//------------------------------// // Chapter 20: Call of the Wild Pt. 1 // Story: Power Rangers: Harmony // by ShootingStar25 //------------------------------// Thorax was busy pressing his keypads. Thorax lighted up his screens with tons of info and data as the mutant was sweating hard. Next to him was a table with a sheet over it. Based on the shape that the sheet covered, it looked to belong to something that walked on two legs. While the whole fiasco with Stoneface went down, Thorax was continuing his search for the rest of the zords. However, while expanding his search worldwide, he got a disturbance that messed with his results. He did manage to pinpoint its location and arrived at the place where the signal originated. And as foretold, they managed to find a black box of sorts. Thorax was handed the box as he saw what was inside. The thing was a piece. A piece of what, he had no idea. So he brought it back to his lab to examine it. Once the computer ran its analysis, the info that Thorax brought up shocked the mutant. And the next few days, he worked hard to complete the heart. The general was putting the final touches on his latest invention as his brother and Starlight watched him in his lab. "You sure this will work?" asked Starlight. "If my calculations are correct, and they always are, this will bring him back from the dead," said Thorax. "Then what?" asked Pharynx. "We introduce him to Sombra. With his help, we may destroy the rangers." "Brother, I know you're smart. But you're also a dumbass. Did the records not show that he doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself? Bringing him back using that heart will ruin our plans!" stated Pharynx. "For once, I agree with your annoying big brother. If you somehow manage to bring him back, there's no telling what he'll do. Besides, wasn't the whole heart destroyed years ago. Do you think you can complete a heart using data and parts?" asked Starlight. "That's why we not only have science but magic as well. Besides, you guys might not believe it, but a heart can live inside data," stated Thorax. A container then opened up as the heart was now complete. Thorax dug up the pieces of data he had on the thing from its completed form and finished the rest of the organ as it was now back to its original state. The mutant then grabbed it as he approached the body on the table with the sheet over it. He took it off and asked Starlight to use her magic to implement it into the vessel. Soon her staff began to glow as he returned to his work-study and pulled a level. Electricity shot out as it fused with the magic that was being enacted on the body. After a few moments, the legs began to stir. But they soon stopped as all three Dark Lords leaned in to see if anything else would happen. Nothing occurred as it seemed that the attempt to revive the mysterious figure was all for naught. "Well, that's another failure you can add to the list, brother," snickered Pharynx to his little sibling. "Whatever!!! He was a piece of shit anyway," said Thorax as he began to walk. The three generals then left the lab as it closed behind him. Thorax turned off the lights of the lab. The scene showed the sheet covered over the individual on the table. For a second, it laid still. Soon a hand emerged from under the cover as it made a fist. In the ranger command center, the girls were in the training room. Ash extended the offer to Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie to be invited to the place. As well as him offering to give them some basic self-defense classes. The girls were now in the training room as Ash was instructing them. "Remember, only use these moves to protect yourself. Don't abuse them or whatnot." "We understand, darling," said Rarity to Ash. "But I do require a nice long bath." "Alright, we can call it here," instructed the boy. The girls sighed as they were glad that the training session was over. He then pointed to where the bathrooms were as they left. Sunset and Twilight approached their leader as he was wiping his forehead with a towel. "It finally feels good that our friends know who we are," said Sunset. "It was hard not telling them that we're saving the world," spoke Twilight. "I get it, but we had no choice under the circumstances we found ourselves. Again, we did break the rule of being a ranger. But... it does feel nice to know that others are willing to keep our secret safe. Plus, with those three now in our line of work, they can at least cover for you girls when you need to sneak off." stated Ash. "Speaking of us, where are Aj and Dash?" asked Sunset. "Applejack's on her way. She had to do some last-minute deliveries for her family. But she did promise to bring some bottles of cider for us. And as for Rainbow, she's got karate class. So I told her to come here when she gets out." said the boy. While this was going on with the rangers, another thing was happening. In the lair of the dark lords, the scene showed a room. When Thorax retrieved the heart, he discovered. He also found a weapon next to it, clearly showing who and what the seat belonged to. It then showed a figure looking at the sword. The figure had a dark robe over itself as it approached the weapon. He took a few steps forward as he was unaware of the security system. Soon an alarm went off, and the figure didn't bother that it was alert. The doors opened, and in came Pharynx, Starlight, Chrysalis, and some minions, as they wanted to know what triggered the security breach. "Hold it right there!" shouted Pharynx to the robed figure. "Who the hell are you?!" demanded Starlight. The figure didn't answer as they stood there. "Hey, answer the question, bitch?!" stated Starlight once more, but the figure didn't speak. "Get them." The minions heard the command from Starlight as they began to approach the robed figure. Just as they were about to put their hands on the cloak, they were blasted by the figure's hand as they fell and evaporated. The generals were caught off guard as they didn't suspect their intruder to fight back. The rest of the minions then charged ahead as the figure started to fight back, defeating the weaklings with ease. It then reached the wall to grab its weapon as it charged up and made a slash attack that caused the minions to turn dust. This shocked the three generals as they could see the intruder wouldn't compile. "Alright, I've had enough of this shit! Who the hell are you?!!" shouted Starlight. The figure turned and looked at them. In one swift motion, it took off the robe as the generals could see its proper appearance. "Behold! It is I!" "This can't be! Master Org!" said Chrysalis as all three were in awe and shock. True to what the three generals saw, standing before them was the once long gone leader of the orgs from so long ago—none other than Master Org in his final form before he was defeated. "There's no way this is happening! He'd be too stupid to try to steal from us!" said Starlight, as she wasn't entirely buying what was in front of her. "But it is! And the last thing I am is stupid!" shouted the leader of the orgs. Master Org wasted no time in attacking Pharynx and Starlight. The mighty villain managed to kick Starlight to the side as she collided with the table. Pharynx was standing his ground as he began to swing his gauntlets at the mighty org as he took the blows but dodged a few. He then fought back as Pharynx blocked before he too was struck and fell to the ground. "Volt flare!" shouted Chrysalis as she shot an orb of fire at the org leader, who simply cut it in half with his weapon. "Accel!" shouted the general as her legs glowed blue, and she increased her movement and speed. She then began to kick several times in a row while in the air. Master Org simply put his arms together as he was blocking all the attacks thrown by Chrysalis. The general landed as she fired another one of her spells, and this time he had to dodge and roll out of the way. Chrysalis then made portals appear when she thrust her hands out to the side. Chains appeared as they began to wrap around Master Org and put him on his knees. Chrysalis was grunting as she was doing everything in her power to hold the leader of the orgs down but found it challenging. She struggled as the strength of her foe outmatched hers. Master Org managed to stand up as he looked Chrysalis in the eye. He broke the chains holding him with one shrug as Chrysalis felt her hands hurt. She grasped them as she was then grabbed and lifted into the air. "How can this be?" said Chrysalis as she was helpless by the org who held her. "I don't understand. You were destroyed so many years ago. The only way you could be back is if the org heart is restored." "I am back with a vengeance. And soon all of you will be no more!" said Master Org as he pointed his blade at Chrysalis. He looked to end the general right then and there. Soon he heard a blast sound as it collided with his right side. It caused him to stumble as he dropped Chrysalis to the floor. Entering the room was none other than Sombra, who his elite guards accompanied. He had his crystal blade out as he was not happy to see someone invading his home and insulting his generals by making them look weak. Both mighty leaders glared at one another as the tension was there. Both swung their blades as they launched a slash attack. The two attacks met in the middle as a massive explosion occurred. It caused everyone to stumble and fall to the floor as they saw the power levels on display. Back with the two alphas, both stood their ground as they stared at one another. "I give you one warning for trespassing on my property! Leave or I shall destroy you!" threatened Sombra. "Never! I will have my revenge! And no one will stop me!" stated Master Org. Both leaders looked to get in their battle stance. Another massive brawl looked to ensure. "Wait! Wait!" shouted Thorax as he appeared in the middle and put his arms between the two mighty leaders. "Thorax, what are you doing? He's trying to destroy us!" shouted Pharynx at his younger brother. "Leave him be! If he wants to play peacekeeper and get his ass destroyed, by all means, don't stop him!" growled Starlight. "Sombra, please. I brought him back," said Thorax. "What?" said Chrysalis to her son. "Do you recall the interference I discovered the other day when I searched for the zords? Well, it turns out it was a box. But inside that box was none other than the legendary Org heart." "But the Org Heart was destroyed long ago, Thorax. How does it exist now?" asked Chrysalis. "There's nothing science and magic can't do if they work in unison. As well as data. I was able to complete the Org Heart and, in turn, retrieve the mighty general of the orgs that once fought humanity for 3000 years." "You mean to tell me that little experiment you did earlier when we were present worked?!" said Starlight. "Indeed. And now the mighty leader of the orgs has risen once more," said Thorax as he looked at Master Org. "And why should I be concerned with this?" demanded Sombra to Thorax. "As far as I'm concerned, our priority is the destruction of the Power Rangers!" "The Power Rangers?!" shouted Master Org. Just hearing that name made the org's blood boil. He remembered the reason for his destruction as it fueled his hatred. "The rangers will pay for what they did." "You despise them as well, hmm?" said Sombra as he sheathed his crystal blade. He began to approach the org leader, and his comrades were surprised. To think he left himself unarmed as he came to the person who invaded their home and looked to destroy them. Sombra now stood face to face with Master Org as the leader of the Dark Lords had a sinister and evil smile. "Then it appears our goals are the same. I have a proposition for you. One that I think you'll find pleasant." said Sombra holding that evil smile with a slight sinister chuckle. The scene showed Rainbow riding her skateboard. She was dressed in elbow and knee pads, all while having a bag over her chest. The chromatic-haired teen was making her way to her karate class. It would have been faster to use her super speed to get there, but not only would it attract too much attention, but the girl was in the mood to do some cool tricks before class. She picked up the speed of her board as she came to a bench. The girl then jumped as the board grinded on the metal end before reaching the end of it and doing an ollie. The girl landed as she kept on riding. She zoomed past more people as they leaned to a side to avoid getting hit by Rainbow based on how fast she was going. The teen was coming up on a corner as it was a sharp turn. She approached it and then jumped to grab the lamp post to swing her in the right direction. The girl kept on riding as she got close to her destination. She was picking up speed as the sound of a bell was heard. A door opened, and out came a woman who exited the door. They were reading a book when a voice called out to them. "Look out!" shouted Dash. The girl was going too fast that she couldn't get her board to stop. The woman saw the teen coming at her, but she didn't move. Instead, she leaned far back as Rainbow leaped over her and did a kickflip as everything moved in slow motion. Time resumed as Rainbow landed and continued to ride. "Sorry about that! Nice moves!" shouted the athletic girl as her voice trailed and she disappeared around the corner. The woman who Rainbow almost hit now leaned back to her regular position. The scene changed to show the woman's upper body, not her face. Soon a hand reached upwards and was brought down as it held a pair of glasses. It also showed the backpack they were wearing as it was the color white and dawned an image of a tiger. Rainbow had made it to her karate class with a few minutes to spare. After changing and getting warmed up, the instructor entered the room and began to go over their lessons. Soon the end of the class was starting to wind down as the instructor ended their lessons a bit early. "Alright, line up!" said the man as the students listened. "Now we have a special guest visiting us today. Please welcome Ms. Enrilé." The instructor briefly introduced a woman who entered the room in a karate suit as the teens waved to the woman. Rainbow saw the woman as she smiled; she was unaware that the woman standing before her was the one she almost hit with her skateboard. "Ms. Enrilé is an instructor in the martial arts as well. And she has come today to test every one of you," said the instructor. "I'm grateful that you'll have me here today. I want to see what you all are capable of," said Ms. Enrilé. "Alright, one by one, you'll face off against Ms. Enrilé," stated the instructor to the students. The students obeyed as they began to prepare. For the next while, the students were being pushed to their limit against Ms. Enrilé. Safe to say, they were all shocked and surprised by just how good she was. Rainbow was watching the one-on-one fights between the other students and Ms. Enrilé as she was impressed. She was also motivated as the woman was single-handily taking down the students without so much as breaking a sweat. Ms. Enrilé managed to avoid a lunge by the student she was facing. She evaded his attack and countered with a solid blow to the student's stomach, using nothing but her shin. The student fell to his knees as it was called. She gave a smile and bowed in respect to her foe she defeated. The teen got up and rubbed his stomach as he got off the mat. Rainbow was stepping up as she was the final challenger. Both females glanced at one another as Ms. Enrilé sensed something about the teen. Both gave a bow before getting into their battle stances. "BEGIN!" shouted the instructor. Rainbow Dash quickly charged at Ms. Enrilé and started throwing punches. Ms. Enrilé did her best to evade her hits. However, the last punch was a fakeout, and she made a lousy dodge, allowing Dash to hit her with a solid blow to her face as she took a few steps back. She touched her face as she smiled at the teen. Rainbow kept on the offense as she charged and swung. Ms. Enrilé let the girl come at her with all her might. However, she focused on the technique she wanted to pull off next. She dodged Rainbow Dash's attacks and swatted away her hands. Once the opportunity arrived, and she raised her leg to kick the girl, she made a fast and sudden move, she ducked and grabbed her from the waist and swept the foot Dash was standing on, which only sent her back on her back and with her legs spread, and Ms. Enrilé got the chance to land a vicious punch to the girl. "POINT!" said the instructor. Rainbow struggled to stand up and looked a bit dizzy after the technique that Ms. Enrilé did on her. She then refocused as she charged. Both did some quick hand exchanges while trying to find an opening. Ms. Enrilé caught a forward-stepping mule kick with both her hands as she grunted and slid back an inch across the mat. Despite the stinging in her palms, she smirked. Rainbow simply narrowed her eyes as she surprised Ms. Enrilé by lifting her other leg and launching it toward her face. She barely moved her head out of the way, using her grip on her foot to flip her away from her. She landed gracefully into a crouch, not letting up her attack as Dash immediately leaped at her with a fist. The woman was forced to backpedal as she swept aside the fury of punches being thrown by the teen girl. Dash's footwork greatly improved since they first began as the fight with Ms. Enrilé motivated her to improve and adapt to the situation on the fly. Rainbow maintained her momentum to keep up with Ms. Enrilé while still keeping on the offensive. Still, she quickly spotted an opening and practically, on instinct, exploited it. She didn't see the punch coming as it plowed her in the cheek, sending her sprawling backward. Dash tried to get back up and fight, but her body ached. It was sending her a message that if she continued, she would risk her personal health. Eventually, the girl had to do the one thing she hated, and that was accept defeat. She lifted her head as she came to the view of Ms. Enrilé offering her hand. The teen extended her hand outwards and let the woman pull her up. The girl now stood on her feet as she rotated her shoulder to minimize the pressure and bruise she felt it. "You did good," spoke Ms. Enrilé. "Out of every I faced, you gave me the toughest fight." "You're just saying that," said Rainbow as she felt like the woman was trying to make her feel better after suffering such a devasting defeat. "I mean it. You're a good fighter." "Thanks. However, you were able to beat me even after taking on all the other students. Shows that I've got a lot to work on if I lost to someone like that." stated Rainbow. "Winning isn't always everything. Sometimes the best way to learn is by defeat. Trust me, I know." responded Ms. Enrilé. "Alright, that's enough. Let's give a warm applause to Ms. Enrilé for taking time out of her busy schedule to visit us," said the instructor as the students began to clap as they showed their admiration for the woman. Even Rainbow couldn't help but join in as she gave her respect to the woman that bested her. "Class is over!" The students began to pack up as they went to their lockers. It showed Rainbow closing her locker as she had her bag over her shoulder. The girl was back in her regular clothes as she put on her bracelet. She looked at the gem as she was quickly reminded of the fight with Ms. Enrilé. It still plagued her mind that she had lost. "No more playing around. I'm going to get better so that never happens to me again. I won't lose, " Rainbow said with a determined look. She then began to walk out of the building to the command center. As the girl left, Ms. Enrilé saw the teen left. She then got the attention of the instructor. "Pardon me for asking, but who is that girl? The one I faced last?" asked Ms. Enrilé. "That's Ms. Rainbow Dash. She has a bit of a competitive side. She doesn't like losing, I'll tell you that." said the instructor as he left for his office. "Rainbow Dash, huh," muttered Ms. Enrilé to herself. The doors to the command center opened up. Rainbow came in, immediately threw her bag on the floor, and stomped over to the couch area as she hopped over it and crossed her arms. A drone picked up her bag and placed it away as Ash and the others saw their friend enter. "Bad day?" asked Ash as he knew how Rainbow was. "I don't want to talk about it," said the girl as she pouted. "Someone beat you in karate class?" said Aj with a smirk. "I said I don't want to talk about it!" shouted the girl to her friends. "She totally got her ass kicked," whispered Ash to the girls as they all nodded. They all began to cackle at their friend's misery. "There, there. It's alright, Dashie," said Fluttershy as she sat next to her friend on the couch and patted her back. "Not everybody wins at everything." "I do!" yelled the girl. "I'm Rainbow Dash! The best, most awesome person alive! Nobody gets the best of me! Nobody!" "She's not gonna let this go, is she?" asked Twilight. "Nope," responded Sunset. Before the group of teens could continue to listen to Rainbow whine and complain, an alarm went off. "Ooh, flashy red lights!" said Pinkie as she jumped up and down in place as the siren got louder. "That's usually not a good thing, Pinkie," said Rarity. "Rarity is right. Something's happening," said Ash as he made his way to the computer. He slid into the chair and began to press the keypad rapidly. "Status, Rachel." "My sensors are scrambled all over the place. I can't get a clear signal." "Boost output by 13%. Increase the core momentum," said Ash as he continued to push more keys. On the screen, it was nothing but static of black and white. The picture was fuzzy, and soon it began to clear up. It showed a plaza being overrun by minions as people were screaming. "Looks like a small horde," said Twilight. "Still, best be on guard. In case any of the Dark Lords are leading the charge. Either way, those people need our help. Let's go." said the boy. "Right," said the girls. "Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie. Stay here and monitor the cams. Let us know if anything else comes up." "You can count on us, darling," said Rarity. At the plaza, minions were running amok. They weren't just chasing people; they were also destroying public property. Some windows were broken as the mutants began to steal some stuff. One of them was attacking a car when he looked up. Coming at him was a flying kick, and it knocked him down. It got the attention of the others as they looked, and standing in front of them were Ash and the girls. "Time to send you boys packing!" said Sunset. The minions then charged forward as each of the teens began to engage. Applejack stood in front of the foes as she smirked. She thrust her arms out as she tapped into her gem's power and hardened her skin. The girl then took a few steps forward as three minions attacked. She blocked them all by lifting her left arm as she smirked. Using her strength, she then flipped them over her head. She then ducked and blocked a consecutive strike to her midsection by moving her right arm up and down before delivering a kick that sent the minion into a car as it made sparks fly. Rainbow was zooming and taking down her section of foes using her superspeed. The girl did zig-zag formations as she knocked her opponents down faster than you could blink. One grabbed her by the shoulder as Rainbow countered by doing a standing backflip to take the hand off. She then did a spinning back kick and landed to sweep the minions trying to sneak up on her. The girl then began to run once more as she circled her section of foes. The girl ran fast as she created a rainbow-colored tornado that started to grow. It died down as the girl came to a stop and looked back to see the minions all lying on the ground with swirls on top of their heads. Twilight was backflipping and cartwheeling nonstop to avoid all the attacks one after the other. She landed on her feet as she blocked several more attacks with her hands and legs. The girl then leaped off a rock and began stepping on the minions' shoulders as she ran over them. She forward flipped and kicked a minion as he splatted against the wall. She then turned and blocked a blow with her leg before twisting the minion, grabbing her as they spun in the air as she recovered while the monster hit the floor. Sunset was twerking her body as she rotated in the air to avoid the minions shooting their weapons at her. She landed and slid towards some rocks as they provided the girl some cover. She then did a handstand over the rock and began to engage them. One of them went for an arm thrust as the girl moved to the side and grabbed the arm in front of her. She aimed the weapon at the other minions and began to fire while spinning in a circle. The others fell back as sparks were shown when they got shot. The girl then dragged the minion she had a hold of to the floor so that when he got to his knees, she gave a roundhouse kick to knock the monster out. Ash did his signature corkscrew as he avoided the minions. He landed on a rock and began to spin and kick while staying in place. One of the minions tried to sweep him as the boy dropped to a pushup position and extended his leg to flick the mutant away. He then transitioned using a breakdance move to balance on his hands while using his legs to kick away at any mutants trying to attack. He then pushed himself off his hands as he, spun in the air for several rotations as he landed, and then did a punch to one of the monsters as they fell into the fountain. As the teens were combating their foes, the background showed someone watching from behind a corner. They had noticed the nearby attack and began to investigate it. She saw the teens arrive as they began to fight. The one thing that stood out was the jacket she wore, as it was white. "Not yet," said the person as they stood on standby. She had a feeling she knew what was going on. Ash finished with the last minion when he turned his head. A beam was coming at him as the boy was flung into the air, as an explosion occurred behind him. Master Org sent the teen flying as he crashed into the plaza walkway. "Ash, you okay?" asked Twilight as the girls appeared next to their leader. "Nice to see you, rangers!" said Starlight as she appeared. "Starlight!" growled Ash as he stood up. "I'm so glad you came, 'cause I have a new friend who wants to meet you," snickered the general as she stepped to the side. The teens looked on as walking was none other than Master Org. The org saw the teenagers as he growled. The rangers were confused as they didn't know who or what they were facing. "Who the hell is that?" asked Rainbow. "I don't know, but we're gonna defeat them just like the others," said Ash as the girls agreed with that statement. They all raised their arms as their bracelets turned into their Morphers. "Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted all five. Ash began to trace his topaz gem's symbol as it recognized it. It then had the gem encase the boy as he landed on a platform, as his whole body turned into the suit with bits of his gem on his shoulders. He lifted his head as the vizor covered the last bit of him; as he did, his pose with the animal on it appeared behind the boy and let out a howl. Applejack traced her symbol, and her emerald gem showed it recognized it. It then encased the girl in her suit as she landed on a platform. Her whole body turned into a suit with bits of her gem on her shoulders. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The girl did her pose with her zord behind her. Rainbow was now transforming as she was encased in her suit. She traced her symbol produced by the cobalt stone. She landed on a platform as bits of her gem were on her shoulders. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The girl did her pose with her zord behind her as it made its sound. Twilight traced her symbol produced by her sapphire gem as it recognized her. The jewel encased the girl as she landed on a platform. The girl lifted her head as the vizor completed the last bit of her. The girl did her pose as her animal appeared behind her and made a noise. Sunset underwent her transformation as the ruby stone grew larger and encased the girl in her suit. The girl landed on a platform as bits of her gem were also shown on her shoulder. She lifted her head as the face had the visor appear as it covered the last bit of her. The girl did her pose as her zord appeared behind her and made a noise. "With the courage of the wolf, Harmony Guardian Yellow Ranger!" "With the strength of the rhino, Harmony Guardian Green Ranger!" "With the cunning of the owl, Harmony Guardian Purple Ranger!" "With the speed of the falcon, Harmony Guardian Blue Ranger!" "With the fiery of the phoenix, Harmony Guardian Red Ranger!" "Harmony Guardian Power Rangers!" shouted the group in unison. "Rangers!!" growled Master Org. They may not have been the ones that took him down, but they were still a nuisance all the same. He then began to charge forward as the teens did the same. They pulled out their sabers as they began to swing, but their foe was of a different breed. Master Org ducked and blocked all the swings the teens were trying as he delivered a powerful kick to Rainbow and sent the girl crashing into a nearby rock as she winced in pain. Applejack tried to punch the villain as it grabbed her arm and raised it. He did several kicks to her midsection as he quickly slashed at the farm girl as she screamed and was thrown back. Sunset tried her attempt as she pulled out her blaster and began aiming at the monster. Master Org merely covered up with his shoulder to minimize the damage. The girl went for another shot as he blocked it with his sword and held it while turning around. When he came around, he returned fire at Sunset as she got hit, and sparks flew as she dropped her weapons. The girl screamed and was flipped forward into the air as she landed on her back. Twilight made her shield appear as she threw it at Master Org, as it bounced off the org's body and made him stumble. It darted back, and the girl threw it once more. This time he caught it as Twilight gasped. Master Org then threw it back at the ranger as he began to bounce it off her as Twilight couldn't defend herself. He then threw the shield up as he charged up an attack with his sword and shot it toward the girl. Twilight felt it as she yelled; Master Org then saw the shield coming down as he did a back kick to hit the weapon, and it collided with Twilight as she was thrown onto the floor. "Topaz Slash!" shouted Ash as he was shown leaping into the air and using his finisher move. It hit the org leader dead-on as smoke appeared. Ash looked as soon as it showed a hand emerging from the smoke as it grabbed the ranger. The boy was now being held in the air as he dropped his weapon. The yellow ranger was now staring into the eyes of the org. "You've got guts, boy. Challenging an org," he said with a chuckle. He then threw Ash over his head as he aimed his weapon and fired his attack. It hit the boy while he was in the air as he felt the attack. Ash landed on his back in front of his teammates as they were facefirst on the ground as they were stirring. "We can't touch him," grunted Aj. "Nothing we do affects him," said Twilight. "Had enough, rangers? You're not the only ones who have friends in high places. Finish them!" advised Starlight as Master Org nodded. He pointed his weapon to the ground and kept it low as he began to approach the rangers. They were still struggling to get up as he now stood over Ash with the blade just inches from his face. "I will finally have my revenge against the rangers!" shouted Master Org. He then lifted his blade and looked to bring it down. "Ash!!" shouted the girl. The boy saw it coming as he put his hands up to protect himself. Everything was moving in slow motion as it seemed like the boy was about to meet his end. It showed something leaping into the air as they delivered a kick to Master Org's midsection as the org felt it and stumbled. Ash removed his hands and looked as he saw a person standing before him. He saw it was a woman as she wore a white jacket that had a picture of a tiger on the back. "Who's that?" asked Sunset as the girls also saw the woman standing before them. "Stay out of this! Unless you want to end like them!" warned Starlight. As the woman straightened out, the general didn't know who she was talking to. She then pulled out a flip phone as everyone saw this and what would happen next was something that blew everyone's mind. "Wild Access!" shouted the woman as she touched the buttons on her Growl Phone as the transformation began to occur. Soon the phone closed as it extended to show front and back legs as the image of a tiger appeared for a second. The phone then stood up to resemble a person in a fighting stance before it broke apart to reveal the woman as she was wearing a white suit. Soon the helmet formed on her head as it looked like a tiger. "Noble Tiger!" shouted the woman. "What?!" said Starlight in utter shock. "She's a Power Ranger?!" said Sunset as the girls were stunned by what they saw. "White Tiger Baton!" said the ranger in front of the teens as she pulled out her weapon. She then began to engage with the org leader as he swung, and she did her best to avoid and block his shots. Compared to our heroes, she was holding her own if she had experience facing the villain. She ducked and got on a rock to bounce off of it and leaped into the air. "White Tiger Baton! Tiger Thrust!" shouted the ranger. She thrust her weapon as it made contact with Master Org, who was thrown back a bit as he landed by Starlight's feet. "Wow, she took him off his feet," said Aj as they were impressed by what they saw. "You'll pay for that!" said Starlight as she prepared to engage with the mysterious individual. "No!" said Sombra as he communicated with the general. "Fall back!" "But Sombra..." "Do as your told, Starlight!" "Understood," nodded the mutant. "We must retreat." "Never!" said the org leader as he was dead-set on ending the rangers. "Sombra's orders. And if you want your revenge on the rangers, you'd best listen to him," said Starlight to the org leader as he hated being told that. "Another time, rangers. Next time, you won't be so lucky!" The general then made her and Master Org disappear as they flashed and then were gone. Ash and the girls all got to their feet as they saw the ranger in front of them. They demorphed as they turned around. The person in question was the same woman who had stopped by Rainbow's karate class earlier. The rangers approached the woman as they wanted to thank their savior. "Thanks for your help," said Ash. "It was no problem," smiled the woman. "Hold on, that voice. I feel like I've heard it before," said Rainbow to herself as she began to think when the woman spoke. "Hey, wait a minute!" The woman now turned to look at the blue ranger. "You're the one that kicked my ass in karate class!!" shouted Rainbow angrily as she demorphed when saying that. "Pause and rewind. You legit got your ass kicked?!" said Ash as he and the girls demorphed. "That's not the point!" shouted Rainbow. "I think it is," responded the boy with a smug smile. Dash had an angry, stern look as the others laughed at their friend's misfortune. All the while, the woman was giggling at seeing the friends acting like themselves. It reminded them of some people she knew. "Anyways, who are you? And why are you a Power Ranger?" asked Rainbow. "I'll tell you. But not here," said the woman. "Come on, let's head back to the command center," instructed Ash as the group of rangers left the plaza. "Who was that?!" asked Chrysalis. "A ranger, no doubt," stated Thorax. "But how can that be? There's no white gem!" said Pharynx. "You're right. There isn't. That's because she's not our ranger," said Sombra. At that moment, Starlight and Master Org teleport into the throne room. The org leader stared at the leader of the Dark Lords as he was unhappy that he had to pull out just when he had the advantage. "Tell us about your rangers," demanded Sombra. The girls heard the sounds of doors opening. Ash, the girls, and their mysterious friend were walking in. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie turned as they saw their friends returning. They saw, along with Rachel, what went down on the screens as they were thankful for the mysterious person appearing when she did. Soon it showed her walking through the doors. "Wow, you definitely have a better headquarters than I used to have," said the woman, taking in the much bigger and more space. "It's alright," bragged Rainbow as she slumped on the couch. "So spill it. Who are you? And why are you so good at karate?" "Rainbow?!!" said the girls as they glared at their friend for saying that. "It's quite alright. My name is Alyssa. And as I used to be a Power Ranger just like you all." said the woman. "Alyssa? Alyssa? Why does that name sound familiar?" said Ash as he began to walk to the central computer. The boy sat down and began researching with Rachel as the girls kept talking with their new ally. "We appreciate you saving our skin back there," said Sunset. "We would have been finished if you didn't show up," said Twilight. "Don't mention it. Master Org is quite powerful. If you're not prepared, you might end up losing your life," stated Alyssa. "Org? What's an org?" asked Pinkie. "Orgs are demonic, oni-like beings who desired to exterminate humanity and conquer the Earth for themselves," answered Alyssa. "And Master Org is the evilest of them all." "The way you speak of him. It sounds like you have a history with him," said Rarity. "She does!" said Ash as he got the attention of the girls and Alyssa as they looked to where the boy was. "Alyssa didn't just fight against Master Org. She defeated him with her friends. She was part of a team of rangers called the Wild Force. She's the white ranger." Ash then pushed some keypads as Rachel pulled up some clips and footage in the Morphin Grid archive. The girls and Alyssa were now watching the small videos shown as they saw just how much of a legend the woman was. "Memories," smiled Alyssa. "Wow, you really did all this. You're amazing," said Fluttershy as she admired what Alyssa was able to accomplish at such a young age. "No doubt, being able to take on some many monsters and put an end to the fiercest org of them all. That's no easy task," said Ash as he, too, gave his props to Alyssa. "Thanks, guys. And as for what happened at karate class, Rainbow. My dad is a martial arts instructor. He taught me my fighting skills, including our family's famous Tiger style." "Yeah... I see..." said the girl as she was now a bit embarrassed hearing who Alyssa was. "Well, as nice as it is. We still have a big threat on our hands. With Master Org returning and aligning himself with our villains. It means we're going to have to do the same." said Ash. "I'd be willing to help you guys," said Alyssa. Ash extended his hand out for the woman to shake as she did so. With the alliance now made, they began to think about how to defeat their foes. Before they could, alarms went off. Rachel pulled up the cameras as they showed a nearby quarry. "Guess who's back," said the A.I. "Alright, girls. Let's go," said Ash as they and Alyssa nodded. Pharynx was now leading the charge. Several minions were accompanying him and Master Org. It showed the rangers running to confront them as they soon stood before the large group. "Knew they come running," snickered Pharynx as he rubbed his gauntlets against each other. "There's no retreat for two this time!" stated Ash as he pointed at the group. "Be careful. We don't know what else Master Org can do," said Alyssa to the teens as she warned them to be cautious. "It doesn't matter. They're going down just the same," boasted Rainbow. "Ready, y'all!" asked Aj. "Let's do it!" shouted the six rangers as they charged. "Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted the teens as they transformed while running. "Wild Access!" shouted Alyssa as she changed while running. Pharynx nodded to Master Org as he did too. He put his hand out as and threw pink slime on the ground. It then began to grow as the pink slim took shape. Arising were now Putrids as they banged their clubs on the floor. Thorax was able to give a boost to Master Org's powers as the great leader could now summon his foot soldiers with ease. They, too, began to charge forward. The rangers were now dealing with the foot soldiers as they were quite a handful. Applejack and Twilight worked back to back as they covered each other's weaknesses. They began to block and kick the monsters that came at them. Applejack stopped an attack using her leg as she brought the arm of the Putrid down. Twilight took that opportunity to leap off Aj's shoulders and activate her wings. She then flew by and took out any enemies caught in her path. Aj then finished by slamming her foot to the ground as a rock appeared in the air before her; she punched it toward the last remaining. With that taken care of, Pharynx then made his presence known. He bulldozed through both girls as they fell to the ground. The general then slammed his gauntlets on the floor, sending them flying. A rainbow-colored trail zoomed by as Rainbow managed to catch her friends and put them on the ground for safety. The pair got up and began working with Rainbow as they took on Pharynx. With the others, they were doing the same with Master Org. They managed to dispose of the footsoldiers with ease. However, they were having a difficult time with the leader. "Harmony Saber!" shouted Ash and Sunset. "Crystal Saber!" said Alyssa. All three charged and surrounded the org leader as they tried to attack him. Each was blocked perfectly by the villain. Sunset tried for a sneak attack as she went for a kick to the back of Master Org. The org general simply caught her foot without looking in his arm. She saw it and pushed her other leg up to try to kick him away, but he didn't move an inch, and she fell to the ground. Sunset got up as he turned and blocked a right punch by the girl. He traded their positions while holding onto Sunset's wrist and kicked her in the stomach. She fell to her knees immediately before getting up, only to be kicked in her upper body as she was thrown and crashed hard on her back. "Harmony blaster!" shouted Ash as he pulled out his other side-arm. He fired a shot as the org leader deflected the shot, hitting Alyssa, who flipped forward. "Alyssa!" shouted the boy as he didn't mean for her to get hit. He was distracted as he only barely blocked an overhead attack by Master Org as the org general pushed it to the side and quickly slashed at his chest. Ash rolled on the ground as he got to his knees. The blade of Master Org was shown on his shoulder as the boy quickly deflected it off and stood. They began to sword fight as they traded blows, to which Ash had to jump back to avoid a backspin kick by the org. He then kicked a front bicycle as Ash blocked it with his sword. The org leader spun and went for a surprise low attack aimed at the boy's feet. Ash reacted quicker as he jumped and leaped off the org's shoulders as he landed behind him. He quickly turned to fire another shot from his blaster, but the org was quicker and ricocheted the shot back to Ash. It hit his hand holding his blade as the boy dropped his weapon and felt the pain. He quickly shook it off and began to fire at the org general. Master Org deflected the first few blasts and then reflected another shot at the boy; as it hit him right in the chest, an explosion occurred. Ash was shown flying out of the explosion as he traveled a reasonable distance and collided with a rock as he fell to the ground. The boy grunted as he was in pain. Master Org was smiling as he began to make his way to the fallen ranger on the ground; Alyssa and Sunset were on the ground as they were too weak to help their comrade. "Ash!" called out both rangers as they saw him being defenseless. Pharynx was toying with Rainbow with the others as he kicked the ranger while she was on the ground. He kicked her again to turn her over and flip her into the air. The mutant then grabbed her wrists with one hand while blocking Aj's and Twilight's attacks with his other arm and leg. He then flipped Rainbow over as she landed on her back. The mutant kicked a massive boulder and sent it sailing through the air. It hit the girl as it passed them and collided with another part of the quarry. However, it did its job as all three were on the ground in pain. They, too, couldn't help or protect their leader. Ash grunted and groaned as his suit powered down from the damage he had done. The boy coughed as he clutched his side. His attention was brought back in front of him as the great org general stood over the boy. "Say farewell, ranger!" stated Master Org as he looked to bring his blade down on the human. "Ash!!!" called out each of the others as they couldn't do anything but watch. Everything moved in slow motion, and the boy's eyes widened as it looked like he was about to meet his end. Then... something happened. To be continued...