//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Birds of a Feather // Story: Black as Sin // by BearstarSeraph //------------------------------// Chapter 7: Birds of a Feather “Well… this was a memorable day…” Celestia said, trotting down the hall hanging her head, “Will you be able to handle night court? You have barely slept.” “Sleep is not what we’re worried about, Tia,” Luna said, “We had a very public incident and we have yet to issue a statement. The rumor and gossip among the nobility is so much greater than it was, Sister.” “A lot has changed as Equestria has grown in importance while you were gone,” Celestia raised her head, “But it has been over three years, and two since I started Night Court; you have never voiced anything like this before?” “There hasn’t been a crisis like this before,” Luna said, “Discord, King Sombra, Queen Crystalis, all of them were quickly dealt with and exited our borders. But we have a truly unknown element directly below us, an Alicorn prince equal to us in power. He is injured. I was injured. That can’t be swept under the rug…” Celestia whipped around. “Luna!” “For even a second!” she finished her sentence. “Why are you so suspicious?” “How can you not be?!” Celestia sighed and hung her head. Then she stood straight with a sparkle in her eyes. Luna backed up, “Oh no… I know that face.” Celestia giggled, then nodded down the hall, “To my suite.” The guards bowed as the two sisters entered Celestia’s room fifteen minutes later. Luna rolled her eyes, “So what is this new brilliant scheme you’ve cooked up this time?” Celestia turned around to face Luna. “Watch this,” she said excitedly. She closed her eyes as a gold glow came from her horn. Then she was wrapped in golden sheets of magic. The mummy wrappings turned dark blue before disintegrating into sparkling glitter. Luna’s eyes almost popped out of her head as she took several steps back. Before her was a perfect copy of herself. “So? What do you think?” Celestia said excitedly with Luna’s voice. Luna opened her mouth, but no sounds came out. Celestia raised her head proudly, “I’ll take that as approval.” She pranced to the door, “Now you rest up. I’ll handle night court.” Celestia opened the door. “Sweet dreams, Sister!” she winked back into the room before shutting it behind her. Luna sighed in surrender. Then glanced over at Celestia’s bed. ~~***~~ Even out in the hallway, the whispers and talking could be heard through the thick doors. Everything instantly went silent when the doors opened. “Luna” walked confidently into the throne room and sat down. But as she scanned the room, her heart dropped. “These faces….” she thought, “Is this only for tonight? Or… Oh, Luna. Why didn’t you say something sooner…” Celestia then spotted several horses, griffons, and camels in the rear of the throne room. “Those are staff from the embassies... but they are not high level officials. Scratch that… that’s the Griffon Ambassador’s son. Does Luna deal with the ambassadors as well? Dang it, Celestia. Why didn’t you take her seriously?” Then she spotted a young griffon raise his head above the others. “Isn’t that…?” “Lower yourself, No Name,” the griffon in a state military uniform scolded his undressed counterpart. “I’m sorry, Legatus. But I...” “Silence. Do not bring any more shame to my people than you already have,” Legatus Ermendrud growled. No Name hung his head. Back at the throne, Celestia took a deep breath and sat straight. “Nobles, Delegates,” she said in a loud voice, but not the Canterlot voice, “Much has happened today. And I am sure many rumors preceded our return to Canterlot. But please rest your hearts; once all the information is gathered and analyzed an announcement will be held tomorrow.” She lifted her hoof, “So be well my little ponies. Everything is perfectly fine.” “Luna” returned to her gentle, regal pose. But Celestia was quickly unnerved by the reaction of the room. Surprise, worry, even anger. She smiled nervously, “You all seem very worried tonight. Why don’t we begin tonight’s petitions?” A noble mare approached, “Forgive me Princess Luna, I know you mean to comfort us as Princess Celestia does, but these past few nights have not been easy. You still have not explained what happened last night.” “Last … n… yes-er-day?” The lady nodded. Several others in the crowd nodded as well as the rest of the hall fell silent awaiting the answer. “What about yesterday needs explanation?” Celestia said through her fake smile. “Lu~na. What haven’t you been telling me~” she singsonged in her head. “I can think of several things that need explanation,” came a deep voice from the back of the room. “Legatus Ermendrud,” Celestia scolded as he pushed his way to the fore. No Name hung his head as he followed through the gap. “Excuse me… Pardon me…” “You seem rather uppity tonight, Nightmare,” Ermendrud growled. Celestia’s eye twitched. The ponies in the room gasped and took a step back. “Princess Luna always cowers when insulted like that…” “She seems mad. I’ve never seen Princess Luna mad before. I thought the Elements fixed that? *Gasp* could she be slipping all over again? …” Celestia heard among the murmurs. “All of Equestria is a buzz,” Ermendrud puffed out his chest, “And I speak for all the embassies when I say that we do not like what we are hearing…” The other delegates nodded. “… There is injured royalty in a dungeon. Your sister burns down an entire town in anger. And there was a story that you were gravely injured, but I see that was a lie made up to justify this prince’s confinement.” He stomped his front talon, “This is not the hospitality expected of the pony nation!” Celestia took a deep breath trying not to explode into flames. The other griffon approached with his head down, “Forgive me mila…” “Silence creatin.” “Legatus!” Celestia stood, “I am well aware that griffons of your rank are used to giving orders and not receiving them. But an ambassador’s job is to advance his nation's interests while building trust and friendships. And one way of doing so is to respect the traditions of the court you address. All are allowed to address my sister and I no matter what their rank or status.” She took another deep breath. Celestia turned and smiled, “Welcome back to Equestria, Dalibor. It is so good to see you again. You have Equestia’s full condolences on your… I mean, Praetor Leberecht’s passing.” Ermendrud cleared his throat, “Princess Luna. I assume from that pause that you are aware of this—thing’s—name being stripped from it as part of the Damnatio memoriae.” “Yes, I am aware he has been stripped of his family…” “No,” Ermendrud interrupted, “It has been stripped of his full praenomen, nomen gentile, cognomen and agnomen.” He glared down at Dalibor, “Even stray dogs that feed of filth and each other have more worth than this creature.” “If this ‘thing’,” Celestia struggled with the word, “Is so worthless, then why has… ‘it,’ been brought to the palace?” “It is nothing but a writing pen, or whatever other use the Embassy can think of for it. I may use it as a xylospongium later.” Celestia’s eye twitched again. “So then… my lovely quill,” she turned back to Dalibor, “What is it you wish to ask?” “Forgive me,” he bowed, “But first you surprise me. Do you truly remember me?” Celestia giggled, “Of course I do. How could I ever forget that little squeak you made when I sat down on my throne after we turned the entire palace upside down when your foalsitter lost you playing Hide and go Seek.” Dalibor stood up straight with a griffon’s confidence returned to his face. “Then I will ask not a question but give a statement. I don’t believe you are Princess Luna. I think you are Princess Celestia in disguise.” The great hall instantly erupted in laughter. “You are a fool, creatin!” Ermendrud boasted, “Do you really think I am so blind!” Dalibor turned back to “Luna”. “I could go on about how your gate, posture, mannerisms, and even the inflection of your voice matches nothing of what I was informed Princess Luna to be. And ignoring the fact it was Princess Celestia who sat on me when I was a four-year-old cub,” his voice grew for the final conclusion, “Today was my first return to Equestria since I was recalled to the kingdom six years ago. Princess Luna has only been back for less than four years. I have never met her, and yet you remember me.” The laughing instantly stopped from the ponies and the other delegates, but Legatus Ermendrud continued to laugh until a golden glow enveloped “Luna”. The costume disintegrated into sparkling embers before evaporating into the air revealing her glittering white coat underneath. Everyone quickly bowed as Celestia spread her wings. “Arise, noble quill,” she ordered. Dalibor stood straight before her. “Tell me. What have you been told of my dear little sister?” Dalibor went to glance at Ermendrud. “Do not look to him for answers,” she ordered, “Look me in the face and speak with a voice worthy of a griffon.” Dalibor took a deep breath and gathered it in his chest for the volume. “‘Princess Luna is a creature full of shame and fear. She is obsessed with formality and protocol and is unable to deal with situations that demand personal judgment. She is meek and passive, terrified that any form of assertion will be met by fear from her subjects. As such, she is easily manipulated.’ That is what was said in today’s briefing at the embassy.” “And who gave this briefing?” Celestia asked. “Praetor Irmhild, your Majesty. The Ambassador.” “Where is the Night Court’s representative of the Royal Treasury?” Celestia ordered. “I am… here, Princess…” a young stallion with nerdy glasses fumbled with a quill and a clipboard in his magic. “I’m Slide Ruler, ma’am.” Celestia smiled then turned to Ermendrud. “Tell me Slide Ruler. What does the palace pay for an individual quill?” “A… a quill?” “Yes, a single quill?” “I’m not sure,” he answered, “When I buy quills, they are five bits, but the palace might be getting a bulk discount.” “Very well. Thank you, Slide Ruler. You may return to your station.” He bowed and walked back to the wall. “Legatus,” Celestia raised her voice for all to hear, “I will be buying this ‘quill’ from you. You will be remunerated at the gate of the palace.” “What?!” both griffons said at once. “I know full well the price paid by those who fail the tasks at the Coming of Age. No one may have failed in 800 years, but I am well over a thousand. Either you accept this money and leave quietly, or should I recite Equestria’s laws on slavery?” “I will accept your gracious gift,” Ermendrud said, masking his fury. “Good. Now leave my presence,” she ordered. He backed away before turning around and walking towards the back of the hall. “And to all my little ponies,” Celestia addressed the hall, “When my dearest sister told me her troubles, I did not take her seriously. I did so because I could not imagine the nobles I have known since they were foals behaving in such a manner. You have broken my heart. Night Court is dissolved until further notice.” She turned to the griffon, “Come Dalibor. Follow me.” ~~***~~ The doors to the hall slammed shut behind them with a loud echo through the empty corridor. “Milady, I…” “There is no need to thank me, Dalibor. I have used all means within my power to keep an eye on you since you left our borders. The reason your auction price was so high was because I ordered my agents to buy you at all costs. But it got to the point where they felt if they continued it would raise questions.” Celestia continued several more steps before she heard sobbing behind her. She walked back and nuzzled Dalibor crying on the ground, “There will be time to cry once we are out of the public areas of the palace. Come.” Dalibor quickly rose to his feet recognizing the warning. The two turned the heads of the guards as they walked toward the bedrooms. They came to Celestia’s hallway. The guards at her door saluted. “Princess?! When did you…?” Suddenly the door opened and Luna poked her head out. “Princess Luna?! When did you…?!” “I thought I told you to sleep?” Celestia scolded. “We knew you wouldn’t be able to pull it off, so we stayed awake,” she answered, “But we’ll admit you came back sooner than… Oh? Who is this?” Celestia smiled at Dalibor, “A good friend I want you to meet. Come. Let’s relax in the sitting room.” She walked past Luna into her room. Dalibor hung his head as he chuckled nervously, slipping into the room. Luna glanced at the confused guards, “Celestia will explain things in the morning.” She slammed the door. ~~***~~ “A slave?! Oh dear, you will have sanctuary here in the palace.” Dalibor bowed, “Thank you, Princess Luna.” The two turned their heads when Celestia cleared her throat. She was already reclining in the pillows. They followed her lead and sat down. “Dalibor,” she began, “I think for the time being it would be best to hide your identity for now. How would you feel about me casting the same cloaking spell I tried to use on you?” “You… want me to pretend to be your sister?” Celestia giggled, “No. I mean you can hide among the civilian staff until things calm down.” Dalibor bowed his head, “I am under your protection, my liege.” “Sister, we have a suggestion.” “Yes, Luna?” Luna grabbed several scrolls from the desk, “We didn’t think you would return so quickly. So we began reading the scrolls Spike sent of what they have learned about Prince Vegeta. According to what Pinkie Pie dragged out of him…” she placed the scroll in front of Celestia. Celestia took it and she continued, “… He was a slave himself for over half his life. Perhaps a kindred spirit will open his mouth further?” “Oh my…” Celestia scanned the scroll. Then she quickly set it aside, “Such things are best read in the daylight.” “Is this ‘Prince Vegeta’ the one everyone is speaking of?” Dalibor asked. “Yes,” Celestia nodded, “And since you saw through my disguise almost instantly, Luna does raise a point. But I think you should have a few days to get used to your new appearance before you go anywhere near him. If that is your decision.” “What is the truth of this pony?” he asked, “The reason I was brought was because the Ambassador thought I could make sense of the ‘hysterical pony prattle’ since I grew up here. His words, not mine.” Celestia took a deep breath. “There are many worlds other than our own that lay next to us but are usually unaware. And I don’t mean the afterlife, but living worlds similar to our own. Prince Vegeta and his daughter are from one of these worlds. Bulla has been watching Equestria remotely by unknown means, then when given a magical object to wish upon, wished to come to Ponyville and be transformed into a pony from her native species. Her father repeated the spell not knowing its destination or physical effects to chase after her. As young Bulla has shown great depth of knowledge of Equestria, Prince Vegeta has shown pure ignorance. That ignorance led to both his own injury…” She looked at Luna, “and my sister's.” “Then you are really hurt? You don’t look it?” Luna nodded, “Their native kind does not possess internal magic. Our injury was an accident, but we have been fully healed. A magic horncuff has been locked on him to prevent any more accidents, for his own safety and others.” “To injure one of the Heavenly Sisters… He must truly be powerful… and the object that brought them here.” “And there we are at a standstill…” Celestia sighed, “I know everypony is demanding answers, but we are still gathering information, let alone deciding what can be released to the public, our allies, and… what is meant for more prudent ears, young Dalibor.” He nodded, “I understand completely.” “Good,” Celestia stood. She stretched, “Dalibor, I want you to make yourself comfortable here in the couches. Luna, let’s visit the bedroom… and no pillow fights tonight.” She walked into the next room. Luna quickly stood, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Dalibor.” She followed Celestia out, then gently closed the privacy screen to separate the areas. The guards outside could hear the sobbing, but they could not tell whose it was.