MLP: FIM Duel Monster

by Norwegian boy

Attack of the Rose

Kamaki and the princess had finally managed to exit the Everfree forest.

“So, what are you two going to do?” Kamaki asked the sister.

“I’m heading to Ponyville, I’m going to have a talk with Rainbow Dash and how she behaved before. She is not going to get away with it.” Said Celestia.

Luna. “I’m heading back to Canterlot, I have to prepare myself if I’m going to talk to your president. What’s his name?” The princess asked Kamaki.

“I don’t know, I don’t care.” Not the answer Luna wanted. “Here’s another question, are you going to participate in the tournament Celestia or do I have to find another one to take your place?”

“You know what? I will participate, my life isn’t that exciting these days and today was the most fun I had in years.” Celestia told Kamaki with a smile.

Kamaki smiled herself. “Good, if you two will excuse me, I have to find some more duelist.” She then started to walk towards Ponyville leaving the two sisters alone with their guards.

“Things are getting interesting, right Celestia?” Said Luna.

“You can say that again.” Celestia look at her sister. “Are you heading back to castle?” Celestia asked her sister.

Luna nodded her head. “Yes, as I said, I need to prepare myself. Night guard, we are leaving.” The guards that was with her saluted and gathered around their princess, she then teleport them and herself away.

Then Celestia was alone with her own guards. “Right, let’s head to Ponyville.” She spread her wings and so did her guard who were all pegasus, they then flew towards the town.

Celestia and her guards landed in front of the library, she entered while her guards stood guard. Once inside she could see that Twilight was sitting on the couch, reading a book. “Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia’s voice scared Twilight that she drop her book and landed on the floor.

“Princess Celestia.” The unicorn got up. “I thought you were back in Canterlot, what are you doing here?” She asked her mentor.

“I told you we were going to have a talk, where is Rainbow Dash?”

Twilight had forgotten about that. “She headed home, she also said that she would make kamaki pay for what she did.”

Celestia couldn’t believe what she was hearing, Rainbow Dash didn’t listen to her at all. “When you see her you will tell her that she isn’t going anywhere near Kamaki, if I find out she will be in big trouble. Got it?” Twilight nodded her head like crazy. “Good. Now, I have to go and have a talk with the mayor.” She then headed to the door, when she open it she saw Spike standing there with two bags in his hands. “I can see that you are still using Spike, can’t say that I’m surprised.” She then left.

Spike then walk in with a confused face. “What’s going on?” He asked no one in particular.

One other side of town sat a Roseluck in her backyard, staring at her roses, she was thinking about stopping selling them. In the past few weeks no pony has bothered to buy them and it has affected her financially, she has almost no money to buy food. “Maybe I should move to Manehattan, maybe I have better luck there.” It didn’t sound like a bad idea.

Then a new voice spoke up. “Move from your home? Sound like stupide idea to me.” The new voice scared Roseluck that she actually jump a few centimeters from the ground, she turned around and saw the creature she saw earlier. “That’s if you are from Ponyville.”

Rose blink a dew times before she realized what just happened. “You’re creature I saw with Applejack.”

“That’s right, my name is Fugome Kamaki and I apologies that I scared you.” She then bowed. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you, I was just exploring the town and I somehow ended up in your backyard.” She got up and look around. “I’m not entirely sure how I managed that.” She said while scratching her head.

Rose wasn’t entire sure what to think about this Fugome Kamaki, she almost acted like a different version of Pinkie, which was a little scary. “Don’t worry about it.” She went back to looking at her roses.

Then Kamaki sat down beside. “So, why do you want to move to another town?” The human asked Rose who didn’t answer, she didn’t want to. “I guess you don’t want to talk to a stranger and one that’s not a pony, maybe a stranger is what you need.”

Rose thought that she had a point. “I want to leave because nopony wants to by my roses and it’s ruined me, I have barely enough money for food, so I’m considering moving to Manehattan to start a new life there.” She let out a sad sighed. “I doubt anypony is going to miss me.” She then brought her legs closer to her chest and hug them with her arms.

Kamaki wasn’t sure what to say to her, she didn’t know her. So, she decided to help her the only way she knew. “Do you know what you need? A duel.”

Rose look over at Kamaki with a confused look. “A what now?”

Kamaki got up. “A duel, it usually cheers me up.”

And before Rose knew it, she was standing in front of Kamaki with something called a duel disk on her left wrist. Kamaki gave her a deck and the rulers, and after reading the rules and looking at the cards, they were going to duel. Roseluck was still not sure how she ended up in this situation.

Kamaki: 4000


They both drew five card. “Since this is your first time, I’ll go first.” Rose didn’t mind. “I draw.” Kamaki look at her cards and they were: Atlantean Pikeman, Atlantean Marksman, Legendary Atlantean Tridon, Salvage, Surface, and Poseidon Wave. ‘Not a bad hand.’ Kamaki thought. “First, I’m going to place on card face down.” She placed Poseidon wave. “And then I’m going to summon Legendary Atlantean Tridon in attack mode.” (atk: 1600 def: 800) Kamaki placed the card and up from the ‘water’ came weird blue fish, it’s tail was mead of metal. “Then I end my turn.”

Rose was just confused, she had no idea how Kamaki made that monster. “How did you do that? You created a weird fish.” She said while pointing at the monster." Kamaki explained.

Kamaki lifted her left arm. “it’s the duel disk, I creates a 3D image of the card when you placed it on one of the five slots.

Rose had no idea what Kamaki was talking about but it look like magic, so she was going with that. Then it was her turn, she drew her card and look at her hand: Blue Rose Dragon, Botanical Girl, Roxrose Dragon, Witch of the Black Rose, Basak Rose Shoot, Wall of Thorns. Of all of the card, Witch of the black rose was the only one that could destroy Kamaki’s monster but Rose had to take a change, let’s try. “I summon Witch of the Black rose in attack mode.) (atk: 1700 def: 1200) “Since I control no other cards, I have to draw a card and if it’s not a monster, Witch of the Black Rose gets destroyed.” She drew her card and look at it, she then showed it to Kamaki. “It’s Rose Fairy, which means that Black Rose doesn’t get destroyed and since I drew Rose Fairy by a card effect, I can summon her, I placed her in defense mode.” (atk: 600 def: 1200) She placed it defense. “Now I’m going to attack your Legendary Atlantean Tridon with Black Rose.” The monster fired a beam from the staff it was holding.

Kamaki just smiled. “I don’t think so, I active my trap, Poseidon wave.” A card came up. “What’s this does is negate your attack,” A wave of water stop the attack. “and since I negate your attack, you get hit for 800 damage of every sea serpent monster I have.” She had one with means a wind of gust hit Rose.

Roseluck: 3200

Rose didn’t know that cards could do that. “I guess I end my turn.”

Kamaki was surprised that Rose did that, she could have done more. “You know that you could have synchro summon a stronger monster or have placed a card face down.” Rose look at her cards and saw that she could have, she felt pretty stupid. “Don’t worry, everyone makes mistakes their first time.” Rose knew she was right, the earth pony wasn’t that committed to this card game but she felt pretty stupid.

Then it was Kamaki’s turn, she drew her card and it was Atlantean Attack Squad, she would save this for later. “Now I summon Atlantean Pikeman in attack mode.” (atk: 1400 def: 0) Another fish monster appeared, this one was green and was holding a spear. “Now I’m going to tribute Tridon and Pikemen to summon Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon." (atk: 2800 def: 1600) Kamaki send two cards to the graveyard and then she look through her deck until she found the card, she took it and placed the deck back, it shuffled. She then placed the card on the duel disk and a blue dragon who was wearing armor appeared. “And since I summon Poseidra this way, your monster losses 300 attack points.” They did that. “Now, attack her Witch of the Black Rose.” Kamaki’s monster fired water from its mouth which destroyed her monster. “I end my turn.”

Roseluck: 1800

Rose may not care much of this game but she didn’t like to lose. “I draw.” It was Fragrance Storm, a card she didn’t want use now. She look at her cards and picked one. “I summon Roxrose Dragon.” She played the card. “When this card is summon, I can add card with name Black rose Dragon in its name from my deck.” She picked her deck and look at the, she picked on. “I chose White Rose Dragon.” She placed the card in her hand. “And now I will tune my level 3 Roxrose Dragon with my level 3 Rose Fairy to summon Splendid Rose." (atk: 2200 def:2000) Rose picked up the two cards and placed them in the graveyard, then they both watch as Rose Fairy flew up and Roxrose Dragon became three circles which surrounded Rose Fairy, which then became a light. Rose then placed the card on the disk and Splendid Rose appeared Kamaki became a little worried, she knew what the card could do. “Now, by banish a plant monster from my graveyard, Splendid Rose can cut your monster attack point in half.” Rose did that and Splendid Rose used it’s wines to rap around Kamaki’s monster who’s attack point was now 1400. “Now, Splendid Rose, attack her monster.” Splendid Rose used her wine to destroy the monster.

Kamaki: 3200

“I end my turn by placing one card face down.” She placed Wall of Thorns.

Kamaki was impressed, considering that Roseluck wasn’t that into it at the begin. “I draw.” She drew Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord and she couldn’t help but smile. “This can come in handy. First, I place one card face down.” She placed the card she drew. “Then I play the spell card Surface, this card let me summon one level 3 or lover monster from my graveyard, I chose Legendary Atlantean Tridon.” The blue fish came back. “Then I summon Atlantean attack squad.” (atk: 1400 def: 0 A green fish appeared and this one had a sword and shield. “Atlantean attack squad gets an extra 800 attack points when I have another sea serpent monster on my field and that’s Legendary Atlantean Tridon.” Now attack squad attack power was 2200. “Now, attack Splendid Rose.” Attack squad flew towards Splendid Rose.

Roseluck was ready. “I active my trap, Wall of Thorns. Since you target Splendid Rose, wall of thorns will now destroy your monster.” Wines came out of the trap card.

Kamaki had also a trap card. “I active my trap card Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord, until my end face all level 3 or lover water monster cannot be destroyed by battle or card affect, which means Wall of Thorns doesn’t affect my monster.” Rose had to place Wall of Thorns in the graveyard while Kamaki’s monster destroyed her Splendid Rose. “I end my turn.”

Roseluck was in trouble, she had no monster while Kamaki had two. She drew her card and it was Thorn of Malice, Thorn of Malice, it was a card she couldn’t use. “I place Botanical Girl in defense mode,” (atk: 1300 def: 1100) “then I end my turn.”

The Kamaki drew her card and it was Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince, she could summon it but it was no point. “Alright, Legendary Atlantean Tridon attack her Botanical Girl.” Tridon destroyed Roseluck monster. “Now Atlantean attack squad, attack Roseluck directly.” Rose had lost.