//------------------------------// // Awakening of Mystery // Story: We're all Equestrians now // by Wrinklenator //------------------------------// We’re all Equestrians now. Chapter 1: Awakening and Mystery I woke up, but it was not to my alarm or my father telling me again that I needed to get ready for school. In fact, I didn’t see the usual and with the sight of my ugly ceiling above me. It was a bright blue sky with very fluffy looking clouds. I did not feel my lumpy bed on my back, I felt…. grass?? Oddly enough, I felt like I was clothed enough to not be naked, yet naked enough to not be clothed. “Hello there!” Said a figure whose head popped up upside down to my view. “AH!” “Oh! Phew! I thought you were in a dire situation there for a second, mister.” She looked like a yellow horse of some kind. She had an orange spiky mane with a bit of yellow streaks here and there. Was that a horn on her head? “Err, hi?” I said. “You look like some kind of equine or horse… like a pony or something. How are you talking?” Her bright light blue eyes and adorable face twisted with a sense of great confusion. “Uhh…” she said, “Because I can?” to which I replied, “No, I mean- ponies can’t talk!” Her confusion seems to magnify with my question and she retracts her head. “What do you mean ‘ponies can’t talk?’ You’re just as much as a pony as I am and you seem to speak perfectly fine to me.” She smiled a bit awkwardly. My eyes suddenly went wide with shock. “But I- WHAT THE-” I looked down and saw a green tall and slender pony body and a brown tail. I could feel the tail a bit and I gave it a flick. “I… I don’t understand, I- Whoa!” I tried to get up but my whole body felt weird. My legs felt as if they were turned around and my arms felt like legs. I kicked all of my limbs in a desperate hope to get up. However, I only squirmed as I remained on my back. It felt as if my fingers and toes were fused together. My neck felt longer and it felt more muscular, and for the first time ever, I could actually control my ears. My whole anatomy had changed. “I… I uh…” I stammered. I felt awkward being naked and having a female above me. Then again, I guess this is normal for ponies. “Are you okay?” she started to say. “Oh no, I am uhh… fine.” I tried to get up once more, but I had absolutely no idea how to do so. “Are you sure?” she asked. “I guess you could… give me a boost.” I said trying to smile without a large sense of total awkwardness. “Okay. Here I go!” She said as she pushed her small head under my side and pushed. “ARRRG!” I screamed as her horn pierced my side. “WHOA!” I was now on all fours with all of my legs spread out at what seemed to be their maximum length. I was shaking with fear. Fear that I did not know how to walk and fear as to why I was even here and why I could not remember anything. Well… except for the fact I was in High School I could at least remember my age, but my name was gone from my mind and I couldn’t even remember what I used to look like. “I’m so sorry my horn got you like that!” she said. She put her hoof on my side and started to rub my throbbing side. ‘Boy, did that feel nice’ I thought. “You sure are jumpy.” She giggled, “You’re an interesting one. Everypony can get up on her own, but why can’t you? Did you forget how to walk? Did you suffer some kind of concussion or anything?” I just stood frozen trying to comprehend the situation. “Did you just say ‘everypony’?” I asked as I looked over what I think is still my shoulder. “Yeah. Why? You’re a strange one, sir.” I felt so odd standing on FOUR legs. I touched my extended face with my new hoof. With no fingers, it felt very different than before. I decided to sit down and try to grasp what was going on and get my head in place. I brought my front hooves up and put them right in front of my face. I looked down and saw my new hooves. ‘I am a pony. I am a pony. I am a pony.’ I repeated this phrase in my head. This is such a weird dream. I didn’t think lucid dreaming could be this real, but I guess it was like this. I mean, it’s not like I could tell from experience. I got back on all four of my new legs and tried to walk. I did so slowly. Front right. Back left. Front left. Wow, this feels weird. “What was the last thing you remember?” the yellow filly asked. “I- I- don’t remember, I went to bed, I think, and now I am a pony.” I said. “Now you’re a pony? Are you sure you didn’t hit your head a little too hard there, mister?” she said. I turned around shakily and steadily as I was not used to my new form. “No, you don’t understand. I was originally a human. Something happened to me apparently and I… Why are you laughing?!” She cackled hysterically after the word ‘human’. “You ARE an odd pony if you swallow all of those made up mythical stories.” She stopped the humor momentarily. “Then again, you don’t look like you’re from around here. I’ve never seen you here before in Ponyville. I’m Hollynight. What’s your name? Where are you from?” I gained more confidence in my standing ability and stood up straight and was about a head taller than she was. “My name is…” Suddenly, my name randomly popped into my head, “… Capidas.” I choked a bit on that last word. I was surprised at my answer; I could not remember my REAL name but I could remember this random name that popped in my head. This could be part of the lucid dream. “Capidas. That’s an interesting name.” Hollynight said excitedly, “Here, follow me and I’ll show you around Ponyville.” She started to trot off on the dirt road in the opposite direction of a gloomy dark forest. “What is that?” I asked as I stared at the strange eerie forest that seemed to lure me into its presence. “That’s the Everfree Forest.” She said, “That forest has always been strange. It’s not like a normal forest. There’s something dark in it that makes it twisted and unnatural.” She paused. I just stood and stared into the forest where the pathway made its way in deeper. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” I stared at the forest for one last second before turning. As soon as I turned to follow Hollynight, the weird spell like connection that was on me broke. “Wait up!” I called. Front left. Back right. Front right. I decided to speed up slowly. I was doing it! I started to trot up the dirt road catching up to Hollynight. I felt triumphant! “Hey, Hollynight, wait for me!” I started to gallop, my very first gallop! I love the new feeling of the wind in my new mane! “I think I got the hang of this quad pedal style of walking.” I said as tripped over my own legs, slammed my face on the ground and got a mouth full of dirt. Talk about one weird dream. I don’t even get this scenario. I thought dreams were supposed to be based around experiences maybe or something I have seen before. None of this seems familiar. Aw heck, I can’t even remember my real name! Let alone this strange place or that filly with something on her flank. I finally caught up to Hollynight on the road to Ponyville. “So,” she said, “You never did say where you were from, Capidas.” “I never did,” I said “I don’t remember where I am from though. The last human memory I can recall was laying my head down to rest. I think.” She rolled her eyes. “Sure.” She said. “I can’t start a normal conversation with you I guess.” I felt a bit awkward. I guess I sounded crazy. Then again, if some person walked up to me and said he or she was a pony from a distant world and could strangely not remember the life he or she had beforehand. That person would sound pretty crazy to me. “What’s that mark on your… uhh.” I said. “My what now?” She replied. “That mark on your… how do I put it? Flank?” “It’s my cutie mark?” she looked at me a bit worried. “It looks like a balance scale. What is that supposed to mean?” she stopped in her tracks to look at me. I stopped as well and turned just to check if it was I at whom she was staring. “What?” I asked. She stood wide eyed and stared. She looked a bit scared and then gave a menacing stare. I leaned back a bit. She then peeked at my flank and saw it was blank. “Somepony of your age SHOULD have a cutie mark by now.” She then looked up, “You’re serious, aren’t you?” She looked concerned and a bit scared. “I am serious!” I claimed “Now you’re getting it!” She stared at me and circled around me with interest. “Wow, a real human huh,” she then stopped to think, “But, how did you get here? Why are you here? To get here, you would have to have traveled from a whole different world. No magic is powerful enough for that, or at least that I know about.” Hollynight said. She pondered for a moment. “I guess we could go to somepony who might help,” she said with unease, “Then on our way we go. It looks like we got a mystery to solve. To Ponyville!” After we climbed up a small hill, we saw a village in the distance. “There it is! That’s Ponyville.” Hollynight said as she pointed onward. “I think I know where we can start.” We made our way into the town. There are colorful ponies everywhere. Some ponies were even flying. “Hey, how are those ponies flying?” I asked. “Those are Pegasi. There are three kinds of ponies: Earth Ponies, like you, Unicorns, like me, and Pegasi like…” “Hey, Hollynight!” yelled a light blue Pegasi who came trotting from behind. “Oh hey, Glaciem.” Hollynight responded, “How did the Best Young Flyers’ Competition go?” “It was going well until some odd winged pony had her wings evaporate.” Hollynight looked bewildered, “That sounds awful. Is she okay?” “She’s fine. Another performer managed to perform this amazing sonic rainboom to save the poor mare.” Glaciem said. “So that’s what that explosion was!” I rolled my eyes and wondered if those girls, I mean, fillies were done talking I started to look around. Three mares were laughing together while walking. A big red pony was unloading hay. Hay. Yuck, now that I am a pony, I guess I’ll have to eat that stuff now. However, there is always the hope that there will be better options. There was some odd pink pony bouncing up to enter what looked like was a bakery mixed with a candy store. Next to it was a strange male zebra on a wooden box with voodoo looking ornaments performing some weird magic for some foals. “Sorry for leaving you out, Capidas.” Hollynight said as she tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around. “This is Capidas, Glaciem.” I saw she was a bright light blue Pegasi with a gray mane that had a dull light blue stripe through it. She had a long bushy tail and a snow-flake as a... what was it called.... oh yeah... a cutie mark. Her eyes were light blue, but they were darker than Hollynight’s eyes. Come to think of it, they were more like a lightning blue. “Nice to meet you, Capidas!” she held out her hoof and I shook it awkwardly. Glaciem looked at me strangely but smiled all the same. “So what are you two doing, you look new here, Capidas. Where are you from, Capidas?” “Believe me,” I started to say, “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I shrugged and smiled a bit. “How is that so?” she replied. “Capidas,” Hollynight interjected, “come on, we should go now. I’ll catch up to you later, Glaciem.” Hollynight and I started to trot off. “Where are you going? Hollynight, we’ve been best friends since we were foals. Are you keeping something away from me?” Hollynight stopped, “Glaciem, you won’t believe me.” She said. “Of course I would believe you.” Hollynight just sighed, “Capidas is a human and we’re trying to find out why he’s here and how we can get him back to his world.” Hollynight said. “I don’t believe you.” Glaciem responded. “I can prove it!” Hollynight said with determination and stomped her hoof down. “Look at his flank. See. It’s blank. A regular pony would have a cutie mark by his age.” Glaciem looked at my flank. It felt increasingly uncomfortable of having this stranger just examine my butt. Perhaps this must be normal for ponies? “That is strange. Wow, a human, an ACTUAL human,” Glaciem looked me up and down. “But who or what did this to you, what did this thing look like?” “I don’t know,” I said “I just woke up and Hollynight found me. I have no clear memory of being a human other than the fact I know I used to be a human.” Glaciem nodded, “In the meantime, Capidas, welcome to Equestria.” She beamed at me I guess she was hoping to liven my somewhat depressed mood. “So what were you going to do to solve this?” Glaciem asked. Hollynight blushed, “Well, I uh…” “You uh what?” “I thought I could go see Lyra to see about any-” “LYRA?” Glaciem burst out, “she just reads made up stuff by other psychos! If we REALLY want to help Capidas, we need a REAL expert. Let’s start at the library.” We turned our direction and Glaciem knocked into the strange zebra that I noticed earlier. “My apologies, miss.” His stature was slightly higher than mine and his voice sounded soothing, sly and deep, “for I was not aware that you might change your direction, forgive me.” He assisted her to her feet, I mean, hooves. His creepy tiki looking necklace rattled. “That’s okay, it could have happened to anypony or any zebra.” Glaciem said. “Say, did you think you could have your fortune told by the privileged Doctor Chaoi-Wa? Such a lovely mare like yourself could surely use some help in this world.” “Thanks, but no thanks. I have to help my friend. Maybe sometime, I promise.” He made eye contact with me briefly then quickly looked away. I saw him put on his cloak again. It was almost like he knew I was on to him. I can’t see how that’s possible considering I haven’t met the guy. “He’s new isn’t he?” Hollynight said as we made our way to the library. “I can’t say I’ve seen him before, so yes.” Glaciem responded. We approached a giant tree with windows and balconies. “So, what’s in here?” I questioned. “We are looking for the smartest pony in all of Ponyville. Her name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m pretty sure she has read up some stuff about humans, or at least have some books on some.” Hollynight said and she went up and rang the door bell. We waited for a while and a small purple dragon answered the door. “Hello, girls,” said the dragon. “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you two here. Where’s the rest of your usual gang?” “They’re on a trip to Fillydelphia.” Hollynight said. “Anyway, with what can I help you, girls?” the purple dragon asked then he noticed me. “This is our new friend Capidas. We were wondering if Twilight was here. Is she available, Spike?” Hollynight said. Spike shook his head, “I’m sorry, she just left to go to the Everfree forest to get some tea from Zecora.” “That’s okay, Spike.” Hollynight responded as the dragon closed the door, “There’s no point in going into Everfree, and it’s getting dark anyway… Capidas, did you want to stay with me?” I jumped a bit at how quickly she asked me, “I meant- err- if you uh- wanted?” She said to save herself from her assertiveness. I was a bit stunned, “Really? Well, I don’t think I have a choice considering I don’t have a home. I’d love to spend the night. Thank you Hollynight, that’s very hospitable of you.” I tried to say that in a way that could relax Hollynight. Glaciem rolled her eyes, “I guess I’ll see you two LOVE BIRDS tomorrow at the Library.” She flew off and Hollynight blushed. Put any criticism or comments beLOOOOOOOOOOOOOW