//------------------------------// // Chapter 1:Uhm... Argh, my head! // Story: I am Twilight's twin sister, Midnight. // by Gogonic //------------------------------// "GET BACK HERE, SAM. DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE. WHO WILL PAY FOR MY RENT" The woman shouts angrily while glaring and pointing at me. "PAY IT YOURSELF. I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE YOUR SH*T ANYMORE" I shout back while moving closer to my car. I get in and drive away ignoring her continuous shouting. When i drive far enough that i can't hear her anymore, i slowly breath in and slowly exhale out. A small smile appear on my face thinking to myself. This is it, Sam. This is when your new life begin. You don't have to care about that b*tch every again. You are finally free. I happily think about my future, think about the endless possibility it may hold. Suddenly, a truck comes from nowhere hits me from the side. Lying my head on the steering wheel, a ringing sound in my ears, my body starts to feel cold, i muster all my strengh trying to keep myself awake until the medic comes. It can't end like this. I was finally free. Why is this happening to me of all people.No i need to stay awake.i need... to... stay... awake... i... need... to... stay... "Uhm... Argh, my head!" I say, noticing my voice sound werid, i just shrug it off because of the accident, slowly open my eyes. I look from left to right taking in my surrounding. From what my eyes can perceive, i am in a hospital room. Putting a hand on my chest sighing which is when i notice something is off. Why can't i feel my finger? Why i feel a lot of hair on my chest? I look down seeing where my hands used to be, are now being replaced with hoof; my arms are covered in purple fur. My eyes widen in shock. I start to hyperventilate. What in the name of Celestia is happing to me? Wait, who is Celestia? I freezes up with a vision pouring into my mind. The vision shows me a very tall white alicorn mare name Princess Celestia, who raises the sun and is the ruler of this land. The vision also gives me an admiration feeling to her. I snap back to reality, shake my head in confusion from what have just transpired. I put two of my hooves to the side of my head trying to access more information about this world but nothing happen. Rubbing my chin thinking Maybe i should think about a question first? Firstly where am i? The vision starts up again. ______________________________________ "Ok, from what i can gather. This land is called Equestria. I am a pony, which there are three races: earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, populate most of Equestria. But pony aren't the only sentient creature. " I think out loud. I then look back examing my body. From what i can see, I am a unicorn ,my fur is purple ,my mane and tail have the same color, which is dark purple with pink and black streak, my gender is female. The door swings open. A unicorn stallion step in wearing a white shirt, having a stethoscope around his neck, behind him is Princess Celestia. The sight of the princess makes my body freeze and my eyes is fixated on her. "Oh, you're finally awake my little pony. How are you feeling?" Celestia asks. "Ah... Uh... Fine... I am find thank you for asking princess Celestia." I answer. Why am i feeling nervous? "Oh, so you know who i am. Very interesting, very interesting indeed." Her word makes me cock my head to the side looking confuse. Seeing my expression, Celestia askes "So from the look on your face, you don't know how you come to be." I shake my head. What does she mean by that? Another vision pops into my head. I see a small purple unicorn name Twilight Sparkle. Twilight was trying everything she could to hatch a dragon egg. But despite her effort, she couldn't hatch it until an explosion coming from somewwhere startled her making her magic went haywire. In all of the chaos, i am only focus on the pony with my color palete created from Twilight's magic. "Are you ok there ?" Celestia asks worriedly putting a hoof on me. "I am ok, i am ok. I just saw my origin." I answer while rubbing my temple with my hoof. Then i explain to her what i see. Why am i trusting her this much. "So that mean you have Twilight's memory." says Celestia. Celestia looks over to the stallion then back to me. "Before we continue our converstation any futher, we should check on you first just to make sure you are alright." I nod to that and the stallion goes to my side to check on me. ______________________________________ The check up was nothing abnormal from human check up. Minus the machine was put on my horn to measure magic. From the check up, we notice my reflect is a bit slow. The doctor answered to this was that my body had been newly created so it still needed time to adjust. And this also answers why i can't exactly walk, either. "Do you want to meet Twilight and her family?" asks Celestia. "Yes, I would like to, princess." I answer. Celestia's horn glows golden, before i know want is happening. I am levitate from the ground, my body is engulfed in a golden aura. It actually feels nice and warm. "Oh, I almost forget, have you chosen a name to call yourself?" asks Celestia. "No, I am still thinking about that." I answer. About nearly half an hour ago "Shining, you make it." Twilight runs over to hug her brother. "Twily, is the rumor true that you successfully hatch the dragon egg in the entrance exam?"asks Shining. "Uh-hu" Twilight joyfully answers. "But that isn't all, Shining." "Oh, can you tell me what else, Twi?" Shining asks raising an eyebrow with curiousity. "I created myself a twin sister." Twilight answer, which makes Shining freeze for a moment to understand what did him just heard from his younger sister. He looks over to their parents. They nod showing that what he heard was true. Twiligh somehow created herself a doppelganger. "So where is she, Twi?" Shining asks. "Oh, Princess Celestia took her to doctor to check if she was ok." Twilight answers. "I am very excited that i gonna have a little sister, i can't wait to see her, Shining." Twilight jumps around. "Yeah... Me too. Can't wait to see her." Shining answers nervously. They all stay there waiting for Celestia to come back. At present time The door opens. Celestia moves forward putting me down infront of Twilight. We both look at each other. So, this kid is the one created me. Then i notice she is fixated at me. "You have weird eyes." Twilight exclaims. " Huh. Can you explain, Twilight?" I ask. " Wait, you know my name. How? I can't believe it. You know my name. I haven't even told you yet. How did you know? Do you know there name? And what's your name?" pointing at the three unicorns behind her. I look at them. Hey vision, who are they? Rubbing my temple. I don't know if i can get use to this. "Are you ok?" Twilight worriedly asks. "Don't worry. I am fine. Your memory just pops into my head again." I explain. I point at each of the unicorns. "To answer your question that's your mother, Twilight Velvet; that's your dad, Night Light; that's your brother, Shining Armor." So all their name except for her brother have a theme. I know what my name should be now. "You can call me, Midnight Sparkle." I look to her family now noticing that they are looking at me funny. Maybe seeing a clone of their own daughter is too much for them. Something suddenly bite my tail. "Ahhh" I look back seeing a small purple skin dragon, green belly and green back spike. I can here a chuckle coming from the princess. Twilight then removes the dragon from my tail ,hugging him. "Well then is everypony here? There are some things I wish to discuss with you and it would be best if we did this at your home?"