//------------------------------// // The beauty and the Beast wars: part 2 // Story: optic sensor of the tiger // by primeoetgrunn //------------------------------// "Celestiaaaaaa..." A voice sounded through the bedroom of the sun-godess. "Who said that?" Celestia asked. "Give us back the maximalllll!" The voice responded. "Who are you?" "We are the Vok." Two chromed skulls with hair coming from the back of their head, came flying out of the prinsesses mirror. "What are you two?" Celestia asked, scared of the Vok its appearance. After that question, the Vok dissapeared. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, princess Celestia could not stop thinking of the Vok. "Sister, is someting the matter?" the princess of the night asked. "Huh? What?" Celestia responded, her mind still at last night. "We asked if someting was the matter." Luna said. "Yes, someting is the matter, dear sister." the eldest of royal sisters responded. "And I fear it has someting to do with that disturbance I felt yesterday." "What is the matter, then?" Luna asked. "I had a visit from another god." Celestia told her younger sister. Luna got a red face when her sitser talked about another god in her room. "No, Luna! Not that kind of visit!" Celestia got the same shade of red on her face. "This god was from another species... It talked about a Maximal, and wanting it back." "Did it give a name?" Luna asked. "The Vok." Celestia stared out of the nearest window in her sight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------