//------------------------------// // 1 // Story: A Day Off // by Bulletspiral //------------------------------// You woke up, but decided to not open eyes, snuggling a hot body closer to you. You hadn't to go somewhere, to do something, to listen to someone... Today is Saturday - the most favorite day of anybody. You smiled. You can rest here even without making a step. “You’ll choke me to death.” Luna said, surely looking into your eyes. “Sorry, but your smell is so good...” You put your head onto her chest, hearing her faint heart. It was so good for you that you were ready to be with her until the end. “It wasn't enough for you, was it?” She asked with a smirk, hugging you with a wing even tighter. “There won't be enough of you. Never ever.” Both of you were lying under a blanket, and even though Luna's wing could be defined as a blanket, she insisted on adding another one, since there was furious cold outside. “Tell me - would you drink something warm?” Luna whispered in your ear, trying to not disturb the atmosphere of a dark winter morning. You mumbled something - you were busy inhaling this smell of lavender... Head doesn't want to think, legs don't want to go, only arms want to grab it even closer, even tighter... She giggled and crept out of your hands. Your face started to crook, and the smile changed to an unamused face. “Luna-a..” You mourned, trying to open eyes and see the dark mare in gloominess of the room. So quiet... It seems like everything has died in the streets. The whole world has drowned in silence, but you weren't against it. You were only for and for it. Until the very moment when Luna waved with her tail into another room... You wrapped the blanket around your body and started to silently sneak through a dream and a dark corridor of your apartments, trying to find the small Princess that escaped from your hugs. You wanted to punish her with even stronger hugs, but you have to find her first. You walked into kitchen and saw how she fills a cup with something, then looked behind over her shoulder that smoothly transfers into lusty back and powerful wings, after which there was a pleasant starry tail. She turned to you. “When did you have time to clean everything?” You were amazed, looking at a faultless surface of table and walls of the kitchen. “You ended faster than I thought.” She smiled cunningly, and you tried to hide your cheeks behind the blanket. “So, when I started to tear your white blots off myself, I decided that I can clean everything here as well." You sat on a chair and silently said “Yeah, we had a great fun yesterday... Especially on the table..." “Don't remind me of that: my legs still hurt.” She said, saving this silly smirk at her face. “I haven't been feeling that in a while.” “Yeah, baking is a hard process...” You said and looked through Luna. “What were you up to?” Her horn cut the darkness off, and the room started to glow with a pretty blue hue, giving a way to the cup onto the table. “You clearly wanted something hot, so I did hot chocolate with milk for you.” You got your hand out of the blanket and made a sip. “Thank you, Luna.” “You're always welcome.” She said with a pleasant smile and started to look out the window. A city was glowing there, full of smokes from factories which almost replaced skies for you for God knows how much years and winters, but you still feel that it's something new and sacral. You stared at this for a second and then started to look at Luna's face. Instead of a tiny silver of smile, there was somewhat bitterness on her face, and her eyes, her turquoise eyes, so deep and pleasant to your gaze, behind which a never-seen before soul was hiding, were full of strange thoughtfulness and sadness. “Luna, what's happened?” “Nothing at all, nothing at all..” She said, looking into the darkness of a winter morning. Your heart skipped a beat. “Come here.” She came closer to you with a face like she was caught during a cookie theft, which was forbidden for her, but she just sat before you, you turned her back to you and covered with the blanket, reuniting your bodies once again. You put your head onto her pate. “Go on.” She tried to wave with her head, but it was a bad attempt. “I’m telling truth - nothing at all...” “Luna-a...” You scowled because of this words, but scratched her back, in result of which she smiled a little and opened her soul. “I... I want you to do me a favor.” “M-m?” You asked, continuing with scratching. “I... How to say this...” “Don't drag Celestia's tail, just spit it out.” “I want you to... To accommodate me for a week here, if it's not a hard burden for you...” You opened eyes surprisingly and widely. “For a week?!” You ask dazedly. “If it’s not a hard burden for you - I don't insist.” Luna added with a careful voice immediately. “You can live in my house until the end of my life and even more, Luna.” You said, scratching her ear. Each of you thought about your own, but you just looked at the night sky that was heavy cloud-covered. “Such a beauty...” “You still didn't say «yes».” Said Luna, bringing you into the real world. “You're right - I have one condition.” You said, burying yourself in her mane. “And which one?” You didn't answer - you decided to keep rubbing against her neck with your cheek. “M-m...” “Don't drag my tail.” “I don't do it.” “I’m not about this sense!” She said, and even though the room was in complete darkness, and you couldn't see her cheeks, but you felt its burning. You both giggled, but after a second you continued with a harsh voice. “What's happened?” “I... I had a falling out with my sister.” “Ouch... How so?” “I... I overreacted to a question about my shape.” “So you’ve decided to answer mine, but snap at Celestia's one?” She wrapped her tail around your leg. “It's just so nice with you... And she asked it in such a wrong moment...We were on our fours without a sleep - literally - a week or two: were trying to change the administrative code a bit.” A shiver ran down her back. “Well - pain, tears and blood. And we were exhausted, and my nerves went down, and...” She downed her head. “There’s my condition: you can be here for how much you want to, but...” You allowed her to end the sentence herself. “How? I screamed so loudly at her, that I even didn't realize that she just left me... I feel myself so bad now...” You scratched her ear. “We have another one piece of pie that we cooked yesterday... Take it and apologize to her. “But it's yours...” You kissed her cheek. “I can spare it for you. I wanted to give it to you anyway.” “Really?” “Really.” She turned to you and gazed right in your eyes. “And how would you know that I apologized?” She narrowed her eyes. “Would you lie to me?” She sighed and answered instantly. “Of course no.” You kissed her horn. “Go.” Princess Luna silently knocked on the door. “Go away.” She stood for a minute and knocked once again, but didn't receive any answer. Again. Celestia opened eyes, her eyes were telling Luna that she's not a welcomed guest here. “Princess Luna, what do you want in such an early hour?” Celestia said it with a harsh and official tone, her face doesn't reveal any signs of her normal hospitality. Such cruel words hurt the junior Princess, but a small dish with a pie showed up in a telekinesis field. “I baked a pie yesterday and thought that it's a way better than whining sister...” She dropped her head and levitated the dish to Celestia. A second after, Luna was choking because of the fore legs of her sister, which hugged her with force she hasn't ever seen before. “I’m sorry, Lu, I’m so stupid, so stupid!” It seemed that there were tears, pouring out of the Celestia's eyes. It’s just eyes playing tricks. “Shu-ush..” Luna stroked big white neck of her sister. “It’s okay, Tia, it's okay...” Luna saw black sky in the window of the sister’s room and knew, that the same sky was over the head of the one, who helped her to reunite with Celestia. “Thank you... Thank you for everything...”