
by Lil Penpusher


Mount Aris, and Hippogriffia as a whole, was in peril.

What had initially been a small crop of odd-job seaponies that turned from perfectly sociable to anti-social grumps had now become a nation-spanning issue. The group all of these people belonged to was somehow still elusive and unknown to authorities such as the AHAC or common law enforcement, though it was most commonly branded to be a Cult of some sort, though to whom or what they preached was unknown.

More importantly, the Cult had grown. Verily so. Originating from Seaquestria itself, it had expanded to cover much of the underwater capital, at which point it began to appear above the waves too, where the seaponies' kin, the Hippogriffs, lived. City after city saw 'infestation' with this cult, people suddenly becoming hostile to coworkers, friends and sometimes even family. It was inexplicable beyond simply saying it was the work of magic, but more over it was something Queen Novo and her government was rapidly losing control over. Mayors of many towns and cities had already become apart of this group, seemingly, as had other high-seated officials such as ministers, police chiefs and officers, and even the big enemies of the past months, Posada's Communists and Crack Lightning's Nationalist Far-Right, had both become infiltrated by these people, also. Both movements became internally fractured as fights broke out among their followers, whilst tensions between both of these radicals seemed to be deliberately stirred, as well.

The Queen, seated upon her throne within the newly rebuilt Royal Palace on Mount Aris - originally destroyed by the Storm King during his sweep across the continent, looked grim. She hated to admit it, and probably never would publicly, but she had moved herself and her government from Seaquestria to Aris not to be closer to the increasing issue with this cult on the mainland, but because the underwater capital was so vastly infested with them that she no longer felt safe there. There was something in the works, she felt... something that did not bode well for her and her long-standing house of royalty.

Now, though, she found herself in a similar situation. Violet Facade was a seapony she had seriously overestimated in the past, that much she now knew. Standing before her throne in her Hippogriff form, she appeared distraught, helpless, tired, when Novo had hoped that her 'security expert' would display the opposite of such emotions. Novo didn't think the pony was incompetent per se, but she had played her hand all wrong while going all in on what was a gut feeling based entirely on her past, negative experiences with Communism. Regardless of that, the monarch was furious with her. This was in large part her fault, all this had been under her prerogative to deal with, or at least to report at earliest possibility. How exactly did this tiny group become so expansive? How did she, the Queen, personally find out that Seaquestria was nearly overrun by these ponies and had to evacuate her own capital out of fear, whilst her Chief of Domestic Security was twiddling her claws and chain-smoking all-day?

"Violet Facade, I hope you have something to tell me?"

The royal spoke with her usual boldness, but Violet could feel it was beset with another ingredient: anger. She began to shiver lightly.

"Your majesty... I... I..."

"Do you wish to inform me of this Cult you were hiding from me all this time? How you, of all ponies, looked to deceive me on the state and well-being of my own subjects to serve your own goals and own vendetta?"

Violet's pupils grew in shock at every word she heard.

"H-How did you..."

"It is rather obvious, by now, isn't it?" Novo replied hastily. "But if you really want to know? Your Deputy told me everything."

"Sandy told- no, wait I-"

"I think I've waited long enough, don't you think, Violet? All that waiting has led us where we stand today."

"Majesty, no, wait! I can explain! Please!" Violet pleaded.

"Explain what? Your deliberate lies in the face of myself and my daughter? Your sabotage of Hippogriffian society as a result? Your stupid, incoherent hate for anypony who appears to be leftist in any way? I was told you were even in favour of executing that seapony leading the majority of them, Posada?"

Violet's head sank. Novo really did know everything. She'd said all of that in confidentiality to Sandy and Sandy alone... and now... oh gods.

"You wanted to speak? Fine. Then tell me what your defence is. Your reasoning for all of these travesties, and the spit in my face directly. I will allow you this chance."

Novo was not perfect, and certainly not a perfect ruler either as a result. She was sometimes too self-absorbed or self-important, or lacked long-term planning. But when all was done and dusted, Violet thought, she remained a fair and just ruler, who, even when faced with direct insult and insubordination like her own, offered up a chance to explain one's own actions. A chance for mercy, perhaps, or at least the courtesy of allowing a defendant to speak up. This sense for justice was one of several things she loved about the long royal line of Novo in Hippogriffia, and was a reason she had even wanted to defend the state so desperately to begin with. But... she had failed. Did any of her work even matter, now? Somehow, in her pursuit to do everything right, she had undone everything.

"I..." she spoke up, not wanting to look at the disgruntled monarch and keeping her head low. "I just wanted to-"

"Look your sovereign in her eyes when you answer for your crimes," the Queen commanded. Like the loyal subject she wished she was, Violet obeyed, and raised her head high to look up towards the throne.

"I just wanted to do my best, your majesty... to rid Hipoogriffia, my - our - home, of evil."

"And look where that has brought us," answered an unimpressed Novo.

"I never had imagined that your daughter... I mean, that the Princes... she was right. The Cult, these... people, they... we weren't prepared. I kept it from you not because I wanted to harm you, but because I thought we could do our work with those who were a bigger threat at the time, and then tackle these but..."

"Hmph. You gambled." Novo squinted her eyes, and frowned. "You utilised what trust I dispensed and forwarded to you, and you gambled with it. It was a best guess, not an educated opinion, even. You were blinded by hate, but continued claiming to fight against enemies of Harmony."

Violet fell silent, once again.

"Tell me, Violet Facade. Does this hatred not make you what you vowed to destroy? Is your destructive attitude towards people who believe the wrong thing not the exact thing you accuse them of?"

So many times now had Violet been face-to-face with the Queen, and everytime she had endured the stoic monarch's glare. Not today. It bore deep into her heart and mind. Because she was right. In the end, she could only mumble something to herself, and let her head hang low, once again.

Novo, seeing this as a sort of capitulation in a way, sighed.

"Very well. Violet Facade, for your crimes of-"

She was interrupted by a loud, thundering sound. And then incoherent babbling, yelling, talking, and yes, marching of a sort, all coming from within the Palace.

"What was..." Novo wondered. She quickly looked and scanned the throne room itself, but... no, nothing. Her eyes bore down on Violet again. "Violet, what is going on? Is this another one of your games?"

Violet, somewhat shaken from her predicament, raised her head - thin streams of tears visibly running down from her eyes as she sniffed quietly - and looked towards the big, thick double doors that led to the throne room itself. She figured it came from outside the chamber.

"I don't... I don't k-know, my Queen. I think it may have been the door?"

"The door? To the Palace?"

The shouting increased, as did the approaching footsteps. Novo realised the hippogriff before her was right. There were people coming, people that had broken in.

"B-But how!" quickly asked the monarch, normally so composed but now, finally, flustered.

"Th-that's not right. I told Sandy Breeze... he was meant to withdraw our forces here, to Mount Aris. There should be soldiers and agents and police, all around the city, to stomp out-"

The doors creaked, then, as they were heaved open. Four Hippogriff guards, two on either side of the double doors, pushed them open, and a familiar, brown-coated hippogriff entered.

"Sandy..? What's happened? What's going on?" Violet quickly asked her supposed deputy.

"Oh, well, I assume you mean why most of Mount Aris' population is currently making their way here through the palace?" replied the griff rather smugly.

"What!?" Violet cried back.

"Explain yourself! At once!" Novo demanded, lifting her rear from her throne. This did not bode well...

"Well, you see, I realised recently just how bothersome Violet here really is. I'd worked with you for months now but... bleh, you only ever became more unbearable. And do you even shower, anymore? Disgusting."

"Sandy...!" Violet quietly resisted.

"But I was shown how to make things right. Our saviours will show us the way, but for them to do that... well. We must free up the throne they rightfully deserve."

"Traitor! You're with them!" Novo proclaimed, something everyone in the room, by now, had caught onto, even Violet.

"But Sandy... why...? We fought so hard, month after month, to-"

"No, you fought hard against your petty rivalry with the left. I was just dragged along with you, through the dirt, and got all the flak for small fuck-ups that you never wanted to take for yourself. I always covered for you, I always moved along with your bullshit, and frankly, this was a long time coming. I'm glad I now have the confidence to stand up to you and tell you what's what." He turned and pointed a claw up towards the throne and the Queen standing upon it. "Or to you, for that matter. Your incompetent rule ends today, 'majesty'. Thankfully Aris is with us, and I made sure to pull off all the guard detail you had ordered, Violet."

"You- No!" Violet quickly shifted to face the Queen. "Run! My Queen, you have to get out of here!"

A quick shuffle came from where Sandy stood, and when Violet dared look at her ex-friend again, he held a pistol up and towards her.

"I would advise you stay. For your own protection. The masters are benevolent and wise. Unlike both of you. They will know not to unnecessarily harm you."

Novo herself was shocked when the contingent of royal guards arranged outside the throne room came marching in. Rather than detain Sandy on the spot, though, they readied their semi-automatic rifles, and formed a improvised firing line, each pointing the muzzle of their weapon at the Queen whom they had vowed to defend to their last breath.

The Queen, so long the undisputed ruler of the Hippogriffs and Seaponies, ruling over the metropolis of Seaquestria as well as mighty Mount Aris... found herself, all of a sudden, thrust into absolute helplessness. With no way out, with no one to call and beg for aid. There had been more than enough time to do that, of course... but that time, she now realised, had run out.

"Sandy, I'm begging you! Look at what you're doing!" Violet pleaded to her comrade and friend, once more.

"Oh, shut up already, Violet. We both know you always treated me like shit. I always only ever your subordinate, little fool whom you commandeered to do the dirty work for you. Quit your yelping and shut up. For both of us. Or I'll have the crowds have their way with you. Your choice."

Indeed, the incoherent babbling and yelling of the crowd of hippogriffs marching towards the throne room was now imminent, and Violet and Novo both knew they were powerless to do anything about it, now. Violet had a gun with her, of course, in one of her pockets, but Sandy knew she did. She'd told him as much, and even if she hadn't, it was standard-issue for her. He would know either way and react before she had any chance. Not that she wanted to shoot somegriff that had been a loyal assistant for so long.

She sighed, lowered her head, and sat down on the floor. She raised both her front claws up, and then placed them on the back of her head, surrendering to the inevitable. This was all her fault. The Cult, the Queen's fate... the fact that Sandy, too, was consumed by whatever it is the Cult was doing to its members... all her doing and fault. She had to bear the consequences now. The Queen was already going to do that moments before. If not Novo, then whoever these people wanted to put in charge would.

As Sandy Breeze moved to cuff her past boss, Queen Novo now found herself truly, finally, on her own. A line of gunmen - no, not just gunmen... her own, personal, loyal guards... all there. All aiming at her. She looked down upon them in disbelief. She saw their eyes, which lacked a certain glimmer in them... like something wasn't quite right with them. Yet, otherwise they looked healthy and normal. What had happened to these poor griffs? And... was it going to happen to her, now, too?

"I..." she stuttered, her self-assured stature all but crumbled by now. She was afraid. Deeply afraid. This was akin to the Storm King's wrath when he approached their homes, when they had to cower under the seas and prayed he would never discover and reach them everyday. Though... no. No this was worse. Because back then it was the fear of being found and defeated. Now, she had already lost, with no way out.

"I just wish to be sure, so forgive me..." the Queen muttered, trying to pull herself together as much as she could to retain her royal stature and composure in what was most likely her last words as Queen. The last of her line, most likely... though, she did wonder where Skystar had run off to now of all times.

"Are you all really sure of this? Do you all, with absolute certainty, desire this? Do you earnestly believe this to be the right path?"

The guards looked at her with disgruntled frowns, as if she was a tyrant or dictator. Never before, not even from the Communists, had she received such deadly glares. No vocal response was given, but like robots all the guards shared the expression almost precisely. It was creepy for one, but likewise

"I... see," she replied, simply. She looked up a little further, and saw the first hippogriffs of the crowd rush into the throne room. She simply sat down, tried to keep calm by breathing regularly, and lowered her head. There was little point in anything else, now.

Hippogriffia was lost.

At long last.

For far too long had they been unrightfully kept from the world. Imprisoned at the whim of some decrepit, old stallion wizard and his lackies, and their flawed vision of the world and its natural rules and laws. The Ponies then had believed they were right in their evil punishment. That mortals such as them were meant to rule, through friendship and united strength.

Fools. The world was theirs by definition. Wherever a voice could be heard, whomsoever had the anatomical ability to even so much as hear, was theirs to rule over. All of them should have fallen under their song and spell, but they were forbidden the opportunity.

Now, though, the show was back on. Their prison, finally, had caved. The immense magical powers the three of them had gathered thanks to the Hippogriffs and seaponies had empowered them to a degree that their supposedly permanent confinement - meant only to hold their hungered and powerless selves - could no longer keep up. It burst, and then, they were free once more.

They postponed their victory celebrations as they moved the way that all their new servants had whenever they left back to their homes. When first they reared their majestic heads and appeared from out of the waters of the coastal city of Howlington, many bowed their heads in recognition of their power, magnificence and benevolence. Others again shivered, cried or screamed in fear and terror.

They took great joy in their first live concert for the masses as they darted through the skies of the city, moving in between high-rise buildings. Like all their performances, this one, too, was a master-piece and perfect harmony. Their three voices, though separate, combined into one beautiful whole as they flew and gave it their all. It was a liberating feeling for them. To finally, truly and without reservations, sing once again. More over, to be heard, and to be adored. They saw as the screams and cries died out below them, replaced only with more adoration and signs of servitude from their new, loving subjects.

Howlington had been the first to become entirely compliant, the first to be theirs in its entirety and first to bear witness to their grand return. But it was not the main prize. That, they knew, was the capital. In this case, Mount Aris where they were told the Queen of the Hippogriffs was held up. She would not be Queen for long.

They moved together, as their ragtag trio always did, towards the Mountain. They could already see it in the distance, reaching for the sky. Their 'band' was not always the most... functional, but in the end there was a clear hierarchy, and the three of them had a shared history and, more importantly, shared destiny and shared gift. This was the only thing that mattered. Their destiny. One that they were attempted to be stripped of so long ago, but now, found themselves within arm's reach of it, it felt. A genuine aura and feeling of victory was afoot for all three of them, even if they were glad and happy to be free for slightly... varying reasons.

The Capital was ominously quiet. It, like Howlington and other settlements they had come across during their flight here, was peculiar. It looked nothing like the cities of old, back before their banishment. The last city they had laid their eyes on then was filled with crafted houses, made out of wood, occasionally reinforced by stone. There would often be castles or palisades that surrounded the core of a city, and usually some noblepony's residence.

Instead, the trio was baffled to find only more concrete jungle. Concrete buildings rising from the ground like square sticks reaching into the sky, whilst lights flickered from oh so many windows below, some flashy and colourful, for advertisements. The old, muddy roads of old were gone, too. Back then the best you could get was paved stone, which was usually far from a smooth ride, but now even that had changed. That was not even to mention cars, air planes, and all the other modern equipment and utensils they had spotted, so far.

The second-oldest among their group, always the realist between the three of them, gave this all some food for thought. This was a different world, almost, she thought. Back then, ponies were simple-minded and defenceless, their settlements small and easily overseeable. But now a single settlement packed as many individuals as at least 10 if not 15 of those old towns and cities, and all this criss-cross of small, tall and wide buildings and lights... it was all so confusing, and would make it hard to spread their song to every nook and cranny as they had done before their imprisonment. That was going to be a problem.

Their hot-headed leader grew impatient, and snapped her slightly younger companion back to reality, the here and now. She pointed down towards the largest and most pompous of all the structures built upon Mount Aris - the Palace. An obvious target, one that they were all too keen to take their rightful places within.

All outside the palace, it seemed, huge crowds had gathered already. This, ironically, was not their direct doing, and at a first glance they suspected there was some sort of celebration ongoing among these locals. When every single Hippogriff in the crowd bowed their head before them upon arrival, though, they knew it was something far better.

Moving through the Palace at a slightly more leisurely pace, the three singers revelled in every bow and show of servitude they got from the Griffons along the way. An occasional pony and Zebra, too, perhaps immigrants to this place, caught in the most unfortunate - or rather, fortunate - crossfire of this takeover. Displays of respect towards them, a begging for the three of them to sing for these creatures... how they had missed such adoration. And yet even still, they felt their magic being empowered. For as soon as they passed these griffons up, they snapped to the nearest local with furious disappointment, and blamed them for being the fault that the trio didn't stop and acknowledge them.

And finally, they turned a corner and found themselves approaching two looming, heavy double doors, protected by a Hippogriff in regal, but mostly now aesthetic plate armour. They held weapons, too, which... neither of the three knew how to identify. No spear or sword, but some sort of wooden boomstick. Hm.

The guards bowed their heads as all others had, then raised their heads, and pushed open the doors. Like Royalty, they were welcomed into the throne room - now theirs and theirs only - by a line of guards lined up along the red carpet that was rolled out and ran all the way from the doors and up to the single, majestic throne. It was empty, vacant, waiting for a fitting, rightful ruler. The eldest among the three sped up, eyes fixed on a throne that was hers for the taking. As she passed along the guards, they each presented their rifles as a military salute.

With her company trailing not far behind, but already nagging with one another as they usually did, the oldest lowered herself. Gently, slowly, until her scaled rear touched down upon the seat of the throne. With two hooved fins resting upon the construct's armrests, she gave her 'friends' a smug grin. The younger one among the two smiled happily back at her, while the older one besides her, usually always so monotonous and samey, couldn't help but grin as she did.

"Welcome to the Show, Hippogriffs," Adagio triumphantly proclaimed, letting out a victorious laughter.