//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: On to Ponyville! // Story: My New Life as a Xenopony in Equestria // by ArlynntheDragon //------------------------------// "I still don't see why Princess Celestia wants me to 'make friends' while we're going over the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration." Twilight, once AGAIN complained to both me 'n' Spike. Twilight Velvet 'n' Night Light adopted me before we left. I even got to meet Cadence, and gave her a security passcode in case either she or I got pony-napped. Shining Armor, on the other hoof, took an instant dislike to me. Come to think of it, he wasn't exactly nice to Twilight either. Weird.. I REALLY wanted to tell her why she needed to make friends, but Celestia's warning kept ringing in my ears. I swear, she's getting lessons from Dumbledore. I gave my lil' sis a smile that anypony could tell was forced. Leave it to Spike to provide the necessary 'Princess-Celestia-knows-what-she's-doing' spiel. "I'm sure she knows what she's doing. This is Princess Celestia we're talkin' about!" Spike assured Twilight, while I remain sceptical. Oh did I mention that I'm flying alongside Sis's chariot UNDER MY OWN POWER?! As a certain rainbow-maned Pegasus would say: "THIS. IS. AWESOME!" Not to mention I've already started my Force training, and I'm doing pretty good iffin' I do say so myself. We made our way to Ponyville safely, Sis's griping, and Spike's constant attempts at humor falling flat not withstanding. "Twilight, tell me you didn't forget about all the fun you had at Moondancer's party, did you?" I asked/whined. "PARTY?! THERE WAS A PARTY AND I MISSED IT?!" wailed a certain pink pony with a poofy mane. "Oh, by the way.........."[PINKIE GASP!] Then said pink pony jumped, hovered, and ran. I had a feeling we'd be seeing her again soon. To make a long story short, Twi handled the decorations and music, while I oversaw the food sitch and weather. Brunch at Sweet Apple Acres was just as filling as I remembered....................................................right until I met the business end of Granny's rifle. Where on Equuss did the old nag hide that thing? Ya know what? I don't wanna know. Food: check! Luckily we all made up in time for me to inspect the weather..................................................only for a certain sky-blue, rainbow-maned Pegasus mare to come dangerously close to plowing right into me. It was only thanks to my Force training that that didn't happen. Not to mention the amount of hostility I was getting made me realize that she was angry with me, most likely due to my looks. "Alright, who are you?! What are you doing here?! What do you want?!" said rainbow-maned Pegasus demanded of me. "In order, my name is Tara Strong, I'm helping my sister oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, I want...................a sheet pizza with extra cheese and mushrooms with four side-orders of deep-fried mushrooms and a 3 liter of root beer." I answered with a straight face. That brought