//------------------------------// // Overthrone // Story: Be Not Afraid // by The Ancestor //------------------------------// "I don't think this is a big deal," Pipp whined as the group moved uphill, towards the lonely lighthouse in the distance. "back home its common practice to be a shut-in." "This isn't Zephyr Heights, Pipp." Her sister said with an annoyed sigh, flying right beside her. "And Sunny's not one to stay home for an entire week." She added, looking worriedly at the steadily approaching pillar that was the Maretime Bay lighthouse. "You can say that again." Hitch muttered, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "Before this whole magic thing happened, the townsponies considered it a good day if Sunny pestered them only once a day." A small smile graced his lips when he saw the sympathetic look Zipp was giving him. "That bad, huh?" Before Hitch could concoct a responce, Izzy's voice filled the momentary lull in conversation. "Sunny's not bad, she's persistent!" Izzy chirped happily, the group finally conquering the hill leading to the lighthouse. "That's one of the things I like about her, she never gives up!" She finished with a smile, stopping in front of the door of Sunny's house. Silence once again fell upon the quartet, broken by the occasional chirping of a bird, or the sound of a wave crashing against the rocky cliffside. "No time like the present." Hitch said with a sigh, knocking on the door a few times. Seconds passed with no responce given, prompting another round of louder knocks from the stallion. When the action proved to be inconsequential in getting Sunny's attention, worry started to creep into Hitch's heart. "Zipp, Pipp, could you look through the windows, maybe you'll see something?" He proposed, looking at the aformentioned mares with a worried expression. "Sure thing." Zipp replied, taking to the air with her sister to do as the stallion asked. The pegasus duo sqouted each and every window in the residence, coming up with the same conclusion. "The blinds are closed, all I can see is black." Zipp stated, landing near the two grounded ponies, worry creeping into her face. "Same thing here." Pipp mirrored her sister's actions, pulling out a phone from behind her wing. "It's weird though, I tried to take a photo with a flash to see what's inside and, well..." She fiddled with her phone for a couple of seconds, before showing the screen to the rest of the group. "Take a look for yourself." On the screen of Pipp's phone, each pony saw the same thing, bituminous, impenetrable darkness. "She's got some good blinds!" Izzy's optimistic point of view wasn't shared by the rest ofthe group. "Maybe she's sleeping? How about we call her?" Izzy rushed to the door, hitting it with her hoof with surprising strength. "Sunny, It's Izzy her, are you alright? You've been couped up in your house lately, and we're all getting worried about you!" Seconds passed with no responce, worrysome thoughts beginning to stir in Izzy's mind, until... "Sunny alright." The mare's voice came from the other side of the door, to the combined relief of her friends. "Sweet sauce, Sunny, you had us worried for a second!" Izzy continued, a bright smile on her face. "Come on now, you can't spend all your free time home, it's not healthy!" "Yeah, Sunny, you need to get some excercise!" Zipp followed Izzy'l line of thinking, doing a few flips in the air. "Besides, the sun is good for your fur!" Pipp added in a sing-song voice. "can't. need time home." Sunny replied, earning an exasperated sigh her friends. "Really? How much more time do you need?!" Izzy exclaimed, trotting in place nervously. "I heard 'Judgement Neigh' is returning to theaters tomorrow, but if you want to see it, you'll have to ready up and buy tickets today!" Hitch added, sure Sunny'd come out to get a chance to see her favourtite movie. "not much more. Come tomorrow. ready tomorrow." Sunny replied. "Are you sure you're alright? I'm-, no, we're all worried about you, Sunny." Hitch began, gripping the doorknob with his hoof. "Mind if we come in? Just to make sure everything's okay?" "no need to come in. I'm alright. I'm healthy. I need time home. I see you tomorrow." Hitch pulled the doorknob, but found the door was locked tightly. "I mean, she says she's alright. As her friends, we have to respect her boundaries, right?" Izzy proposed, not recieving a responce for a good few minutes. "I... guess you're right." Hitch said with a sigh, the rest of the group nodding in affirmation. He took a step away from the closed door, and towards the hill's slope. Before beginning his descent, he shot the house a look. "But you better come out tomorrow!" He all but yelled, hoping for a responce. "I see you tomorrow."