Second Thoughts

by starcoder

Fluttershy Breeze

My best friends and I are sitting in the grass. We were just having fun in the water with Starlight Glimmer. Honestly, I know she deserves a second chance. Everycreature does. In fact, if there were no second chances, our world would probably be at war with Princess Luna, Discord, and maybe even Starlight. There are probably a few more I'm forgetting. I'm sure glad that second thoughts are a thing.

If you didn't know, Starlight's had quite an emotional past. When she was a filly, her best friend earned his cutie mark and left her behind. She grew bitter and angry, and eventually did some, well, mean things. But she didn't know any better! I mean, she's come a long way. Now, she's in a much better place, and she's one of my best friends. Speaking of Starlight Glimmer, where is she anyways?

"Um, hey, Twilight?" I speak up. She turns her head towards me and stands up as she slips the last of our towels into her bag, since we're about to leave. "Do you know where Starlight is?" At the mention of Starlight Glimmer's name, she looks around. She's clearly concerned, but I can't blame her.

"No! I hadn't even noticed she'd gone missing!" she panicks. "What if she's somewhere we can't find her?"

I walk over to her and gently pat her hanging head. "It's okay, Twilight. We'll find her," I console. I look around at the others for confirmation. They nod and comfort her, too.

"Don't ya worry, sugarcube," Applejack solaces, lifting Twilight's chin up.

Rarity assures her with, "She'll surely be in Ponyville." I don't want to, but I doubt her. Starlight could go a long way if she wanted, considering the amount of magic she has.

"Well, come on!" Rainbow Dash provokes. "Let's send out the search party as soon as possible!"

Pinkie's eating a cupcake, but even through all the frosting, we can hear her clearly. "A search party? I don't want to miss that!" Other than Twilight, we all giggle a little, despite the fact that Starlight is literally missing. Pinkie Pie always has a way of cheering us up in even the darkest situations.

Twilight's plan is for us to spread out across Ponyville. If we can't find her, then she says we can check the outskirts of Ponyville. I don't think we'll have to go to that extreme level, but if we do, I'm sure it will be for a good cause. I never realized it before, but Twilight probably cares about Starlight as much as I do for her. Maybe even the level of my love for Angel Bunny.

I'm searching the side of Ponyville closer to my cottage, which is, unfortunately, closer to the Everfree Forest. It's home to all these wild creatures, and too wild even for me to tame. Rainbow Dash says that nopony who's gone in has ever come out. I still believe her, even though we left the forest just fine after finding the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash has a way of making things very believable.

It's probably way past dinnertime, because as I'm right outside my cottage, staying as far from the forest as possible, Angel comes to me and shows me his growling stomach. Oh my gosh! In all the commotion, I forgot to feed my critters! I hope Twilight doesn't mind if I take a short break from the search to feed everyone.

I'm pouring one last, big bowl of birdseed when Twilight arrives at my door. "I found her," she pants. "You can stop searching, now." I nod and turn back to the bowl, which is overflowing with snacks. Luckily, the animals are all hungry, so most of them dig in. I finish a bit of cleaning up for the day and decide to follow Twilight back to the castle.

When I arrive in the throne room, the others, and even Spike, are already there, discussing what happened. "I'm telling you, all she said was that she was tired!"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "That's impossible! The water should've kept her alert. And besides, not having dinner?"

Climbing into my seat, I gape. It's one thing to unexpectedly disappear, but it's another to starve yourself while doing it. "I hope she's okay," I comment. Rainbow looks at me, her eyebrow raised. Okay, maybe not the best comment to make. I shrink back in my chair, but Twilight seems fine with my comment.

"I hope she's okay, too," she says, covering her face with her hooves. Spike, the girls, and I rush over to comfort her.

"Don't worry," I soothe. "We can check on her in the morning." The others nod in agreement, and I can only hope that I haven't made things worse, especially for Starlight. In her condition, she may not want to be around other ponies. Although, seeing Starlight is something that Twilight really wants. Sometimes, things just have to go the way that they do.

The girls and I were sitting in the throne room, getting ready to eat pancakes. All we're waiting for now are Starlight and Twilight. I know it's probably wrong to eavesdrop, but I need to make sure that everything is fine between the two of them. I could barely hear, but was Twilight's voice rising? Was confronting Starlight really the right call? I couldn't hear much, so I pressed my ear to the wall.

"I don't know," came a murmur from Starlight.

The response was clear; Twilight had forgiven her. I guess all she wanted to know was that Starlight was safe. "Well, at least join us for breakfast." Twilight is a very caring pony sometimes. I hear hoofsteps, coming closer and closer to the throne room-

Wait. I rush to my seat, and that's when I realize the others were listening, too. I guess I'm not the only one who's kind, but also not kind at the same time. Maybe my element doesn't really mean much.

By the time Starlight comes in, we're all in our seats, breathing heavily. We're going to eat our pancakes, but we have to make sure Starlight's okay. I guess me being concerned for her doesn't help, because I must be looking at her worriedly or something. And I think that may be a bit offensive.

She lifted her pancake up to her open mouth, but dropped it when she made eye contact with us. "I’m sorry, I’ll just have lunch instead,” she quickly says, leaving the throne room. Me and my stare, always ruining everything, huh?