
by Gallants


"And a dozen eclairs," Petty Officer Grind said finishing her report, "and the princess requested I personally go down and pick up her order, doesn't yet trust the royal couriers." Her wings drooped a little as she realized who she was complaining to.

"You weren't quite expecting the severity of the alicorn sweet tooth, were you? Tia gets the same way," Jackal said signing off the report from the Petty Officer, "don't worry about venting to me, I'll go with you down to Ponyville to pick up the order," she told her standing up, "besides I have business down there with the Apple family." Putting her helmet on, and motioning for the mare to follow.

"Ma'am I thought we would be taking a carriage?" Grind said as she looked around the train car.

"Nonsense, as a spartan it's your duty to make sure the rail company is maintaining the weight standards listed in the emergency deployment act," Jackal explained, "besides I like trains, trains are cool." She said chuckling while relaxing, the petty office smiled herself and relaxed a little more.

As the two walked down the dirt path outside of town, Coarse Grind looked up at her C.O, "Commander, what business do you have with the Apple family?" She asked watching the blue pony who seemed to be approaching them.

"I need to discuss this year's contract with the academy and do a check-up on Big Macintosh," she told her before groaning when the blue pony started walking backward, "Rainbow Dash, what do you want?" she asked seeing the pony grin.

"You remember me, not that weird I am pretty awesome," Rainbow bragged, "but not as awesome as the Spirit herself," she said flapping her wings and hovering next to them, "I bet you came down here to recruit me to your spartan program huh?" she asked excitedly.

"No, the spartan program is over," Jackal said, "and I wouldn't recruit a pony who trespassed on royal property." she informed her.

"Then why are you here if not for me?" she asked dropping to the ground.

"Working," she told her as they approached the orchard, "some contract discussion," she stepped to the side as Applebloom ran by, "staying out of trouble Appleoom!" She called out.

"NO WAY COMMANDER!" The filly yelled back laughing as she tripped.

Rainbow Dash stopped and dropped to her flanks, "WHY DO ALL OF MY FRIENDS KNOW HER EXCEPT ME!?" She questioned the sky before she realized the time and flew off towards her weather team.

"Well howdy there Jackie," Applejack called out waving her hat as the spartan approached, "Oh I ain't in trouble am I?" she joked as she saw the other spartan, "Anyhow Big Mac ain't around, he's on a delivery, I'll send him up to Canterlot when he gets back," Applejack told the pair.

Jackal laughed with her as she took off her helmet, "Applejack you know I love you, but you got to stop calling me Jackie, and thanks for the heads up, shortens our trip." She said as Applejack led them towards the house.

"Granny we got one more coming by today!" She called out opening the door, "Now spartan you are going to love this cider," Applejack said whistling while looking at Coarse Grind, "Wow, I have never got to see that Tyrfing armor up close, sure is pretty, and a might thinner looking than yours commander." She said as she took a seat at the table.

"Well, it's not quite as protective as Mjolnir, but we had trouble getting the same protection while allowing a pony's natural magic to flow easily," she explained, "we ended compromising for lighter weight and less protection." Jackal said picking up the offered mug.

"Commander, am I allowed to remove my helmet?" Grind asked as she looked at the offered mug.

Jackal placed her mug back onto the table, "I'm sorry petty officer, yes since you aren't on special duty, your identity doesn't need to stay a secret," Jackal informed her smiling as the mare took the offered mug and removed her helmet, "so as I'm sure this is just a formality, I trust we won't need to make any changes to the contract?" Jackal asked as Grind gave a satisfied sigh.

"O-of course we'll be able to handle the normal contract," Applejack said while looking at the pony spartan, "how old is she?" The farmer asked.

"That's classified." Jackal quickly answered, keeping an eye on the mare beside her, who had started to chug the cider.

Smiling the bat mare looked over at her commander and without thinking simply said, "Thanks mom." Jackal froze and placed her mug down.

"Just sign here," she dryly said pulling out the contract from the pouch on her hip, Applejack quickly signed the paper, "Let's go," she said standing up and putting her helmet on, Coarse Grind stayed in her seat refusing to look up, "I said let's go." Jackal growled grabbing the spartan and her helmet.

Putting her helmet on, Coarse Grind ran up next to the commander, "Ma'am I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have called you mom." she said refusing to look at her commander.

"You're right, you shouldn't have that was completely unprofessional," Jackal said, before stopping and getting to her knee, you could hear her sigh through the helmet, "but I understand why you said it, I did try to go to the academy as much as I could and I tried to be approachable, besides Tia's motherly ways have been rubbing off on me after these 80 years," Jackal told her removing the pony's helmet and ruffling her mane, "you aren't in trouble and I'm not mad, just disappointed you would do something so casual while working," she explained putting the helmet back on and walking down the path, "now let's pick up my sister-in-laws sweets." she told her standing back up and motioning for her to follow.

"Welcome to Lyre and Cane," Bon Bon called out, having recently finished her order, "How can I he-" she stopped speaking as she saw the spartans standing just inside, looking around she swallowed as her store was empty, "Must be something important for you to be down here with another spartan commander." she said straightening up her counter.

"It is pretty important," Jackal said walking up to the counter, "We're here to pick up Princess Luna's order." she told the mare, putting the order papers on the counter.

"Oh is that, all?" Bon Bon asked, getting a nod in return, "It is a pretty big order, guess it makes sense for two to pick it up," she said walking into the back room and pushing out two large carts she looked over the order papers once more, "So the princess overpaid, so keep the carts I already got two more delivered yesterday, and have a good day," Bob Bon said before pulling a manila envelope out from under the counter, "Actually do you mind delivering this?" she asked smiling as the spartan took it in hand, "Thanks, I've been getting busier, and haven't had time to go up to Canterlot." Bon Bon said, Coarse Grind looked between them, her curious head movements not going unnoticed by Jackal.

"I was never given this envelope," Jackal said slipping the letter into her messenger bag, "understand petty officer?" She asked getting a salute from her, when they were about to leave a small devilish thought ran through the commander's head, "Hey, Grind," she said, catching the bat mare's attention, "Want me to get you a treat, sweetheart?" she asked, Coarse Grind stopped before looking at the ground.

"Yeah, I'd like that." she said sheepishly, Jackal looked over her shoulder, Bon Bon smiled and shook her head, walking into the back and quickly returning with a small bag and a small box.

"Don't be so mean," Bon Bon chuckled handing the bag over, "The box is for you commander." she told them waving as they left.

"Commander, do you really not have a problem with me accidentally calling you mom?" Coarse Grind asked after their silent walk to the train, the gentle rumbling, a sigh came out from the commander as she took off her helmet.

"It's complicated," she told her opening the box and popping a bonbon into her mouth, "Princess Celestia has kept her distance from the spartan program, especially since, despite the training and the best armor we could give them," she said leaning back, "death rates where high during the wars, a surprising amount dark wizards, took a while to figure out a good general shield spell," she explained, "There's a reason Tia tries to help so many orphans, in fact, she hated the spartan program originally, but conceded since it would mean fewer orphans and homeless foals." Jackal told the mare.

"That doesn't answer my question, ma'am," Coarse Grind said, "I called you mom and I shouldn't have, it was wrong and you don't want that." she slowly pulled off her helmet and opened the small bag, and chewing on one of the pieces of candy Bon Bon gave her.

"It's not a big deal," Jackal said before placing a hand on the mare's armored withers, "just don't let Tia hear you call me that," she said, "seriously it will cause issues with both of our duties, because she really wants a foal and refuses to adopt," she told her, "and I don't have any internal repro organs due to a covenant energy sword." she told her placing a hand over the phantom pain that cropped up.

"Why can't the princess bear a child?" The mare asked.

"You'll need to talk to your other mom for that information." Jackal told her.