//------------------------------// // Arc XXVIII Episode I: Settlement Aftermath // Story: Family Begins With You // by Jmaster49 //------------------------------// A few days later… Wallflower flopped out of bed wearing nothing but her undies and her usual oversized white tee. As soon as she hit the floor, she woke up and looked around to find that her phone had been ringing off the hook. “Hmmrgh…?” she yawned and answered it. “Hello?” “Hey! It’s Trixie!” a rather boisterous voice spoke over the phone, “I heard about what happened. How you holding up, Wall?” Wallflower yawned once more and squinted her eyes shut as she spoke. “Arghg…I’m much better. But MC’s still at the hospital. They aren’t releasing him until tomorrow.” “...Poor guy,” Trixie muttered, “That rat bastard must’ve done a number on him, huh?” “Yeah…but he was taken care of by our professor so don’t trouble yourself,” Wallflower mumbled as she blinked her eyes open. “I’m just glad he’s gonna make it out okay. I’ve got a whole bunch of things planned for us to do together once he’s out.” “That’s great! But uh, until then, wanna join me and Sonata today?” Trixie offered. Wallflower’s eyes shot open upon hearing such a thing. “Er…” It’s not that she hated spending time with her friends, but given Trixie and Sonata’s more…bombastic demeanors, she was unsure if she’d be a good fit. “Uh…you don’t wanna invite someone like Pinkie instead?” “No way, silly,” Trixie giggled, “We’re gonna go shopping for our Halloween costumes. Pinkie already got hers in July, so there’s no point in bringing her along.” The notion that Pinkie Pie had already planned three months in advance for a holiday was a bit amusing to Wallflower--who reacted with a chuckle. “Heh…yeah, that sounds like Pinkie alright. I guess I can spare some time. I don’t exactly know what I’d dress up as. Maybe something that’d go with whatever Micro wears…” “Well you won’t get any ideas hiding away like some hermit crab,” Trixie scoffed, “We’re gonna come pick you up. A-byyyye!” “Wait--!” But it was too late. Trixie hung up on her, Leaving Wallflower in a disheveled mess. “Ugh…hermit crab suits me just fine. Hm. Maybe I could do that…oh crap, I gotta get ready…” About 10 minutes later… Both blue-skinned girls had shown up at Wallflower’s home. Sonata knocked on the door while rocking back and forth on her heels. “Ayo! Wall! What’s happenin’?” she called out. Wallflower answered the door, having barely put on her sweater. “Ugh…my hair’s still a mess. Can’t you give me at least ten more minutes?” “Oh, sure. No prob. We can wait--right, Trix?” Sonata looked at Trixie. Trixie looked at her nails and rolled her eyes. “Hmph. I suppose Trixie can spare a bit of her patience for you. Though, I’ve got a bit of gossip to share. Have you heard what happened to Applejack after that court case the other day?” “...No?” Wallflower answered, “What?” At the Apple Family’s Farm… “Hr…HEYAH!” CRASH! A workout sandbag had flown across the basement’s room and crashed into the wall, pulverized into numerous flayed pieces. Applejack flexed her hands, cracking the joints in each of her knuckles as the sweat from working out ran down her chest and abdomen. All the way down to her legs…where an ankle bracelet could be seen. For assaulting a criminal in court, Applejack was barely able to escape a hefty fine and got her sentence lowered to house arrest. Thankfully, it’d be stricken from her record should she follow the rules and not leave her house for a few days. In a way, it was really a way to calm the unstable country girl down. Having been faced with her parents’ killer and losing her mind, she needed to find some time to herself to relax and thanks to a suggestion from Officer Pale Vestige, house arrest for a week should be just enough time to get her mind on straight. “...How ya feelin’ dear?” Granny Smith asked as she stepped down into the basement. “...weirdly empty,” Applejack replied with her hands on her hips. “Just kinda…directionless now that I know the truth.” “...I loved your ma and pa more than anyone,” Granny encouraged her, “They’d both be proud of ya for showin’ restraint in a situation like that. Don’t forget ‘em, and that’ll be enough.” “...yeah. You right,” Applejack replied with a smile, “I just need’ta…move on. Can’t let ‘em haunt me anymore.” “That’s the spirit. Now go get yerself washed up. Ya turnin’ our basement into a gym bag, hun,” Granny commented while spraying apple-scented air freshener around them both. Applejack responded with an embarrassed blush as she hustled upstairs. “...yeah that’s prolly a good idea. I’ll meet ya’ll for dinner in a bit.” Meanwhile, outside… “Thanks fer comin’, Keiji,” Applebloom was pulling the vampboy’s hand along as they walked, “Applejack’s been mopin’ around like a shaggy old dog for the last few days. Was hopin’ you could--” “Ach! Hey hey!” Keiji yanked his hand back and rubbed his arm. “No need to drag me, I was already more than willing to help. I’m just glad she didn’t absolutely wreck the lady’s shit--even if she may have deserved it.” “Yeah…though what did Silver Spoon do’ta save ya? That was wild…” “Not sure…but I get the feeling I might have an answer to that question soon, Blooms.”