solve this problem. “Hello, Twilight, you said you needed my help with Spikey?” Rarity asked when Twilight opened the doors allowing her to enter. “Yes, I have a love-struck dragon on my hooves.” “Believe me I know. I wouldn’t trade him for anything in Equestria.” Rarity said with such meaning in her words. “Believe me I’m happy for the two of you. I knew it would eventually happen.” Twilight said noticing the glow coming from Rarity. “So, what’s the love of my life been up to?” Rarity noticed that Spike was still twirling about holding a piece of paper. “He still likes to come over here and as of late he’s been doing this whenever he holds that piece of paper.” She smiled at Rarity. “You’ll half to find out why.” She didn’t say another word before using her alicorn magic to teleport to another area of the castle. “Oh Spikey.” When she said it, the words came out more like a song. Spike about tripped when those words reached his frills. “Oh…hi Rarity.” He replied with a grin on his face. He could still feel his heart soaring from the love the two of them shared. “To what do I owe this joy of seeing you today?” Spike asked “What pray tell are you doing? I was told that you’ve been over here going gaga over a piece of paper.” “Twilight…she wasn’t supposed to tell. Not yet.” “Darling, what’s going on?” Rarity could see the love-struck look on his face. Sure, he’d always been that way whenever she was around. Now a piece of paper was causing the same thing. “Oh, I’m just thinking about the love of my life.” He turned to her with a grin and still held onto that piece of paper. “Oh? And what is it about the piece of paper?” Rarity asked “Oh? This?” He held up the paper with the back facing Rarity. “Well, if you want to read this. You’re going to have to catch me Rarity.” Spike said with a playful grin his tail swinging back and forth. Rarity let out a laugh. “This isn’t fair love. Spikey, with those powerful wings of yours you can fly.” She found her heart starting to beat a little faster. Would he let me catch him? This could be fun. “Okay, I’ll make you a deal. If you won’t use your magic, then I won’t use my wings.” Rarity lowered her head and narrowed her eyes. “You’re on Spikey.” Spike let out a laugh at the sight. “Now this is a memory I want to keep, of how adorable this looks.” Rarity found herself blushing at the comment. “Love, don’t distract me.” “Fair is fair in love Rarity,” Spike replied as he dodged Rarity when she charged him. Rarity grounded her hooves into the floor and spun around to face Spike again. Oh really? Well, two can play at that game. She lifted one of her hooves and batted her eyes at him. Spike swallowed a lump that had just formed in his throat. That would have worked on him when he was a kid. He watched her take a few slow steps toward him. Those sapphire eyes never waver from him. He felt his backside bump up against the wall. He glanced back and let out a breath. Great… If I jump over her there’s a good chance, she’ll be expecting that. “Looks like I have you now Spikey. You’ve never been able to resist my gaze.” Spike remembered the piece of paper in his claw. He dangled it in front of her and then threw it to the side. Rarity went to grab it like he knew she would, his arms came around her midsection and held pulled her close to him. “Spikey…” Rarity felt her breath catch in her throat. “So, I get to read that paper then?” “Ah, the deal was if you caught me.” Spike said resting his cheek next to hers.” I believe I caught you.” He could feel her heartbeat growing faster. “Sure, you want me to let you go?” Rarity felt the heat rushing up to her cheeks as her hooves came up and crossed over his arms. “Um…do I half to answer?” She wasn’t objecting to being held like this. Spike smiled at that and used his right back foot to grab the piece of paper, he lifted it so she could read it. He smiled at the little squeak in her voice when she read the note. Written on the paper were only three words. Marry me Rarity. “You little sneak,” Rarity said using her unicorn magic to produce a piece of paper from Twilight's desk. “I’d already written down my answer.” Spike read the note. Yes, I will. He noticed how yellow the paper had gotten and the folds looked weathered from being folded over many times. When he found his voice after the shock, he asked one question. “How long have you had this written down?” “Oh…a while, darling.” Rarity’s lips started to move towards his cheek when Spike turned his head catching her lips with his. “I love you, Spikey.” Rarity said when their lips finally parted. “I love you too, Rarity.” His emerald eyes smoldered while he held her in his arms. “We should do this more often.” “Oh, darling, I am sure we’ll have years and years to come up with games to play.” Rarity replied smiling.