//------------------------------// // Talks by the Fire // Story: G5 Movie Redux (rewrite part 2) // by Norwegian boy //------------------------------// While six ponies was on the run, another pony by the name of Sprout and the other earth ponies was busy with building stuff in Maretime Bay in a basement of Canterlogic. Some of them was bushing thing, while others had trouble controlling cranes, nearly injuring ponies. Then a giant elevator came down and Sprout was riding it while slurping on a smoothie. “Why aren’t you finished yet?” Sprout asked a male earth pony as she gave his smoothie to a female earth pony. “We’re working as fast as we can, but we’re running out of rivets.” The male earth pony answered. “Riveting story.” Sprout then laugh and when he was done he sighed. “Just make it work, ok?” He said while garbing the pony tie. Then Spourt mother approached him. “Sugar cube, I know your little top secret project is important and all, but when do you think my workers can get back to making Canterlogic products?” She asked her son. Then a pony fell right between them, hurting himself. “Back to work, Glitter Cupcake.” Sprout told the pony, then a crane grabbed Glitter and hoisted him up. “It is my factory, after all, dear.” Sprout mother told her son as they walk. Sprout was to happy the way his mother talk to him. “It’s my town, mommy. Your son now emperor of Maretime Bay.” Sprout wasn't surprised to hear that her son was the ruler of the town. “Emperor?! But yesterday you were only the sheriff.” “Well, see how fast I’m climbing the ranks?” He said with pride in his voice. “This defense factory is going on offence, and it’s all thanks to your love and encouragement.” He then turned his attention to the others. “Break’s over, Bubblegum McGinty!” Sprout mother had create a monster. “Oh, dear. Somepony’s getting a big head.” While Sprout was budling, something. Sunny and the others was now looking at a tree that was in her book. “That’s the tree from the map!” Right, map. “That’s means… it’s this way.” Said Sunny as she started to walk, Zip and Izzy followed her. The other three wasn’t that enthusiastic. “What am I even doing here, hoofing it across Daisy Field, looking for a magical crystal that doesn’t exist!” Said Hitch as he walk after them. “It was supposed to be my best show ever. Now it’s all over. I’m a criminal, and it’s all because of them.” Pipp and Hitch said the last word together. “And that is so not cool.” Said Pipp as she walk to her sister. “No, it’s not.” Then Hitch realized something. “Did I just agree with a pegasus?” That he did. Streak who was walking behind them, he couldn’t help but think how selfish they were. “So, this how pony kind is today, they only think about themselves. Equestria has change, that’s for sure.” He mumbled to himself. “Hey, are you sure she even knows where to find this other crystal?” Pipp asked her sister. “Don’t you trust me at all?” Zipp asked her sister. “I don’t know. You are the one that just got mom thrown in jail.” “You guys managed that on your own.” Said Streak who was now walking behind them, Pipp just ignored him. “Look, once we get our magic back, the whole kingdom will be so excited, they won’t even remember what happened back there.” Streak thought that was a terrible idea. “You’ll be a hero, Pipp.” Zipp sister just shook her head. When it came to Sunny and Hitch, he still wanted to arrest her. “Let’s get one thing straight…” Then Sunny turned to the others. “Were almost to the rivers, everypony!” She then started to walk again. “After this whole escapade is over with, you are going to march back home to Maretime Bay with me.” Sunny just rolled her eyes of what Hitch said. “Is that clear?” “Crystal.” Said Sunny. Hitch was now proud of himself. “Great. Because this badge means that I’m the sher…” He then felt that he had lost his badge. “Argh!” He then started to panic. “No, no, no, no Where’s my badge? Hey!” He then saw Izzy and pointed a hoof at her. “You.” Izzy on the other hoof, was clueless. “Hmm?” He started to walk towards her. “I know unicorns like shiny things..” “Oh, you know, I think I did see a shiny badgey thing on the ground a few hours ago.” She said while walking towards Hitch. Hitch was shocked. “What? Hours?!” “Well, maybe it’s for the best. Between you and me, buddy, “ She walk over to him and whispered. “that badge was creating an unhealthy power dynamic.” She then walk of singing to herself. Hitch was just lost for words, the Streak walk past him. “She got your there Stich.” He said with a smile on his face. Hitch was just annoyed. “Would you stop calling me Stich, my name Hitch.” He exclaimed. “Sure, what about Doughnut Lord?” Said Streak while snickering. Hitch was now frustrated. “I’m starting to hate that unicorn, both of them.” He then started to walk after the others. Then they all arrived at a bridge, that was destroyed. “Well, this great.” Streak mumbled to himself. While the others started to talk, Streak notice a rotten tree which made him smile. “That could work.” He walk over to the tree, he then pulled out a bottle from his bag, he then smiled. “Boom.” He threw the bottle at the tree trunk, the bottle explode and the tree fell down creating a bridge. “I love a good explosion.” He then look back at the others who just wondering what just happened. “Look, a bridge.” He then started to walk over it. Sunny just walk after with a smile on her face, the others was happy while Hitch was unhappy, he just wanted to go back with Sunny. They crossed the new bridge and over them was an earth pony flying with balloons strap to his back. Night had come and the six ponies decided to set up camp by some giants rocks, they had managed to gather woods and now they wonder how to lit them. Streak reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle with red liquid, he then poured some of the liquid on to the wood and it took fire. “That’s so cool.” Said Zipp while Streak just smiled. Everypony was amazed by what Streak did but not Hitch, he had trouble lighting his own wood, with a stick. “Come on, stupid stick.” He said while trying to light the fire. “You need some backup, sheriff.” Zipp said in a playful tone. “No, thank you. I’ve got it.” He really didn’t want help from a pegasus. “Come on. If I only had a match.” He eventually managed to create fire. “Ah! Oh.” But it died out. “Oh, well, that was sad to watch.” Said Zipp. “Come on, don’t be a hero dude. Come get warm.” Sunny decided to convince him while Streak sat down by the fire. “I say leave him, if he too afraid to sit with other pony races I say let him freeze. I just think his too stubborn.” The others wasn’t sure if Streak was serious or not. “Are you sure about all this?” Hitch asked Sunny as she approached him. “Because if we just go back to Maretime Bay…” He went back to the fire. “What gave we got to lose?” She asked him. “By giving magic back to our enemies? Uh, let me think. I know, a lot!” “Come on. Do they look like enemies to you?” She asked him while looking back at the rest. “My sparkle is aquamarine? That’s like my sixth favorite colour!” Said Pipp with enthusiasm while flapping her wings a little. They didn’t look like enemies, maybe Streak, that pony was just grumpy. Hitch let out a sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe I should just go back to Maretime Bay, where I’m needed.” He told her while kicking a stick with his leg. “If that’s what you want. But you should know I’m actually glad you’re here, Hitch.” She then walk back to the other. “We all are.” She sat down and made a motion with her head to let him know he was welcome, Hitch just snorted as he walk over and sat down, with a sighed. “So, I think we should set off at first light. Last stop, Bridlewood.” Sunny said with some enthusiasm. “Let’s just hope this plan of yours work.” Said Streak while looking into the fire. Hitch had enough of this guy. “Just what is your problem?” Streak look up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Why do have be so negative all the time?” Hitch asked a good question, it look like Streak was always in a bad mood. Streak wasn’t faced at all of what Hitch said, he just shrugged his shoulders. “Where I am from you can’t actually be happy all the time and sing songs.” Now they were curious. “Just where are you from Streak?” Sunny asked him. “Have anyone of you heard about the Badlands?” Everypony was confused and Streak was a little surprised. “Seriously?” Still clueless. “For someone how lives in Equestria you five know nothing about it. The Badlands is Celestia failed attempt of a utopia, the ponies there was too violent so she sealed it off, she then tried it what you guys knows as Equestria. At least that what I heard from my grandfather.” He then snorted. “I think this ‘friends is magic’ is a lot of crap.” The ponies was still clueless, they had no idea what he was talking about. Well, not Sunny. She was smiling like crazy. “Oh my star, you’re from the past, you’re actually from the past.” She then went from her book. “I have so many questions, what…” Streak decided to interrupt her. “Before you ask 142 questions, I was not a friend of Twilight and the rest. I didn’t know them, at all.” Sunny’s happy mood disappeared, she wish that he knew. While the rest, still confused until Zipp deiced to ask. “Okay, I’m not sure about the rest of you but, what’s going on. What do you mean his from the past Sunny?” She asked the earth pony while pointing a hoof at Streak who was as calm as ever. “I think he’s from the past because he mention princess Celestia, she ruled Equestria a very long time ago.” That got the others to say ooohhh. Streak on the other hoof. “How do you know about Celestia?” He asked her. “My father?” Said Sunny. Streak just ignored it. The others wasn’t sure they believe Streak. “If you really are from the past, how did you get?” Asked Pipp and it was another good question. Streak look at the fire. “I was trying to make a teleportation potion but it blew up in my face and the next thing I knew I was lying a meadow, not far from Maretime Bay.” The girls felt bad for him while Hitch didn’t believe him at all. “So, you make potions for a living?” Zipp asked Streak who just nodded his head. “What kind?” Streak a to think for a second, it was a lot of potions he had made over the years. “Well, I made potions that can cure a headache, potion that make sure you don’t have nightmares, to make your flowers grow better. I also managed to make a potion that cure hunger.” He said all that with some pride in his voice. Zipp didn’t buy any of it, especially that last one. “You made a potion that can cure hunger? Your pulling my tail on that one, there’s no way that’s…” Zipp couldn’t finish her sentence because she was hunger and her stomach made some noise. “I haven’t eaten in a while.” She said with a blush on her face while covering her stomach with hoofs, then the rest of them followed, they were also hungry. Streak just snickered of what he heard. “I guess this is a good time to prove it,” He grabbed his bag. “let’s see here.” He then stuck his hoof into the bag and started to search. “Where did I put it?” He said while searching. “Oh come on.” He did find it so he decided to put his whole head into the opening to the bag and that made everyponys eyes to pope out, almost. They had never seen anything like that in their life. “There you are.” His head came back and he was fine, he the put his hoof back in the bag and managed to find the potion he was looking for. Once he had found it he notice everyone was looking at him like he had grown a second head. “What?” Sunny pointed a hoof at him. “How…? How did you do that? You just put your head into your bag, how?” Her brain was trying understand but it crashed. Streak had no idea why they were freaking out, then he remember, no magic. “It was just dimension magic, I can show you later but now,” He handed the potion to Zipp. “it’s time to eat.” He handed her a bottle with orange liquid in it. Zipp hesitated a little but she took it. “Just remember, take one sip and you will be full, don’t drink more, it’s not wise.” Zipp was a little skeptical, she had a hard time believing that this orange liquid could make her full. “This is ridiculous.” She mumbled to herself as she took one sip from the bottle, she smacked her lips a few time. “Huh, taste like strawberry. But there now way I can be…” She then felt something in her stomach. “No way, I’m full, I’m not hungry anymore.” She couldn’t help but smile which made Streak smile, she handed the bottle to her sister. “You have to try it Pipp.” Just like her sister, Pipp was skeptical to this but it look like Zipp isn’t hungry anymore. “Why not” She gabbed the bottle and took a sip, she then waited and it didn’t take long, she was full. It work.” She said while patting herself on her stomach. Pipp then handed it to Stich. Stich, he was the most skeptical of them all but it look like the Zipp and Pipp isn’t hungry anymore, he might not like Streak but he wasn’t about to kill him, right? Stich took the bottle, hesitated at first but eventually he took a sip and he wasn’t hungry anymore, he then handed it to Sunny who also became full, so did Izzy. Izzy handed the bottle back to Streak who placed it back into the bag. “That’s was amazing, I didn’t know you could do that.” Said Sunny, Streak just smiled. “I would like to have a look at the bag.” Now it was Streak turn to hesitated, he really didn’t want anyone to look into his bag, there was a loot of potion in it. a little peak couldn’t hurt. “Alright, just a quick look.” He handed the bag to Izzy who handed it to Sunny. “Just don’t touch anything, I have everything organized.” Sunny wasn’t about to anger Streak, she put her head into the opening and… “Holly star, it’s like entirely room in here. So, this is magic, it’s beautiful.” He head came back and she was fine. “I can’t wait to get magic back.” She handed the bag back to Izzy who had to take look for herself. “Wow,” Her headed came back. “Can I do that when magic comes back?” She asked Streak as she handed his bag back. Streak just shrugged her shoulders as he took back his bag. “Maybe, if you are willing to learn.” Izzy was more than willing. Izzy couldn’t help but smile, these few days had to be the best in her life. She had made new friends and they were going to bring magic back to Equestria, she didn’t want this to end, but it had to eventually and that made her sad. Sunny then notice that Izzy was sad. “What’s wrong, Izzy?” She asked her friend. “It’s just that being with you ponies has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I guess I just don’t want our adventure to end.” “But, Izzy, you’ll get your magic.” Said Sunny which made her smile, so did the rest, even Streak. Then Hitch decided to ask a question. “Can I ask you a question? Why did you come to Maretime Bay?” That was good question. “I always wanted to visit. When I was a filly, I found this pretty lantern. It had message inside.” She then pulled out a paper from her hair. It said I had friends in Maretime Bay.” She then showed paper and it was a drawing with a rainbow and all the three pony races. Sunny on the other hoof couldn’t believe what she saw. “it… it was you!” Said Izzy while looking at Sunny. Izzy then handed it to Hitch. “I made it with my dad.” Who handed to Sunny. “We always promised each other that someday we would prove that all ponies were meant to be friends. We’ll do our part. Hoof to heart.” She said with a smile. That made girls to look at each other, promise to help Sunny. Streak on the other hoof, had trouble with the whole Izzy and her message. “Wow, wow. Time out.” Everypony look at him. “Are you telling me you came to Maretime Bay because you got a message in a lantern you got…” He didn’t know how long it was so he look at Sunny. “How long was it you and your dad send that lantern?” He asked her, Sunny had to think for a moment. “Around twelve years ago.” Streak nodded. “Thank you.” He look back at Izzy. “In a lantern you got twelve years ago?” Izzy was sure what to say so she just smiled, then Streak’s eye started to twitch. “it’s like I am in a children book.” He mumbled to himself. Then Hitch spoke to Sunny. “Hey,um…” then everypony look at him. “I want to do my part.” What he said made Sunny smile, she was glad he wanted to arrest her. Not now anyway. “What have we got to lose, right?” The other agreed what he said. “I have to admit, a unicorn forest does sound kin fog magical.” That made Streak snort. “Don’t count on it, what you want does really happened.” He then let out a yawn. “Damn, I’m more tired than I thought, time to get some sleep. Something tells me it’s going to be a busy day.” He then decided to use his bag as a pillow, he then lay down and closed his eyes. “He's right, we all should get some sleep.” Said Sunny as she and the rest decided to get some much earn sleep,