//------------------------------// // Chapter 25: I Bring Good News! // Story: Get Him 3 // by Lord Blackraven //------------------------------// I Bring Good News! “Luna? May I please come in?” Celestia spoke softly as she knocked on her sisters chamber door. “No! Go away!” Was the muffled and sobbing reply from the other side of the doubledoors. Celestia still let herself in and beheld the very sad sight of her sister lying on her bed sobbing as though her heart would break. Celestia walked over to Lunas bed and sat beside her crying sister draping an ivory wing over her. “I killed him! Celestia! I’m not a princess. I’m a murderer!” she cried in anguish. I don’t know how I can bear the thought or pain that I killed another sentient being! An innocent Pony! He never did anything wrong! We put him through Tartarus all for fun and sport only to be responsible for his death! He didn’t deserve that!” Luna heart was in agony and no amount of consoling from her sister could help her calm that aching heart. It was at this time and almost seemingly on queue and when Princess Luna and Celestia couldn’t be more down in the depths of despair, that there was a knock at Lunas door. Celestia used her magic to open the door and answered the knocking. “Yes. What is it!” She said just a bit testily without meaning to, to the servant at the door. “I am sorry for the disturbance your highnesses, but this message has just arrived.” The earth pony stallion said. “I will look at it later.” Celestia said back. “Begging your majesties pardon, but I think you should read it now. “Very well. Read it and please be quick about it.” Celestia said with a heavy sigh. “To your majesties Princess’ Celestia and Luna, I have the honor to…… “Yes, yes, get on with it please!” Luna said with just a hint of anger. “Apologies your highnesses.” He said and cleared throat. “He lives!” -*- “WHAT!? DID I HEAR YOU RIGHT!?”Celestia gasped. The earth pony servant flinched and folded his ears back from her near use of the Royal Canterlot Voice. Luna all but teleported right in front of the startled pony. “Can it be so? Is this true?” ”Y-Yes Highness! It is as I have said. I-It is what the message says and is signed by a Dr. Hoofson!” The servant said as he leaned back in slight fear from the dark colored princess invading his personal space. “OH WHAT WONDEROUS NEWS!” She exclaimed as she grabbed the startled servant in a hug. Not knowing what to do, he looked to Celestia with pleading eyes that said “HELP ME!” Princess Celestia just gave him a warm smile and nodded in his direction letting him know that all was alright and that he had nothing to fear so he relaxed a little into her embrace with a goofy smile on his muzzle. “Thank you so very much for this news!” she said breaking the hug with the messenger. The messenger respectfully bowed and left with his continued goofy smile on his muzzle and maybe staggering a little bit from the attention foisted upon him by his liege. “Celestia, sister, Can we please go back to him? Pleeeeeeeeeze?” Luna begged. Celestia knew this was the perfect time to tease her younger sibling and mess with her just a bit by telling her things like “I don’t know….” And “Well maybe. We’ll have to see….” But she knew also that this was not the time. Her sister had suffered enough through all this ugly ordeal. “Yes dear sister. Let us go to him.” She said as Princess Luna had already headed for the balcony of her room. Both spread their wings and leaped off letting gravity and air take over as they both headed back to the hospital. Nurse Redheart was busy watching over her young charge with a keen and practiced eye. His life signs were weak but stable. Perhaps even a little bit stronger. There was hope for him yet and this made her fears lessen somewhat. She would do everything ponily possible to see to his full recovery. She walked over to his unconscious form and brushed a little bit of his mane out of his closed eyes and whispered kind words of encouragement in his ear telling him that he was going to be ok and before he knew it, he would be up and about and good as new. Luna and Celestia arrived at the hospitals entrance and walked through the double doors to the front desk. The nurse at the front desk gave a quick bow to her royal leaders. “Your Highnesess, I am assuming you wish to see our special patient again?” She said with a smile. “Yes indeed.” “He is still in room 107. I believe Nurse Redheart is in there with him now.” “Thank you.” They both said in unison as they went through the double doors and straight to his room. There was a light knocking at door to room 107 to which Nurse Redheart quietly answered. “Yes?” she softly spoke as she answered the door. Upon seeing the royal sisters again she gave a slight bow. “May we come in?” Celestia whispered. The nurse opened the door admitting them both. Both Diarchs may have been the most powerful ponies in Equestria and could have gone in if they so chose to do so, but they had enough respect for their subjects and their work, to accept the answer “no” if Nurse Redheart had told them so. “How is he?” Luna asked quietly. “He is somewhat stable as far as we can tell.” Red Heart answered. “His vital signs haven’t fluctuated for some time now but they appear to be a little bit stronger.” “Do we know when he might wake up?” Luna asked. Just then Doctor Hoofson quietly entered the patients’ room. “Ah! Your Highnesses. Good! I am glad you have returned. I see you got my message.” “When we heard that he had returned to us, we has to come.” Celestia whispered. “Princess Luna, I am especially glad you are here.” The doctor said. “Why is that? “I would like to try a little test to test a theory.” “What theory Doctor.” “If you would. Please approach our young patient here slowly.” Luna, with a confused look on her face, approached Alexs still unconscious form slowly as bidden and as she did the medical machinery started to increase in tempo but his breathing and vitals appeared to stay normal. Lunas eyebrows went up in surprise. “Now come back away from him.” Luna did as she was told and his vitals calmed back down. “And now Princess Celestia if you would?” The doctor asked. She did as she was bidden and the same thing happened only not as much as with Luna. Celestias eyebrows did the same thing as Lunas. “Doctor Hoofson? What does it mean?” She asked. “He may be in a coma at the moment, but he knows you are here. He is aware.” The doctor said. “And there is more!” He added. “More?” both sisters said at the same time in surprise. The doctor let out a heavy sigh and said, “Your highnesses, if you would follow me to my office where we can talk more in private, I will explain.” He turned to the door and opened it to let the two princesses out first and then followed them out looking back at Nurse Redheart momentarily to which she gave a knowing smile and nod of the head as he left. The good doctor walked down the sterile hallways and was met by Doctor Trotter the unicorn. “Ah, Doctor Trotter. Good to see you. Have you a spare moment to join us in my office?” “Yes. Of course. I surmise that this concerning our young patient? Upon see the two royals he gave a polite bow and accompanied the three to Doctor Hoofsons office. Once all parties present entered, he closed the door and locked it. “Your highnesses, I don’t know how I can break the news gently so I will just tell you what we have discovered with our young friend.” “After some more thorough and precise testing we are certain about one thing with our young friend, Alex. I didn’t want to believe it myself but I can’t ignore our findings your highnesses. This is why I wanted to tell only you two and no pony else. I figure since you are the rulers of our land, once I tell you, then you would have to decide what is best for the kingdom.” Both princesses were shocked to hear these words come from the good doctors muzzle. “What is it doctor? How is it that our young Alex has suddenly become a potential state secret?” Celestia asked. “Well Princess”, Hoofson said with some trepidation. “Our testing has revealed………..“ “What Doctor?” “He is us!” “WHAT???!!!”