//------------------------------// // Awakening // Story: Darkness in Her Eyes // by Misty Night //------------------------------// Right now, I am "asleep," struggling to wake. The metallic sounding voice I hear tells me how long I have been asleep...a very long time. It's almost time. Chapter 1 My eyes slowly flutter open to the unknown. It's dark. I can sense the dim light around me, but can not see it. I sigh in dismay as this new thought soaks into my mind. All of a sudden, I felt like curling up and hiding. I realize I'm shaking, but I don't know what to call what I'm experiencing. "Hey, Hunter. Come look at all this stuff!" I freeze when I hear the shouted words. My heart is racing. "Star Light, what did ya find this time?" a deeper voice replied. I hear heavy hoofsteps in my direction. Then the sound stopped. "Dang. Good job, Star Light," the deep voice said. The hoofsteps start again, coming closer to me. I slid back and hit something. I felt it wobble and I try to grab it, but I ended up hitting it again with my hoof. I shuddered as the object made a loud bang. The two voices now knew I was here. "Hunter?" the voice that had first shouted said in a soft whisper. "Shh, I'm gonna check it out," the deep voice whispered back. "Be careful." The hoofsteps walked slowly towards me. If I could have been able to see I would have tried to run away...or at least try to hide, but since I could do neither, I curled up, trying to make myself disapear. The hoofsteps had stopped again. I tried to listen to figure how close the being was. I heard a sharp intake of breath close by. Too close. I turned my face in that direction. I flinched when something warm, but rough touched my face. "I'm not gonna hurt you," the deep voice whispered softly to me. "My name is Cloud Hunter, but just call me Hunter. Can you stand up?" Stand up? I had no idea what that meant. I heard a sigh from the being named Cloud Hunter. I felt him grab me around my waist and pull me to my hooves, before letting go of me. "See, you can stand, now come. Star Light will be worried," Hunter said while starting to walk away. I heard him stop walking and heard him say, "What's wrong? I'm not gonna hurt you." "Darkness," I heard myself say, unfamiliar with the sound of my voice. I started to feel dizzy, from standing I guess, and I started to sway. "Oh... Careful!" I heard him say as I fell. --------------------------------- I can feel myself lying down on something soft and somewhat bouncy. I hear murmured voices around me. "Nurse Amaranth, is she all right?" asked a somewhat familiar voice. "Well, besides from being very dehydrated, she seems fine," another voice answered, this one sounding more, well, "older" than the other voice. "I've never seen somepony around here with such a pale coat and a mane dark as the night before," said the deep voice from before. I struggled to remember his name. Hunter was it? Yes, I think that's what it was. "Hunter," I heard myself murmur softly. I was suddenly startled when something touch my face, slowly and softly. I heard a sharp intake of breath a little ways away. As suddenly as it had begun it was over. "Hunter.... I can't believe you just kissed her! You don't even know who she is!" yelled one of the voices, "And don't just stand there like a dummy." "I-I don't know what came over me... I don't know why I just did that... It just happened," I heard Hunter reply. "Okay, yes that was weird, but now it's time for you to both leave while I get our guest rehydrated again. Now shoo," said the older voice. I heard Hunter sigh as he and the other being left the room. I didn't want him to go. I wanted to know what the other being had meant when it had said, "Kiss." What was a "kiss" anyway? "My name is Amaranth. It might help you feel better if you opened your eyes and looked around," the older voice said. I opened my eyes, even though I knew it wouldn't matter if I did or not. "Now see? Nothing to worry about Darling," said Amaranth. "Don't see. Darkness," I said softly, unsure of how to say what I meant. "You don't see? Of course you see. Your eyes are open and I'm not gonna hurt you." "No, don't see... see darkness. Eyes don't work," I replied. Willing her to understand. "Oh my goodness. I'm sorry. I should have realized," Amaranth said softly. "Who.. am I?" I asked her. "You mean, you don't remember who you are?" inquired Amaranth. "I don't know who I am," I said as speaking became easier. I tried to think back to how I got where I was-- well, where I was before being moved here-- but found that I couldn't. "I remember waking up, and then the one called Hunter finding me shortly after that," I answered. "What do I look like?" "Hmm, well, You have very short night-black mane-" she started to say before I interrupted her. "Night?" I asked not knowing what the word meant. "Um, it's like when the light goes to sleep it makes night," she said. "Like darkness?" I replied with a uncontrolled shiver. "Sort of, but pretty," she replied sounding worried. "Oh, sorry for interrupting, please continue." "It's fine. Well, where was I? Ah, yes. You have very very light green coat and your eyes are a very dark rich brown. You are a delicate looking unicorn with a cutie mark that is a heart with tiny stars and swirls around it. It's a very interesting cutie mark. Well, for at least around here parts, but it might be more normal in a place like Ponyville," she replied. Hmm, this was very interesting to me. So apparently I was fragile looking with an interesting cutie mark for wherevery I was. I still didn't have a name to call myself by. Hmm, maybe I should just make one up? Yes, that's what I should do, but it has to fit just right. Misty? Hmm, I like the sound of that. "I want to be called Misty, Misty Heart," I stated. "Sure, that's a nice name. How are you feeling?" Amaranth asked. "Much better," I replied as I heard somepony run in. "How is she?" I heard Hunter say as my heart skipped a beat. He sounded out of breath. I heard Amaranth chuckle before replying, "Misty Heart is feeling much better now." "Misty Heart? Is that her name? I like it," he said. "Can I take her for a walk and show her around?" "Yes," I said a little too quickly. "Though, I'm blind," I added. I felt a hoof touch my fore-hoof and felt a flutter in my heart. The other hoof left my hoof go when I pulled away. "Sorry. I didn't meant to startle ya," Hunter whispered. "Oh," I said softly as my face went hot, "Um, where's the floor?" "Right here," Hunter replied. I felt him put his fore-hoof on my shoulder. He paused when I stiffened, but then gently picked me up and helped me stand. "You okay?" he asked. "I'm gonna put my wing on your back to help guide you until you get use to the area." "Y-yes, let's go," I replied as I felt Hunter put is wing on my back. "Let's go," he said leading me out of the place where Amaranth was still standing. I heard Amaranth sigh and then laugh softly. Hunter led me to who knows where, but when we walked through a doorway, a wonderful sweet smell hit me. I took a deep breath. "Smells nice, doesn't it? It's one of the flower gardens," he said. "Yes, it smells wonderful," I replied. Hunter led me in the garden for a few more steps before stopping. I wish I was able to see the garden, so I could find out what a garden was and I also wish I knew what Hunter looked like. Hmm, maybe... "Hunter, can you close your eyes until I say to open them again?" I asked. "Um, yes, but why?" he sounded confused. "I'm gonna try to 'see' your face by using my hooves and I don't want to hurt your eyes," I replied while I moved my fore-hoof up his fore-leg and to his neck. "Your eyes closed?" "Yes." I slowly moved my hoof along his face, starting with his chin. I moved my hoof up to his lips and froze as the strangest feeling burst into my heart. I brought my face closer and moved my hoof to the side of his face. I could feel his breath against my cheek, telling me how close I was. I felt a pull inside of me and my lips touched his. I felt his hoof release mine. This startled me and I moved my face back. The next second, I felt Hunter nuzzle the side of my face. He brought his face to mine. I was feeling dizzy and strangely peaceful. I felt my knees start to give way. I felt his face leave mine and then heard him say, "Misty, breathe in." I hadn't realize that I was holding my breath. I quickly drew a breath in and move my face against his again for a few seconds before I heard a shout. "Oh my goodness! Cloud Hunter, what are you doing?!" I felt Hunter jump and a soft breeze. "I-I was... um, Breezy Wisp, I'm in love with her," I heard Hunter say softly. "Hunter, you just met her today. You don't even know who she is or where she came from. I thought you would have more sense then this," said Breezy Wisp. I"m not sure who Breezy Wisp is, but she sounded upset. I was about to say something when I heard a new voice. "Whoa, Breezy, sweetie, come down. Why are you shouting at your brother and who is the new filly?" "I'm Misty Heart," I said shyly. So Breezy Wisp was Hunter's sister. Hmm... "And I kissed her," I heard Hunter said. So apparently lips meeting lips was a kiss. "Whoa, about time you kissed a filly," the unknown voice said. "Sky, he just met her a few hours ago. We don't even know where she came from," Breezy Wisp exclaimed. "Now now, come on, let's go inside. It's not good for you or the baby if you get all worked up over this. Come on," said Sky. I heard them walk away, before asking Hunter, "Who was he and a baby?" Hunter sighed and said, "That was Soaring Sky. Breezy Wisp's husband and she's gonna have one." "She's having one right now?" I said shocked and startled. I heard Hunter laugh before saying, "No, not for a few more weeks, I think. But she sure is getting big. Come on. You're probably wanting something to eat, because I'm starving."