//------------------------------// // The Long Hard Road to a New Start // Story: Soaring Shadows // by Asterid //------------------------------// Chapter 2 – The Long Hard Road to a New Start Sombra sat in the opulent splendor of Celestia’s private train car, his relaxed posture a complete opposite to the those riding the train with him. The four strongest members of the Elements of Harmony; Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Princess Twilight Sparkle, all sat on edge, hateful glares fixed on their faces. The Unicorn guards stationed at each of the entrances stood stoically, spears held within the aura of their magics.  “Tell me, Princessa,” He said nonchalantly, “Is it just my presence that offends you or has the beast hurt someone you know personally?” “Really.” Twilight said coldly, “We’re gonna do this now? Ok, yes to both actually. I personally find most villains repugnant and you personally endangered the lives of both my brother and my sister-in-law.” “I have heard tell from my cousins that you are a very intelligent mare,” Sombra said, placing the tip of one of his wings between his eyes, “Is it really so hard to differentiate between the scholar prince you see before you and the monstrous tyrant that was thrust upon him?” “That’s the second time I heared ya call yerself that,” Applejack said, narrowing her eyes, “Back in the Crystal Empire, ya’ll kept spoutin off that you was King Sombra. But, now yer sitting here sayin yer a Prince. ‘Sgoinonhere?” “Do you truly want to know?” Sombra asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well, it is a long trip back to Ponyville,” Rarity said, “So, please, do tell.” “If you insist,” Sombra said, sitting up straighter and puffing out his feathers, “My father was King Darkest Knight. My mother was Queen Ever Dawn. I was the second born son after my brother Spell Jammer. He was destined for the throne, not I. I was to become guardian of the Imperial Archives. However, the court sorcerers decided that more power was needed to ensure the line of succession was secure. So they took a dagger and cut off my wings, which were used to summon Somnumbula. And then I was trapped in a living nightmare by that daemon, who drove me to enslave the empire. When my cousins banished him to the frozen north, he banished my wife and daughter to Ponyville thirteen years ago. And this is where we find ourselves, with six of the most magically powerful mares in all of Equestria wanting my head mounted on a wall. So, you tell me, where do we go from here.” Before the others could respond, Rainbow climbed off of the bench seat she was one and got nose to nose with Sombra. “Where we go is back to Ponyville,” She growled, poking him in the chest, “You can go back to Tartarus where you belong and out of my little sister’s life!” “Ms. Dash…Scootaloo is the last piece of my family that I have left,” Sombra said, his eyes weary, “As I stated in front of you all as well as my dear cousins, I will do whatever is needed to be allowed to become her father. So, if the six of you decide I am to be held in the deepest, darkest part of Princess Twilight’s dungeon, I will accept that decision. If you require me to fly around town twelve hours a day wearing a pink tutu, I will do it if it means I can be the parent I was meant to be.” “Ooooo that sounds like fun,” Pinkie said, pulling a cupcake from deep within her mane, “I know, you can be the new delivery pony for Sugar Cube Corners.” “I don’t think that’s a wise idea Pinkie,” Twilight said, “And as much as I would love nothing more than to lock you away for the rest of time, I will give you the same second chance that Discord was offered. Only you will be on a much shorter leash. You will be living within my Palace and will have monitored visitation with Scootaloo once a week. Finally, as part of you probation, you will be joining the Twilight guard where you will be monitored for the entirety of your shift.” “I will prove my worth in your service, Princessa,” Sombra said, bowing to Twilight, “I know I am in no position to make demands, but may I make a request.” “I will…consider your request,” Twilight said, tenting her hooves. “Will you allow me to meet my daughter today?” Sombra asked, tears welling in his eyes as he kneeled in front of her, “I will accept this being my one visitation for the week, but she deserves to know her father.” “She deserves a father that is not a monster…” Dash whispered under her breath. “Dashie, enough.” Twilight said, “It will be far too late once we get into town for you to meet with Scootaloo. However, I am not some heartless monarch. Tomorrow morning, I will arrange for her to join us for breakfast.” “You have my thanks, Princessa,” Sombra said, taking her hoof and kissing it. “I…why do you keep calling me that,” She squeaked, a blush flaring on her cheeks. “Because it is who you are,” He replied, a cocky grin on his face, “And maybe I actually am trying to flirt with you.” As her face flushed, Twilight began shaking before she lashed out with her forehoof, knocking the unlucky stallion into unconsciousness. “Jerk!” She shrieked, before kicking him in the side. ******** By the time Sombra returned to consciousness, her found himself lying on his back in a cart as it trundled over the cobblestone street, the pony pulling it along whistling a happy tune. “Oh, what hit me,” Sombra asked, holding his head in his hooves. “That’d be Twilight,” drawled a deep, male voice, “Hear tell you was getting mighty fresh with our Princess and she had to put you down.” “I know I have been out of touch for…a while, but do mares typically assault you when you flirt with them?” Sombra asked, standing up and leaning over the top of the cart. Pulling the cart was the largest, stallion Sombra had ever seen, his candy apple red fur almost glowing in the moonlight, a draft collar around his neck, a large green apple for a cutie mark. “Name’s Macintosh,” The pony said, “Mah friends all call me Big Mac though. ‘Sfar as the mares, most ah the ones I know usually just blush and stutter when I talk to ‘em. ‘Ceptin mah sister’s friends that is. Swing’n a little high go’n after a Princess, doncha think?” “Her being a Princess has no consequence,” Sombra said, stretching his wings, “She is an intelligent, attractive mare and I find myself drawn to her.” “Got nothin to do with her bein the one callin the shots about your young’n either right?” Mac asked, steel creeping into his voice. “I see that my daughter has a great many ponies ready to protect her from the big evil monster,” Sombra laughed, “No, Big Mac, despite the dark and evil reputation my inner demon has garnered, I would not play upon the affections of a beautiful mare. I do want my daughter back, but I will earn that.” “Yer right,” Mac replied, “She does have lot a folks looking out fer her. Iffin’ me and my kin coulda taken that sweet little filly in I’da adopted her in a heart beat.” “I know I will have a chance to meet her tomorrow,” Sombra said, resting his head and forehooves on the top of the cart, “But, I wish to know more about her. There has been so much I have missed out on.” “She’s rough and tumble, cares about her friends somtin fierce,” Mac said, turning onto the main road through town, “Her and her friends have tried everthin’ under the sun to get their Cutie Marks, but they ain’t got ‘em just yet. And it hurts her more’n anything that her disability keeps her on the ground.” “Is that what every pony has been telling her?” Sombra growled, anger creeping into his voice, “She is not disabled. As a Crystal Pony, her body has a different type of magic than most Pegasi. It is just one of the things that I will teaching her.” “What else ya gonna teach her, How to Conquer the World in 10 Easy Steps?” Big Mac joked. “Macintosh, you are a good stallion,” Sombra joked back, “I really don’t want to have to kill you.” As the two stallions laughed into the night, they eventually pulled up in front of the Palace of Friendship. “Looks like we’re at your stop, Sombra,” Mac said, nodding towards the palace gates, “Hopin’ you have a nice night.” “You as well, Macintosh Apple,” Sombra replied, leaping out of the cart and landing gently on the ground below. As Sombra trotted up to the Palace gates, Mac continued down the road towards the homestead. Taking the knocker in the grip of his wing, Sombra knocked twice before waiting for someone to answer. Before long, the left-hand door opened wide, a bright blue Earth Pony mare in a maid’s outfit standing in the doorway. “Hello there, ser,” She said with a bow, “How may I help ye?” “Good evening, Miss,” Sombra said with a bow, “I believe I am expected, my name is Prince Sombra.” “Deary me,” She replied, giving a quick curtsy, “Apologies, yer highness, forgive me. I am her highness’s lady’s maid, Leaf Dancer. Princess Twilight has requested to meet you in the library, if you’d follow me please?” “Please, lead the way,” Sombra replied, entering the palace. Several crystalline hallways later, Sombra found himself in front of a non-descript door, two spear wielding Pegasi on either side. “Am I to assume Princess Twilight is inside?” He asked. Receiving a nod from the stallion on the left, his partner pushed the door open gently with his wing. Walking through the opened door, Sombra found himself surrounded on all sides by bookshelves, large tables spaced throughout the high-ceilinged room. Twilight herself lay on a large cushion in front of a roaring fire, a large purple, leather bound book held in the aura of her magic. Gently setting the book to the side, Twilight looked up and gave him her most neutral expression.  “Sombra, please, sit. Tea?” She asked. “Thank you, Princessa.” He answered, sitting on a second cushion before picking up a small teacup with his wing. “I would like-“ They both began, before stopping short. “You first, Sombra,” Twilight offered. “No, I insist, ladies first,” Sombra stated. “Of course,” Twilight huffed, “I would like to apologize for my actions on the train. I am not used to stallions…flirting with me and I may have overreacted to your advances.”  “I happily accept your apology,” Sombra said with a smile, “Please, accept one of my own if I offended you in any way with my forwardness. I find it hard to believe though that you have never been approached by anyone. You are attractive, intelligent, magically gifted. Frankly, it boggles the mind.” “That…is not something I feel comfortable discussing with you yet, Prince Sombra,” Twilight said, hiding her blush behind her teacup. “But, you feel you will be comfortable someday,” Sombra said cockily, a grin on his face, “That is progress at least. At least this time I’m not receiving a hoof to the face.” “The night is still young,” Twilight joked, raising an eyebrow, “I know it is getting late. While I keep much later hours, I will not require that of my guests. If you would like, one of the guards outside will guide you to your quarters.” “I would greatly appreciate that, Princessa,” Sombra said, draining the last of his tea, “I wish you good night and may Luna guide you to sweet dreams.” “You as well,” Twilight said, finally allowing herself to smile. As Sombra left the room and closed the door behind him, Twilight poured herself another cup of tea as she let her mind drift to the day’s events. He is a very persuasive stallion, one part of her mind thought, and handsome too boot. Yes, and he will use that to try to get his way and lead me into the darker path of magic, another side countered. He seems trustworthy enough, came a different, shyer side of her mind, I hope he can be the father that Scootaloo needs. Would it be so bad to give into the darkness… whispered a darker, almost slimy voice within her mind, Your already quite gifted in shadow play. I will never give in to that power, Twilight shouted within her mind, I’ve kept you at bay for this long. And I will continue to deny you until the end of my days. Slamming her hoof on the ground, a soft pulse of magic washed over the ground. Centering her mind, Twilight picked up the book she was reading and flipped back to the section she had been reading; How to Reunite a Broken Family in 3 Easy Steps.