//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Night Watch // by Almasy //------------------------------// I sat up slowly, ears ringing. I heard some talking... But couldn't quite make it out. I opened my eyes to be blinded by a bright light and groaned. "C'mon now..that's not right." "...e up yet?" I made out the last part, it sounded like Nurse Redheart. I reached my hand up to my face and sighed. 'Damn..what happened to the whole not sleeping thing.' My eyes slowly adjusted to see Nurse Redheart and another doctor waving a light in front of my eyes. "Looks like you've finally woken up, Mr. Almasy." Said the doc. in a relieved manner. "Now then, tell me how you're feeling." He smiled as I flopped back down in the bed. I looked myself up and down. A few bandages covered my chest and my right hand was wrapped in gauze. "Eh, I'm alright. A bit sore though..." He simply chuckled and nodded. "We've had to keep you unconscious for nearly a week. We had to dispel an extremely powerful seal that was blocking your healing rate." He shook his head. "Even though it took five days to dispel, we lost you a few times." I shrugged. "Well, looks like you did a good job keeping me out of that pit, doc." I sat up and looked around the room before checking my arms. 'Blech...' I sat up once again. "Hey, doc?" He nodded. "Is there any way I can get a shower?" "Of course Mr. Almasy. The wash-room is that door to the right; we'll give you some privacy." As he finished he walked out of the room and closed the door with Nurse Redheart. I stretched and got out of the bed, ' Damage assessment... Still kinda messed up... Hmmmm.' As I got up and looked over myself more I noticed I was covered in scars and still matted in some blood. 'Blech... I can't believe I've been in this state for a week.' I stepped down on the cold floor. 'Damn…where are my boots.' I laughed and face-palmed. "I'm all kinds of messed up, and I'm worrying about boots...Yep, I'm still me." I walked over to the washroom door, and well... did my thing. I sighed relieved as I stepped out of the shower and wiped the steam off of the mirror. "Ack! Where did that come from?" I traced the new scar going down the side of my face and winced. I heard a knock at the door and wrapped a towel around my waist. I opened the door to see Nurse Redheart. "Are you alright, Almasy, you were in there for quite a while." She tried peeking through the door more. I smiled and nodded. "I'm just checking out the additions to my scar collection... It's starting to get extensive." She looked a bit disheartened and I laughed quietly. "It's not a big deal. Things happen, you know?" She shook her head and frowned. "You were by far the most difficult patient to deal with." I laughed. "Sorry, sorry. I'll try not to be here too many times." I rubbed the back of my neck and offered a small smile. She shook her head. "No, no. Not like that, I just meant it was a bit strange to try patching up a different species." She chuckled. "But we did what we could, and you're walking around. You have a slight limp, but I'm sure you'll recover in time." I cleared my throat. "Um…Do you think I could get..." She nodded and walked out of the room. I began to put back on my clothes, save for my shirt that was thrown out apparently. 'Boots...boots... Aha.' I found my boots sitting next to the door, as I finished tying them off the door opened. Nurse Redheart offered me two bags of blood and I gestured for her to put them on the bed-side table. I finished wrapping my hair in a towel and sat down in the chair across from the bed. "I'm sorry if I'm bugging you nurse. I'll try to be out of here in a few hours." She shook her head. "We think you should stay another day, you just regained consciousness after all. You were in very bad shape." "Eh, just chalk it up with all the other times I've been on my 'death-bed', Sad to say it but this is maybe... the fourth time I've heard this." I nodded and picked up a pouch of blood to see Redheart wince. "I'm sorry, I can wait if you want." She shook her head and I turned away and downed the entire pouch in a few seconds before doing the same with the second. In a few moments I felt a tingle run through my body and saw the wound that went through my hand close up completely, I looked down and check my chest....still a damn hole. "I'm sorry, but we didn't have a strong enough magic to completely dispell the seal, but we got the majority." I nodded. She pulled over a chair and started to take a reading of my vitals. "But you're seemingly alright, minus the hole in your chest that is." She held up a roll of bandages and covered most of my chest and shoulders. "So…any idea if the seal will wear off? Or am I going to be stuck with a hole?" I said as she stood back up and grabbed a ...huge...needle... "Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nooooo, no needles!" "You've gone through all of this, have a hole I can fit my hoof in. But you're shying away from a needle?" I nodded frantically. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, but we need a blood sample." She held up a vial. I sighed and grabbed the vial. "As long as it's filled, right?" She nodded. "I'll just do this.." I brought my thumb to my mouth and bit down and let it drip into the vial, filling it up after a few seconds. "Is that enough?" "You bite yourself and tell me you're afraid of needles." She shook her head and had me set the vial on the table. "So... I feel alright, can I leave now?" She sighed and tossed me a form. "You're really difficult, Mr. Almasy. But just sign at the bottom of the page, and you're free to go. But if you feel like you're not healing at all." She smiled. "You know where to find us." I signed the bottom of the page. 'Sheesh... Signing anything makes me nervous, last time I signed something. Poof. There went eight years of my life...' I smiled and handed the page back to her. "Looks like you're good to go, sir." She motioned for one of the doctors who brought in a wheel-chair. I shook my head and laughed walking out of the room. As I approached the front door, it slid open and I was blinded by a flash, and then another. I held a hand up to my face and sighed. I dragged my hair in my eyes so that the flashes wouldn't get to me so easily. I was being asked questions left and right, not being able to make out any of it so I held up a hand. "One at a time." I pointed to a random pony in the crowd. "You." "Tell us, how did you survive that ordeal sir?" It was a unicorn mare who readily had a pen to the paper. I shrugged. "I'll tell you what I told all of my friends: I'm really hard to kill." She nodded and scribbled it down. "Next... you." I pointed to the other pony from a few nights ago.. Well, a week or so ago. "What does your cutie-mark mean, Almasy? And why are they different colors?" He looked towards me and I sighed. "They're tattoos, they have no meaning. Just ink in my skin." I browsed over the crowd. "Hmm, You." I pointed to a red mare far in the back. "What's it like being a Vampony, Almasy!?" I scratched the back of my head, not really sure how to answer. "Uhm... It's kind of the same. I just don't eat or really sleep much anymore. I can only walk in the sun from a spell. Other than that, still feels normal." I nodded and she wrote it all down. "One more question. Hmm...you." I pointed to a white mare this time. As the crowd separated I saw it was Rarity. "When are you coming home?" She said with a small smile. I stretched and laughed heartily. "I'll follow you out, how's that?" And apparently that was a queue for all of the reporters to ‘aww’ and take pictures of us. I face-palmed. "So, is this the hero's marefriend!?" I heard a shout from the crowd. I thought for a second before coming up with a nice form of torture... After all, she started this mess. I cracked a smile. "No. Not yet." I looked over at Rarity to see her biting down on her hoof. I shoved my hands in my pockets and started walking off, Rarity caught up soon. I saw a few more camera flashes before I laughed. "That…was rather mean, Almasy." She spoke up as soon as we left the crowd, a smile grew across my face. "You know that what you said is going to be all over the news, right?" I shrugged with a laugh and picked up my pace. "And most of all! What do you mean 'not yet'?" She stopped in front of me. I shrugged and jumped over her. "Will you talk to me, it has been a week, dear..." She started to sound sad. "When we get to your place, we'll sit down and talk as much as you want. Alright?" I looked back to see her nod and start to walk a bit faster. As we walked back to Rarity's home a few ponies looked up towards me and waved, a few welcome backs, and maybe a hug or two. Didn't think I was so popular. We soon reached the boutique and Rarity opened the door with her magic ushering me in. As I walked in I heard the door squeek closed and stretched. I felt myself being lifted up and sat down on the couch. Rarity followed quickly and sat on the opposite end. "Was that really necessary?" I laughed slightly and she nodded. "So, what do you want to talk about Rarity?" I motioned for her to ask whatever she wanted. She slapped me. "Ouch... Okay, what was that for?" I sighed and rubbed my cheek. "THAT! Was for lying to us about 'going on a patrol.' When it was, in fact a very dangerous mission! INTO THE EVERFREE for that matter!" She slapped me again, harder this time. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. "THAT, was for worrying us half to death!" She came down a third time, hard enough to turn my head. "AND THAT! Is for leaving me with these, thinking you were dead!" She levitated over my tattered and blood-covered coat and the bell that was torn off. I flinched as she raised her arms again, but she hugged me tight and started to cry. "And ‘this’, is for coming back, Almasy. You've no idea how I felt when I had to go to your funeral, to think of never seeing you again." I sighed and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry, Rarity. I didn't mean to worry you." She shook her head and continued to cry in my chest. "No, I'm sorry, I wish I had told you everything sooner, darling." I squeezed her gently and looked into her eyes. "You know, I'm not as great as you might think..." She bit her lip and buried her face back into my chest sobbing. She took in a shaking breath. "I still thought I had lost you, Almasy. Not only myself, but all of us." She squeezed into me as tight as she could, without injuring me further anyway. I ran my hand through her mane and laughed a bit. "No biggie, I'm not going anywhere for a long time, I can assure you." She smiled and looked up, I winked. "Yep... I'm more stubborn than you can imagine." She ran the tip of her hoof over the scar on my cheek. "But you can still get hurt, I mean look at what happened to you, darling." I smiled and held in a laugh. "Be glad you didn't see me in the hospital, it was way worse." She shook her head. "Almasy dear... We saw you when you first walked back into Ponyville. At your own funeral no less." She looked down and I picked her up by the chin and smiled. "What's there to smile abou-" I cut her off by licking the tip of her nose and laughed. She recoiled and blushed madly. "Hmm, you up for lunch? I could use a walk." I looked over to see her still shocked. I whistled. "Rarity? Lunch?" She just nodded and I held the door open as she trotted out. As we stepped out of the door I patted my pockets and ran my hand over my belt. "Uhh, I forgot something, I'll be right back." As I was leaving she tapped me and tossed my satchel of bits. She smiled. "I knew you'd just try to pay again, so I grabbed your satchel from the table by the door on the way out, dear. I was wondering if you'd notice." She gave a playful smile and continued walking. "Well, you got cheery all of a sudden." I laughed and she just nodded. "Of course dear, I think I just found the answer to something I've wondered for the past few days." She started to skip off to our usual outdoor cafe. "Uhmm, I just realized something." She stopped and looked towards me I gestured to myself. "You don't notice?" She shook her head and I sighed. "Is there something wrong, Almasy? Are you hurt?" She asked almost in a panic. I shook my head. "I'm about to go out, and to a cafe." She nodded. "Wearing nothing but tattered pants... and bandages." She started to giggle and I set my hands on my waist. "Darling, if you have yet to realize." She paused and started giggling again. "Ponies don't normally wear clothes at all." I face-palmed. "Oh... Well then." We started to walk towards the place once more with Rarity still stifling her giggles. As we finally made it to the outdoor cafe the waiter came and gave Rarity a menu, I smiled and gave him a knuckle bump. "Looks like you're learning, bud." He laughed and nodded taking Rarity's order. "So, darling. What did happen in the forest?" She said after taking a bite of her salad. I waved my hand and shrugged. "Something tried to 'Rule the world' or something, but I stopped her. It hurt, but I stopped her, haha." She stopped. "Her?" I nodded. "What was 'her' name?" She started to look serious. I bit my thumb and thought for a second. "Night..something-or-other." Rarity gasped. "What?" "Almasy…do you mean Nightmare Moon?" I nodded. "And you stopped her?" I nodded again. "She wasn't that... tough, maybe a little." I scratched my head and smiled. "But I was just a bit tougher." I held my fingers at a slight gap laughing. She just stared at me slack-jawed. "And... you defeated her... without the Elements of Harmony?" I shrugged. "Well yeah. It's nothing I couldn't handle. Is that a big deal?" "Almasy, the only way anypony EVER, even the Princesses have ever defeated her was with the Elements." She shook her head. "And you just come along and defeat her, single-hoofed." I sighed. "If you don't believe me, I'm sure we can get Princess Celestia to do that…memory thing again." We both turned as Twilights voice came up. "I've already sent the letter. She'll be here in a few minutes." I laughed. "When did you get here Twilight?" She shrugged. "About the time I heard Rarity say 'Nightmare Moon'. You know me, I just had to listen in. I'm sorry for dropping in like this." She apologized. "Don't worry about it. It would have probably come up sooner or later." I nodded I saw a shadow above us and looked up to see a carriage being pulled by Pegasi Royal Guard. "I take it she's arrived?" Rarity smiled and nodded. "She is always prompt when she says she's going to be somewhere, darling." As she said that I watched Princess Celestia disembark from the carriage and walked towards us slowly, everyone started to bow, I myself just gave a lazy two fingered salute and she smiled. "It's good to know, young Almasy, that you're starting to lighten up around me. But according to my student we have something to discuss." She nodded towards the carriage and motioned for us to board. As we got on they must have noticed me gripping my seat as we took off. "Is something the matter, Almasy?" Celestia asked in a soothing manner. I snapped back to my mind. "What…Oh, no. I just realllllly hate heights. Pathetic right?" I gave off a nervous chuckle. "I'm sorry, Almasy. We'll take the train next time if you'd be more comfortable." She nodded and smiled "It's fine. I'll get over it." I sighed and sat back in my seat trying to relax a bit. It was quiet for the rest of the ride there. the girls just looked out of the windows at the scenery... Brave. As we got off the carriage I dove to the ground. "Yesssss, land!" Everyone around me started to bust up laughing, I didn't care. "Ahem, so... yeah. Why did we have to come all the way back here, Princess?" Celestia sighed. "The subject of Nightmare Moon is something we'd like to keep... under wraps, shall we say, as to not cause a panic." I nodded. "The other Elements should be on their way here. Let us go to my personal quarters that we may discuss the matter further." As we approached the castle the guards opened the gates, one of them sneered at me. Must’ve been that Accord guy. I smiled and waved. All of a sudden Celestia stopped and looked towards us. Twilight and Rarity nodded to eachother and we were taken in a blink of bright light to Celestia's quarters. I took a knee and sighed. "Maybe a little warning next time?" Celestia looked over at me and smiled. "I'm sorry, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up, I do apologize." She didn't sound very sincere... Before I knew it there was another loud pop and I took a defensive stance, just to see the rest of the girls teleport in with another Guard pony. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "You're all going to give me a heart-attack, I swear..." "On to business." Celestia perked up and approached me. "I think you know what this part is for, young Almasy." I nodded as she touched her horn to my forehead and replayed the battle I had with Nightmare Moon. As it was playing out as I blacked out in the ruins she stopped it. I shook my head and cracked my neck. "So, what is the level of importance, Princess?" Celestia shook her head and looked at me sternly. "It is of the utmost importance, Almasy. I don't believe you understand what you have done." I flinched expecting the worse. "You may have very well saved Equestria. From what was said there will be more, although we do not know the times of the rest of the 'fragments' may appear." She smiled and looked towards me. "You are hereby known as 'Knight Almasy', it's the least I can do for somepony who may have pre-empted a major crisis." I shrugged. "Just doing what I was told to, Princess." All of the girls looked at me like I was odd before Twilight perked up. "You know, Almasy. What you did was always thought impossible without the Elements of Harmony." The rest of the girls responded in a similar fashion. "Fine. I just got lucky." I smiled and they all shook their heads. Celestia draped a wing over me. "Almasy. You're a hero." All I could do was laugh. "I take it you're not one for being praised?" Celestia asked me, I just shook my head. "Also, my sister and I have given you a new weapon. It's in your old room." That caught me. "Umm, What do you mean 'old' room, princess?" She smiled. "I want you relocated to Ponyville. The Everfree Forest is always where dangers come from, therefore you should be closer. I think you've proven yourself more than able to protect the town." She dropped down to a whisper. "And also the girls, they may be the Elements of Harmony, but they can still be harmed, do you understand?" I nodded. Rarity walked up to me. "Why don't you want to be called a hero, Almasy? It should be amazing news." I smiled. "Because that was always my dream, so I'm denying it. Not fun to chase after a dream you've already achieved, ya know?" Celestia began laughing and shaking her head. "So, you'll only accept being a Hero after you truly save the world, and are on your death-bed. Once again, Almasy you surprise us all." I tapped my foot and crossed my arms. "And how far back did you go into my memories to get that one, Princess?" Celestia gave a grin and shrugged. "I looked over your entire life when I casted my spell the first time, forgive me, but I could not avoid it." I face-palmed. "So... you know everything about me?" She nodded. "I mean.. everything?" She nodded again. I sighed. "Fantastic." "And so does Luna." She said with a victorious smile. I shook my head. "Anyway, this little promotion I'm getting... it won't be public, will it?" She smiled. 'Dammnnn...' "It's all according to customs, Almasy. It will be a large event held in the castle, and a party will follow." She looked at the girls and smiled. "You're out to get me now, I swear Princess..." I started walking towards the door as it opened to reveal Princess Luna. "Ah, Almasy, I do hope we are not late to see what the fuss my sister was talking about." I looked towards Celestia and her horn glowed along with Luna's eyes. I smiled and Princess Luna looked at me shocked before running over joining her sister. It looked like they were discussing something before they both nodded. "Well, Knight. We have a special assignment for you." I nodded. "It's now your duty to protect the town of Ponyville as well as become a permanant resident, and also to investigate these other happenings, should Nightmare Moon decide to reappear. Do you accept?" Princess Celestia looked at me already knowing the answer. I shrugged. "I already planned on it, Princess." Everyone smiled at me. I reached for the door handle once more before I was teleported to my room along with Celestia. I sighed. "Once again…no warning." She looked at me very seriously. "Now Almasy. This is between us: do you truly wish to undergo this mission?" I nodded and she shook her head. "I need to hear you say the words." I looked her in the eyes. "I accept." She nodded. "Once again, your words are true." She smiled and nodded. "Now, what do you think of your new weapon?" Celestia gestured to a wooden box on my bed that extended nearly from the head to the foot of the bed. I walked over and opened the box to see a longer curved sword. As I unsheathed it, it didn't change at all but still had a magical glow to it, as I went to put it away it disappeared into a red light. "Ummm…" I looked to Celestia to see her grin. "It's a soul-blade, Almasy. It's now a part of you." She cleared her throat snapping me out of my haze staring at my hands. "All you have to do to summon it is imagine a weapon of any type and it will form in your hand." I held my hands out in front of me and closed my eyes. I felt the cold grip of something in my hands and looked to see a set of daggers. I smiled. "Well, that’s something you don't see every day." I thought of them being sheathed and they dispersed. "Now, Almasy. These blades are a part of your soul. They are much harder to break than anything ever created by pony-kind. Your weapons can still break, and if they do, it will wound your soul itself." Celestia looked to me sternly. "And if your soul is wounded enough, it could very well be destroyed." "Right, that sounds like fun." I laughed and brought out a halberd for kicks and changed it into a transparent blood-red longsword. 'I am enjoying the hell out of this…might keep this one.' I dismissed it and turned to Celestia. She smiled. "Oh, and if you're not looking forward to your ceremony of being knighted... You'll really hate what happens in two days, Almasy." My body turned towards her and my eyes widened. "Why, what's in two days!?" She smiled and teleported us back to her quarters. "I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, Almasy." I sighed. "And what's keeping me from asking everyone else here?" Most of the girls looked to me and back to Celestia. "Hey, what's happening in two days you guys?" "Hearts and Hooves day, why?" I looked to see Luna smiling and Celestia laughing. "And that means?" I looked to Celestia. "You will find out then, I'm sure." Celestia said with a smile. "Alright... I'm going to go now." I started walking across the room and to the door. "Where are you going dear?" Rarity tried to jump in front of me and I sighed. "I'm going to my old room... and finding some way to sleep." I opened the door and there was a brick wall. "You're...Kidding me." I turned to Celestia. "Teleport...Now." "Is that any way to talk to your Princess, who promoted you to being our Royal Knight?" Celestia added with a serious expression, I could feel her pulse from here, not serious at all. "Yes." I pointed a thumb to the door. "Oh, and if you'd be so kind as to blast me with something so I can sleep, I'd love that." Celestia huffed and shook her head. "Very well." And we were gone in a flash of bright light. I wasn't as thrown off by it this time and walked over to my bed and took a seat. "I know there's something you'd like to talk about, Princess. Don't just keep it in the dark, it bugs me." I said staring straight into her eyes. Celestia nodded and took in a breath. "The soul-weapon. It only had one other master before you. He was exactly what I felt within you." I waved my hand for her to continue. "You are 'The Heart of Sacrifice' Almasy." I shrugged. "How cute, what does it mean to be...that?" I lay down in my bed and stared at the ceiling. She sat down on her haunches and sighed. "You've already seen Nightmare Moon. When she was 'whole' there is only one way to defeat her." She took in another breath and sighed. "There must always be a sacrifice, to rid this world of Nightmare's grasp. There was one pony who did it before, the one who used your new weapon last time." "So, All I have to do is give it my all and get rid of the fragments of her… and then?" I stood up and offered a hand to Celestia, she grabbed it and I helped her to her hooves. "And then, Almasy. You have a choice. Banish her forever by sacrificing yourself, your body, mind, and soul. Or let the Nightmare wash across all of Equestria." She hung her head. I swore I saw a tear fall. I laughed. "Doesn't sound like much of a choice, Princess. Don't worry... I'll do it." I nodded and stretched. Celestia walked over and wrapped around my chest squeezing me tight. "Thank you, Almasy. You have no idea how much this means to my sister and I." I patted her on the cheek. "Just one thing." She nodded. "Don't tell anyone else, alright?" "If you think that to be wise, I will agree to this." She nodded and sighed. "Do you still wish to sleep through the night, Almasy. I'm sure this has been taxing on your mind, taking in all of this information so suddenly." I shook my head. "I'll be fine. Go back to the girls. They're probably getting suspicious by now." "If you wish, I could send Luna to keep you company, perhaps it could help?" She turned towards me, I just nodded. In a moment she was gone in a flash and I curled into my bed. 'Ugghhh, this is annoying...' I bit my lip. "... At least I'd fulfill my dream." As I finished that sentence I looked up to see Luna standing on the other side of the room. "And what would that dream be, Almasy?" She nodded for me to talk. "My sister has already told me, privately. Please do not fret." I stood up out of bed and sat in a chair across from her. "What is one of the most un-obtainable dreams Princess?" She looked at me confused and shrugged. I smiled and sighed before responding. "To die a hero, of course. Childish I know, but I don't mind. I guess I'm just a bit shaken up by this one, it was really unexpected." She came over and wrapped her hooves around my neck. "I'm sorry that it has to be this way, Almasy. You have broken one chain that has always been a constant by defeating Nightmare Moon without the Elements, what says you can't do this without doing the same?" I shrugged. "You know Almasy... I am the reason that Nightmare Moon exists." I waved my hand. "I've read the story. Don't worry about it. I'm sure I can handle anything that happens." She tightened her grip around my neck and nodded. "Why so glum, Princess?" "You are paying for my own mistakes, Almasy. I can't stand it." She started to cry. 'Ughh, why does this keep happening?' I wrapped my arms around her and patted her cheek, as she looked towards me I gave a docile smile. "Just relax. This will be easy enough." I nodded and she squeezed tighter. "You're not relaxing Princess." I laughed lightly and pulled her off so she could see my eyes. "Honestly, I have no problems with it, might even be fun." "Then why are you shaking so bad, Almasy? You are afraid admit it, this is making us feel so much worse." I looked down to see most of my body trembling, damnit. I let go of Luna and she dropped back to all fours, I clenched my fists and tried to calm down my body, after a few seconds it was a small tremor at best. "See, I'm fine now. Don't feel bad, it's apparently something that has to happen, just glad it's me and not one of the girls, any 'pony' else for that matter. It's better off." I nodded and she sighed. "You must have come here as a gift from the goddesses, Almasy. I see no other way to explain this. You have done so much that nopony else could have ever thought of." I shrugged "It's not a problem Princess. With how many fragments they are, depending on when they decide to show themselves... I have more than enough time." "Please, don't call me 'Princess'. You may call my sister and I by name. You have proven yourself more than enough. Also by becoming our Knight you are inducted into royalty. This is the reason there is only one knight under our rule. It happens only once in a great while." Her horn began to glow and she touched it to my forehead. My eyes bagan to grow dark and my hearing was fading, she apparently decided to put me to sleep. I was levitated over to the bed with a smile. I was out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke in the morning to a knock at the door. I sat up and hopped out of bed and reached for the handle. The door opened slowly to reveal Pinkie Pie, but something was wrong... Her mane was straight and she looked so upset. "Pinkie, are you alright? You look a bit... down." She shook her head and wrapped around my leg. "I overheard what you and the Princess said last night. I heard all of it." I sighed and picked her up sitting her on the bed, I pulled a chair up so we could talk face to face. I picked up her chin so she could look in my eyes. "Now Pinkie. Do I look the least bit upset, scared, or even angry about it?" She shook her head. "But you can still be hiding it! You're not smiling." She jumped on me and I leaned back. "Pinkie... I hardly ever smile, it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with me, I promise." I picked up her hoof and gave a small squeeze. "I'm going to be fine, might even have a bit of fun with it." Her eyes shot open wide and she pulled back her hoof. "But, wouldn't that mean... we'd never see you again?" "Who knows? I do know one thing, I'll never really be gone. No matter what I'll always be near in some way or another." I smiled and picked her up by the chin. She took in a deep breath before meeting my eyes again. "If you say so, Almasy. I believe in you." I patted her cheek and hugged her. "Now just relax. You know there's a party of some sort today, something-or-other about me becoming a knight. You'll be there, right?" Her mane was set back to normal followed by a big smile. "Of course I'll be there, I'm the one who's planning it and setting it up, you'll love it!" I smiled and she hopped down from the bed. "Oh! Before I forget, Rarity wanted you to have this, also I already Pinkie Promised to keep your secret my secret." I nodded and she handed me a small box. "Thank you Pinkie, where are the rest of the girls?" She thought for a second and shrugged, I chuckled a bit before she left the room skipping, at least she got over it quickly. I opened the box to see a new shirt and my coat it was new and in white this time, the same design was stitched into it, with a small addition of a few armor plates across the back and over the shoulders. The shirt was just plain and white, I'm glad she knows how I dislike anything too extravagant. I pulled the shirt over my head and slid into my coat and walked out of the door. As I walked towards the throne room members of the Royal Guard began bowing, I waved it off and told them they didn't have to, but they disagreed. 'I'm going to have to fix this at the ceremony, that's for sure...' . As I approached the door to the throne room the guards immediately opened the door and I nodded to them as I stepped through having them close behind me. "Almasy! Good to see you're finally awake, you've slept in for quite a while you know." Celestia called over with a smile. I scratched my head. "Lemme tell you, Princess. It still feels a little odd to be sleeping. What time is it anyway?" I reached the steps of the thrones and stopped. Luna walked over and hugged me tight, I patted her back. "Off, off, I didn't get a chance to shower yet!" To prove a point I picked out a few strands of hair that were matted together. "Oh, it's just your mane, you smell fine Almasy, rather sweet like..." She paused and sniffed me. "Some rather expensive cologne." She ended with a smile. I grimaced and she huffed. "Fine, here Almasy." Luna said as we were gone in a flash. "You may use my shower if it makes you feel better." I looked at her quizzically. "Time is of the essence here, Almasy. Your ceremony will be taking place in an hour." She ended with a wide grin. "Oh..." Was all I could muster before dashing through the door Luna was pointing at. It took twenty whole minutes to shower before I even felt remotely clean, time was laughing at me. After which I dried off, got dressed and burst back through the door to see a laughing Luna. "What, what's so funny?" She just pointed to a mirror in the corner, as I looked into it, I could see what it was. My hair looked like a bird’s nest. "Please tell us you're not going to be at your ceremony with that kind of mane, Almasy." Luna grinned and I saw her horn light up. "What do you think?" I looked to her, then back to the mirror, my hair was tame and back to straight and smooth....but it was white. "Uhhh, Princess?" I pointed to my hair and Luna shrugged. "We...didn't know that would happen." She started to apologize before I stopped her. "It doesn't look half bad, matches the shirt and coat." I smiled gaining her a small chuckle. She charged another spell, I looked down to see my pants and boots mended, but also change to white. "There, I think you're ready for the ceremony, Knight. Let us go to my sister, we must escort you to the event." She smiled and we teleported back to the throne room where Celestia was waiting. "Almasy!?" Celestia cried. I smiled and waved. "What happened to your mane? It's white!" She ran over to me and gave me a few glances. "But I look good, right?" I said while I did a small pose and chuckled. "Luna, what did you do?" Celestia charged over to Luna who was smiling nervously. "I only meant to style his mane, why this has happened I do not know sister." "What spell did you use?" Celestia glanced over to me with a worried expression. Luna tapped her horn to Celestias and I saw Celestia smile. "Looks like your hair got bleached out of color, Almasy. My sister here seems to have overcharged a 'clean and mend' spell." Celestia laughed and Luna blushed. "Almasy, will you forgive me for this matter?" I nodded and laughed. "Of course, now how long 'till I have to go and be..." I shuddered. "Public and social..?" Celestia brought a hoof to her chin and looked to me with a smile. "Now. Almasy I'm sure you'll catch on to my own little plan for a nice entrance for you." She smiled and I saw her charge her horn, before I knew it I was on top of the roof of what looked like a rather nicely sized amphitheater. I looked around and saw thousands of ponies cheer as the Princesses both took their places on the stage. "Everypony, we have asked you all to come here for two very important reasons." Celestia started as she gazed over the crowd. "Nightmare Moon, is indeed back." This earned some panicked gasps from the crown before she raised a hoof to silence them. "Now, everypony. That was the first piece of news. As bad as it may be, there is another piece of news that will let everypony sleep easily." She smiled as she turned to Luna. As Luna approached the podium to take Celestias place I let myself glance around the crowd. 'Ugghhh... I hate public events, never has been my strong-suit.' I swallowed hard as Luna began. "Everypony, as you have no doubt, this is bad news." She scanned over the audience then up to the part of the roof where I was standing and gave a smirk. "We have a new Knight. Yes, everypony, a Knight." She looked towards me and nodded, I took it as my queue. I looked over the edge and a spotlight caught me, I smiled. 'I really hope you have something planned, Princess...' I tilted forward and rolled in the air before feeling myself being caught and ripped right side up, I fell softly to the stage before looking behind me to see a pair of white angelic wings that slowly faded as I set foot on the stage. Princess Luna smiled as I touched down and continued. "This is Almasy, our Royal Knight. He has defeated one of the Fragments of the Nightmare already, without the use of the Elements of Harmony." She nodded for me to approach the podium, I scratched my head nervously. Luna cast her gaze over the audience. "Please, show him the same respect you would give to my sister or myself." She said as she backed away from the podium. I sighed before I took my place. I gazed out over the crowd of ponies who were cheering, as I brought myself to the microphone it was dead silent. "Umm, hello everyone." Was all I could muster before the crowd cheered again. "I'd like to thank you for showing me such a warm welcome." I glanced a scowl over to Celestia who only smiled at me. "I do have one request however. Please... Don't bow to me, don't even look at me as royalty, because I'm not." Without another word I stepped away from the podium watching the Princesses walk towards me. Celestia gave me a small smile. "I guess that little piece of information revealed itself a tad earlier than I had hoped." I folded my arms and Luna came up next to me. "There are still benefits to being Royalty, Almasy." She smiled. "Meet me on the balcony at midnight tonight." "Sure, no problem." I sighed and looked over my shoulder to the crowd, they were talking amongst themselves. "And, like I said, I'm not royalty. I'm just me. Got it?" I smiled and turned to each seeing them nod. Celestia grinned and charged a spell tapping me in the head. "This will keep the three of us in communication from now on." She put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Just think of one of us you wish to talk to and you'll be 'connected' so we can hear eachothers thoughts." I nodded. "Alright, will do." I checked around to see the crowd quiet and looking towards us. "Well, looks like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of ya, Princess." I said as I started walking towards the back of the stage. "Where are you going, Almasy?" I looked back to see Celestia grinning wide. "You still have a party to attend." Before I knew it I was in a completely different building, taking a look around I saw all the decorations and smiled. "Aww... isn't that cute?" I said looking up to a banner obviously from Pinkie Pie. 'Congratulations on becoming a Royal Knight, saving Equestria, and being one of our bestest friends, and for coming back to life and not being mad since I broke your one thingy!' "...Wait a minute..." Before I could do anything there were more pops and everyone I knew was in the building. "Hey there Kid, Looks like you outrank even me now." Storm said with a grin before walking over to me and bowing. I face-palmed. "None of that man, really. I'm still me." I said as I turned to the whole group. "Almasy?" I read Rarity call me as I turned to her. I shrugged. "Why is everything so... white on you?" I pointed to Luna and let her explain. "Are you ready to play your part in the party?" Celestia asked with the same grin as earlier. "Do I have tooooo?" I groaned, she nodded. "Ughh, do I have to do anything special?" "You just have to give a small speech, tell them about your battle with Nightmare Moon, you know, give them hope." She nodded and smiled warmly. "Why can't you just do the little show thing?" I asked without budging. "I didn't think of that... but it was very violent." I nodded in understanding. "But I suppose we could show small pieces." "Well alright, let’s do that." I said with a smile. "Y'all sure are the shy type, Almasy." AJ said with a tip of her hat. "We're going to have to fix that." I saw a glint in her eye and the rest of the girls grew smiles and nodded. "Pass." I smirked. "Well, you're going to be the center of attention anyway, Almasy." I heard Luna’s mirth in the words. She came next to me and pointed my head towards three large chairs sitting up on a large table. "You're going to be sitting in the middle. Between my sister and I." I forced myself to sway like I was going to pass out. "Nice try, Almasy... You can't pass out without magic." Celestia caught me in the act and just gave a grin. I straightened up and cleared my throat. "You are so not on my side..." I heard all of the girls start to giggle before a pony in a suit came from the front door announcing the guests were here. Before I knew it I was levitated over to the chair between the two Princesses, I looked over to Celestia, she shook her head and pointed to a grinning Luna. "Was that really necessary... Last time that happened it resulted in bad things." I shot a glance to Rarity who just smiled and blushed. As I finished the sentence the doors opened and ponies filed in slowly, I sighed and stood up as the last one filed through the door and smiled. Celestia glanced over to me and I nodded. "Everypony, to help you understand why having Almasy as our new Knight is an important reason to celebrate, I will offer this to you." As she said that her horn glowed brilliantly and I saw everyone in the audience gasp as I saw light flicker through their eyes. Giving them a chance to process what they had just seen the Princess spoke up. "He is the only one to ever do such a thing. A Knight is chosen only once in a great while, there was only one before him" Luna then stood. "Do not be afraid of him little ones, he is on our side. We can assure you of this. His power may be frightening at first." She looked over to me with a warm smile. "Almasy has a heart of gold." I lowered my head to the table. "You're embarrassing me..." Celestia smirked and leaned in so only I could hear her. "I know, this is great fun." I groaned. After the little light show and kind words I was levitated from my seat and dropped into the middle of the fray of ponies. "Celestia!? What the...WHY!?" She just smiled. "Because your frustration is hilarious." Ohh... I'm so getting her back for this. There were a lot of ponies rushing into me, thanking me, hugs, embraces, invitations to dinner, lunch, outings.... other things. I felt like a circus act, needless to say. After a few hours of being... social... the crowd started to think out and I could finally breathe. Well, you know what I mean. I looked outside to see it was pretty late at night and turned to Celestia. "Well, what's left?" "That's it Almasy, tomorrow is a whole new day." Celestia smiled and pulled the doors closed leaving just the Princesses, Elements and myself. I stretched and cracked my neck turning to everyone. "So, what do you guys want to do now?" All of the girls yawned and I laughed. "Don't worry, you'll all be staying in the castle tonight." Celestia said with a smile. The girls responded with yawns and smiles before most of them trudged out of the door leaving me with Luna and Celestia. "Almasy, we thank you for doing this, there is nothing we could give you to… compensate you for the mission you are about to undertake." Luna approached me and said. I shrugged. "You act like I'm asking for something, Princess." She snapped. "Luna." I just chuckled. "Riiight... Luna." Celestia came to my side. "Surely there's something you would like, Almasy." I shook my head and she huffed. "Why not?" I held up a finger and smiled. "Fate. I just don't fight it." The just looked at me and shook their heads. "What? Do you actually want me to ask for something?" "YES! Just ask for something, I know we couldn't provide you with enough for this, but we would feel so much better if you did." Luna practically yelled at me. I shook my head. "I don't want anything though." In a flash of light we were on a balcony overlooking the city, you could make out Ponyville in the distance. "We're not asking you to ask for something. We are ordering you." I took a step back. "Ummm, What exactly am I supposed to ask for?" I sighed and shrugged. "I think I'm pretty well taken care of." Luna shook her head. "Nevermind..." She walked into the castle and I looked to Celestia who was laughing and shaking her head. "You are kind of thick, Almasy." She said with mirth. "I don't follow..." I bit my lip. "Was I supposed to ask for something?" Celestia shook her head and walked away. Luna walked back out, this time without her tiara on. "Let us take you to your room, do not worry about our meeting tonight... I think we would just go to sleep." "Alright, Princess." She glared at me. "Ahem... Luna. That sounds like a plan." I offered a smile that she returned after a few seconds. Once again we were teleported to my room and I stretched before walking over to the refrigerator. "Are these fresh?" I cast a glance to Luna who just shrugged. I sighed and picked a pouch out of it and bit off the tube cover. "You might want to look away, Luna." As I said that she simply shook her head. "We will be fine, Almasy." She said confidently, but I could hear her heartbeat starting to rush. I stuck the cap back on the pouch and pocketed it walking over to my bed. "It can wait... Is there something on your mind, Luna?" I asked as I tilted my head in her direction. She shook her head and frowned. I stared into her eyes. "That won't work on me, Almasy, I can keep a secret." She said slyly. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. But I'll worry." She shook her head, "There is no reason to, we can assure you." She said with a smile. I just nodded. "So, do you think you can knock me out again, Princess?" She nodded and walked over to me before charging her horn. "Thanks..." I smiled as I felt the spell starting to take hold of me and crawled on top of my bed. "No, Almasy, you'll need to be ready for tomorrow." Luna smirked. "You'll be getting a very early wake-up." Before I could question her further, I felt myself slip into unconsciousness. 'Oh well…I'll just have to find out tomorrow.'