The Deadly Silence

by BiniBean

Chapter One: Crushing Silence


The absence of sounds is what Celestia appreciated most in the world. Silence. Not. A. Single. Sound. In her life, in her line of work. It was always hard to find a moment of silence. The noise of having to listen to nobels, the noise of having to bark orders to guards under her command, the noise of those judging each and every choice she ever made, the noise hurt.

But the silence, precious silence that she craved so much on a daily basis was now her new hurt. It ripped through her, it hurt more than her whole body did when she used the elements mere moments before. She felt her body slam to the cold stone ground, she heard the elements clatter around her, what she did not hear was a sound from Nightmare Moon. The silence was her answer.

She slowly raised her head from the ground, ignoring her body that felt as if it was touching the sun she rose each day burning in pain from the misuse of the elements and magical warfare she had been locked in for the past long hour. She looked around her, to the damaged throne room. Confused. Scared. Hopeful.

Hopeful that she might see Luna.

Her eyes fell on the ruined royal carpet in front of her. No sign her sister was ever in front of her at all. She looked down to the Element of Magic under her front hoof, the crystal star crackled with magic before fading to gray like a stone. Her breathing paused in further panic. Where was Luna? Why was the world so quiet?

She slowly looked painfully up to the moon through a hole in the roof to see a unicorn symbol that was not there before. Instinctively she knew what happened. Luna was up there. Nightmare Moon was in the Moon. Her sister wasn't here, her sister wouldn't be there for generations to come.


The world was dead silent the moment the elements sent her sister to the moon. But soon sound returned. Not the birds chirping or confused citizens at the state of the moon and sky, but it started with a whimper from Celestia, the sun princess. She whimpered before it grew louder, she was soon screaming in the mindless horror that she caused. Her voice died when she collapsed down to the cold stone floor once again, devoid of energy.


She found herself now hating the silence. The silence was inviting her thoughts about Luna. The silence was suffocating her alive. Reminding her with every breath she was truly alone. She didn't dare move even when she heard the sounds of life still within the castle.

Heavy footsteps galloped into the throne room before coming to an abrupt stop. Celestia didn't bother to get up for the sake of appearing to be a strong leader, Celestia didn't bother to say anything as she heard the pony, the royal guard stammer out orders to somepony farther into the castle that he found her, requesting medical aid.

The guard, either foolish or too brave for his own good, moved closer to her fallen form.

"P-Princess? Princess Celestia?" The guard gulped as he moved slowly, cautiously. "A-Are you...Alright? Princess?"

Celestia gritted her teeth as a large tear rolled down her cheek and connected with the floor. Was she alright? No, she was not alright. She would never be alright ever again. Not in the guard's lifetime would she be alright. And not in the generations, long after he was buried would she be alright.

Soon, deep sadness was replaced by irrational rage at the mere question. Rage at what she caused. What she had done. She deserved the pain. But Luna did not, and yet...Life moved on.

She made the first real movements of pulling herself together. She lifted her head to face the battered guard with wide scared eyes staring back at her a mere meter away. She pushed herself up on unsteady hooves, wishing desperately for the world to start again to make the silence go away.

"I am...fine, my dear pony." She gritted, before flinching as she attempted to flex her wings to check their condition, quickly realizing with a sharp pain that one was broken. The guard, despite his training in hiding emotions, was clearly not buying it. But he was in no position to question her.

Soon, three more royal guards entered the throne room, followed by the Captain of the guards. They all fell behind him as he marched up, clearly beaten and bruised from the fight before but still kept his training in check and he saluted and kept his expression neutral.

"Princess Celestia, your highness." The Captain said. Celestia nodded in acknowledgment of her being addressed due to protocol.

"Report, Captain."

"The Castle is severely damaged. The demon that was sighted-" His eyes momentarily drifted in a moment of weakness to the dull elements surrounding Celestia on the ground. "Has been...Vanquished. Although...Princess Luna has not been located and her guard is being detained-"

"Stop." Celestia barked harshly. "Just...stop. Don't. Say. Her. Name."

Celestia trembled for a moment as her Captain cast a brief worried look to the guard behind him who looked just as lost on what to do next. Celestia knew what would happen if she told them all the truth, the full truth. Her sister, if she did ever return, would never be accepted again. Her own leadership would be brought into question, as well as her mental stability.

"The Princess is gone. The demon took her." Celestia spat out in further explanation. "We...I..."

Celestia bit her lip hard enough to draw blood before she sucked in a deep breath.

"Her guards...were corrupted. Their minds...are corrupted. Do as you are, placing them under arrest. But do not do anything further. Do not hurt them. They will be put on trial and judged on their actions if they are beyond help. Beyond reason. Am I clear?"

All her guards nodded at once before she gestured with her uninjured wing for them to leave. To leave her alone to her own actions. She would have to pretend to be fine, as long as she had to.