Get Him 3

by Lord Blackraven

Chapter 16: Happy Hearthswarming

Happy Hearthswarming

Since Alex had overcome his nightmares about the ponies, he had been sleeping much better and waking up more refreshed. His energy had returned and he had taken to exploring the castle more. I his wanderings, he had discovered the whereabouts of the library and had continued to pass the time reading about the founding of Equestria and the ascension of the two sisters to the throne. He was astonished to learn of their power over the day and night and its orbiting celestial bodies.

“I still can’t believe that they have that kind of power??!!” he thought. “I hope I never meet them again! They are gods! They have to be! Yes, they could absolutely turn me into a pile of ash with a single thought!”

As he continued to read he took in a deep breath through his nose, held it for a bit, and then let it out.

There it was again. A very faint tell-tale scent of lavender.

He smiled to himself nervously and went back to reading.

Since winter had set in, in full force, there was not much more Alex could do but continue his studies and explorations, which soon led him to the knowledge that, at one point in time, the two sisters became enemies and the legend of Nightmare Moon. “That explains the destruction of this place and the statue with all that candy around it. It’s their version of Halloween.” As he continued to read and study, he also learned more about Nightmare Moon and her banishment to the moon for a thousand years and her subsequent return. Her eventual defeat at the hands? Hooves? Of the heroes known as the Heroes of Equestria, also known as the Mane Six. “Yep, they defiantly look like the ones that tried to capture me.” Upon learning all of this he wondered how he was able to constantly escape from them if they possessed that kind of power.

On this particular night he found a book on the creation of Hearthwarming. It was one he had not seen before. The faded picture on the front cover depicted the three races of ponies around what looked like a Christmas tree complete with decorations. In the background he noticed three other figures in the air. He didn’t know what they could possibly be so he decided to sit down and read it.

Apparently the three pony races, tribes they were referred to, were enemies at one point in time a long time ago. The arrogance and egos of their leaders wouldn’t allow them to work together and so one day winter set in due to the bad blood between them. Upon seeing that they were all going to freeze or starve to death, the three pony races leaders decided to set out with their respective “peoples” to find a new land.

It turned out that all three found a rich and fertile land and all were happy. But soon the snows came again caused my some creatures called Wendigos feeding off of their negative emotions, due to the personal biases among the leaders that went with them too. It looked as if the ponies would freeze to death due to their frozen hearts and the wendigos would win, covering the land in ice and snow. As it turned out, the regular pony folk did not hold the same grudges against each other as their leaders did and joining in friendship, they were able to defeat the wendigoes and the land once again returned back into the rich earth and skies that it once was. Since that day it had come to be known as Hearthswarming Day.

“Hmmm.” Alex thought to himself. “So this must be the reason for all the decorations in that pony town. It must be their version of Christmas.” Then he followed up by muttering with sarcasm. “The politicians of my world could learn a thing or two from this book.” As he got up and put it back on its shelf.

“I wonder if they have a person that is their equivalent of Santa Clause? Probably someone like a “Santacorn?” He snickered at his own joke and at the thought of an old fat unicorn with a red coat and a white mane tail and a white beard. “Hehehe, He probably has a team of six peaguses pulling a sled around too!”

As Alex went about doing his daily routine of washing his clothes, eating, cleaning his dishes, garbage, his nightly rituals, etc. He settled down to go to sleep.

He found himself tossing and turning a bit, his mind worrying about the recent problem of his food stores getting low. There was still plenty of food left, it was just that it was pony food. Things like different types of flowers and what not that, although, were probably good tasting and nutritious to an equine pallet, it did nothing for a humans nutritional needs.

Like clockwork, the dream planes appeared and softly, off in the distance, he could hear someone singing in a beautiful female voice. It was soft and soothing, almost like a mother singing her child a lullaby. Accompanying the beautiful music was again the tell-tale smell of lavender. “Odd.” Alex thought. “Can one smell things in a dream? He decided to keep that particular question to himself.

“Sarah? Is that you singing?” He called out into the nothingness.

“Yes, my young friend. It was.” The voice answered.

“It was very beautiful. I have never heard anything like it before!”

“Thank you.”

“I could listen to that forever and never get tired of it.”

“You are too kind my friend.”

“Alex, do you remember when I told you I had a gift for you?” Sarah asked.

Yes! I do! Alex responded excitedly.

Do you know of a holiday called Hearthswarming here?

“Yes. As a matter of fact I just read a book in the library here yesterday. It’s very much like a holiday in my home called Christmas. We wish everyone peace on earth and good will to all men. We sing songs, decorate trees, share food, and give each other Christmas presents. One time long ago, it even stopped a very bloody war for one whole day. The men on both sides played soccer, exchanged small gifts, and were all united in brotherhood for that one day. The day after Christmas, the commanders of each side tried to get their soldiers to start fighting and killing one another again but the soldiers refused. No amount of treats could get them to resume the war so both sides had to transferred all those men to a different location and brought in fresh troops to resume the fighting.”

Alex let out a somewhat long and forlorn sigh.

“What is it Alex? What’s wrong? Sarah asked.

“Nothing. I was just remembering.” He responded. “I have always been a big fan of history. I read about this story in my great grandfather’s journal….. He was there. He saw it all.” Alex said solemnly.

Luna gasped in shock.

“Alex, you have a heritage to be very proud of.”

‘Thanks Lu...Sarah.” Alex said humbly.

There was silence for a small space of time.

“Alex? I said I had a special surprise for you some time ago. Do you remember?

“Yes” he said excitedly. Is it today?

“Alex, It is time. Wake up.”

The dream planes began to fade away and Alex opened his eyes. It was morning already.

As he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he looked around the room serving as his living quarters. His eyes went wide as he noticed standing in the corner, a Christmas tree complete with lights and decorations! It even had presents, REAL PRESENTS under the tree! And all were for him!

Alex couldn’t believe his eyes!

“Happy Hearthwarming Alex.” A soft but happy voice whispered and echoed around the hall.

“HOW! WHY!” Alex was so excited he couldn’t finish a complete sentence as he knelt before the tree with a big cheese eatin’ grin on his face.

“Magic.” The ethereal voice echoed.

Alex wasted no time tearing into the gifts before him. With each present he found something he needed. The rustling and tearing of wrapping paper were the only sounds in the chamber permeated with the occasional shout of joy from a very happy Alex as each present revealed its contents.

A cake, cookies, Apple treats, new clothes, a black cloak, SHOES! He needed shoes and clothes really bad. Lots of foodstuffs and MEAT! Real honest to God meat! It was already prepared as a meal too. All he had to do, according to the instructions, is open the package and it would instantly cook itself and be ready to eat.

By his estimation, the food stuffs would be able to sustain him through most if not all of the winter.

“Thank you Sarah!… Just…. Thank you! I wish you were real so I could give you a hug and share all this with you.” He said to himself. “Well, except the clothes maybe since I don’t know what you look like.”

Luna, still in her invisible form, overheard what he had said and watched on with silent pride and great happiness as Alex tore through his gifts excitedly. The smile on her face so big and bright that she just might inadvertently give away her hidden position from the its brightness alone!

As the day wore on, it soon became time for Luna to return home. According to the Pegasus weather report, there was supposed to be another snow storm rolling in soon and she didn’t want to be caught out in the midst of it.

Spreading her wings, she gently flapped them and lifted off the ground. The slight breeze they created fanned the flames of the cooking fire only slightly and causing the flames to flicker so. Alex felt the warm breeze it caused and once again smelled a slight scent of lavender.

Unnoticed by Luna as she ascended through the shattered throne room roof, was Alex whose gaze looked up in the same direction as she left.

Luna then did her usual perimeter check on her wards and spells to make sure Alex was still safe and then set course for her home and to report to her sister how the day’s events went.

As she flew home deep in thought about the day’s events she suddenly missed a beat and her eyes opened wide as she remembered something Alex had said.

“Thanks Lu…Sarah?
