The Rogue Stallion

by darkangel_31314

Chapter 2 - Rogue on the Farm

Chapter 2 - Rogue on the Farm

Due to the roundabout way he was forced to go, it took two whole days to reach the next town along his projected path. Both a road and a rail line ran the same way, but he avoided them due to the possibility of them being heavily patrolled. He stayed close to the south side of them, closer to the dark and foreboding forest. At one point a river obstructed his path and he was forced to cross the railroad tracks to continue his trek, occasionally pausing to consult the charm that pointed him in his direction.

The town he found was very quaint, very small, like the ones in the rural areas of his native Germaney. He skirted the edges first north, then south, having thought that it would be a bad idea to just waltz through the town, in case there were patrols stationed there. The charm pointed him south, and thus he went that way around it.

He quickly found himself traveling along the fence of an apple orchard. He paused to discreetly collect a few examples for his saddlebags. There was no way to know for sure when he could next resupply while being on the run from… whatever authority was currently in charge of Equestria. As he started to leave, he paused to check the charm.

Could it be just his luck? It was pointing back into the orchard.

He turned and followed the fence outlining the property that the farm occupied, pausing every minute or so to check the direction… and sure enough, the charm was pointing to the center. A few more circuits over the next few hours narrowed down his objective - the farmhouse.

“How lucky is that?” He muttered to himself and stood just outside the front gate, having double-checked his findings a third time, he stared at the farmhouse. The door opened... and he saw her.

She was being helped by a pink earth pony into a rocking chair on the front porch. His heart rose in his chest as a butter-colored Pegasus flitted out the front door with a bundle cradled in her fore hooves, handing it to the mare who smiled warmly… motherly… down at the sleeping foal.

At the sight of the bundle, which Twilight opened to reveal a sleepy foal, a lump formed in his throat. He swallowed hard, staring, unable to move, at what could only be his daughter. Their daughter. He was held in a trance by the sight, forced to watch her rock their foal back and forth, cooing softly as the two other mares attended to her. The Pegasus was apparently the nurse, who had a set of saddlebags and was speaking, the pink pony an attendant who produced a tray with drinks seemingly out of nowhere.

His hooves were firmly rooted to the spot, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight. He wanted to rush up there and hug her, but couldn't.


The shout snapped him from the hypnotic sight. His head snapped around and upwards into the air.

Two gold-uniformed Pegasi Guards hovered over the road behind him. One aiming a fore hoof accusingly at him. “Halt and stay where you are!” They advanced.

“Grrr… I have no time for this!” He barked in reply, before vanishing in a flash of soft blue light.

The two guards dived at the spot and circled, fluttering about angrily, trying to determine where he vanished to.

“… rookies…” The stallion muttered to himself, watching from bushes further down the road. “Seems to be my day.”

A quick glance toward the farmhouse confirmed that the commotion had indeed drawn the mare’s attention. More guards had arrived, landing in front of the house, the leader with a rainbow-pattern for a mane urging her to go inside where it was safe while ordering others to begin a sweep for him. While the rank-and-file were obviously new to this, this officer was no slacker.

“At least she is safe…” He whispered to himself, turning away and slinking off into the forest. “… that, in the end, is what matters…”


"Get inside."


"Get Inside!"

Twilight placed Moonlight on her back and quickly ducked back into the farmhouse, frightened into action by Rainbow Dash's order as guards swooped into the yard from nowhere.

"What's going on?" She asked as Pinkie closed and locked the door behind them.

"I don't know..." Fluttershy whispered, nuzzling the filly, whom was upset by the sudden excitement.

"It might have to do with the stallion spotted by the front gate."

Both mares turned to the door where Pinkie sat.


"He's here?" Twilight curled up before the fireplace, holding her foal tightly.

"We don't know for sure, Twilight. If the guards spotted somepony, it could be just a traveler." Fluttershy caressed Twilight, trying to reassure her. "Rainbow is just taking her job seriously. We will just have to wait and see."

All three jumped when the doorknob twitched, followed by a knock and Rainbow's voice. "It's me."

Pinky quickly opened the door. "Well?"

"... he's here..." The rainbow-maned Pegasus frowned. "... Swiftwind and Cloudlace spotted him checking out the fenceline. He teleported when they called out to him."

"Are you sure it's him?" Twilight asked softly.

"He matched the description Princess Luna's guards gave. Right down to the star and key cutie mark."

Twilight nuzzled Moonlight, gently rocking her in her forearms, calming her. Nopony said a thing for several minutes.

Finally, Rainbow removed her helmet and settled onto the rug beside Twilight. "Twilight... you said some of your memories of the time you were imprisoned are coming back. Can you remember him?"

"... what does he look like?"

"He looks like Moonlight, but the streak in his mane is a light blue... His cutie mark is a star, similar in shape to the large one in yours, white, with a old fashioned gold key laid diagonally over it."

When her filly finally calmed and nuzzled into her, Twilight sighed and closed her eyes, trying to root through the jumbled mess that was her mind after the Nightmare broke her. It was so hard to think about those times. The only other pony she could make out was the Nightmare. She was always there, always in her mind, always tormenting her.

"I... I can't..." She finally gave up and held Moonlight protectively.

"It's okay, Twilight." Fluttershy held her.

"Yeah..." Rainbow nodded sadly. "We'll catch him, then we can ask him."

Twilight looked up. "Rainbow. Just... be careful, okay? The Nightmare captured me because I'm powerful. If she had him there with me, he won't be a pushover either."

The cyan Pegasus grinned. "Hay, this is me you're talking about." She scooped up her helmet, trotting to the door. "We'll find him, and find out what this is all about. Don't you worry."

With a confident strut, she was out the door.


It was hours later, just after sunset.

Twilight finished tucking Moonlight into her crib before turning to the window and looking out at the forest.

"So... he was here..." She muttered to herself, trying to find a stallion in her memories. It was a difficult task due to the trauma still being treated by Fluttershy's regular visits and Pinkie's constant doting on her as well as Moonlight. One memory just at the edge, of the night she was raped, it could be him. Was he part of the Nightmare's plans? A conspirator? Or one of her slaves?"

She had to know.

Twilight furrowed her brow and looked across the yard at Rainbow's guards patrolling the area, now on alert for the stallion's return. She then turned around to find Pinkie Pie asleep on her bed. She knew Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Appleboom would be asleep in their own rooms. Now was a good time as any.

"I got to find him... before he finds you, my little moon..." She turned and glanced at the crib and the sleeping foal inside. She looked over the railing and smiled at the sight. The young filly that made all her problems vanish with every yawn, with every happy burble, with every smile and hug.

It could be the Nightmare's programming still echoing around in her brain, but Twilight knew that she would do anything to protect her daughter.

Even from her father...


It was a simple matter to teleport outside the perimeter set up by the guards. Twilight could see the edge of the farm from her bedroom window, and once knowing where she was going, simply move herself from the room to the spot she was looking at. From there, now she just had to track down the magic used by the Stallion.

Pacing the fence line, Twilight made her way toward the spot reported by the guards. She had to be careful not to be spotted by Rainbow or her search would be over right quick and in a hurry. She needed to know for sure, so she pressed on.

It was there she found the faint trace of teleportation magic in the air, left by the static discharge that gave a visible glow when a unicorn uses his or her magic. Now she had the scent. She looked around. From the way Rainbow described it, the pony had poofed almost immediately when the guards called out to him. He had to have teleported somewhere close.

Bushes lined the far side of the road, separating the forest from the farmland. It was a good place to start as any, so she started off.

Traveling through the Everfree is never really a good idea. It is especially true at night, when all the dangerous creatures started to roam about, searching for food. Ponies have been know to make a nice snack for Manticores or even the occasional Hydra. Twilight had run afoul of many of them the two years she was in Ponyville. Manticores, Hydra, she even got petrified by a Cockatrice once. It was a very harrowing experience, and had Fluttershy not found her, she may still be a statue.

This time, she was the hunter. She was not the young bookworm sent to learn the magic of friendship by the Princess, she was now a mother, a veteran spellcaster, and she was on the prowl.

Her search went on for a good fifteen minutes before she froze, hearing something moving through the brush ahead. It was more of a feeling than hearing, as she crouched low, ears as well as her eyes alert for anything that would indicate a creature or pony was nearby.

"You're good..." The soft, male voice emerged from the direction she suspected. "... I knew there was something I liked about you."

"I've had good teachers." She whispered back.

"We haven't much time. The patrols should be back around in another minute or so."

"You've been timing them."

"Been watching them all afternoon, memorizing their routes. One of the first things any soldier learns when planning an attack."

"You plan to attack the farm?" Her heart began to pound.

"Only if necessary." The calm, cool, collected voice answered. "I have to be careful, considering I'm on the run."

"Just who are you?" She finally asked, her voice increasing in volume.

There was a pause, before the voice replied hesitantly. "You... don't remember me?"

"No." She answered firmly. "The Nightmare took away my memories of my imprisonment."

There was silence.

"Are you still there?" She eventually asked.

"For the moment... a pair of guards have made the turn down the road and are headed this way."

"Who are you?" She asked harshly.

"Did you name her?"


"Did you name our daughter? What is her name?" He asked. The sincerity of the innocent question was strange.

"... Moonlight." She finally answered. She had one of her own, too: This was indeed the father of her foal.

"Why Moonlight?" He asked.

"Her coat shines." She whispered. "A reminder that even in the darkness of night, there is light that could lead me to safety." She confessed.

"Appropriate..." Movement, as the sound of trotting hooves could be heard from the road.

"The guards come." More movement.

Twilight rose slightly, getting ready to pounce. Just as she was about to leap, his parting words hit her like a splash of cold water.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I will always be nearby. I will be here for you."


The shout came from the road and Twilight spun to find the guards flapping over the bushes, looking at her.

"Lady Sparkle, What are you doing out here?" One asked.

Twilight quickly pounced the bush, pulling it apart.

She found nothing.

"Lady Sparkle? What's wrong?" The other guard hovered over her, looking around.

Twilight dropped to the ground, her legs no longer able to hold her up. "... I'm not sure..." She had been so close! She had been so close, that she could taste it.

"Come on, we'd best get you back inside before the Lieutenant finds out and has our feathers..."

Lost in thought, and frustrated on her inability to catch him and ask him what happened to her in the prison, she went with them willingly.