Gummy Tries to Get Warm

by Incredible_E

Not in All of Equestria

"I desire a source of heat to rid this vibrating curse. Where is Pinkie's candle lighter?"

Gummy hopped off the ledge and landed on the floor. Making it to the kitchen, he nuzzled open different drawers in search of the lighter. Eventually being successful in finding the lighter, he sat upright and lit it underneath him for a moment.

"Honestly, I am not surprised."

He set the lighter down after it failed to warm him even the slightest bit. One of his eyes glanced at the microwave.

"It is time to think bigger."

He walked to the microwave and typed in two minutes, then proceeded to walk inside and close the door. He knew the start button was inaccessible, but he didn't need it. Gummy licked the side wall next to him, activating the microwave to start the two minutes.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Gummy clicked open the door and walked out with the warm air.

"This is no longer amusing, not that it ever was to start with. It is futile to stop now and resume the attempts to ignore it. I predict the results will end the same: interrupting my thoughts when it matters most."

Eyeing the oven, Gummy set the heat to its maximum, five hundred fifty degrees. While waiting, he decided to try out the toaster oven, setting it to four hundred fifty degrees and stepping in.

Waiting five minutes did nothing. He could tell the toaster oven was working by being able to smell and feel the difference in the air, but not in heat. He exited and shut the toaster oven door, then immediately made his way to the oven.

Gummy bit the handlebar, flung it open, and jumped inside while his tail closed the windowed door behind him... and he shivered.

"Not even half a thousand degrees can cure this ailment. This calls for emergency measures. I must break my own protocol and interact with others besides my personally chosen companion Pinkie; additionally, I will abandon the fifth protocol, perhaps even as far as to void the forty-second protocol, but it is best it does not come to that."

Gummy shut off all the appliances, closed his eyes, and licked one of his claws. Upon reopening his eyes, he swung his hand into the thin air and tore it. Ripping the fabric of reality as easily as a piece of paper, he glanced through the tear. It was the lava peaks of the dragon lands.

"Good, I can still successfully manipulate quantum locationing through the same universe. It is exactly where I mentally pictured my desired destination." He entered the rip and resealed it behind him.

The hole brought him to the tallest volcano in the dragon lands, one of the most active ones. Licking all four limbs, he voluntarily dropped into the volcano. Gravity carried him all the way down until he was near the lava, where he slowed himself down — something he had learned from Pinkie Pie — before landing on the lava itself.

He stood on the lava as if it were fully solid, thanks to the licking of his limbs.

The hot lava, at two thousand degrees, did nothing to warm Gummy.

"This had better work. My multi-universal transport is a bit rusty." frustrated, he licked his claw and swiped at the thin air, once again ripping it. This time, it was the royal throne room in Canterlot, but not the same Canterlot.

There Gummy was, in the middle of a throne room, a room on fire.

"Daybreaker," he telepathically communicated to the princess of the sun.

Daybreaker jumped out of her inferno throne at the mysterious voice in her head, "Who goes there? How did you get in here?"

Gummy decided to have a little fun and remain hidden behind a pillar at the end of the room.

She stood on top of the stairs to the throne, scanning the room for any lifeforms. After a few minutes of seeing nothing, she sat back down. "It must have been my imagination..." Daybreaker said still curiously thinking about it.

Gummy spoke again, "I am no imagination."

"Stop it! Who dares to mess with the Princess of the Sun?!" she roared once she released a blast of flames that radiated outward from her.

When nothing let out a yelp of pain or revealed itself, she began to believe she was losing her mind. Then the voice spoke again.

"Behind you."

Daybreaker turned around to face her throne, with a green gator sitting upon it. Gummy sat there, blinking asynchronously.

Daybreaker approached Gummy, towering over him. "What is this? Get out of my throne!"

Gummy communicated through the mind again, as he always does. "I am here to end your reign over Equestria."

That was not true. Gummy had a need for something else but still needed to provoke Daybreaker. He wanted her to eventually blast him with the most violent solar blast she could conjure. It did not matter how, but threatening her rule seemed to be the easiest way to accomplish this.

The flaming alicorn laughed, "So, you are the one talking to me in my head. HA, I am NOT insane! You think you can just appear here, play with me, then defeat me?"

"Affirmative," Gummy responded indifferently.

Daybreaker attempted to simply teleport the animal out of the castle but failed. "Huh? Why is my spell not working?"

She tried to teleport him out multiple times, each attempt resulted in a still-present gator.

Gummy took a singular step towards her.

"Back you beast!" she shot a solar beam directly at Gummy, but nothing happened.

"What... you are not incinerated?" Daybreaker was beyond perplexed.

"You leave me no choice." She charged her horn for a violent solar blast.

Gummy did not move in the slightest.

Once Daybreaker fully charged her horn, she did not hesitate to fire at Gummy. "Out!" she shrieked as the blast surrounded the gator. Gummy sat there, unphased, as the throne behind him instantly succumbed to the laser. Except for what of the throne was behind Gummy, which left a Gummy-shaped silhouette.

The biggest blast from Daybreaker was doing nothing to warm him.

Determining that this was a failure, he got on his hindquarters, freeing his hands for use. He put one hand out and froze Daybreaker's spell in place, trapping her in the process.

Daybreaker grunted in her stunned state, "H-How. . ."

Gummy gave a response not in the form of communication, but in action. He swiftly thrust his hand backward, behind his head, now collecting all of Daybreaker's magic. The solar princess shouted in fatigued pain as her power was being depleted. Royal sun guards entered the throne room with reinforcements, but they posed no true threat to Gummy.

He looked at them all with each eye scanning them separately. Every glance from Gummy put unconditional fear in the sun guards as he entered their minds. Then he blinked.

Immediately, they all dropped their weapons and ran out of the throne room as if they were facing an Ursa Major.

While still trapped, Daybreaker shouted at them as they ran. "You fools! You will be executed for this!"

Once all the magic had been sapped from Daybreaker, into a singular yellow orb in Gummy's grasp, he simply vaporized it.

Daybreaker panicked, "What! What did you do to my magic? Fetch it and return it to me at once!"

Gummy only had to jump off the throne to frighten the powerless princess after her empty demand. She jerked backward in fear of what the gator would do next.

He spoke in the safe confines of his mind, “Not even an entity able to produce the most hellish heat in Equestria can make a slight dent in my chills. It is disappointing really, I expected more. Perhaps I must go beyond Equestrian soil; venture through other realities in hopes of finding heat more severe.”

Gummy brought a destination into his mind and licked his claw. Swiping at the air, a new tear through space-time was made. Daybreaker remained on the cold floor as the flames on the pillars of the room faded away — absolutely flabbergasted at what this once seemingly insignificant creature could do.

Without another word to the weak solar princess, he stepped through the rip into a new reality.