//------------------------------// // Summery of the rest of the Story // Story: Equestria's Garden // by PinkiePieFox //------------------------------// Summery of the rest of the story… Shepherd, ends up breaking down from all the stress of his new life. Its fun but apparently there was just so much happening all at once and he hides in his… “Gold Closet.” which just happens to be the stairs down into his basement. You see, they got all the gold out of his house but, well. They forgot about the basement. Now the entrance into it is still filled with gold up to floor level. His daughter finds him and is worried and goes to find Twilight. Bringing her to him they talk though the door for a while, and his daughter goes back to the hive. After a while a Buggy comes in on orders from the Queen, apparently Shepherds daughter has been pony-napped. It appears some ponies had highered a Minotour to help them still from Shepherd. And his daughter happened to be hiding in some of the old rare pots in his vaults in the hive… Well when she went missing everyone in the hive flipped out. And the Queen ordered a scout to find “The Shepherd” (I cant remember if the pony’s I used as robbers were already in the story or not.) Anyway they go down into the Hive. They find the ponies that are stealing and something happens, and explosion or maybe they just get separated from one another. Shepherd is a bit leery around the Hive, not having traveled into it before and happens to stumble upon a pony trapped inside of a cocoon! Which causes him to freak out for a moment before seeing that it was just Prince Blue Blood…. You see apparently the Hive has, replace the prince. This also explains the massive amount of Casinos and other things that were flying over head several chapters before this one. He leaves him there… Buck that guy, He has a daughter to find! And off he goes to find his daughter. He catches up with the thieves, and the ponys order the minotour to ‘get rid of him’ but shepherd is not taking dung from anyone and just straight up kicks the minotour in his grapefruits incapacitating him. The Changelings then show up and capture the thieves. They know nothing about his daughter and he ends up finding her sleeping in one of the rare vases. Apparently it reminded her of a cocoon and was quite comfortable. After capturing them he tells the changelings to interrogate them and find out what they know. Apparently the minotour is just a mercenary trying to get money for his family to find a nice labyrinth to live in… apparently labyrinths are very high end places only the best of the best live in. And most Minotour family's live in only a tiny portion of a floor, which with around 50 or more Minotours per grouping does not leave a lot of space. Shepherd thinks about this and with his vast wealth has twilight begin to build a labyrinth within his Territory. Construction is underway and he highers the merc to help in building it. As a way to repay him for kidnapping his daughter. He agrees. Shepherd ends up giving the Minotour and his family one of the more fancy floors of the labyrinth. Which makes him very grateful. One year later everything is at piece. All of the races have come together on this new land. And is very happy. Its almost like a theme park, there are massive magical stones for unicorns and many other things all around. Life is wonderful…. Until Discord shows up and asks where his place is! Shepherd mentally breaks and just throws a rock at him. “Here this is yours place. Have fun with it!” Discord ends up making a tiny floating planet out of it and sits it above a very chaotic looking pedestal. In the end Shepherd does start going out with Spitfire, they apparently hit it off nicely. And she is also quite fond of his Changeling daughter, who just so happens to just be so adorable! And they all lived happily ever after ~The End~