//------------------------------// // Chapter Eleven: The Phoenixoplis inspection / Babyshower // Story: The Goddesses of Ice and Fire // by Foal Star //------------------------------// The two mares spent all day cleaning up the house, tidying up the place, and most importantly, making sure the nursery was perfect; they were going around sprucing things up, making sure all the toys were cleaned up, and finishing up a few touches to the nursery itself making sure that it was well cleaned and ready for the soon to be born goddess. As Rainbow Dash was tidying up the room, she could feel her babies kicking a lot more, and it was almost touching seeing that they wanted to be in their room soon.  "You can feel them, huh?" Rainbow turned to face her marefriend, who looked rather happy with a smile on her face. She wasn't worried and seemed excited to be a mother along with Rainbow Dash.  The daredevil trotted over to the goddess and said, "Hey, have you considered after all of this is over…." "We get married?" Winter asked with a squeak, clapping her hooves over her face. Rainbow just kissed her on the lips then that was when they both heard a knock at the door. The two pegasi stopped and flew over, and then Rainbow Dash brushed her mane back and tried to look more presentable. Winter waited for the signal, and Rainbow Dash took a few deep breaths calming herself as she nodded toward Winter. The mare then slowly opened the door, and standing there was Comet with her dark orange coat, fiery yellow and red mane that flowed behind her, and sporting her regal golden plated armor.  The mare looked rather sharp as she strolled into Rainbow Dash's home, admiring things with a smile. "You have a lovely home." "Uh, thanks?" Rainbow replied with a somewhat worried look; she slowly trotted over alongside Comet trying to keep pace with her. The captain then turned around and said, "I have to admit the society of Phoenixoplis is very similar to yours here in Ponyville." "I guess that's not too surprising, but what do you think of it here?" Rainbow asked, getting abit suspicious of what she'll say in response.  "Oh, it's amazing; the ponies here are rather welcoming," Comet said with a cheerful smile on her face.  She then trotted through the halls of the quaint little home that was mostly made of clouds. Rainbow Dash slowly trotted behind her. They eventually ended up at the nursery, where she looked inside and gasped upon seeing the room and clapped her hooves over her mouth. "This is amazing! The goddess Phoenix will love it here!" "Thanks," Rainbow Dash replied rather sheepishly as Comet inspected the nursery. Comet trotted around the room with a smile as she went over to Winter and said, "well, I assume the reason you're the reason that our goddess will have a sister?" "Yes," Winter squeaked, feeling rather proud of herself.  "Care to explain how you and Rainbow Dash might have conceived another child?" Comet asked in a rather suspicious tone.  Rainbow paused this conversation as she knew how Winter got her pregnant but kept her mouth shut, letting Winter explain. The goddess cleared her throat and said, "that is a private matter, but I can alter my genitalia." Both Rainbow and Comet were surprised at what she said. Winter cleared her throat as she turned to face Rainbow with an embarrassed look. Rainbow Dash shot her a smile, trying to show she knew that was the case for a while and there was no reason to feel bad about it. Comet looked somewhat confused then, shook her head then, and said, "ok, I get it."  "Well, I think that the Phoenixoplis empire is still wary of having the goddess of fire have a goddess of ice as a sister," Comet explained; this left the two mares both looking somewhat worried for a moment before the general continued, "But I feel that as far you and Rainbow Dash seem to be fit enough to care for our goddess. I will need to talk to others who can vouch for you." "Of course, we will, "Winter replied sternly under her breath. "Alright, well then there won't be any problems; now I heard that there would be a baby shower?" the mare asked.  "Yes, and there we will show that we are more than capable of raising our foals," Rainbow growled as she was getting rather peeved at the notion of the baby shower she didn't want.  "Well, there's no time like the present," Comet chirped as she then led the others towards the front door, where she and the other pegasi then flew off towards Ponyville.  Later that afternoon, both Rainbow Dash and Winter were now at Sugarcube Corner, which was full of rainbow-colored balloons and streamers, and there was a long table full of presents at the back of the room. It was a lot to take in all at once, seeing not only all her friends but also some strange ponies she'd never seen before. They were all over the place, seeming to be having a good time and enjoying the party. However, Rainbow Dash's head was swaying as she was looking for Pinkie Pie and trying to see if she was still around, hoping that maybe she was sick or out on a trip.  A giant explosion came with a rain of rainbow-colored streamers over her. Rainbow Dash turned to see the pink-coated mare hopping over with an exciting look as she shouted, "happy baby shower, Rainbow Dash!" The pegasus groaned as she rolled her eyes and looked over at Pinkie Pie and grumbled under her breath, "hey, Pinkie." Comet looked over with a smirk and asked, "so this is Pinkie Pie?" "Oh hello its nice to meet you! I heard you were a mysterious pegasus whose come to inspect us! So I'll say that Ponyville is the best place in the entire world, and you couldn't find a better place to raise foals!" Winter quickly pushed Pinkie aside and promptly added, "yes, but we also understand it's up for Comet to decide that, not us." Rainbow Dash threw her wings over her eyes feeling somewhat embarrassed and concerned over Pinkie Pie's actions. But she then turned to see that Comet was standing by with a smile on her face. She looked rather amused and didn't seem annoyed with Pinkie's antics, and it gave her hope that they could get through the rest of the day without too much problem.  Rainbow Dash then looked over and saw that her other friends were all eating cake and enjoying the rock music playing in the background. The mare saw that Pinkie had set the place up for her, with Wonderbolt-style table cloth over the tables. She noticed the presents on the table wrapped in yellow and blue wrapping paper, waiting for her to open. The entire place was decorated as if it was her birthday, yet it wasn't; this was, in fact, a celebration for her foals and the fact she persevered through this pregnancy. It was rather uplifting, and she had to admit Pinkie did a pretty good job setting up a baby shower.  "Oh yes, darling, we understand, but Rainbow Dash's foals will get the finest clothes a foal could ask for," Rarity chimed as she trotted over with a smile on her face. Comet looked around and smiled at the fashionista. "Well, it's nice to see you, another of Rainbow's friends?" "Yes, and it's great to meet you finally," The captain replied as she shook the mare's hoof. The two soon seemed to get into a conversation Rainbow Dash then took the opportunity and trotted over to her friends and tried to get involved with some meaningless discussions. She wanted to get through this and then go home and relax with Winter. But then she turned her head to see two other ponies come in through the doors. Upon seeing the cheerful middle-aged pegasi, she recognized them as her parents! Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.  The daredevil slammed a hoof into her face and tried to hide her face with her wings. "Oh no! They're here!" "Oh, are they your parents?" Winter asked, looking rather curious and excited as she hadn't met them yet.  "Yes," Rainbow Dash mumbled under her breath as she saw her parents making a beeline toward them. The daredevil was then bombarded by their platitudes at them and how "she's the best looking pregnant mare ever!" What made all of their embarrassing gestures were what Comet would be thinking. The daredevil looked over to see that Comet was nearby, unable to stop herself from snickering from behind a hoof. It was too much to take in and endure with Rainbow using all her willpower to prevent herself from bursting out in anger.  "So why didn't you ever tell me that you were pregnant!?" Windy asked rather cheerfully. "You know why!? Because you two would be coming to my house every five seconds!" Rainbow shouted back. Winter nudged her, then said, "well, unlike Rainbow, I'm happy to see you two."  Bow came over and held out a hoof. "Well, you're a part of the family now! Bring it here!" Winter squealed in delight as she hugged Rainbow's dad. Rainbow relented her anger seeing her parents doting on her marefriend. As the daredevil endured more embarrassment from her parents. Three other pegasi came through the doors; one was Spring with her elegant green coat, her long braided blonde mane with birds chirping and butterflies fluttering around her. She trotted right past Winter, not acknowledging her as she threw Rainbow Dash a present. "I only came because it's my duty to acknowledge the birth of the new goddesses." "Thanks," the daredevil grumbled under her breath as Spring trotted off. Rainbow Dash tossed her present among the rest of the packages. She then looked over at orange-coated pegasi with dark brown eyes. A dark red and gold striped mane that flowed from her head. She strolled in with fall leaves swirling around her as she sucked down on a pumpkin spice latte (the aroma wafting from it made Rainbow Dash drool as she hadn't had coffee in some time.) She seemed to be somewhat lethargic as she trotted over and hugged Winter. "Hey, Winter, it's so good to see you." Winter nuzzled Autumn, turned to face Rainbow, and said, "Hey, let me introduce my sister Autumn; she's much nicer than Spring." "Yes, I apologize for Spring's behavior she can be quite a bitch," Autumn explained as she shook Rainbow's hoof, who smiled as she was given a package in the shape of a book. Rainbow Dash just gave a long exasperated sigh, "Oh great, another egghead." "Oh, you got Rainbow a book! I got her one too!" Twilight chirped as she trotted over, and the two soon talked about books, and Rainbow couldn't help snicker seeing how similar the two were; then another pegasus came forward with a sandy coat and a bright shiny blue mane with dark, beautiful blue eyes. As the rather spunky mare fluttered over the smell of sea water wafted over Rainbow making her feel at ease thinking of crashing waves on a sandy beach. The mare trotted over to Winter and exclaimed, "Hey Winter! What's up!" "Hey, Summer," Winter sighed as she hugged her other sister. After they broke off Summer threw a package of swim diapers and a beach ball to Rainbow. "Hey, I got ya some stuff for your kids." "Thanks," Rainbow snickered, putting the stuff to the side as she came over. "So your Summer, huh?" she started to see that this mare, in particular, was much more like her compared to the others. "Yeah, that's me! I know you're still pregnant and all, but after your rugrats are born, why not we go and have a beach party?" "Sure, that sounds like fun!" Winter blushed as she lowered her face. "Yes, that would be interesting, but I would be in the shade most of the time." Rainbow Dash nudged her marefriend as she said, "yeah, of course, that's fine I mean we can build sandcastles and eat icecream." Winter bowed her head seeming to not want to continue arguing about this beach party. They then went to the table full of presents, and Rainbow Dash went about opening the presents and guessing which guest gave it to her. There were different kinds of diapers from Pinkie Pie, her parents, and various other ponies who seemed to didn't know what to get her for a baby shower, adorable onesies designed by Rarity, a book on parenting from Twilight, a storybook for the foals from Autumn, a rocking horse handmade by Applejack, a pretty mobile with butterflies and rainbows crafted by Fluttershy, some naturally made formula from Spring (which Rainbow Dash was planning to toss out as soon as she can). After a long exhausting, embarrassing day, she trotted out of Sugarcube Corner and the daredevil mare couldn't but feel relieved seeing the sun setting in the distance. Rainbow Dash turned to face Comet. With her parents being rather uncomfortable and her friend's antics, she hoped that didn't sway Comet's opinion on Ponyville or her as a parent. Bu to Rainbow's surprised the warrior bowed and said, "well I have to say Ponyville is amazing, and despite being rather unorthodox citizens, I believe that our goddess is in good hooves." "Thank you," Rainbow sighed in relief. She watched Comet fly off before she herself was escorted back to her house above Ponyville with the help of Winter. She then went to her bed, plopped down, and gave a long deep sigh, "well, that's that. I have nothing to feel bad or nervous now; now all she had to worry about was the birth itself and getting these foals out of me now." She winced just thinking about the birthing process and said, "that'll be rather painful from what I heard from my mother." "You'll be fine. I'll be there with you the entire time," Winter whispered as she trotted over and then laid in the bed with Rainbow Dash. They didn't do much as Rainbow Dash cuddled next to her marefriend and slowly fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.