//------------------------------// // Applejack AGRO culture(1) // Story: Ponies Versus the Internet // by KenDoStudios //------------------------------// "Well I'll sure as tootin' I'll give it a go!" said Applejack. "Alright!" said Twilight as she pressed play. The screen went blank and a blue screen appeared. "Alright A.J., what is on your mind, what would you like to know?" "Let's try this," said Applejack. "Can you tell us about the weather today?" She asked the screen. Pinkies eyes opened wide. "You mean you don't know?" she asked, looking outside. "it's overcast." "But I want the comp oot er' to tell me," said Applejack. "all right, let's put it in the text field." Applejack typed in "what is the weather today?" A message popped up on the screen. "the weather today is error location unknown." "Oh yeah that's right, it only reads data from the human world... let's try Canterlot high..." said Twilight. "It's raining," said the screen. "70 degrees with 5 percent humidity. "It's not raining!" yelled Applejack. "calm down, it obviously means it raining in the human world," said Twilight. "I guess," said Applejack "the internet is also full of knowledge," said Twilight "I bet you are wondering how humans grow their crops?" "yeah I guess so," said Applejack "I wonder if they have big farms like us or if it's just little farms like in Equestria?" "Hmm I guess I'll find out soon enough," said Twilight. The screen flashed. "There are large commercial farms in the US. They raise corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, poultry, beef cattle, and hogs. There are also many smaller farms. Farms differ from state to state depending on the climate, soil, and other factors. Farmers grow their plants by getting the correct seeds and planting them, watering them, and making sure they get plenty of sunlight. and can enrich the flavor of it by adding fertilizer from wood chips or horse manure." Applejack snorted. "What in tarnation? that offensive to use pony poop on your plants." "No it's not," said Twilight scrolling down the page"humans have been doing it for ages apparently" "Well, I ain't gonna eat a plant grown with pony poo." "Actually you already have." said Twilight "no I haven't," said Applejack. "yes you have," said Twilight "remember that piece of bread I brought back from the human world?" "Yeah?" began Applejack but then she quickly put her hoof in her mouth to keep her from retching as she remembered she ate it and thought it was amazing. The computer continues " Humans once used horses are used to carry loads, pull plows, and carts. but now uses sophisticated equipment to harvest crops" Applejack was angry "The humans were just enslaving ponies once? " "Actually they are using the ponies to help them, it's called farm labor. And most of the time the farmers pay the ponies well by feeding them" said Twilight. "Yeah, but it still doesn't sound right." "It really isn't." said Twilight. "but I guess they need the help." the computer continues "humanity raises pigs and cows to create sustainable meat by means of butchering." "Oh, my!" gasped Fluttershy. "That does it!" seethed Applejack "I'm grabbing my shovel Shela and I'm gonna give them humans a piece of my mind!" "Don't do that," said Twilight. "We need to learn to get along with them." "Why?" asked Applejack. "They treat animals like dirt." "Because they are ignorant." said Twilight. "and that's why we need to learn about them, so we can show them how much better we are." "Are we though?" asked Fluttershy. " I grab live worms and feed them to birds." "That's different, you are helping the ecosystem," said Twilight. "And besides, you have never seen a farm before, you wouldn't know what you were talking about." "I've seen plenty of farms," said Applejack. "and now I've seen how they treat their animals. its time we do something about it." "You can't do anything Applejack," said Twilight. "we are just ponies." "Yes we are," said Applejack, "but we are also superior to them, animals don't deserve to be treated like that." "Well maybe we should teach them a lesson then," said Fluttershy. Twilight beamed. "I love it when you talk like that Fluttershy." "I'm glad you approve, Twilight!" said Fluttershy. "If we go to Canterlot High, we might be able to convince the teachers to take action against the farms," said Applejack. "Let me write it on the list and see if we can convince the principal there," said Twilight making a note. "But first, I promised you all to get a turn. So who goes next?"