//------------------------------// // Repairing fences (Part 1) // Story: The Trial Concludes // by Zerocool7785 //------------------------------// “Sunset and Twilight even our names kind of match.” Sunset said, sitting on the hood of Luna’s car, with her back against the windshield. Twilight was sitting next to her both holding hands. “If your mom comes out here, she is going to flip out. You know, seeing us sitting on the hood of her car.” Twilight told her. “Mom’s chill, relax Twilight, and just enjoy the sunset with me.” Sunset said, laughing at her own joke.  “Your mom seems like a real hard ass, sometimes.” Twilight said. “You just got to get to know her. Plus, she handles discipline at the school, so she needs to be a hard ass sometimes. Trust me I saw a different side of her the night of the Formal.” Sunset said, remembering last fall. “Sunset, what are you going to do after High School?” Asked Twilight. “I’m going to stay local and get my AA at the community college. I found a charming little apartment that I hope to move into. After that, I don't know why you are still going to Everton?” Sunset asked.  While she tried not to show it Sunset was alarmed at the ending of their relationship. Twilight goes off to college and that was it. She decided to wait for Twilight’s answer. “I don’t know now. I have friends and I have you, finally. It’s all so different. Sunset, I have no idea what to do. Cadence stood by my brother when he went through the police academy and then as he got his AA in law enforcement. His situation was different though. I don’t want to be a cop.” Twilight said. “Why not go to law school? You know your brother can arrest them and then you can put them away.” Sunset suggested. “I would rather be a scientist than a lawyer. I was going to Everton College to study in an independent study program. I thought it was what I needed, right then and there.  Cadence was very apprehensive about me doing it though.” Twilight finished with that thought. “Twilight your sister-in-law didn’t want you to miss out on trying to make friends. Doing normal teenage social stuff.” Sunset told her. Twilight just nodded, taking it all in. “Look at it like this Twilight when we first met, your cell phone had four contacts. Your mom, your dad, your brother, and your sister-in-law. After that first night, you got mine and Trixie’s and now you have all the Rainbooms, Apple Bloom, and Juniper Montage. Nine more contacts on your phone.” Sunset said. “Plus, work that makes fourteen, not an unlucky thirteen.” Twilight said, grinning. “You two better not scratch up my car." Luna said walking outside. Both girls raised their heads and turned themselves around a little bit. Luna was standing on the driveway. Her arms crossed and lips pursed she looked a little mad at them. “Hi mom, we're getting ready to star gaze.” Sunset said. “On the hood of my car?” Luna asked. “Yes, just like in the movie I saw the other night, Wayne's World, there is a scene where he does this with his best friend by the airport.” Sunset explained.  “You were in my DVD collection again I see.” Luna said, walking over to the two girls. “Um, Hi Vice-Principal Luna.” Twilight said in a nervous tone. “Relax Twilight,  and it’s just Luna outside of school. Why are you nervous?” Luna asked. This really concerned her. “Well, you are a commanding figure. Also in charge of discipline at school.” Twilight said.  “I’m in charge of discipline here at home too.” Luna said, staring at Sunset. “I imagine with Sunset that it must be an uphill battle.” Twilight said, “Hey!” Sunset interjected. Her girlfriend didn’t just go there, did she? “It was, at first Sunset was very independent…” Luna began. Then putting her arm around Sunset. “...but after several yelling and screaming matches and a lot of crying we got along a lot better. Adopting Sunset was the best thing I ever did.” Luna finished. “I think it’s great you two show affection.” Twilight said. “Well after our cold weather camp out, I saw you run up and hug your brother Shining Armor. So, what I’ve seen you show affection to your brother.” Sunset remarked. “That’s different, he's my B.B.B.F.F.” Twilight replied. “He’s what?” Asked Sunset confused. “Big Brother Best Friend Forever.” Twilight explained. “Aww that’s sweet.” Luna said smiling. “He was all I had for a while after I alienated Moon Dancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts.” Twilight said sadly. “Well, we got about 2 weeks of summer left. Do you want to try to reconnect with them? I’ll even help you if you want me too.” Sunset offered. “I would like that. Yes, please Sunset, help me.” Twilight almost pleaded. “O.K. where are they?”  Sunset asked. “I know where Minuette and Twinkleshine are, I have an idea where Lemon Hearts is Moon Dancer I don't know.” Twilight said. “Well let's start with Minuette and go from there. I think we have a quest for tomorrow.” Sunset stated. “Actually, I have work tomorrow.” Twilight said. “Well, do you want me to try to contact any of them?” Sunset offered. “Sunset, this is Twilight’s job. All you can really do is be a supportive girlfriend, but Twilight has to do this.’ Luna told Sunset. “She’s right, but right now I better get home, mom and dad will be getting worried.” Twilight said. “I could drive you. Mom, can I borrow the car keys?” Sunset asked. “Go in the kitchen and get them.” Luna told her regrettably. * * * Sunset dropped Twilight off at home. Both of them shared several kisses at the front door. Twilight’s mom turned the outside light on, as a way to tell Twilight to come in for the night. After getting changed for bed Twilight looked at her phone sure she had fourteen contacts. None of her old friends from elementary and middle school were there. She searched online and found Minuette’s number and texted her. Twilight: Minuette this is Twilight Sparkle I know I was a rotten person. I want to apologize and make it up to you. If you don’t respond back, I understand. I have changed and am trying to be more social. TTYL Twilight. Twilight put the phone down and got set to turn the light off. At that time Spike jumped up on the bed and laid down next to Twilight. He could tell she was upset about something. “Twilight what’s wrong? Did you and Sunset have another fight?” Spike asked, feeling very concerned.  “No Spike I’m worried if Minuette will even want to talk to me. Or Lemon Drops or Twinkleshine or if I could even find Moon Dancer again. I just don’t know Spike.” Twilight told him. After that Twilight shut off her light and went to bed.   A minute later her phone dinged. She got up and checked her phone. It was a text message. Taking a deep breath, she checked it was from Minuette. Minuette: Twilight you goof I do forgive you and would love to see you again. I’m glad you’re not such a bookworm anymore. I will contact Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts if you want. Twilight: Minuette I would like that. What about Moon Dancer? Minuette: We kind of lost contact with her. Last I heard she was still somewhere in the area; I’ll take a look. Twilight: Thanks, I have work in the morning so I will talk to you tomorrow. Night Night. Twilight thought her shift went on forever. Minuette texted her that they could meet at the mall. Twilight wanted to see them all and hoped she could bring Lemon Drops, Twinkleshine, and most importantly Moon Dancer.  Finally, when Twilight got off shift, she waited at the food court. After a minute she noticed a few teenage girls walking towards her. She recognized them almost instantly. Minuette, Lemon Drops, and Twinkleshine. Twilight stood up. “Hi Girls!!” Twilight exclaimed,  All three of them walked over to Twilight and wrapped her in a big group hug. Twilight was glad to rekindle her old friendships. Yet something or someone was missing. “Girls it’s so good to see you all again, but where is Moon Dancer?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, about that. Moon Dancer didn’t want to come.” Minuette said. “Do any of you know why?’ Twilight asked. “She hardly even talks to us anymore. It was after her birthday party that she threw. Remember the one you didn’t go to.” Lemon Hearts informed her. “I was so busy studying that I thought I wouldn't go. Girls I’m sorry for everything I did to all of you. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.” Twilight said. “Well, this is a new side of you, and I like it.” Twinkleshine said. “I have been through a lot these past few months, and learned how to make friends, most of them work right here in the mall. I would like you to meet them all if you want.” Twilight suggested. “Well let’s go meet them!!” Minuette exclaimed. The next half hour Twilight took them around. First, they met Applejack, at the smoothie place and all got smoothies. The girls were impressed to meet a member of the Apple Family. All of them seemed to like Applejack. On the bottom floor, they stopped in the clothing store and met Rarity. They liked her too although Lemon hearts said she seemed a little overly dramatic. Twilight had to agree. On the top floor they met Fluttershy at the pet store, Pinkie Pie at the Bakery shop, Rainbow Dash at the sporting goods store, and finally Trixie at the magic store. Leaving the magic store Twinkleshine remarked “That girl is a pompous ass.”  “Yes, she is but deep down she does care. You have to get used to her.” Twilight remarked. “Now there are four more girls I want you to meet. I texted one and she is on her way up to meet you girls right now the other three are in the arcade.” Twilight said. “So, none of you have heard from or seen Moon Dancer?” Twilight asked. “Well after the party we kind of lost touch. We invited her out a time or two, but she was always too busy studying to come. So eventually we stopped asking,” Lemon Drops said. Once arriving at the arcade Twilight called three girls out. The Crusaders came and after saying hello to Twilight, she introduced them to her old friends. After that, they returned to the food court. After the girls returned to the food court. Twilight was anxiously waiting for her girlfriend to show up. She didn’t need to wait that long, however. Soon Sunset came walking into the food court. Twilight got up and they hugged tightly and shared a quick kiss.  “Oh, come on Sunset, I want you to meet some old friends.” Twilight said, leading her over to meet everyone. After introductions were made Twilight had all the girls sit down. “So Sunset are you two dating or something?” Lemon Hearts asked. “Yes, we are.” Sunset asked. “So, Twilight are you on the other side of the street?” Twinkleshine asked. “You know Twinkleshine you can say the words gay or homosexual and you won’t burst into flames.” Sunset remarked. “Sunset and I are both bi-sexual Twinkleshine. We both dated a guy but prefer each other’s touch.” Twilight said. “I didn’t mean anything by it.” Twinkleshine said. “Look I think it’s great that Twilight made friends again and even found someone who likes her romantically.” Minuette said to diffuse the situation. “Sunset, we have a problem that I’m going to need your help with.” Twilight informed her. “O.K. What is going on?” Sunset inquired. “It’s like this. Back when we all lived in center city or downtown Canterlot. It was after school and back then there was the four of us and another girl named Moon Dancer Flashback: Twilight was coming out of school with her books and wanted to catch the bus and head home to study. “Twilight there you are, we've been looking all over for you.” A voice said. ‘Twilight turned around to see Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts standing there.  “Hi, girls, what's up?” Twilight asked. “Moon Dancer is having a little get-together for her birthday next door in the park. You want to come?” Minuette asked. “Sorry girls but I have to get home and I have a lot of studying to catch up on.” Twilight said heading for the bus. “You know Minuette, that girl does nothing but study.” Twinkleshine said. “She’s more interested in books than friends.” Lemon Hearts added. The three girls headed to the park with their gifts and soon another girl named Lyra joined them.  In the park was a giant spread of snacks on a table and a punch bowl too. Balloons tied to the table. Seats for all her guests.  All four girls put their presents on the table. Moon Dancer looked around happily at all her friends. “Wow Moon Dancer quite the spread, look at all this stuff.” Minuette remarked. All the girls nodded hungerly.  “Thanks for coming today girls.” Moon dancer remarked. “Like we were going to miss it.” Lemon Hearts replied. “Is Twilight coming? I mean she is my B.F.F” Moon Dancer asked. “Um…yeah about that…” Lyra said. “Oh, ok I see.” Moon Dancer said dejectedly looking down. “Hey, we are all here we can still have fun, right?” Twinkleshine added hopefully, “I guess.” Moon Dancer without any enthusiasm. End Flashback “I never knew how much that party meant to her.” Twilight said. holding her head in her hands, elbows resting on the table. Sunset started rubbing Twilight’s back to try to console her. “She had always been shy. We had hoped she was starting to come out of her shell. After this well…”Minuette told Twilight. "What did her parents say?" Asked Sunset "When they got there a few minutes later they felt very disappointed in Twilight." Minuette said. Sunset put her arm around her girlfriend as Twilight looked like she had been ready to cry any second. “I swear I have to make this up to her. Somehow.” Twilight said, voice slightly breaking. “Why not, this wouldn’t be a friendship problem if it was easy. I’m in.” Sunset said. “Well, we’ll help too,” Lemon Hearts added in, “Then let’s do this!” Twilight said triumphantly as she stood up. “Do what exactly?” Asked Sunset. “I have no idea.” Twilight said, sitting down. From the other side of the food court a man in a black suit and tie with white dress shirt and sunglasses watched intently. Then, looking around he brought his wristwatch to his mouth. “Sir, I have eyes on the target.” He spoke into his watch.