//------------------------------// // Meanwhile // Story: A Snowy Day // by The Ancestor //------------------------------// A blanket of white that settled over Ponyville during the first few days of yhe blizzard was a welcome sight for the denizens of the town, who have grown quite peeved due to the lack of change in scenery. After all, it was a rare to see not a flake of snow up util mid-december. Ever since the running of the leaves, mares and stallions were waiting with bated breath for the start of Heart's Warming season, the first prerequisite for it being a good thick layer of white snow. They were patient up until the end of november, when a disgruntled crowd wrote a complaint to the Head of Ponyville's weather patrol, regarding the lack of precipitation. The first complaint was answered with due tact and patience, citing a recent accident at Cloudsdale weather factory, a major weather provider for around half of Equestria as the reason for the holdup. A week later, when news of snowfall in neighbouring cities reached Ponyville, another complaint was issued, this time personally, by the folk of the town, who stormed the weather team's office, waiting for answers. The answer that came was a major and controversial topic for coversation around town for weeks to come. Apparently, Cloudsdale's weather factory deemed Ponyville a 'low priority' target, thus explaining the delay. A letter was sent to Her Majesty via her Prized Student when Ponyville's patrol denied to issue one to their HQ in Cloudsdale, one that ultimately went nowhere as the Princess repeated what the local office said, albeit in a more verbose and polite manner. So when the long awaited snow finally descended upon the town, it was a major reason for jubilation among Ponyville's citizens, although most of them chose to remain in their homes, save for those working or being in a middle of an emergency. One mare, uncharacteristically covered in layers of clothes, trudged through the empty streets of Ponyville, strands of her pink-blue mane sticking out from beneath her warm winter hat, a red and white scarf wrapped around her biege-coated neck. Despite the cold wind blowing into her muzzle she kept going, a determined glint in her eyes. Many a though went through her head, most, if not all of them, concerning a certain green unicorn. "Why'd she do something like that." and "She's so in trouble when I find her." Being a good example of them. Bon Bon approached a well-lit building of Ponyville's weather patrol office, opening the door with a hefty push. A beam of light momentarily blinded the mare as she entered the structure, warmth of the building washing over her like a tidal wave over a shore. She shook her body, clumps of snow falling onto the wooden floor, melting a tad before they even hit the floor. Her gaze fell upon the head of weather patrol, the blue coated pegasus peacefully snoozing, slumped over the paperwork filled table. Bon Bon cleared her throat, and when the lack of responce became evident, she slammed the wooden table, an action far more effective at rousing the mare. Rainbow Dash jerked awake, looking around, wide-eyed, for the source of the disturbance. Her panicked eyes settled on the candymare, calming down the instant she recognised her face. Rainbow Dash jerked awake, looking around, wide-eyed, for the source of the disturbance. Her panicked eyes settled on the candymare, calming down the instant she recognised her face. "Bon Bon?" Rainbow said in a surprised tone. "What are you doing here-" She glanced at the wall-mounted clock, squinting to see the dial. "-at six in the morning?" "The same thing I've been doing for the past two days." Bon Bon replied sternly. "I'm asking you to call off the blizzard." She finished, looking at Rainbow with a frown. "Again!?" Rainbow exclaimed, flexing her wings. "I told you before, and I'll tell you again: Lyra's fine." She said in an irritated voice. "She's probably waiting the blizzard out at Zecora's, she's a knack for finding stranded ponies." "I don't care if she has a knack or not, I need to find Lyra!" Bon Bon said, stomping her hoof. "Better safe than sorry..." She muttered to herself, looking at the floor. "Listen, I know you're worried for your friend, but my hooves are tied." Rainbow argued, sighing. "Princess' orders." She suddenly piped up, looking around before giving Bon Bom a conspiratory look and urging her closer. "Why don't you send a letter to the Princess? She's a good mare, surely she'll understand and allow us to fall behind schedule a little." "I'll try." Bon Bon said dryly, although giving the pegasus a small smile. "Thank you, Rainbow." She said, turning around and moving for the exit. "No need." The pegasus mare said with a wave of a hoof. "I bet my wings the Princess will allow us to stall just this once!" She said with a smile, escorting Bon Bon the door. "You can't imagine how right you are." Bon Bon thought, stepping into the cold, hearing the door close behind her with a soft click. A loud rapping disturbed the otherwise peaceful atmosphere of Golden Oak library, waking the librarian at an unusually early hour. She turned and tossed off the bed, walked down the stairs and opened the door with a flash of her magic. "Who's this?" Twilight mumbled, still half-asleep when a wave of cold enevloped her as Bon Bon stood in front of her. "Twilight, can I come in?" Bon Bon's question sounded more like a statement as she walked past the librarian mare, closing the door behind her and sitting on one of the chairs on the first floor of the library. "Bon Bon?" Twilight blinked, shaking her head and turning to walk towards the mare. "What are you doing here? Library's not open for..." Twilight looked for anything that could help her tell the time, finding nothing. "Some time." She finished, sitting on another chair beside the candymare. "I need to send a letter to the Princess." Bon Bon said curtly, pulling a scroll out of her clothes. "It's urgent." "I-whu-" Twilight stammered groggily, shaking her head before trying again. "What can be so urgent?" She asked in a half annoyed, half worried tone. "Lyra's been missing for the past two days." Bon Bon began with a sigh, grabbing Twilight's attention. "She went for the Everfree, searching for her fabled 'humans'." Bon Bon's voice wavered as she continued. "She left in the morning, and I haven't seen her since." She finished, a lump forming in her throat. Any groggines Twilight still had evaporated in an instant, clarity hitting her like a sack of bricks. "What? Why'd she go there?" Twilight asked, all the while standing up to go wake Spike up. "I thought she'd already looked for 'humans' in the Everfree!" Bon Bon rubbed the bridge of her nose, a tired look in her eyes. "She said she sensed some kind of 'magic spike' in the Everfree some the day before she went missing. I've tried to reason with her, so she'd wait until after the weather cleared, and I though I was successfull..." She sighed shaking her head. "Her bed was empty come next morning, and I found fresh hoofprints in the snow." Her breath hitched, and she took a moment to clear her throat. "I've searched the Everfree to the best of my abilities, but I'm only one pony, and her tracks got covered by the snowfall..." She trailed off, just as Twilight returned, a drowsy Spike trailing not far behind her. A purple aura surrounded the scroll, levitating it closer to Spike. The young dragon opened his mouth in a yawn, releasing a burst of green fire that quickly enveloped the parchment, leaving nothing but black smoke. Said smoke seemed to fold in on itself before squeezing into a tiny slit beneath the door, disappearing into the blizzard outside. Spike scratched his chin, before departing back to his 'bed', his task fulfilled. "A magic spike in Everfree?" Twilight said, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling. "I might have to do something with that." Twilight said sheepishly. "What? How?" Bon Bon inquired impatiently. "I've been experimenting with a long-distance,high-power, delayed activation teleport." Twilight explained, beginning to pace around the library. "I've chosen Everfree as a testing ground as to not get anypony caught up in my test. I found a small clearing not too deep in the forest, and set is as the 'A' point, while point 'B'..." She trailed off, sighing. "Was chosen at random." "At random?" Bon Bon parroted, her voice filled with worry. "So you don't know where, or how far it was from Ponyville?" "No." Twilight shook her head, once again taking a seat beside Bon Bon. "The entire point of the test was to see how far I can teleport things, after I pump enough magic into it. The thing is, whatever point 'B' must've been really far away." Bon Bon raised an eyebrow, prompting further explanaition. "I set the spell in such a way so I could pour more magic into it once it was finished, you know, so I could switch things back to normal. The thing is, when the teleportation occured, the spell... well..." She sighed, a note of irritation clear in the gesture. "It unraveled." "Unraveled? Does that mean you can't send whatever came through back?" Bon Bon asked, Twilight shaking her head in a non verbal 'no'. "So, hypothetically, I humans were real, you just stranded one here with no hope of return?" Bon Bon asked with a raised eyebrow, and a hint of distaste in her voice. Twilight fidgeted in her seat before replying. "Let's just hope that Lyra's at Zecora's place, alright?"