Daring Do’s Private Day

by Badguy400

Chapter Three: A not so Pleasant Surprise

It’s the morning, and both ponies are still fast asleep on the living room couch. King Sombra is with Daring Do because of her predicament. Course, Daring Do doesn’t know that; since she’s just met him. But like always, both will get to know each other, and enjoy each other’s company. They’ll just have to get through this day without any more problems… . Just they wait… .

King Sombra woke up all of a sudden sniffing the air. Reason? It stinks. “Geez… . What’s that smell… ?” Daring Do eventually woke up too, and did a stretch. The downside however is that she then soon heard and felt a squish after she stretched. Thinking that she did… “something”, she then slowly looked to her diaper, and looked on in horror as she just realized on what she done. Feeling embarrassed, and ashamed, Daring Do started to whimper, and began crying.

Hearing this, Sombra tried to put on a caring face due to the smell, and then leaned in to hug Daring Do to make her feel better. “Relax kid… . It’s probably because of the effects of the curse… . Right… ?” Sniffling, Daring Do looked to Sombra, and affirmed while nodding; “uh huh… .” and then wiping her nose and eyes.

After a few minutes, Sombra began to cough a little, and then says while pinching his nose; “let’s get this lil stink bomb taken care of… , okay?” Daring Do just giggled in response, and then wiggles before smiling at him. Chuckling also, yet coughing again due to the smell, Sombra then picks up Daring Do, and starts to cradle her before saying; “ready?” Daring nodded, and raised her fore hooves so she can hold on to him. Chuckling again, and coughing, Sombra then replied; “okay now kid… . No need to get all cute on me… , you hear?” Daring blushed and smiled with a nod, and then babbled in response. Snickering, Sombra just replied; “eh.. I tried, hahah!” and then coughed again before getting up, and saying; “let’s do this… ,“ before walking whilst carrying Daring Do to her bedroom to get her changed.

Daring Do is yawning and stretching, while also adjusting her diaper so it wouldn’t fall off. Sombra meanwhile was taking some deep breaths from a part of Daring’s room that doesn’t stink, and also chuckling a little because he’s seeing Daring making sure her diaper is secure; despite knowing that she didn’t want to be in one in the first place because it’s embarrassing for her… .

Noticing this, Daring smirked, giggles, and then waved her behind at him before finally speaking, saying; “don’t make me force you to wear one of these next time.” Sombra laughs at that response, and says; “oh please… . If anything, I’d have to worry about you stinking up the place. Hahaha!” Daring blushed, and then hid her face partially in her hooves. After that, Sombra said; “so considering the fact that you actually can talk, but chose not to for the most part, what do you wanna do?” Daring shrugged, but heard her tummy growling. Hearing this, Sombra asked; “hungry again? Or need to use the bathroom?” Daring blushed, chuckled, and says; “maybe the first one… . But I’m going to do the second just in case… .” She then blushed, and shouted; “but not in my diapers obviously… . Again… .” Sombra laughed, and replied back; “we’ll see… “ before approaching and picking up Daring.

Daring then took the opportunity to yawn and fall asleep on Sombra’s shoulder; for some unknown reason other than she’s still sleepy. Seeing this, Sombra dawwed at that, and whispered; “let’s wait till you’re all awakey, okay?” Daring nodded and nuzzled close to him. Sombra then stood in pause, blinked, and then said to himself quietly; “why did I say that?!” before face hoofing his forehead, and then saying; “I really need to stop doing this… . Otherwise I’m gonna make this worse for her… .” He then sighs, and says; “I sure hope this isn’t permanent… . Cuz otherwise I’m leaving this place, hehe… “ before walking with Daring Do back to the living room so she could sleep some more.