//------------------------------// // Operation Deniable // Story: Jackal // by Gallants //------------------------------// It took a month for Celestia to return, but she wasn't happy, "Send the 1st through 4th battalion, to the minotaur border," she commanded, "King Minos has been assassinated, an insurrectionist cell has been raiding our towns and slaughtering our citizens!" she yelled tossing vase causing her generals to quickly get to their hooves. Jackal had just entered the war room quickly dodging the vase, "As much as I hate to ask this princess," she said walking over to Celestia, "but were there any orphans, under the age of 10, 6 is preferable?" the ponies looked at her confused. "What could you possibly need with such young children?" Captain Salt asked, a worried look across his face. "The spartan program, I just finished reading the report on an acceptable alchemical formulation, but they believe younger subjects will have a better chance at surviving the transformation," she told them, "I was 6 when I became a spartan, and the time it takes to train and mentally prepare before augmentation can happen, makes it necessary to pick them young," Jackal said handing a file to Captain Salt, "Princess, Captain Salt, I would like to suggest placing your reinforcements in as many frontier towns as you can." Celestia and Salt shared a look. "For what purpose do we need to reinforce?" Salt and Celestia asked at the same time. "It's simple, insurrectionists are terrorists," Jackal said leaning against the wall, "and terrorists go after soft targets, give me the option to overview how many ponies to reinforce each town, and any that can't be sufficiently reinforced will be set up until only a single town is left soft," Celestia frowned about to speak, "Then I will lead Deniable Operations in that town to disrupt their operation as they begin, leaving a few survivors to create a legend of a demon or ghost." she told them getting a shared look from the collected officers. "Do you think you and two operatives, will be able to handle a raider party?" Salt asked, getting a confident nod from the spartan, "Well then princess what are you waiting for, give the monster what she wants." he told Celestia, getting a roll of her eyes. "I'd rather you refer to Jackal as such or as commander," Celestia said, "she is a wonderfully kind woman, who is willing to put her life on the line for this country," Celestia took a step forward causing the captain to fall over, "and I will not tolerate insults being slung at her," her horn lit, and Jackal stepped forward placing a hand on her barrel, her head turned, "You're right Jackal, I'm sorry, just a bit on edge," Celestia said quietly taking a step back. "You'll have everything you need commander, take care of the situation." she told her dismissing the council. "Commander, it's an honor to work with you in such close proximity." Hornet said when they met at the rendezvous. "Don't mention it, this is another test," Jackal told them, "There's a new project, and we'll need trainers, so show me what you got," she told them, magnum at the ready and walking towards the town as they saw the torches in the distance. Jackal ran through the alleys, catching glimpses of the insurrectionists worriedly looking down them, slowly she crept up, behind a particularly frightened group as yelps sounded from the other streets as her team got to work. Raising her magnum, she put a round in the back of the head of a single minotaur before disappearing down an alley. The Deniable Operations squad quickly thinned out the herd, they started to run from the red-stained cobble streets, but a single one, who roared out a challenge to the spirit, Jackal grinned behind her mask and stepped into view, a few other minotaurs stopping their retreat to watch. "You asked for the spirit," Jackal said grabbing the hilt of the energy sword, "here I am, I hope you realize you won't be leaving." she threatened getting a roar in return as the larger beast sprinted at her, raising his war hammer high above his head, and swinging down, intent to flatten the spartan, who sidestepped and got behind the creature. Climbing onto his back Jackal raised the hilt of the energy sword and ignited the cool blue, plasma blade thrusting forward, killing the minotaur on the spot as she twisted the sword out of his skull, and she slowly faded into the background as she turned on her active camouflage. The remaining survivors ran out the village and as quietly as they had come, Deniable Operations left the village, few villagers were brave enough to look out their windows. "Commander, do you think they'll return?" Incognito asked wiping her knife on the leather armor of her companion. "I'm not sure, the legends of the spirit might be enough to ward them off," Jackal said, "we'll get a message to the princess and see how she wants to continue from here." she told them getting into a ditch, as an equestrian battalion marched by, confused Jackal nodded to her D-O's and headed back towards her Transportation to Canterlot passing several more battalions on her way. When the spymasters' air carriage landed in the Palaces walls, Celestia was quick to greet the spartan, "Jackal, how went the operation?" she asked spreading her wings and wrapping them around the spartan. "It went well, Celestia," Jackal told her, "What is with the army heading towards the border?" she asked and Celestia frowned. "I got intel from a trusted source that the Minotaur Government is funding the insurrectionists, due to King Minos' friendly attitude towards ponies," she told her, walking towards the palace proper, "I elected a full reinforcement along with a firm warning that any additional insurrectionist actions will result in Equestrian aid in rooting them out and snuffing them, of course, the minotaur's sent an unofficial letter saying they agreed, an effort to make us look like the aggressors in the world stage," Celestia said having led them to her room, "Unfortunately for them, I already had my minister of affairs send out a series of papers showing the insurrectionist work to the surrounding kingdoms and empires, any action we take will be seen as practical to protect our citizens." her wings flared out as she removed her regalia. "I'll send the word to Deniable to disrupt insurrectionist hideouts," she told the princess, "I'll also give them instructions to hit hard targets with approval from intelligence," Jackal said removing her helmet and bending over Celestia's desk, "I'll write the letter right now and hand it off to intel," she told her when there was a knock on the door, "Come in." Jackal called out getting an annoyed look from Celestia. "Princess, Commander," Director Shadow, a tall mare, "We have unconfirmed reports of a warlock casting mental spells," she told them, "however, every single pony who has reported it, has recanted their statements, can I request Deniable Operations to go and investigate, local and royal investigators, have come to a dead end and we can't officially pool any more resources towards an investigation, and your operatives don't need to follow laws." she said stiffening as she looked between the two. Celestia nodded at the commander, "You'll have them, E.U.P forces will be able to combat the minotaur insurrection," Jackal said starting to write a letter, "I'll just need this passed onto my operatives," she told them handing over the letter. Director Shadow nodded and headed out, "Think she knew I was here?" Jackal asked chuckling before walking over and wrapping her arms around the mare. "I do believe she did, she's almost my best source on gossip," Celestia said chuckling, "that mare probably already knows what's happened between us," she told her tilting her head back, "So dinner?" Jackal chuckled nodding yes before kissing the royal on the cheek. A week later Jackal was helping the princess with some paperwork when she went to get a new inkpot and loose cobblestone gave way and sent the spartan through the wall, landing in the garden, surrounded by nobility. "Uh, I didn't land on anypony, did I?" she asked, then the screaming started, 'I hope Hornet and Incognito are doing better than this,' she thought as she stood up and walked back into the palace. "Incognito, what was that?" Hornet asked panting as they finished barricading the door, a sinister clicking on the other side, "I thought we were hunting a warlock, not a demon!" she yelled, a cracking resounding from outside followed by scratching, "It's climbing, why is it climbing?" she asked. "I don't know," Incognito said walking through the house, her eyes falling on the chimney, "We need to get out right now!" she yelled as a thump sounded from the fireplace. "Ma'am, I'm so sorry," Incognito said shaking as she held the mug, "I-I killed it though, not before it did something to Hornet." she told Jackal taking a sip from the mug. "It's okay, it's not your fault, intel didn't suggest that," Jackal said placing a hand on her withers, "Director Shadow is beating herself up enough as is," the spartan stood up and headed out nodding to the doctor and walking towards the morgue, "I need to see her body, make sure the family can I.D her." she told the attending who quickly unlocked the door showing Hornets body, her eyes frozen in fear and a large pulsating crystal in her mouth. Jackal was called into the throne room, for an emergency several nobles giving her a wider berth others demanding that she tell them why the princess wouldn't see them, she ignored them, entering through the doors she saw Celestia standing next to an injured mare, bug like wings on her back, and a jacked horn tipping her head, glowing blood flowing from her abdomen, "Jackal this is Pharaoh Spinnerate, she's a changeling." the changeling held up her hoof. "My hive is gone, most of my senses destroyed, I'm no longer Pharoah of the Saddle Arabian hive, I am simply Spinnerate," she corrected, "apologies to you spartan, but I must ask for assistance it required quite a bit of love to make it here and not bring attention to myself." she told the soldier, Jackal walked over and started her treatment. "You need a real doctor for this," Jackal complained as she followed the instructions given to her by Celestia, Spinnerate yelped as the stitching was finished, "Well now we just hope you don't suffer from an infection." Jackal told her. "Don't worry about that we changelings are a hardy bunch." she said chuckling.