//------------------------------// // Journey's End // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// Tensions suddenly tightened like a deep screw as everypony immediately raised their guard around the intruder. Anyone who had a weapon drew it, and anyone who didn’t either put their fists up or cowered away. Shadow Shroud, even poised with her kunai ready, had the look of pure terror in her eyes. What she knew was coming for a long while now was finally here. Shockingly, the Shadewalker sheathed their weapon and unveiled his head, revealing a familiar face. “Dark Veil!?” Shadow Shroud said. “Heya, prodigy.” Dark Veil said. “You… You’re the guy we met back at Skadi’s fortress!” Fire Fight stammered. “N-Nice to see you again?” Dark Veil eyed towards Fire Fight and chuckled. “Gotta hand it to you, kid. You turned out to be even tougher than I witnessed. We ought to congratulate you.” He turned his attention back to Shadow Shroud, looking more stern. “But there’s still the matter of you!” “W-W-Wait…” Shroud stammered. “‘We’?” “Oh? Has our clan’s prodigy already lost her touch?” Dark Veil taunted. Before anypony could react, a multitude of other cloaked figures jumped out from hidden corners all over and swarmed the room. “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The entire foyer was swarmed by cloaked figured all staring daggers at a terrified Shadow Shroud. More than her, all of the guests who weren’t in the know panicked, not understanding why they were suddenly caught in what felt like an impromptu action flick, while the knowing few were as scared as their little cloaked acquaintance. Twilight cleared her throat. “Shadewalkers! You are in my castle! I will not have such an aggressive display in this place of friendship!” The cloaked ponies seemed to hesitate to obey the command, until another commanding voice resounded. “At ease!” It was an older mare’s voice. The Shadewalkers did as were told and calmly sat down. With light footsteps that echoed amidst the deafening silence, a slightly taller cloaked pony approached Shadow Shroud. Apart from a cloak, they wore a dark gray hood with that bore an elaborate series of lines that had been drawn into a rather beautiful symbol that could’ve been described as a letter. It was clear that they had status over the other Shadewalkers. “Mistress Demosia.” Dark Veil said. Upon reaching their smaller sister, they unveiled their face. It was a mare, one with a dark-blue coat, a magenta mane, and amethyst-colored eyes, eyes that stared down the filly in question with authoritarian judgment. “Shadow Shroud…” she growled. Shroud started hyperventilating, barely able to look her superior in the eye. But even in her terror, she mustered the courage to speak. “H… H… Hello, mother.” She muttered. “HOL’ UP! WHA!?” Turf War exclaimed. “No way!” Spiral said. “You mean she’s…” Air Slash said. “Enough!” Demosia commanded, and all fell silent. She looked back down at her daughter. “Are you shocked I even unveiled my face to citizens, young lady?” “Umm… N-No… mother…” Shroud said. “And why is that?” Demosia asked. Tears began to well in Shroud’s eyes. “B-Because I… W-Well…” “She did nothing wrong!” Fire Fight blurted. “She put me on this journey that led me and other foals in need to save Equestria! If anything, you ought to be thanking her!” “F-Fire Fight…” Shroud said with a twinkle in her eye. Demosia eyed the fiery colt. “Young colt, we are as grateful as anypony for what you and you’re improvised militia have done for Equestria.” She said. “But it simply does not change the fact that Shadow Shroud, the jewel of our clan, my own daughter broke our most vehemently vow of silence! She must answer to the most dire consequences for this breach.” “Why!? She’s your own daughter!” Cat pled. “Family bears little meaning for us, ma’am. You either play your part, or you don’t. It’s a rough life.” Demosia said. “That’s understandable, but even the Bladerunners have some semblance of family in their code. Why would yours be so different?” Fist asked. “Because we are not them!” Demosia said. “We do not live under the pretense that the world is a safe and happy place where all creatures are guaranteed harmony. History has shown us time and again that the chaotic nature of the universe can extend its reach well into our little bubble of peace and happiness whenever it wants, however far in it wants. The only reason we don’t see it is because we hide it all in the shadows of our civilization. Our clan has sworn to live and fight in those shadows so that Equestria may maintain its idealized image as much as possible.” All of the townsfolk looked completely dumbfounded, asking who these ponies even were and what Demosia was talking about. “We shall explain!” Luna said, and she did, detailing the history or New Moon and how his rebellion sparked the formation of the Shadewalker clan, a facet of history that had been a closely guarded secret until now, especially with Shadow Shroud’s own act of rebellion. “Thank you, Your Excellency.” Demosia said bowing. “Now then, have you anything to say for yourself, Shadow Shroud? What changed for you so drastically that you so boldly violated our tenets?” Shroud just sniffled, looking back at the Battle Foals, who all wore worried expressions. “I just wanted friends, mother.” Demosia shook her head. “Did you ignore me just now? Friendship is not our path. We exist outside of it in order to preserve it.” “Ok, that’s complete and utter crap and you know it!” Bullseye said. “Bullseye!” Quantum pled. Fire Fight took a deep breath. “Mistress Demosia, if you were son concerned about your clan’s secrecy, why did you just reveal yourselves like this?” Demosia eyed at him again. “Because, boy, our anonymity has been so irreparably compromised by my daughter’s brazen actions that there’s little point in trying to fix it. We’ll have to disappear once more, for a long time, to begin rebuilding our honor.” She said. “After dealing with this clear act of treachery.” She growled eyeing at Shadow Shroud once more. “Good Mistress of the Shadewalkers…” Celestia said, approaching the clan mother, who softened her stern expression at being within the sovereign’s immediate presence. “I may not know of what all your clan has done to protect Equestria, but it’s clear to me to you’ve followed your original master’s convictions. For that, we are eternally grateful.” “It is… our pleasure, Your Excellency.” Demosia said, stammering a little. “I recall a conversation I had with New Moon a long time ago.” Celestia said. Demosia looked at Celestia more curiously. “Yes? How did it go?” “He had been brought forth to me after he had brutally put down a small invasion of Griffons.” Celestia said. “I asked him why he’d resorted to the violent tactics that he did, and do you know what he answered?” Demosia started to crack a little smile. “I think I can guess, but please tell me.” Celestia giggled. “He told me that no length was too great for him to go to if it meant preserving the smiles of his neighbors.” Demosia sighed reverently. “I though so.” “Many years ago, I baulked at that answer, but after so many dastardly evils have ravaged our fair land over the centuries up until now, I understand his motivation much better.” Celestia said. “I still do not endorse violence as an immediate answer, but only because the use of it is a strong expression of conviction, often too strong to the point that it becomes destructive.” “That said, conviction is what creates a peaceful community, as well as preserves its harmony.” Twilight said. “I… fail to see what your excellencies are getting at.” Demosia said. “What they’re getting at is that New Moon was always a friend to Equestria, even if he might’ve had trouble showing it, or ponies had a hard time believing it.” Fire Fight said. “He wanted to preserve the harmony of the ponies he called his friends. Why can’t you and all the Shadewalkers walk amongst your fellow ponies as friends?” Fire Fight then went to be by Shadow Shroud and put his arm around her, which she happily accepted. “Your daughter became my best friend and taught me lots about the world you live in, and as a result, we were able to defeat probably the biggest threat Equestria had ever seen. Who says the Shadewalkers and the rest of Equestria don’t have anything to offer to each other?” Demosia’s sterness slowly fell into an expression of unsureness as she turned to face her daughter once more. “Is this… how you felt?” Shadow Shroud sniffled and started to smile. “Yes, mother. I love my family of course, but… when I was finally out and about in Equestria, the more I watched ponies play and laugh together, the more I wanted them to think of them as my friends, friends I would guard with my life, and not just because I was trained to. We may have been raised in the darkness, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see the light.” Demosia’s face became completely mellow, seeming unsure of how to respond. “I-If I may… Mistress?” said a Shadewalker from the side. Demosia turned to face them. “I’ve… shared in Shadow Shroud’s sentiment for a long time now. During the evacuation, I saved a small family from being mauled by a pack of ice wolves, but they of course never saw me. I overheard the mother say she’d thank the brave soul who saved them. I… wished that I may receive that gratitude, what warmth it must bring.” He said. Demosia looked surprised. “Is that so?” Another Shadewalker stepped up. “Yeah, I gotta fess up too. I recall having to thin out a gang of raiders who were gonna attack a small village during a food festival they were having. There was a cave of fresh raider corpses only a couple miles into the woods bordering the town, and they weren’t any the wiser. I felt like enjoying festivities myself, so I masqueraded as a tourist and had a grand old time with the blissfully unaware ponies I’d just saved. The whole time I was munching on fruit tarts and hayburgers, I imagined what horrors could’ve taken place if I wasn’t there to protect them. I was so thrilled to be able to be there and enjoy the harmony I’d preserved.” She said. “See?” Twilight said. “I think we can all learn from each other about what some may refer to as the ‘call of duty’ to one’s friends and family.” Demosia looked back and forth between the princesses, the Battle Foals, and her clan. She could tell, even under their masked faces, that more of them shared the same sentiment; and even those who didn’t weren’t willing to diminish what they’d felt, including Dark Veil, whom she knew to be combative, even for a Shadewalker. “Perhaps… Perhaps, it is time for some change.” She said. Shadow Shroud’s eyes lit up like stars in the night sky. “Really!?” Demosia softly giggled. “Yes. It’ll be a… an awkward process, but… if foals who left Equestria’s harmonious embrace could learn to live and fight in its shadow, perhaps we rogues can accomplish the opposite, and perhaps it’d be for the better.” “Please be assured that my clan and I would be willing to help you with that.” Knight’s Soul said with a warm smile. Demosia chuckled. “We’re not quite that helpless, my dear Bladerunner.” She joked. “Oh, mother!” Shadow Shroud ran up to Demosia and tightly embraced her. Wearing a new, warm smile, the clan mother leaned down and embraced her daughter back. “I’m proud of you, sweetie.” Shroud sniffled. “Thank you.” Demosia stood back up and they let go. “All of you… you may unmask yourselves.” She commanded. While initially shocked, some of the Shadewalker did indeed unveil themselves, whereas the rest decided to remain anonymous, but didn’t interfere with their brothers and sisters’ wishes. The more open members started mingling with the townsfolk. Shadow Shroud went back to Fire Fight, as did the other Battle Foals, who were all so relieved that their friend was going to be okay. “Oh my Celestia, Shadow Shroud! I was so scared for a minute!” Spiral said. “Golly, Ah just about had Sound n’ Fury ready to speak up. Glad Ah showed some restraint.” Kickback said. “Oh sister, I’m just so happy for you!” Greensprout said. “How funny that even our clans’ rivalry would be settled beyond just the two of us. Nevertheless, I’m glad for you.” Air Slash said. “Thank you all.” Shroud said. She then turned to and hugged Fire Fight. “Especially you, mister!” she said giggling. Fire Fight hugged her back. “I love you, Shroud.” “I love you too!” Shroud replied, and the two shared a kiss. They broke off. “Well, I guess this is it for now, huh guys?” Fire Fight said. “I seriously can’t thank you guys enough! You changed my life in every way I could’ve possibly asked for!” Bullseye said, her heal eye shedding a tear of joy. “Me too! It was a big journey of self-discovery for me. It was scary, but I wouldn’t trade this for the world.” Tidal Wave said. “Zebota, can I keep my water brooch?” “Of course, my friend. The spirits will always be with you, as will we in heart and soul.” Zebota said, Shrapnel grunting in agreement. “Man, this ain’t for real the end, right?” Turf War said. “We can still be the Battle Foals, can’t we?” “Indeed! Even if we’ll be in at least long-distance contact, I have no doubt in my mind that we may need to come together as the mighty force we are to put down whatever new evils may rear their ugly heads.” Quantum Tech declared. “I wholeheartedly agree!” The foals looked to see Celestia standing over them. “Ideally, we should rely on the Elements of Harmony first for our land’s defense; but if the need should arise, I will not hesitate to call upon the Battle Foals once more!” she declared. The Battle Foals all cheered jubilantly, with their parents and Princess Luna watching happily. No matter how far apart they may be from now on, they knew they’d always be a team. Dark Veil walked up to Fire Fight. “Huh… Guess it all worked out in the end, huh kid?” “They usually do!” Fire Fight said. “What’s your take, man?” Dark Veil chuckled. “I don’t think I’d have too much of a life outside my cozy little family, but when you truly somepony, you’ve gotta learn to let ‘em go.” Those words hit Fire Fight hard as he realized what that meant, and he looked at Shadow Shroud, who shared in his solemn epiphany. “Mistress Demosia?” Fire Fight said. “Will… I be able to see Shadow Shroud again?” Seeing his and her daughter’s pleading eyes, the clan mother sighed. “I’m afraid… I can’t say for certain.” She said. “A great deal is going to change for the Shadewalkers, but even so, we are an organization bound by strict discipline. Sentiment is not always something we can readily afford.” “Oh… I… I see…” Fire Fight muttered. He took another look at his love, who was as saddened as he was. The hugged and shared one last kiss. Demosia chuckled. “I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m just cautioning you not to expect miracles.” “R-Right.” Fire Fight said with a smile. With that, the foals all bid each other their heartfelt goodbyes and well wishes. Everypony who was destined outside of Ponyville went on to the train station while those who’d remain in Ponyville were allowed asylum in Twilight’s castle until the town could be rebuilt to habitability. As Fire Fight jumped in and curled up into a warm, cozy bed, his mother tucked him in and kissed him. “We’re so proud of you, honey.” She said. His father patted him on the head. “This the start of an exciting new chapter for everypony. You oughta be proud for writing the prologue.” “Thanks, guys.” Fire Fight said. He then laid his head down, closed his eyes, and drifted off into a long, peaceful nap, sure to have big dreams about the glorious days to come, for him, for Equestria, and for the Battle Foals.