Love Is A Funny Thing

by Silver Hoof

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Sweetie Belle sat on her bed, thinking of today's events at school. What the hell just happened? She stared blankly at the wall across from where she sat on her bed, her expression unreadable. Scootaloo is sleeping with our mortal enemy, and Apple Bloom is in love with her lackey. Did I miss something? When did Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon move from bitches to lovers? There was a sudden knock on the door, jolting Sweetie belle out of her thoughts. "C-come in..." She stammered. She watched as Spike opened the door and took a tentative step into her room. She gave him a thin smile. "Hi." She whispered.

"I-is something wrong, Sweetie?" Spike asked uncertainly. "When you asked me to come over after school, you sounded a little bit shaken." She looked at him with sad eyes, unsure of how to proceed. She had been having doubts lately, and her friends' sudden revelations yesterday didn't make things any better in her mind. A few months ago, she had began to wonder if Spike really loved her, or if she was just a replacement for when her sister rejected him. Thinking about her sister made her decision even harder since she had passed just a few weeks ago. Rarity was the one who helped her with all of life's tough decisions, and now that she was gone, Sweetie Belle was at a loss. "Come on, Sweetie Belle. You can tell me anything. What's bothering you?" She sighed. There was no use in putting it off. If this relationship had to end, it would end right here, right now.

"Spike, do you... Do you really love me?" The purple-and-green dragon's jaw dropped. "I'm serious. If I am just your rebound, then I want to know."

Spike stood motionlessly for a moment, and Sweetie Belle's anxiety grew to be unbearable. Then, suddenly, he threw his arms around her. "Of course I love you, Sweetie Belle! There is nopony else that I would rather be with!" She pushed him away and looked at him skeptically.

"Not even Rarity?" She said.

Spike looked hurt. "How could you even think that I would still want to be with Rarity? Sweetie Belle, I love you. You are not just a replacement for your sister. What I felt for Rarity... That was just lust."

"What's the difference?" She asked grimly. He cupped her left cheek with his clawed hand and looked into her eyes.

"This." He said, bringing her face closer to his. Their lips touched, tentatively at first, just barely brushing against each other. She could feel his warm breath on her face. Then, after what seemed like hours of an agonizing lack of contact, he finally made the connection. His lips on hers felt electric, sending shock waves coursing throughout her body. Then, out of the blue, she felt a blast of hot, almost burning breath invade her lungs. But there was no pain in the sensation. Quite the opposite, actually. It felt wonderful. She was simply melting in her lover's grasp. Mere minutes later, he reluctantly pulled away, and they were both gasping for breath.

"Wha... What in Celestia's name was that? It was amazing, whatever it was." Sweetie Belle couldn't stop smiling.

"That was the Breath of Fire. It's something that only a creature with dragon's blood can do." A tear slipped down his face. "I wasn't sure if I wanted to use it on you until today. You see, a dragon can only use this ability once. Once he does, he belongs to the mare that he used it on. Forever." Sweetie Belle gasped. "Now, even if you decide that you want to be with somepony else, I no longer have that option. I can only be with you now."

"Sp-Spike..." Sweetie Belle was trying so hard not to cry, but it was next to impossible. How could I have thought that he didn't really love me? If he would do this for me... The dam broke, and the tears cascaded down Sweetie Belles face as she embraced Spike. "I love you too! I promise, I will stay with you, no matter what!" Spike held her as she continued to cry. When, finally, her tears stopped and she no longer felt the need to cry, she eyed Spike misceviously.

"Wh-why are you looking at me like that?" He asked nervously. Sweetie Belle chuckled.

"I've seen love..." She said, her voice suddenly thick and seductive. "Now I kind of want to see lust."

Spike grinned wickedly. "Sweetie Belle, you naughty mare. Come here." He kissed her, slowly pushing her onto her back. "Your wish is my command, madam." He whispered.