//------------------------------// // Improving, and advancing Part 1 // Story: The Chef's cafe // by vincent789 //------------------------------// The sight before Twilight and Trixie was exactly the type of buildings that would come from an apocalyptic world that survived the world destruction atleast according to the post-apocalyptic novel that is. However much more beautiful than that since it used none-apocalyptic parts. With an assortment of building blocks. The buildings mostly comprised of metal, brick and wood. The whole structure looked solid. With brick pillars, wooden roofs and metal walls. The whole structure was an incredible hoof of engineering. But what was even more amazing was the inhabitants themselves. Among the pony population also sat a plenty of more unusual creatures. From fish creatures to Changelings. This district was almost like a city within a city. As Twilight and Trixie followed Colgate. Trixie took note of the sheer amount of different food shops where spread around. Not just on the ground level, but also higher up. In particular, the few food places that she took especially note of, was a roof tea shop and cafe. And also a massive bakery and cafeteria in one. Colgate didn't bat an eye to most things, besides the beauty shops and retail shops in general. A few that caused her to stop was a retail shop out of Manehattan and a shop from outside Equestria. The latter had so much unknown, yet seemingly popular clothing. That she could help but stare at it. However Twilight had no interest in any shop. She was far too busy focusing on services, health, creatures. And above all else, happiness. Something that Twilight was more pleased to see, than anything else. Since happy creatures, meant improved health and more spending in shops and the like. But also services, Twilight noticed a school on the second floor that was teaching some children the basics of money at the young age of 5. While another school on the ground floor was inside a bakery. Teaching children how to cook, how to forage and more. It made Twilight extremely happy to see this kind of improvement. However she also saw past all the pleasantries and noticed something that needs improvement. For example, she noticed that many district dwellers lacked social interaction. The road was also in terrible shape and the route to get goods were in a less than pleasant condition. But above all else, the risk of fires and the lack of safety was noticeable. "Colgate and Trixie. I think this is where we shall split off." Twilight said as she stood before the building that was the acting hub that maintained and operated this district. The captain halls or Main hall as the ponies called it. Also called a town hall, but that can't be in this case. Since they were still in Canterlot, even if her surroundings beg to differ. "Huh? I thought that we were going to visit that church?" Trixie said confused. Colgate was also slightly confused. "I was going to... But I suppose Princess duties called." Twilight said with a smile. Colgate blinked for a moment, until she realized who Twilight was. "You are the legendary chef! And the hidden princess!" she exclaimed. Twilight merely gave Colgate a small bow before turning towards the building and heading in, without a single word spoken. Leaving Trixie stunned in her place, before shrugging and leaving Colgate to visit her parent's bakery. Colgate saw her new friends splitting ways, causing her to sigh. As she too headed off towards her parent's new branch store. As soon as Twilight entered the building she nearly collided with another pony that was rushing past her. She didn't think much of it, though she knew that leaving without any response was quite rude. Nonetheless, Twilight knew that these ponies are under a high stress load, all the time. Ignoring the previous encounter Twilight approached the counter at the entrance. "Hello, how may I help... Ah your highness. It has been a while!" The receptionist said as she remembered Twilight from her time repairing the slums alongside her. "That it has. So... I am sure you wonder why I am here?" "Actually. Since this is the control facility in regards to maintenance and repair. Just must have seen something troubling. Correct?" The receptionist said smiling. Twilight nodded, "Yes. Maybe not as troubling right now. But something important to figure out as soon as possible." "I see. Well you are in luck. My boss, the pony you assigned into their current role, is currently active in his office. Shall I call him?" The receptionist said while she looked through her paperwork. "If you can, please." The receptionist lit her horn to call the boss. And after a few confirmations, she in turn nodded. "My boss will meet you in the conference room. You know where it is, right?" Twilight shook her head, "It has been too long. I have forgotten." The receptionist stood up from her chair, "Then please follow me." Twilight followed the receptionist through a maze of hallways to eventually reach the conference room. Inside said room sat the boss of the town hall and among him sat all the high level members of the company. Instead of sitting at the boss chair, he sat next to it. Basically respecting Twilight authority. Twilight meanwhile had no interest in sitting as she took a stand on the platform instead. Confirming that she is in fact a princess. "Your highness." The boss, which was the forestallion that took control of the building of the new slums at the time. Said with a slight bow. His colleagues followed his example. "Yes. It has been a while. And while I can speak my mind of pleasantries all the time. I am not here for any of that. So enough about the bowing. Lets get to work." Twilight said bluntly. Causing the boss's colleagues to smile. "Understood. So, how may we be of assistance today?" "I want you to send me a report about the current state of the slums." Twilight requested. The boss nodded as he used his hooves to grab the most recent report of the slums. "Alright. I will take a look at that later. Firstly, I need to chat about the roadworks. The roads need repairing, why haven't you already done this?" Twilight bluntly asked. "Primarily due to lack of materials and money." One of the boss's colleagues replied. "I suppose you mean, lack of resources and workforce correct?" Twilight with a raised eyebrow. "No, no. We need more money to get started and more resources." "Why resources? And more importantly why money?" "For tools... The resources I mean. And... ponies demand a salary for their work." The colleague explained. This caused Twilight to raise their eyebrow. "Didn't I place a permanent toolsmith? And didn't I ask you to gather a group of ponies in charge of the maintenance of infrastructure? Their salaries was going to be taken care of by the crown. Why hasn't any of this happened?" Twilight asked confused. "That was permanent?!" The a different colleague shouted. This shout caused Twilight to look less pleased at the colleague. "If you have removed it, then I hereby order you. To place it back. No matter what is in the way. However if its a business move it. If its residential then move it as well. If its industry, replace it." Twilight ordered annoyed. "So... what happened to the group, forestallion?" Twilight asked. "Well... They are still here. They are just busy." "With?" "The maintenance of the houses." "That isn't their job. That is the job of a different group of maintenance crew. Specifically the group in charge of livable areas. Why are you assigning the wrong crew for a job not meant for them?" Twilight asked confused. "Because we were overworking them. They needed help." The boss replied nonchalant. "And... you didn't tell my parents? You do realize they are in charge of assisting you with maintaining the slums. Right?" Twilight asked. "Because they are nobility and we are slum dwellers. We hold no such power. Hell, we can barely enter that area." One of the boss's colleague said. "Well. There are still two other help lines. Me and Princess Celestia. Why in the hell didn't you request any of us for help?" Twilight asked getting more confused in the moment. "Because the castle is inside the nobles district." The boss's colleague stated. "And what about me? Why did you not talk to me?" The boss's colleagues had no answer to that. Hell, the boss themselves were unsure about that. The boss was about to mention something only for Twilight to cut him off. "And if you dare use my mental trauma as a way to prevent me from helping you. Then you and I will have a far bigger problem." Twilight cut in. Shutting the boss up. Which basically answered the question. Twilight sighed, dissatisfied with everything that had been said. "Is there any other reports I should really take a look at before I continue?" She saw the boss nod and throw her a small row of papers at her. One paper talked about economics, one about social economics, one about trade, one about current state of affairs. And the final one talked about overall affairs. And although Twilight read through it all. The following key sentences stood out. In the paper about economics, there were a few sentences that basically stated the following: "And although the slums new economic reign is working out better than the previous one. The current net loss and net gain is still causing a split in proper economics. Something that isn't the slums fault. Princess Celestia isn't doing enough to help the slums, as the politics are causing economical ruin to the net gain of the slums. There is potential to go into the green, if only the politics weren't holding us back." In the papers about social economics it spoke about leap and bounds of improvements. But also showed a weakness somewhere else in the system surprisingly so. "The health, education, happiness, safety and income of our people is amazing. We have never seen such happy ponies. Which makes us worried. In the industry district in Canterlot, the opposite is true. Their safety and health is draining so fast, that none of the slum dwellers dare to increase their social status, in fear of being pushed out of the slums and into the terrible living conditions of the industry district. A quick report to us, showed the primary reasoning for failure. Lack of understanding about construction and lack of proper safety in the industry themselves." That report said a lot more, but Twilight basically got the report down in a nutshell. This made Twilight worried as well. Something that required Twilight attention later. In the papers about trade showed an interesting picture. Something that was both expected yet also unusual. "And although we buy and sell a lot. There are a few ingredients we tend to buy and sell the most. Firstly, the industries buy a lot of flour and apples. So much apples in fact, that we buy them from all six different apple farms across Equestria. With a total of fifty five thousand tons of apples a month. That is more than the entire kingdom of Hilldus buys in a year. And we also sell a lot of apple pies in a month. Three tons to be precise. This is a lot, since the rest of Equestria only produces and sells one ton each year. On the other hoof, our retail tend to buy a lot of cloth. Primarily cheap cloth. Which get sold in the clothing stores across Canterlot. The retail doesn't sell much outside of Canterlot, but they do sometimes sell cheap cloth to Ponyville, specifically to Carousel Boutique. And finally our services, specifically our schools buy a lot of books. Surprisingly they tend to import a lot from outside Equestria. And while they do not sell much, they earn their money by making and selling inventions." In the papers about current state of affairs, stood a few sentences out. But the one Twilight was about to comment on, was already reported by slum dwellers. "Our people are happy. But more and more request permission to make small gardens near or on top of their building. If we wish to build them on top, we may need some metal support beams as pillars with some of the older buildings. Which also perfectly goes with the biggest complaint we have received so far. Ponies fear for the high amount of flammable material the building is made off. Either we change the pillars out for metal support beams, or make the wood fire resistant. It is also this reason why nobody dares to sell their home due to fears of fire safety and structural hazards. This needs to be taken care of ASAP." Twilight smiled, but her mind's gears finally started to turn. Instead of complaining, Twilight might need to take action herself. Her mind was already producing new ideas. In the papers about past and overall affairs, nothing of real note was written. But the last sentence of the paper summed it up. "Our people are happy. But there are concerns about the future. Please work on a plan for the future." "Read it all?" The boss asked after awhile. Twilight sighed as she placed the final letter down, "Yes. I have a declaration to make. Until the slum district is safe. I shall live here among all of you. I shall take matters into my own hooves. So listen up." The boss and his colleagues all sat straighter listening closely. "This is the plan. The colleague in charge of managing the crews, you need to get me a report of workloads, salary requirements and happiness report of the crews themselves." Twilight ordered, the colleague in charge nodded. "But just in case, if the workload is above 100% then either forcibly reduce the workload or make creatures wait longer on their promised repair and maintenance. Ensure that the salary is atleast above the minimum. And grant them more breaks if their happiness is low." "Understood." The colleague said. "The colleague about safety. Please do a emergency report on the structural viability of building any more on top. The fire hazard and safety, while also ensuring a escape route planning. And when none is available, make a note in your report about that." "Will do!" "The colleague in charge of trade. No matter what, you cannot buy more than thirty five thousand tons of apples each month. You are causing the price to go up. Please stop overbuying immediately. If this cause problems, then forcibly shift the jobs away from making apple pie. Another thing, make sure to set a minimum sell and buy price of materials used for cheap cloths. We do not want to underpay those farms." The colleague in question blinked confused at the terms set, but nodded nonetheless. "I see that you are confused. Equestria's overall food production was suffering from overbuying. My small cafe could barely buy any apples. This is due to the overall apple production to be sixty thousand tons of apples. And two point five thousand tons were being exported. Making it near impossible for anyone below the rich status from obtaining apples. Since the price of a single apple went from one bit each. To fifty bits in a single month." Twilight explained, causing the colleague to gasp. "I understand. I will reduce the amount bought immediately." The colleague said shocked. Twilight nodded at the colleague. "Anyways. To the colleague in charge of health. Please go to the industry district and get me a proper report on the reasons for the fall of health in that district. Even if we aren't in charge, we need to help each other." The colleague in question smiled at the order, "Gladly. I have had some ponies come to me for that exact request. They will be pleased." "That is good to hear. Now before I start to talk about the things I shall do. Forestallion, we will talk about the future of the slums district. Among some other interesting talks." Twilight explained. "That makes me happy to hear. I have been wanting to talk to Celestia about that. But you are also royalty, and also our savior. Its perfect." The boss said pleased. "Now. Before I talk about my actions. I need to ask you all one last question. Do you distrust the nobles?" Twilight asked serious. "We really don't want to do that. But yes. The politics aren't helping us, but their past actions have been especially troubling." The loudest colleague among the colleagues stated. Twilight smiled, "I appreciate your honesty. Yes, I can totally understand that. And while I cannot improve your relationships with them, we can atleast make a start somewhere." Twilight looks at the boss before nodding, "I am going to be brutally honest. I am both nobility and royalty. Born noble, grown noble, raised royalty. However I am also the cause as to why the slums are like this. But! That gives me insight. Insight on the way nobles work, insight on the way royalties work. And surprisingly, my down to earth nature, gives me an insight on the way commoners work. And yes, my cafe isn't rich. In fact the current money situation makes it closer to a slum cafe. Which does give me some insight on the way slums work" "So let me be clear. I will not be able to solve everything. I cannot bring happiness, like Celestia. I cannot guard the nights, like Moon. I cannot guard your dreams, like Luna. I cannot help you love one another, like Cadence. However, I can assist you in improving each others lives. Only when Canterlot works together will the slums thrive. If the nobles are atleast pleased, then they shall cause you less problems. If the commoners accept you, then they shall listen. If you respect the royalty, then they will respect you." Twilight stated like a speech. "I am a symbol. A symbol to act, a symbol to represent the will to continue even in the face of racism. The desire to assist in thriving as an individual and a group. I cannot act, like my sisters can. I can only push the right buttons and creatures to act for me. And if you consider that to be enough, then I am going to be able to help you. So what do you say? Do you need my help?" Twilight finally asked. The boss smiled, alongside his colleagues. They look at Twilight pleased, "We would greatly appreciate your help."