Power Rangers: Harmony

by ShootingStar25

Chapter 18: The Dark Lord Arrives

In the lair of the dark lords, the leader of them was shown on his throne. He held the Tiger Shark zord that was recently captured by his subordinates as he was most pleased. The creature was but the first step in destroying the rangers. He then stood up from his throne as bowing before him were Thorax, Starlight, Pharynx, and Chrysalis. The four generals were awaiting the command of their leader as he stood in front of them.

"It is time!"

With the rangers, there was a person shown punching. The person was working up a sweat as each punch he landed thudded against the sandbag. They were not only punching but the expression on their face was that of anger. Of fury, of disappointment. Only one thing rang through this person's head.

Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure.

Each time he heard that it made him punch harder. Getting angrier, get pissed off even more. Soon rapid strikes were shown and a scream was heard. One final punch as the sandbag broke from the chain it was hanging off. It was sent sailing a few meters away from the floor as made a sound. The person stood there out of breath as he exhaled and inhaled. He then wiped his face as he approached another sandbag nearby. He grabbed it as he began to attach it to the chain. Once that was secure, he then went back to punching it. Grunts were heard as he was trying even harder to hit the thing.

Nearby there was someone who'd been watching the whole sequence of events go down. They saw the way it was affecting him as they were concerned.

"Ash?" spoke Rainbow.

The boy just kept on punching as he ignored the girl's response.

"Ash?!" spoke Dash with a bit more volume as the boy kept on punching trying to drown out her voice.

"Ash! I'm sorry!" said Rainbow.

That comment got the boy to stop punching as he breathed hard. He then made it to the nearby bench, and he began to take the tape off his hands.

"What's it gonna take for you to talk to me? I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I let the team down by not getting the zord. Please... just... answer me." said Rainbow as she begged her leader to stop giving her the silent treatment.

Ash sighed as he gathered his gym bag and began to walk toward the exit. He walked past the girl as he looked to exit the training room. Rainbow had her head down as it seemed that the boy's grudge wasn't going away. She didn't see that Ash stopped in the doorway as he looked at her.

"I'm not mad."


Rainbow lifted her head to see her leader as she didn't quite hear his response.

"I'm not mad, Dash. I've had a few days to think about what went down in Costa Rica. Am I angry? No. Upset? Yes. But... it's not entirely your fault. If anything... it's mine." said Ash. "I should know that Thorax wouldn't be alone. And that he was just a distraction to get us away from the Tiger Shark zord. If I was a good leader, I would've seen it happening. But I guess I'm not."

"That's not true. There's no way any of us could have known him and Chrysalis' plan. You can't expect to think of everything thoroughly. And you're a great leader. To me, to the rest of us. We all love having you as our leader. You've done so much for us in such a short amount of time." said Rainbow as she put her hand on his shoulder. "They may have gotten one right under our noses, but they won't next time."

Ash just took a deep breath as he could see that Rainbow was trying to cheer him up.

"It's not your fault. It never was. You're the best leader we could ever ask for. We think you're doing an alright job. As much as I hate losing, even I sometimes have to admit that not everything will be a victory. It just happens. Nothing we can do but accept it and move on." said Rainbow.

"Heh. This is weird. You giving me advice." smiled Ash.

"What can I say, I'm awesome," said Rainbow with a smug smile.

"Yeah, you are," smiled Ash.

Rainbow then came in for a hug as Ash wrapped his arms around the girl. He ran his hair through her hair as it felt soft. The girl was glad to know that not only did she cheer up her friend, but that he didn't hold any grudge against her for what went down. Soon they broke apart as they exited the training room to get ready.

The others arrived soon after as they wanted to relax by having a campout next to the command center. Twilight informed her parents that she would be staying the night at the place so they didn't need to worry about where she was. It was now nighttime as the moon was high in the sky. During their little campout, the rangers began to take their minds off of their recent failure as they needed some cheering up. They even had the zords in their pet forms as they played with one another. The event soon went into the night as Applejack had finally asleep as she had her hat over her head. Twilight was nearby reading a book as Rainbow and Sunset were talking with Ash sitting next to them looking up at the moon.

"Yeah, another win for me!" said Rainbow as she managed to even the score up with Sunset in a best of 35 series they were playing. "Hey, Ash. Want to play a game?"

The chromatic girl looked at her friend as he'd been staring up at the moon for a while now.

"Ash? Ash? You okay?" called out Sunset. She tossed a kernel of popcorn at her leader as it hit him, but he still looked at the round thing in the night sky.

"What are you looking at, leader?" asked Rainbow.

"It looks like a full moon," said Ash looking up at the sky as his wolf pup was in his lap. It gave a small howl as it understood what its master meant.

"Yeah, so?" asked Sunset.

"You know what happens when there's a full moon?" asked Ash with a sly smile on his face.

"What?" said Rainbow as she scooted closer to the boy.

"The dark forces of evil arise from the belly of the earth," stated Ash as the campfire now roared when he said it.

"AJ!" said Rainbow as she tossed popcorn to her friend to wake her up to hear the story. The farm girl felt the kernel as it slipped under her shirt but kept on sleeping.

"Never mind. Go on," stated the athletic girl.

"They take the form of both man and beast," stated Ash as he was adding a bit more scariness in his voice as Rainbow was starting to get a bit scared.

"W-What kind of beast?" said the girl with a slight terror in her voice.

"Come on, Ash. Don't scare Rainbow," stated Sunset as she could tell what the boy was trying to do. She did enjoy seeing how Dash was acting.

"I ain't scared, Sunset!" declared Rainbow looking at her friend. She then turned back to Ash and could see the fear on her face. "W-What kind of beast?"

"A wolf-beast. With jagged fangs and razor-sharp claws. And yellow eyes that can see right through you. He howls in the night." said Ash as he looked up.

Applejack then snored as it got both Rainbow and Twilight to be scared and jumped back. Sunset and Ash were laughing at seeing their friends get scared by the boy's little scary story.

"Good one, Ash," said the bacon-haired girl as she enjoyed him getting Rainbow to be frightened. "Well, I'm gonna get to sleep."

"Me too, there's still some extra credit I want to do so I can turn it in on Monday," said Twilight as she got up.

The girls were now heading to the command center's entrance as they were heading to their rooms. Ash waved to the girls as they did the same and disappeared. He then turned back to look at the moon as Rainbow was shown to be rocking back and forth a bit.

"Uhm, Ash?" said the girl as she got the attention of her leader. "Is that true... about a wolf beast?"

"Nah, I was just messing with you," chuckled Ash as he placed his hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

"I wasn't scared or anything," said Dash trying to save face and not show her fear. "Uhm, I think I'm gonna stay out for the night. You know... watch out for Aj. Make sure she's okay."

Ash just chuckled as he could see that the girl was scared of his story. She then climbed into the tent and quickly zipped it up as inside she threw the covers over her. Meanwhile, Ash just looked back at the moon.

"Oh, Rainbow. To be honest, I was just saying something that was said a long time ago by another person," stated the boy. He continued to gaze up into the night sky.

In another part of the city, there was a figure shown as he too was looking at the moon.

"Finally, the waxing of the full moon is upon us. Soon the rangers will be destroyed," said the figure. He then disappeared as he prepared for the final stages of his plan.

The morning was shown. Ash was already up as he was currently making some breakfast. Both Aj and Rainbow were still fast asleep as they snored. Twilight and Sunset were shown exiting the command center as they were greeted by their leader as he was making them food.

In a nearby forest, Pharynx and Chrysalis were present. They were currently scanning the area as behind them their minions were preparing the final things needed for the ritual.

"Will this work?" asked Pharynx.

"Of course, time for the rangers to meet their ultimate demise. In fact, your brother should be carrying out his part of the plan, right about now," said Chrysalis.

"Then we need to make sure everything is ready and in place for when they show up."

Pharynx and Chrysalis then began to put the final touches on their plan. As for their allies, they were in another location. In a downtown area, several insurance people were walking about. Phones were ringing as printers were going off. One person was cleaning his desk as he blew on some dust and smiled.

"Missed a spot!" said a mutant as it got the attention of everyone. "And it's all of you!"

The people screamed as the mutant opened its mouth as a vacuum was created. It began to suck in the papers from the desks, all the while people were tumbling over. Some of the folks were trying to hold on as the air vortex was so powerful that it was taking them off their feet.

An alarm went off in the command center. Ash, Twilight, and Sunset were all seated at the bench eating when a drone flew toward them.

"What's the matter, Rachel?" asked the boy.

"There's a mutant on the loose," said the A.I. as it showed the location of the attack and the image of the monster.

"We're on it!" stated Ash as he tossed a blanket at Dash and Aj as both girls awoke. "Come on guys, duty calls!"

Ash then began to take off with Sunset and Twilight following him as both Aj and Dash got up and chased after them.

Back in the city, the mutant was laughing as soon both Starlight and Thorax were leaning in the doorway.

"Vortex! Enough meddling around!" said Starlight. The mutant was like a child as he ran off to have fun without her or Thorax's permission.

"But, General Starlight!" said the mutant.

"Now!" shouted the general.

Vortex just closed his mouth as he caused the vacuum to stop. The trio was now exiting the building as they were talking.

"That's the last time I give you a warning! Next time, I'm blasting you myself!" said Starlight.

"Hold it right there, you two!" said Ash.

The boy and the girls appeared in front of the mutants as they were already in their ranger suits.

"We should have known that this was your doing."

"My, my, Ash. I'm surprised you're able to show your face after you failed to get the Tiger Shark Zord," snickered Starlight.

"Enjoy it while you can, Starlight! Cause once we take care of your friend here. We're taking back that zord!" said the boy.

"Ha! You're so naïve, Ash. Cause you failed to realize that he's not the only enemy you need to worry about," snickered Thorax.

"What?" said the girls as they were confused by what the mutant said.

Starlight and Thorax were smiling as the time was nearly upon them.

"Go get them!" ordered Starlight.

Vortex then charged at the rangers. They all leaped into the air as they were now battling in the forest. The monster then opened his mouth as the vacuum began. The air vortex was affecting the teens as they could feel themselves being sucked in. They stumbled a bit as their footing was becoming unstable. Small trees were pulled out of their roots, and leaves were flying as air picked up. Soon Vortex applied more power as this time it was the final thing needed to take the rangers off their feet. They were now rolling and tumbling toward the mutant as the leaves covered their bodies and they stumbled on the ground.

"Twilight!" shouted Ash as he passed by a sturdy tree and held onto the bark as the air was still sucking him.

The girl also grabbed onto a tree. She then pulled into her belt as she pulled some things.

"Owl darts!" shouted the purple ranger.

She then threw them forward. The small things were caught in the air suction that Vortex created as they went into his mouth. An explosion then occurred as Vortex felt it as he coughed and stumbled back a bit.

While the rangers were being occupied, another thing was happening. In the same forest as before, there was a circle with candles shown. Chrysalis was currently chanting as her hands glowed. Pharynx was watching this as the minions were putting the last things in place as the time was but a few hours away. He then stepped out of the cave and looked out.

"It won't be long now."

Rainbow and Twilight leaped into the air as they had their sabers. They brought them down on Vortex as the mutant was hit and fell back. Starlight and Thorax then appeared by his side as Vortex got up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" said Starlight as she wasn't impressed by how Vortex was getting beat up by the rangers so easily.

"Are you a monster or a bitch!" taunted Thorax.

"I'm a monster! And I have just the thing I need to stop them!" said Vortex as he made his arm transform into a lance.

He then began to charge toward the rangers as he took each one out as he passed by. He then turned around and began to charge back as the girls tried to swing but got hit instead. Ash barely moved out of the way as he began to go one-on-one against the mutant for a bit. He traded attacks with Vortex as he used his saber. Both held in place as they stared at one another. Soon the boy kicked and spun to which Vortex ducked only to slash the yellow ranger as he flew back.

He then changed his arm to an ax as he looked to bring it down on the ranger. It was blocked by another ax as Applejack got back up and used her weapon to protect her leader. She then threw it back and she now began to fight. She ducked and did some cartwheels to avoid a series of combo attacks. The farm girl ten did her swings as she tried to attack Vortex. He simply stepped back as Aj threw her ax. He flung it back with his and went for a sweep as the girl had to jump over the ax coming at her feet. She landed and rolled through as she quickly brought her arm down.

It made contact as at the same time, the others all pulled out their weapons and hit Vortex. They all hit, but the mutant shook it off, as he then spun with his ax arm and hit all the rangers. They flew back and hit the ground. Rainbow quickly got up and leaped into the air. She spun her lance around before thrusting it outwards. Vortex merely caught the end of the lance as held Rainbow. The mutant then changed his arm to an electric plunger as he shocked the ranger and then threw her away.

"Rainbow, you okay?" asked Ash as the others all gathered around their friend and had their weapons pointed out at Vortex.


"Not for long," mocked Vortex as he fired more electrical attacks at the rangers as they got hit.

"Ash, try the bear claws," stated Sunset as she was struggling to get up.

"Ready for round 2!" shouted the boy as he stood up and the bear claws appeared.

"Bring it!" taunted Vortex as he accepted the yellow ranger's challenge to a one-on-one duel as the others rolled to the side to recover and watch their leader fight.

Vortex immediately shot an attack as Ash rolled out just barely. He shot another electrical blast and the boy had to lean back to fall to avoid the attack. While he was on the ground, he pointed the claws at Vortex as the needles shot out and hit the monster. That allowed the boy to get up to a knee as he fired more needles. With Vortex stumbled, he then charged forward as he began to zip in and out of frame as the monster was taking some heavy damage.

"Alright, let's combine our weapons, guys!" instructed Ash.

The others then began to put their weapons together as soon as their cannon was formed.

"Harmony Cannon!" stated the boy as they charged up their shot.

"I'm not afraid of that thing," said Vortex as he stumbled and had a quiver in his voice.

"Then this shouldn't hurt, Final Shot!" shouted Ash.

The boy pulled the trigger as a sphere of rainbow color was shot. It traveled and hit Vortex as the mutant sparked, and an explosion occurred. The rangers held their weapon as they watched their foe be destroyed.

"Nice!" shouted Rainbow.

"It ain't over yet, rangers!" stated Starlight.

"Go ahead, mother!" said Thorax over his communicator.

Chrysalis heard the response from her allies over the communicator. She then stepped out of the cave and held the device that Thorax gave her.

"Wicked spirits, hear my plea. Watch as the devil may cry from even the deepest parts of Tartarus; darkness comes crawling seeking vengeance! Open the gates of chaos so that new life shall be born!!!"

She had the device shoot out a beam of magic as it traveled to the spot where Vortex was defeated in seconds. A small tornado began to form around the spot of the defeated mutant. It then got bigger and bigger as it then blew away as there stood the monster.

"Harmony zords, arise!" shouted the rangers as they immediately called their beasts.

The zords were shown running toward them as they each jumped and entered their beasts.

"Harmony zords, combine!" said all five in unison.

The zords heard the command as they began to merge. After a few transformations, the Megazord was formed as it did its stance. Inside the rangers were shown at their tables as they stood in a line. They now stood face to face with Vortex as both were walking in a circle waiting to see what the other would do.

"You thought I had suction before, you ain't seen nothing yet!" declared Vortex.

He then opened his mouth as the vacuum began to form. With him being bigger, it meant he had more power to suck things in. Such as was on display as the trees were rocking back and forth. A few of them were pulled out of the ground due to the powerful wind they felt. The ranger's Megazord was also being affected as they felt themselves being pulled in by the air vortex. The trees being sucked in were also hitting them as they were causing damage to the giant robot. Inside, the rangers could feel the bumps as they were rocking about as they fell to a knee.

"We need the Bear zord!" stated Ash.

He then tossed the small hexagons to both Twilight and Rainbow as the girls caught them. They stood up and replaced their zord's shape with the hexagons into the holder. Ash put the larger hexagon in the slot above his zord as he began to call on the zord for help.

"Bear zord, arise!"

A growl was heard as charging toward them and leaping over obstacles in the streets was the mama bear. On her back were her two little cubs as they held on. It growled as Vortex turned to where the sound came from. He was immediately bit in the face by the bear's jaws as he screamed in pain and was thrown back. Her cubs then got off as they began to charge toward the monster. Then both leaped into the air as they turned into a ball and flung themselves at the monster as they ricocheted several times off of him.

"Bear zord, combine!" shouted the rangers.

The cubs heard the call as they retracted their paws and legs. Both Twilight's owl and Rainbow's falcon zord detached as the cubs were now the new arms. The mother bear then transformed itself as the head was a new helmet for the Megazord to wear as the rest of its body was placed on the Megazord's body to serve as armor.

"Harmony Megazord, Bear-Knuckler Brawler Mode!" stated the rangers.

Vortex was slowly getting to his feet as he was smoking. He saw the Megazord in its new form as they looked to deliver the final blow.

"Let's do it! Rushing Bombard Strike!" shouted the rangers as they thrust their hands out.

The Megazord now zoomed ahead as it raised its right arm. The giant mech did some rapid punches to the mutant as he couldn't defend himself. It then delivered a quick one-two combo as it raised its right arm one final time to smash it through the body of Vortex as he stumbled back and saw the hole in him. He soon fell back as an explosion occurred. The rangers stood, and the Megazord clanged its fists as they were victorious. The rangers cheered as they gave congrats to the bear zord and her cubs for helping them.

"Everything is ready," said Pharynx as he contacted his little brother.

"Me and Starlight are moving out," said Thorax as he cut off the transmission. He turned to his comrade and they both nodded. "Rangers!"

The Megazord turned to look at where the two generals were as they had been watching the battle.

"Catch us if you can!" taunted Starlight as they turned into lights and disappeared.

"Rachel, can you track them?" asked Ash to the A.I.

"I've located their signal. They're heading to the mountains."

"Got it, we're on it. Let's go, girls!" said Ash as they exited the Megazord and went to chase after their foes.

Thorax and Starlight were shown as they reached their destination. They were inside the cave as there was Pharynx who stood outside of the magical circle that glowed. The three generals now saw Chrysalis as she finished the saying as the ritual was taking place.

"It's finished. With the full moon rising, it's but a matter of seconds."

"And the rangers are headed right this way," snickered Thorax.

On a mountain road, there was a police car parked. The officer inside was drinking some coffee as he was doing his duty of watching out for any speeders. He took a bite of his donut as he looked to take another sip of the hot beverage. When he looked to bring the drink to his lip, he noticed something ahead. Coming down the road were rainbow-colored lights. He pulled out his tracker to see how fast the thing was going. The second the lights passed by, the tracker went haywire as it malfunctioned and broke.

"What the?" said the officer as he peaked his head out the window and saw the lights disappear behind him.

The lights were none other than the rangers. They were currently heading towards the mountains as both Ash and Aj were on the ground running like their zords while the others were flying above them with their wings.

It was now nighttime as the full moon from the previous was out as this time its phase was complete. The dark lords were standing outside of the cave as they looked at the thing in the sky. The moon's light then made its way into the cave as it touched the magical circle. The candles placed around began to burn brighter as the wax melted. In the center of the circle, there was a shadowy figure as they were hovering in stasis. Soon the eyes were opened as they were yellow.

At that same time, the ranges had finally made it to the location where Rachel tracked down Thorax and Starlight.

"See them?" asked Ash as they all stood on a small bridge looking around.

"Over there!" said Twilight.

"Hello, rangers!" spoke Pharynx with a sinister tone and smile.

He then chuckled a bit as soon Chrysalis, Starlight, and Thorax were shown appearing next to their comrade. All four generals looked down at the rangers from the mountain ridge they were on as they each had an evil smile. The teens stood their ground as they prepared for a fight.

"We're taking back that Tiger Shark Zord!" declared Ash as he pointed at his enemies.

"You mean, this one?" smiled Chrysalis.

The general opened her hand as inside was a heptagon shape that had the symbol of the Tiger Shark zord. It then glowed as it turned into a mini version of the zord as it swam in place and growled.

"I would be more concerned with what's about to go down. The ritual is almost complete," stated Starlight.

"Huh? What ritual?" said Rainbow.

"The one... the one that will destroy you all," said Thorax looking at the moon.

Inside the cave, the spell was complete as the shadows covering the figure disbursed and fled out of the cave. It passed the dark lords and the rangers. The teens covered up to avoid being blinded as they soon dissipated. He then began to take some steps forward.

"He's been dying to meet you, Ash," said Pharynx.

The four generals then stepped to the side of the cave's entrance as they knew what was coming. The rangers were still confused at what was being said as they prepared for whatever was going down. But what was about to come, was something they could never prepare for.

The figure was shown standing there. They wore dark, black crystal armor. Eyes that glowed yellow. He stood tall as the dark aura around him glowed.

"What is that?" said Aj.

Soon the figure jumped up as it was positioned in front of the moon.

"Look out!" shouted Ash.

The figure turned into a streak of black light as it headed toward the rangers in milliseconds and was zipping and zagging at them as they were being hit all at once. The rangers were helpless as they kept on getting attacked. The figure went faster as he was moving in the blink of an eye. Sparks were flying from their suits as they were hit. It did one final attack on Twilight as it leaped into the air with the girl in its hand. He threw her down to the ground as the girl's suit demorphed, and she was knocked unconscious.

Applejack was charging at the figure as he did the same. She went for a powered-up punch using her gem's power, but the figure simply grabbed her by the throat and began to run. It was holding the girl as he then threw her as hard as he could into some rocks as the farm girl hit back first and fell to the ground. Her suit also demorphed and she was out cold.

Rainbow leaped into the air with her wings out. The figure did the same as he jumped. The scene showed the moon as zipping in and out against each other was a blue streak and a dark streak. The girl was using her super-speed to fight the mysterious figure as they collided with one another. In mid-air, the girl went for a flying kick as the mysterious individual blocked it and then did small jabs on her body that were sensitive. He then grabbed her and rushed toward the ground as he slammed the teen onto the floor. Rainbow felt her suit demorphed as she then laid back as joined her friends.

Ash and Sunset were the final two as the figure raced toward them. He transformed into a black streak of light as he began to do the same thing as before. He was bouncing off the trees around them to hit them quicker and harder as the teens couldn't defend themselves from the barrage of attacks. Both flipped onto their back and in that same instance, the figure reappeared before them.

Ash clutched his chest as he lifted his head. He looked in front of him as his vizor showed his eyes widen.

"No... no... it can't be..."

The boy was in a state of shock at what he was seeing. He thought his eyes were playing a trick on him, but they weren't. Standing before him and walking toward the fallen rangers was someone he knew. Someone who he thought was long gone.

"Who are you?" asked Sunset as she struggled to get to her hands and knees.

The figure stopped a few meters in front of them as he smiled.

"I am the leader of the Dark Lords. Sombra!"

"It can't be," muttered Ash at what he was hearing.

"L-Leader?" said Sunset as she got to her feet.

The scene then panned to several shots of Sombra as it showed him in his entirety as he was intimidating and evil. Sombra then turned his hand as he reached into his knee. The mutant was now pulling out a sword as it had a crystal hilt that matched his armor. He then rushed forward in a streak. in a blink of an eye, he struck down Sunset as he zoomed and appeared behind her.

"AHH!!!" screamed Sunset as she let out a painful scream that echoed around.

A spark of explosion occurred on the girl. She fell to the floor face first as her eyes were closed. Sombra turned to look at the scene that laid before him. All the girls were meters apart from each other as they were injured, bruised, and knocked out cold. He single-handily took out the rangers all by himself as they were no match for him. Above, the rest of the generals were all smiling at seeing how easily the rangers were defeated by their commander.

Sombra was about to end their lives when he felt something. By his feet was Ash as he was lying on the ground to which the boy's hand grabbed his boot. He was injured as he tried to pull himself up using Sombra as a stand.

"You... won't..." grunted Ash as he tried to speak and stand up.

Sombra didn't let the boy finish as he simply grabbed him by his suit. He lifted the ranger to his face. Ash's suit had reached its limits as it demorphed and the boy was staring the mutant in the face. He tried to keep a defiant expression, but the sweat and the slight fear in his eyes that Sombra saw said otherwise. Sombra held the boy by his shirt as soon the rest of the Dark lords appeared as they all circled Ash.

"I've waited too long for this moment. I've bided my time, waiting for my full power to return. And in that same time, you've been alive. I remember the screams of your mother as they were sweet lullabies to my ears. The look on your face when I slaughtered your old teammates." said Sombra as he looked Ash in the eyes. "And here I stand, the last hope they had to defeat falls so easily by my hands. I will have my revenge, Ash. I will make you suffer so that you can know what your parents and friends felt like when I murdered them. When they begged for mercy, and I killed them in cold blood!"

Sombra then threw Ash to the ground as the boy hit back first to the ground. He felt it as he turned to his side and placed a hand behind him to feel the spot where he hit. The others all smiled at seeing their foe so helpless on the floor as he cowered back a bit. Sombra had his sword just inches away from Ash's eye as the fear that the teen was trying to hide came out.

"Consider yourself lucky, Ash. I won't be so easy on you, the next time we meet," stated Sombra.

He then retracted his weapon. He turned and began to march into the darkness as did the other Dark Lords. They all entered some smoke that appeared as when it cleared out, they were gone.

Once more, the scene showed the results of the battlefield. Each of the girls was all knocked out and had bruises all over their body. Neither of them moved a muscle as they lay there. Ash lifted his head to look up and could see his team in their critical state as he had to act fast. The boy lifted his hand as he struggled to touch his Morpher.

"R-R-Rache--" the boy didn't finish what he said.

His hand fell back to the side as he lay there looking up at the sky. Soon all five of their bodies were shown in lights as they flashed. The A.I. heard Ash's command as she manually teleported the rangers from the forest to the floor of the command center. She quickly dispatched the drones to scan and stabilize the teens before she could treat them.

Rainbow was shown stirring as she moved her head. She saw what lay before her as her friends weren't moving. She then saw Ash was still up as the girl tried her best to crawl over to her leader. The droids tried to get the girl to not move but she kept on crawling. Soon she made her way to the boy.

"Ash, who was that?" spoke Rainbow softly and in pain.

"Someone... who I thought was long gone," breathed Ash heavily as his chest was going up and down as he kept staring at the ceiling.

"So... how do we beat him?" asked the chromatic-haired teen.

"We don't," responded the boy truthfully.

The final image was that of the moon, and soon, everything faded to black.