//------------------------------// // 39. Dazzling Power! Give It Your All! // Story: Dazzling Bladers // by Joshua the Dragonslayer //------------------------------// It was later that night and Aaron was at his house, along with him were also with the shadow Bladers that fought the Dazzlings earlier that day. However, they lost the Battle and were eliminated from the tournament. Aaron looked down at the shadow Bladers with a furious glare. "I gave you one job and that was to take down the Dazzlings!" Aaron yelled as the shadow Bladers bowed to him as they looked down at the ground. "I gave you a chance and you failed! Leave! I never want to see you again! Out of sight and never return!" The shadow Bladers nodded as they ran off. Aaron sat back down in his seat and groaned as he looked out his window. "Gabby better not fail me or else coming to this universe will be for nothing." It was the next day and four teams remained in the tournament. The Dragonslayers, Stars, Powers, and the Dazzlings remained. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata thought about the other three teams and how incredible each team was. Soon enough the Semi-Finals would begin, an important match for all four teams who were left still in the running. If they won they would make it to the Finals, however, if they lost they would be knocked out and lose the chance at being the best team in the world. The Dazzlings were currently in their room thinking of all that had happened. "I hate to admit it... but every time I try to think of all the possibilities, the outcome most likely leads to the Dragonslayers advancing to the Finals." Adagio had her arms crossed as she sat down in a chair. "Gabby, Leon, and Dean, all are very powerful. Gabby being the second strongest to me, Leon being the fourth strongest, and then Dean being the sixth strongest. Going up against Joy, Derek, and Lance, I think this match is obvious at who's going to win." "I agree, Joy was only able to win one match in the tournament. Meanwhile, Derek had to forfeit out of the tournament because Gabby destroyed his Bey, and then there's Lance. There's nothing much about him other than the fact that he uses Zone Luinor as well." Aria said as she put her hand on her chin as she thought. "I'm sure if they try hard enough they could beat Gabby and her team. But then again... if they win it'll make winning in the Finals even better!" Sonata smiled at the thought of battling the Dragonslayers in the Finals. Aria and Adagio smiled at their sister until they were interrupted. "The First Match of the Semi-Finals is about to begin! The Dragonslayers and the Powers will be facing off for a chance at the Finals. Who will land a spot in the Finals and have the opportunity at becoming the world's best team?" The announcer said. The Dazzlings looked at one another and stood up. "Looks like will better get going, we shouldn't miss the chance at seeing who will might they face in the Finals." Aria and Sonata nodded their heads as the three walked to the stands. When they got there, however, they could already hear the cheers from the crowd. The two teams had just arrived on the main stage and had already chosen their first-round picks. The Dragonslayers went with Gabby while the Powers went with Joy. The Dazzlings sat down as the First Battle was about to begin. "First battle! Get ready and set!" The referee announced. "Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone in the stadium yelled out. With that, the First Match had begun. Eclipse Genesis took center stage as Judgement Joker raced around the stadium aiming for a chance to strike. With a swift movement, Joker quickly started its bombardment of attacks. Genesis held strong dishing out Joker's fierce blows. Gabby yawned as Joy gritted her teeth seeing as Joker's attacks weren't even making Genesis budge. "Send them flying Joker! Fate's Judgement!" Joy cried out. Joker slammed into Genesis, forcing it out of the center. Genesis raced up the slope as it started picking up speed. Gabby smiled as Genesis started to shine brightly from Superior-Flux. Joy saw this and started to sweat, she had to end things and fast. "Genesis!" Genesis shined brighter as picked up even more speed. "End this with Eclipse Whip! Show this nobody what a real attack looks like!" Genesis raced off the slope and headed toward Joker. "Joker!" Joker started to pick up speed as it raced toward Genesis. "Once again use Fate's Judgement!" Joker and Genesis collided with one another, and both Joy and Gabby watched as their Beys fought each other. However, Genesis showed dominance as it sent Joker flying as it then burst into pieces. Joy looked in terror as Gabby smiled at her victory. "Eclipse Genesis with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Gabby wins! The Dragonslayers lead by 1-0." The crowd cheered as Gabby and Joy retrieved their Beys. "Try as you might your attacks couldn't even faze me and Genesis. All you did was try to delay the inevitable but even that couldn't work. Just do yourself a favor and give up, you can't win anyways." With that Gabby left and returned to her team. Adagio looked down at the scene. "As I suspected, Gabby emerged victorious. Now Dean and Leon just have to win and their spot in the Finals will be assured. Joy tried her best but Genesis is just too strong of an opponent to beat." Sonata also looked down at the stadium. "Derek and Lance can turn things around. I know they can, Leon and Dean aren't as scary as they seem to be. Luinor's biggest weakness is its own heavy weight. That only makes it lose stamina faster, dodge its attacks and deplete its stamina. Or use that weight against it and make it come unbalanced. Devolos however... I can't think of a weakness." Aria looked at Sonata and then at the stadium. "Derek and Lance will have to think hard if they want to win." The second-round picks had been chosen, Lance and Leon would be facing off. Adagio crossed her arms. "So it's a showdown of brothers and Luinor's. This is going to be an interesting match, that's for sure. We know how Leon Bladers while Lance is a whole other story. Lance will either catch Leon off guard or Leon will brute force his victory like he normally does." "This match could go either way, only time will tell. But now we know that the Third Round will be Derek and Dean going against one another. That too could go either way. Dragon vs Devolos, a nail-biter these two matches will be indeed." Aria said as she looked over at Adagio who nodded her head. "Go, Lance! Go Leon! Give it your all!" Sonata yelled. Leon stared at his brother while his brother smiled. "Brother, I expect a good Battle from you." "As do I." Lance said. "However I have every intention of winning this match. Afterward, my team will get the last two points making up victorious." Leon smirked. "We'll see about that because I don't plan on losing either. My team shall win this match and afterward win the whole tournament showing that we're the best!" Sonata smiled brightly. "Both of them are fired up, I'm so excited for this match that I might just jump out of my seat." Aria looked at her sister as she rolled her eyes. "Please refrain yourself from not doing that Sonata. I don't want us to somehow get in trouble by you being an idiot like always." "First Battle! Get ready and set!" The referee yelled. "Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled. Both Luinor's took to the stadium as they immediately rushed in to attack. The two fought trying to one-up the other's attacks, Leon and Lance watched as their identical Beys slammed into each other again and again. Finally, they were both sent back as Lance's Luinor raced after Leon's Luinor who was racing up the slope. Both Beys picked up speed as they shot down the slope. "Zone Slam!" Lance and Leon yelled. The two Attack Types collided as once again they were sent flying. Leon's Luinor hit the stadium wall while Lance's Luinor was sent up into the air but then came down at the slope. It hit the wall as it steadied itself, charging toward its foe. Lance smirked. "It's time Luinor! Zone Hammer!" Lance's Luinor rushed over to Leon's Luinor sending it flying out of the stadium as it hit the ground. "Lance's Zone Luinor with a Ring-Out Finish! The score is 1-0!" The referee yelled. Adagio looked impressed. "So Leon trails, seems as though Lance's Luinor overpowered Leon's Luinor by strategy. Now the question is, will Leon be able to turn this match around or is Lance's victory already assured?" Aria looked over at her sister. "Guess that'll matter on how Leon battles in this next round." "Second Battle! Get ready and set!" The referee yelled. "Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled. Both Luinor made it to the stadium once again. Lance's Luinor charged at Leon's Luinor however it dodged the attack, Leon smiled while Lance's looked shocked. This happened over and over again, as Leon's Luinor kept dodging all of Lance's Luinor's vicious attacks. Leon smiled at his brother. "Attack all you like, you'll never catch up to my Luinor's speed." "Quit running away you coward! Luinor! Hit it with Zone Slam!" Lance yelled. Lance's Luinor sped up and finally unleashed a strike to Leon's Luinor sending it flying sky high. Lance smirked, his Luinor then flew up the slope hitting the upper wall. Thanks to that Lance's Luinor was then sent flying toward Leon's Luinor who was now starting to come down. "This ends right here and now! Finish them off for good Luinor!" Lance cried out. While Lance was looking at his Luinor he didn't notice the smile form on Leon's face. As Lance's Luinor came flying at Leon's Luinor, Leon's Luinor was able to stabilize itself in midair. "Your right dear brother, this match will end right here and now. In which will be in your defeat! Now Zone Hammer!" Leon yelled. Leon's Luinor slammed into Lance's Luinor, and thanks to the added heavy weight it pushed not only itself but also Lance's Luinor toward the stadium. The two Beys came crashing down from the sky and crashed into the stadium causing an explosion to brew. "Luinor!" Lance and Leon put their hands up to cover their faces from the smoke due to the explosion. The Dazzlings were in shock at what they had just witnessed. Everyone in the stadium watched and waited for the explosion to die down. As the smoke cleared it showed two Beys, one Luinor who had come to a stop and another Luinor who was in pieces as it had suffered a burst. The crowd was silent not knowing what the call was going to be. "After further evaluation, Leon's Luinor got the Burst Finish. With a final score of 2-1, Leon is the winner! The Dragonslayers now are up 2-0." The crowd cheered as Leon smiled all the way back to his team while Lance growled as he walked back to his teammates. Aria sighed as she looked down at the stadium with her arms crossed. "Looks like the momentum has swung over to the Dragonslayers, now the question is can they keep hold of the momentum or will the Powers be able to make a comeback? The next match will be between Derek and Dean, either Dean wins it all and takes his team to the finish line or Derek can hopefully try to turn things around." Sonata sighed. "But even if Dean loses, Gabby will most likely come out in Match Four and win the whole enchilada. I think the Dragonslayers have this match set in stone, it's only a matter of time before they win." "Hate to admit it but I agree. Come on girls, let's head down to our room and do some last-second practice and strategizing." Aria and Sonata followed their sister as they got up and headed to their practice room. When they got to their room they looked at the TV in their room. The crowd was cheering as Devolos and Dragon collided with one another sending them sent back. The two Beys came back and slammed into one another however Devolos was able to best Dragon sending it flying out of the stadium. "Master Devolos with a Ring-Out Finish! The score is now 1-0." The crowd cheered as the Dazzlings started getting to work. Adagio and Aria were having a practice round as Sonata was writing in her journal coming up with plans to take on Athena and her team. As the Dazzlings did this they could hear that the Second Battle had begun. Dragon had Devolos at its mercy as it kept hitting it with its Dragon Launch. Devolos was able to get out of Dragon's flurry of attacks and raced away. "Take it down Dragon!" Derek yelled. "Ultimate Break!" "Don't let down! Meet their attack with Master Upper!" Dean yelled. The two Beys collide but this time, however, Dragon was able to overcome Devolos, as Devolos was now the one sent flying out of the stadium. "Command Dragon with a Ring-Out Finish! The score is all tied up with a scoring of 1-1." The crowd cheered once again, as the two boys retrieved their Beys. The Dazzlings were all sitting down at a table going over Sonata's plan, while Dean and Derek got prepared for the Third and Final Round. Aria looked at Sonata's plan, and she was impressed. "Hate to admit it but this is actually a solid plan. With how all their previous Battles have been this plan could counter everything they throw at us." "I know right?" Sonata said with a smile. "Athena will most likely start things off, so I'll go first since I've beaten her in the past. Then Adagio and you can deal with Phoebe or Bael, either way, you've both beaten them before so you shouldn't have any trouble now." Adagio frowned. "But they're stronger than they use to be, no doubt Phoebe and Bael have probably gotten stronger. It won't be as easy as it was back in the tournament." "Oh please Adagio, you can do this." Aria said as she rolled her eyes. "They're not the only ones that have gotten stronger, me and you have become stronger too. If anything we'll have an easier chance of beating them than before. We'll win before they know what hit them and then move on to the Finals and win there too!" Adagio and Sonata smiled as their attention drifted to the screen. Dragon and Devolos were clashing with one another over and over, neither was letting go for even a second. Dragon had just unleashed a Dragon Launch while Devolos fought back with its Master Upper. Both Beys were sent flying, as Devolos raced up the slope while Dragon waited for its prey to come to it. "Let's go Devolos!" Devolos activated its Hyper-Flux as it sped down the slope toward Dragon. "Show them you're the best! Go Dragon!" Dragon sped up as it too activated its Hyper-Flux. Dragon changed its course and its trajectory headed toward Devolos. "This is the end of our Battle brother! You've always been the stronger, better, older, brother of mine. I've always been in your shadow, but I refuse to be in your shadow no more! I'll surpass you right here and now! Take them out Devolos! Master Smash!" "Dean... I never realized." Derek looked at his brother in surprise. "However, I refuse to lose to you! Now Dragon! Ultimate Break!" Devolos and Dragon collided with one another. The force was so strong that both were at a standstill with their equal strength. Dean and Derek let out a battle cry as both Devolos and Dragon started pushing harder until finally, they were both at their limits. Both Beys were sent flying as they then both burst into the pressure. The crowd went silent for the referee's call. Dean and Derek stared at him waiting for the inevitable call. "Master Devolos with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 3-1, Dean is the winner! The Dragonslayers will with a score of 3-0, advancing them to the Finals!" The crowd cheered as the Dragonslayers walked out of the arena, while the Powers sadly left after losing so close to the Finals. The Dazzlings watched what had happened and got up. Adagio then took charge. "Guess it's time for us to go out there and give it our all." The three girls walked into the stage while their opponents did the same. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata stared down at Athena, Bael, and Phoebe, the stare-down between the Dazzlings and the Stars had already begun and the fights had yet to begin. "Adagio!" Athena yelled. "Today is the day that you and I will finally settle the score to see who is better! Get ready because Achilles will burst to my all mighty Ashindra!" Adagio smiled."Try as you might you can't beat me! Me, Achilles, Sonata, and Aria will win this match!" "We'll see about that." Athena said as she glared at Adagio. Sparks flew as the girls looked at each other. Their Bey's avatars were behind them along with Aria and Sonata and Bael and Phoebe in the back also staring down at each other. The Second Round of the Semi-Finals was going to be action-packed and the crowd knew it. Preview: The Match with the Stars and the Dazzlings has begun. Sonata, Adagio, and Aria must fight with everything they have if they want to make it to the Finals. But Athena won't make things easy as she has upped her game since the tournament. Bael and Phoebe also fight with everything they've got but is it enough against the Dazzlings? The stage is set as the Second Semi-Final Match goes underway. Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Operation: Make It To The Finals!