The Pony

by FIM Fiction


The sun rose gently over the hills of the orchard. Three creature rested, bathing in the golden light. Amber laid on her back, legs limply in the air. Her ears flicked in annoyance. "Shut up." she told the voice-
Oh. Sorry, I keep forgetting.

Suddenly, Amber was trampled by a colony of rabbits. She let out a loud "OOF!" as they jumped on and off her stomach.

"Oh my goodness, please wait!" a soft voice called out!

Amber let out a groan as she got up. She grabbed one of her ribs and screamed as she shoved it back in place.

The animals froze. The yellow pegasus froze. The mouse froze. Ambient let out a yawn as she woke up. "What I miss?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Are you alright?" the yellow pony asked in a panicked voice.

"I would be better if these things didn't break my rib." Amber said simply, examining the rabbits. The small critters turned away, ashamed.

"Oh my goodness, we need to get you to a hospital strait away!"

"What's a hospital?" Amber and Ambient asked, their voices overlapping.

The pegasus looked as though she was about to faint. "Y-you don't know? I- Um..." She looked heavily confused. "Have you ever had a broken bone before?"

"Yes, I have shattered every bone in my body. I simply push them back in place and let them fix themselves." Amber said. She reached up and grabbed an apple from the tree, before giving it to Ambient.

"Food!" Ambient snarfed down the apple.

"Do not eat too much, or your stomach will burst and eat you instead." Amber warned.

Ambient Light stared. "Okay?" she said, confused as to how a stomach could eat someone.

"A-are you sure you're alright?" the pegasus asked.

"Yup." Amber said with a nod.

"I'm bored. What should we do?" Ambient asked.

Amber blinked. She turned to the yellow mare. "Any ideas?"

"I- me? Um. W-well I guess you two could come over to my cottage to pet some animals later if y-you want. Oh my the animals!" The mare headed over the rabbits. "Alright, you've had your fun. Please come home with me."

The rabbits followed the pegasus as she began walking. Amber looked down at Ambient. "Follow." she said simply.

Ambient giggled. "Your voice is back!" she said as she began to walk.

"My voice?" Amber asked, sounding confused.

"Yeah! The one where you sound fed up!" Ambient said with a grin. "Or is it just empty?" she said, rubbing her chin.

"Stop talking." Amber said, frowning at Ambient.

For a while, the group simply walked.

I never really like these parts. There's so much silence, isn't there.

Quit it.


Eventually, the group arrived to a cottage, overgrown with life.

They don't know her name yet.

Amber blinked. She tapped the mare on the shoulder. "I never got your name." she said.

"O-oh! Sorry. My name's Fluttershy." Fluttershy said.


You know what? Fine. Keep interrupting. At this point, I won't even try to stop you.

But you'll still talk with me, right? Right?

Yeah sure.

Amber's ears flicked as she nodded. "Fluttershy." she said, feeling the name. She followed Fluttershy through her house to her backyard.

Ambient let out a squeal as she saw all the animals, and ran towards a bear.

"Be careful little one!" FLuttershy said with a smile. She turned to Amber, who was setting down her mouse. The mouse was tall at a whole 8 inches in height, sporting a bowler cap that was tiny even on his head. The hat sat between his two ears and a mustache sat on his muzzle. He scampered off to frolic.

Amber sat and stared. She wanted to explore, but chose to stay, to let this child decide where to go. She watched as the wind moved the clouds through the sky, and- She sniffed.

Fluttershy walked over. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Amber stood up. "I smell apples." she said.

"Oh, I invited some friends." Fluttershy said. A small bunny arched a brow at her. "Or, well, they invited themselves. But they did speak politely about it, and I did agree." she said with a nod. The bunny seemed skeptical.

Amber watched as three fillies entered the yard. Her eyes widened.

Oh boy, here we go.

They can't tell your tone.

Oh. I said that sarcastically.

Apple Bloom and two other fillies wondered around the yard, talking and petting the animals. Amber's eyes slid around the area, before landing on a daisy. Amber went over to pluck it, before walking up to Apple Bloom. "Here." she said stiffly. "A pretty flower for a pretty girl."

Apple Bloom looked at the flower, before grabbing it with her mouth. "Thanks!" she said, before trotting away to pet a buzzard.

Amber walked over to Ambient, before collapsing. "Oh Discord my heart is pounding." she wheezed.

"Smooth moves." Ambient said, rubbing the bear's belly. She then frowned. "Hey, are you a giant?"

"Huh?" Amber asked.

"I mean, I've been thinking you're an adult. But are you just a really big kid?"

Amber thought to herself. "I..." Her muzzle wrinkled as she tried to think of anything past when she woke up in the clearing. "How old are you?" she asked Amber.

"I'm very young. And I'm this high." she said, holding a hoof on her head. "So I'm normal height."

Amber stared at the sky. "I... I guess I am a giant." she whispered.

"Also are you a boy or girl?"


Hang on, why that question?

Amber shared the same confusion as her voices. "Huh?"

"Cause you look like a girl, but your voice sounds... like neither."

"I..." Amber frowned. When she awoke, she called herself 'she'. Then she became a 'she'. Her head began to hurt, before her cutie mark flashed beneath her shorts. "When it began, it didn't matter. Afterwards, it did." she said with a nod.

"Sooooo... You're a them or a it?" Ambient asked.

Amber raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because." Ambient answered, sticking out her tongue.

Amber thought hard about that. "I... I am 'It' until someone desires to call me otherwise."

Ambient nodded, lying against the now sleeping bear. "Got it. Pibling Amber." she said, nodding rapidly.

"Pibling?" Amber asked.

"Pibling means Parents sibling, and is a gender neutral term to call a non binary uncle slash aunt slash whatever. Nibling is for nieces and nephews who are non binary." Ambient explained.

"How do you know that?" Amber asked.

"That yellow filly explained to me yesterday. Apparently the Apple family is 'open minded', whatever that means." Ambient replied.

"A family open to the change of Chaos." Amber said. "Sounds like a fun family." She looked at the sun. "Well, I suppose we've been here long enough. Let's go."

Ambient and Amber got up with a groan. Ambient walked up to Fluttershy. "Thank you letting us play with your animals, miss!"

"Oh, you're welcome." Fluttershy answered. "Have a nice day!"

The mouse ran up and scampered up Amber's leg, sitting on her back.

The three trotted towards town.

favoriting is nice, but it doesn't show others how good the story is. Be sure to click the thumbs up so more people join the experiment!

1: Hang around with
2: Hold hooves with
3: Hugs and kisses
4: Making out.
5: This is now M for Mature.
6: That's hot.
7: What a fetish!
8: I have lost faith in the community of
9: I regret everything about this story
10: ...Well then.
11: I- How- This level was made as a joke how did we get here!? I'M ENDING THIS STORY NOW!

LUST LEVEL does not align with romantic inclination or stalker behavior, but simply Physical intimacy