Black as Sin

by BearstarSeraph

Chapter 13: Crimson Waves

Chapter 13: Crimson Waves

A solar and lunar guard stood at Celestia’s bed. They watched the two giggle in their sleep and Celestia open and close her mouth with her tongue hanging out.

“What do you think they are dreaming about?” the lunar one asked.

“Princess Luna is probably inducing a cake dream to lighten her mood judging by the drool…” the solar one said shaking her head, “Probably safer to wake Luna first.”


“May you and Majin Buu never get in a sweet off,” Vegeta shook his head, “I don’t think there is enough sugar in the entire universe.”

Celestia was horn deep in sweets while Luna had her hooves to her mouth giggling. “We think your mother-in-law will be catering any future diplomatic visits.”

“Considering my wife burns water, that’s probably a good thing.”

Luna continued to giggle, “We never knew insults could be so funny.” Suddenly Luna stopped laughing and looked behind her.

Vegeta put his hands on the armrests and leaned forward. “What is it?” he said seriously.

“We are sorry, but we believe somepony attempts to stir us.”

“Awe…” Celestia moped.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow, “You do realize that when you awake your stomach will be empty?”

“Thou art talking to a pony that still dreams of ice cream castles and cotton candy clouds.”

Celestia blushed and glared at Luna. “That was supposed to be a secret!” she blew crumbs from her mouth.

“Then I think we should part,” Vegeta said standing, “We’ve been here some time, and if you're being woken up then the doctors will be doing the same for me shortly.”

Luna stood and opened a portal behind her. “Very true. Come sister, we have much work to accomplish.”

Celestia nodded. Then grabbed one last cupcake in her mouth before trotting away.

The portal closed.

Vegeta shivered in disgust. “Bluwa,” he thought, “I need a shower and a nice rare streak after that conversation.”


Luna and Celestia opened their eyes at the same time. Celestia raised her head only for a pasty, sucking sound to come from the pillow and long strings pulling from it dangling from her face.

“Ewe…” she cringed.

“We think you need a bath sister,” Luna giggled.

Celestia wiped her face with her foreleg, “What is it?”

“Word of today’s incident has spread outside the castle,” the solar guard said, “We have yet to ascertain the source of the leak. The nobles and ambassadors are in an uproar and are demanding an explanation.”

Celestia’s jaw dropped.

“Oh no…” Luna shook her head, “What other news?”

“We have compiled the full report on today’s happenings, but we have not been able to get the statement of a guard we cannot locate. Princess Celestia, who was the guard you sent to deliver the message to wake Princess Luna?”

“I sent no such message,” Celestia said confused.

“We were awakened by a guard saying thou had given the message to wake us, deploy more medics and move Princess Bulla?”

Celestia twisted her head to look at Luna, “I did no such thing?!” She turned back to the guards, “Are you sure everypony is accounted for?”

“Yes, princess.”

Celestia put her hooves on her temples, “Oh. No no no no no. Don’t tell me one of the changelings escaped!”

“None of the changeling detection wards have triggered,” the lunar guard said confidently.

“I deactivated most of the inner wards.”

“YOU/THOU DID WHAT?!” the three scream.

“My cloaking spell triggers it. So I turned them off.” She lowered her hooves. “And the reason for this is not of your concern or anypony elses,” she ordered, “Do you understand?”

The guards swallowed at the glare. “Yes, Princess.”

“Thou left the outer ones?”

“Yes. …He’s still in the palace!” Celestia leaped off the bed over the guards and slid to a stop in front of the bathroom, “Luna, you’re in charge of the changeling. You two brief me on everything you know about the leaks.” She shut the door and turned on the water.

Luna lay back down on the pillow.

“Princess Luna?” the solar guard asked.

“We’re going back to talk to Prince Vegeta,” she said, closing her eyes.


Vegeta was standing at the gas barbeque on the patio. He dreamily took a deep smell of the smoke as his twin steaks marinated in the seasoning and spices.

Suddenly he heard a gasp behind him. “Art thou cooking meat?!”

Vegeta slammed the lid down and spun around. “What are you doing back here so soon?!”

Luna took a breath to steady herself. “We have learned that one of the bug ponies you killed survived your fire and is loose in the palace. We wanted to know what happened in your encounter.”

Vegeta lowered his eyebrows. “How do you know there’s a survivor?”

“The guard who relayed a false message from my sister has been determined to be a changeling by process of elimination.”

“It used the message to cause a distraction to slip past the guards, then?”

Luna nodded.

“It’s been hours. It’s probably gone by now if it knows what’s good for it.”

Luna shook her head, “No. We have Changeling detectors in the palace ever since the invasion. None have triggered, so it is still in the area.”

She was surprised to see him hang his head in seeming defeat and sigh through his nose. Vegeta turned around and opened the lid and began tending the slabs of cooking flesh to her cringing.

“Then I suggest you begin looking behind furniture. It’s probably lying dead somewhere from its stab wound.”

“Stab wound?”

“One of the bugs defended me from the others and got shish kebabed on the horn of their leader for its trouble,” Vegeta slammed this two-pronged trident-like thing into one of the slabs for effect.

Luna flinched.

“I wrapped it in some of my bandages and carried it towards the entrance. Anything after that is its doing. That’s all I have to say, so you should leave. Unless you have a morbid fascination with the dissection and consumption of your fellow herbivores.”

Luna took several steps back, “No. No. No. That’s alright. Thou eat, and we shall inform others of this information.”

Luna opened a portal and quickly jumped through.


Luna raised her head from the pillow. “Such a different demeanor,” she thought, “Although it was far more similar to our first interaction. Was he simply acting to dissuade Tia’s anger? What is this creature?”

“Are you all right, Princess? You’ve come back so quickly,” the Lunar guard asked.

“Has my sister left?”

“No, your Majesty. You have only been gone a few moments.”

Luna nodded and got off the bed. She walked over to the door and knocked, “Tia. We’re coming in.”

She walked into the steam filled room. “Tia?”

“I’m in the shower!” she called out, “What is it?”

Luna trotted over to the glass shower stall, “We just spoke to Prince Vegeta. He knows about the survivor.”

“What did he say?” Celestia shouted over the water.

“He said that a changeling was almost killed by its brethren for protecting him. He sacrificed some of his magicked bandages for it, but believes if it is still in the palace, it may have found a quiet place to die.”

Celestia turned, opened the door slightly and stuck her head out, “You’re kidding me? Please tell me you’re joking?”

“In his defense, he may have felt honor bound to assist. And it does show he possesses kindness, dear sister.”

Celestia hung her head and her wet hair slid over her face, “… so be it… Contact the doctors. Tell everypony we need him alive and to treat him gently and with patience.” She closed the door and returned to the showerhead.

Luna tip-toed out of the bathroom.

She took a deep breath, “Do you know where Captain Stone Wall is?”

“He has taken personal lead against the dark wizard,” the sun guard said, “He should be near the hospital ward.”

Luna nodded then with a flash of her horn, disappeared.


“You’re rather cognitive for somepony who just came out of sedation,” Captain Spearchucker said.

“And utterly rude,” Cadence said.

“I was about to enjoy a steak I’ve been marinating,” Vegeta lifted his head and glared at the doctors, “You. Do. NOT. Interrupt a Saiyan warrior, WHEN HE IS EATING MEAT!” Suddenly his eyes dilated and he set his head back on the pillow. He took several deep breaths.

“Well, you won’t be eating anything but hay and jello for the foreseeable future,” Captain Spearchucker said sternly.

“And you will be engaging in no carnivorous activities while I remain head of castle security,” came a thick Appalachian accent.

Vegeta lifted his head and saw a gray unicorn in dull armor with a ruffled coat, brown mane and tail, plus…

“Ponies with facial hair? Only Earthlings…” he thought, rolling his eyes.

“One would think the teachers who taught you to speak grammatically correct would have worked to erase your hick accent,” Vegeta said, laying his head back down.

The soldier walked in, with a creaking noise.

Vegeta looked back at him and noticed his right front hoof is armored differently. “Is that an artificial leg?” he thought.

“I think you need oiled there, Tin Man.”

The doctors in the room all cringed and instinctively backed away from the bed.

The gray pony with the false leg trotted over to the bed, “What did you just call me?”

Vegeta smirked, “Called you Tin Man there, soldier.”

Suddenly Luna walked into the room, “Captain Stone Wall?”

“Princess Luna!” all the soldiers turned and saluted.

“Stonewall?” Vegeta thought, looking at him. His jaw dropped slightly, “Stonewall Jackson. Wow… the dragon really must have run out of names to pick people from a zombie movie…”

“Captain, a changeling has escaped from the dungeons but is severely injured. Our sister and w-I, want it captured alive and treated fully of its wounds. It is to be handled gently and with patience.”

He saluted, “I will relay the orders momentarily.”

“Aweeee. Have a heart there, Tin Man,” Vegeta said with feigned concern, “There’s someone hurt out there all by his lonesome.”

Captain Stone Wall spun around and stormed up to the bed. He stared down the devilishly grinning prince. “Stop calling me that! What part of my attire makes you think of something as useless on the battlefield as tin?”

Vegeta’s smile instantly vanished, “You’re joking right? You’ve never heard of the Wizard of Oz?!”

“I am but a simple soldier who has spent my whole life in service of my country. I have no time for obscure foreign history.”

Vegeta growled in frustration. “It’s one of the most famous movies in existence! How have you not even heard of it, you country hick!”

“It may be famous in your kingdom, Prince Vegeta.” Cadence lectured, “But it does not mean other kingdoms know of it.”

Vegeta looked at Luna, “Luna, back me up here.”

I am sorry,” she shook her head, “I have not heard of this wizard either.”

Vegeta moaned, “What’s the point of insulting someone when they don’t get the reference!” He laid his head back on the pillow.

“Well,” Luna said, “With that over with, we must return to the changeling.”

Captain Stone Wall saluted, “Yes, your Majesty.”

“Before you go, Captain…”

Everyone turns to Vegeta.

“The Tin Man and his three compatriots are the heroes of the story. On a mission to defeat the evil witch and her armies and free the land of Oz from tyranny.” He gave a small smirk, “Not as big an insult as you think.”



“Bless you.”

“Thanks. So how did you end up working in the palace?”

“Family tradition,” “Bean Counter” said to his new buddy as they trotted down the hallway. He thought this pony was an almost exact duplicate of himself, except being a unicorn, and with reverse coloring. And gender.

“This pony is just spewing energy,” it thought, “I could be a stallion and still be getting this much. I’ll be healed enough to escape by the end of the day.”

“So what brings you to the palace, Number Cruncher?”

“Internship, same as you.”

“How much longer do you have?” Bean Counter asked.

“Almost over, I’ll probably be leaving tomorrow.”


The changeling could feel the energy plummet. “I do have the option to have an extension,” she said quickly, “If you’re going to be here, I might just apply for it.” She took a few steps closer to add innuendo.

Bean Counter blushed, “Shouldn’t things start out as friends first? I mean, we just met.”

“Fair enough,” Number Cruncher said, returning to her original distance. “Shy as a stick in the mud,” she thought, The energy isn’t returning to normal. Looks like I will be here a few days.” She looked him over. “Will be a nice change of pace though after serving soldiers as a lady of the night.”


“Well if you’re done poking me, I would like to return to my barbeque,” Vegeta growled.

“That will have to wait,” Captain Spearchucker said, “You must stay awake in order to measure cognitive responses.”

Vegeta snarled, giving a predatory growl.

Cadence returned it to everyone’s surprise, “Out of all the ungrateful… You… You almost died! DIED! And this is how you treat us?! Maybe if you were possessed by dark magic your behavior would be expected, but your sclerae are as white as the summer sun!”

Luna walked around the bed, “We all have felt the sting of his tongue, Cadence.” She turned to Vegeta. “Prince Vegeta, remember your wishes expressed to us while dreamwalking. We cannot proceed with them until you have recovered sufficiently. Please obey the doctors. The sooner you recover, the faster it can be implemented.”

Vegeta closed his eyes and hung his head. “On one condition,” he said after an extended silence. He opened his eyes. “I’m hungry. I have been nothing but hungry since I came here. I want to be fed as a Saiyan would be fed. If not in content, then in calories.”

“You will be fed as a patient in critical condition would be fed,” Captain Spearchucker said sternly.

Vegeta tried to turn his head, but pain ripped through his lower neck as he twisted too far. His eyes screamed and his lips curled back as he clenched his teeth. His heart monitor accelerated.

“Prince Vegeta! Please lay down,” Captain Spearchucker ordered, “We did not secure your neck because it is uninjured. But if you continue to pull on your shoulders, that will change.”

Vegeta laid his head down. His breaths became deliberate. Quickly his heart monitor returned to normal.

“You have an unusual mastery of your body for somepony who was not a pony a few days ago,” Captain Spearchucker glared at him suspiciously.

“And yet I am laying here in ICU after losing control of said body to the point of not only almost killing myself but two members of your royal family,” Vegeta deadpanned, “Riiiiiiiight. I’m just the model of self-discipline.”

Captain Spearchucker took a deep breath and let it out slowly through his nose. “You have a feeding tube inserted through your abdomen. You will have it for four days before being reevaluated. If you are found capable, you will be allowed to test eat. If you can handle it, then it will be removed.”

“My body has proved a hybrid. Saiyans eat pounds of food at a time and in a few hours the body has consumed all the nutrients within and must eat again. I don’t know how deep your understanding of metabolism is, but keep a close eye on it. It is not what you think I need. It is what I actually need. I am not a disease to be cured. I am not an aberration to be expunged. I am a Saiyan.”

“That was a strong statement over something as simple as food,” Captain Spearchucker said.

Vegeta snarled again but Luna beat him to vocalizing.

“Captain, obey Prince Vegeta on this. It is not a matter of gluttony. His race is one of great nutritional need. Keep a very close eye on his blood levels. Do not treat him with diabetic medicine or any other metabolizing potions or spells. His body is reacting naturally.”

Captain Spearchucker bowed, “Yes, your Majesty.”

“So what are these lovely tests?” Vegeta said in his normal sarcastic tone, “Reading, writing, arithmetic, singing?”


“In some species language and singing are controlled by separate areas of the brain. Many individuals with speech disorders or brain damage have overcome it by singing.”

“I see,” Captain Spearcucker tapped his chin before lowering his leg, “An interesting procedure but no. The tests are magic based, like a neurological knee-jerk test.”

“So basically, you go into my head and tune it like a piano, ah no. I rather like my brain.”

Luna smiled sympathetically, “Prince Vegeta, w-I understand your fear being a past victim, but I promise you these tests are no geas. Your personality will remain perfectly intact.”

“Fine…” Vegeta sulked, “What’s involved?”

“I place a scanning spell over your head. Then I will ask you to imagine yourself performing the movements I ask and I judge the response.”

“Keep my head on the pillow?”

“Yes,” Captain Spearchucker said, walking around the bed. “Pardon me, your majesties,” he said, softly hanging his head.

The princesses backed up and he came around to be face to face with his unruly patient.

“Now close your eyes and relax. Do not fight the sensation. It takes the acceptance of the subject for this spell to take effect.”

Vegeta turned his gaze to Luna.

She saw him holding his breath. Luna smiled softly and nodded.

Vegeta gently breathed out and hesitantly closed his eyes.

Captain Spearchucker’s horn lit up in a soft gray hue. Magic washed over Vegeta’s head. His face muscles twitched as he struggled for several moments before he went limp.

Luna stood there, focusing on the procedure so closely she missed Cadence’s attempts to get her attention until she pressed into her so hard her hooves skidded. Luna gasped and looked down at the shorter mare. Cadence motioned with her head towards the door. They walked out.

“What is it, Princess Cadence?” Luna said, turning around to face her.

“Has the prince really been subject to a geas?”

Luna nodded, “Yes. His fear of magic stems from that event.”

Cadence shook her head, “Forced geases leave marks upon their victims. I sensed no such wounds healing him.”

Luna put her hoof to her chin, “That is odd…” She lowered her hoof after several moments, “But his nightmares give credence to his story. Something did happen to him.” She tilted her head down thinking, “The world he comes from is full of powers nopony has witnessed before. We think it’s logical that whatever spell was upon him would not leave scar patterns we would recognize.” Luna’s face turned aghast, “I think! I think!”

Cadence chuckled, “Your secret is safe with me.” She became serious again. “What did he mean by ‘a disease to be cured’ and an ‘aberration to be expunged’?

“Prince Vegeta’s title is a relic of his birth. He is one of less than half a dozen of his species still existing. His people slaughtered. Himself, a souvenir for the killers, a slave.”

Cadence’s jaw dropped, “Princess Celestia never said those things!”

Luna sighed, “She doesn’t believe him on many things. But at least this farce has proven he means no harm.”

“What about you?”

“I…” Luna sighed, “We do not know. That he was turned into such a creature does not speak well of him, but his acts of selflessness and care contradict his very existence. We believed he may be reformed. Taming Discord did not rob him of any of his vast power. We believe it is the same for the prince.”

Cadence lowered the tilt of her head, thinking. “But his eyes are as white as snow… If he is not possessed by darkness. Then he is darkness.” She raised her head, “The extinction of his kind. He may be playing the victim.”

“Princess Cadence!” Luna gasped, “Thou art the element of love.”

“I am also the ruler of the Crystal Empire. If King Sombra had non-geased followers, would they not claim the unjust overthrow and murder of their beloved leader?” She hung her head, “I know this sounds harsh from the voice of reason through this whole mess. But I’m starting to understand Princess Celestia’s panic now…”

“But he is reformed— Princess Cadence,” Luna said sternly. “Judge him by his current actions, not of his past or his ancestors.”

Luna went to reenter the room but almost ran into Captain Spearchucker coming out.

“Pard…” she saw the doctor looked frazzled. “Doctor, what’s wrong?”

He furrowed his brows. “Princess Luna, I do not trust that… creature, not one bit.”

Luna placed her hooves together and raised her head high. “Report.”

“For the first part of the test, he showed an utter misunderstanding of what his body is. His mental projection resembled an unenlightened animal rather than a sentient species. Completely unarticulated skeletal and muscular systems, skull structure, brain size. I have never been so insulted in all my years.”

“That statement does not justify your conclusion,” Luna said sternly.

“I took control of the projection and corrected his form, and we tried again. His efforts were all wrong. It took far too much brain power. Messy, uncoordinated, sometimes even the completely wrong muscle groups. I concluded he had severe brain damage. When I commented that I could not see how he could have shown such cognitive responses with such damage, he grew angry. The spell is supposed to isolate the doctor from the patient, but I could almost feel his emotions. I assumed it was a reaction on my part to his aggressive posture, so I said for him to show me his real form…”

“What he displayed was not possible. Even in the slow motion of the spell, his movements were invisible. No matter how much I slowed it, even to the very limits of the spell, it was invisible.” He took a breath, “After I asked him to deliberately slow his movements, he displayed flexibility his structure should not have allowed. His physical control was also too great. With barely a flicker on neurons he was performing too complex of moves, they weren’t even reaching his higher brain. Everything was instinctual, lower brain if not auto-response from the spinal cord. I accused him of fabrication. We got into an argument. I said show me…”

He hung his head, “My… my mistake. He showed me a battle. He had to be a colt, a young colt, very… very young colt. Alone against a large army. Tens of thousands. A city, four or five times the size of Canterlot. Weapons, large battle machines, magic I’ve never even dreamed of, or had nightmares of… I was standing next to him. Seeing every death in slow motion. First the soldiers, then civilians. His fire magic, it left nothing. Then… the colt turned to me. It attacked. At some point the prince had taken full control of the mind spell. I don’t know how. The battle wasn’t in slow motion, but real time. I…”

He sniffled, “I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. He was obviously playing with me, like a cat and a mouse. Such a young face… but those eyes. Right before the death stroke, the vision ended and I was back in the projection exam space. I got to my hooves, physically I was perfectly fine. Then I heard ‘Do you doubt my abilities now?’ behind me. I jumped and saw him walk up to me as an alicorn. He chuckled at my fear and said ‘Never insult a Saiyan warrior again.’ I ended the spell right there.”

He lifted his head, “If what he showed me was a fabrication, then he has the mind of a psychopath. But if,” his voice started to choke, “if his current body is a hybrid, his dark magic is the last of our worries. That thing is a demon. No stone or Tartarus cell can contain him. Only death, like the monsters of old. But even then, I’m not sure that is even enough.”

“All that in just a couple minutes?” Cadence asked dumbstruck.

“It’s a variant of my dream walking,” Luna said, “Time flows very differently within the mind. Especially during memory projection. A day’s events can be communicated in an instant.” She turned to the doctor, “Stay here.” She trotted into the room.

Vegeta watched her walk around the bed. “I assume you're upset about the doc pissing himself?”

“Tis the understatement of the millennium,” Luna said sternly, coming to a stop in front of his head. “We attempt to shelter and protect thee, and then thou doesth things as this. Word of the dungeons hasth reached the nobles. Some demand your death. Others accuse our sister and us of inhospitality, but those are plummeting fast as acceptance of thy darkness becomes believed by greater numbers. Why did thou do this?”

“He insulted me!” he fumed, “Said my skill was a fabrication. A lie. When I said my skill has been honed since I was a boy, he did not believe me. So I showed him my first battle. I was three years old.”

“He said thou attacked him within the mindscape.”

“Just driving home the point. He was in no danger. I learned my lesson from you.”

Luna hung her head, “Did thou truly kill children?”

“Yes,” he said bluntly.

“And you feel pride in this action?”

“It’s…” he paused, “… more complicated than that…”

Luna raised her head, “What is there to be ‘complicated’ about?!”

“My people were a warrior race. War-ior is simply a person who makes war. One that practices the fighting arts but has never fought in war is no warrior. Marauders, pirates, Vikings, my ancestors had been laying waste to star systems longer than the ages of those same stars by the time Frieza’s empire expanded over our territory.”

Vegeta shook his head, “Real life is never good versus evil, Princess. Only medium gray at most against pure black. My race is bred for battle, death is in our DNA. Even those who have seen heaven did not do so by an abstention from death but only by killing those whose deaths the gods approved of more often than not. I want my children to be proud warriors, but I also want them to see heaven,” he hung his head slightly, “If… If that makes any sense.”

“Would thou repeat such an action today?”

Vegeta raised his head. “Never. I’d rather die,” he said vehemently. Then he looked down and chuckled. “Which I have proven on more than one occasion,” he said looking back up.

Luna took a deep breath. “Yes. Yes thou have. Have thou communicated such things in the scrolls Princess Twilight Sparkle submitted?”

“Wars for colonization and resettlement imply that the former tenants have been removed one way or another.”

“We will not lie. The chaos thou hath caused hath left little time for reading. Our sister’s pact was made unknowing…”

Vegeta’s poker face completely disintegrated.

“… But we art a nation that believeth in redemption and second chances. This will distress her heart, but shalt not affect her decision of trust.” Luna moved to whisper in his ear, “But do not reveal thy unrepentant heart as such again, knave. We forgive, but our memories last longer than the sky above, and our justice is as relentless as the oncoming tides.”

Vegeta bowed his head, “Yes… your Majesty.”

Luna pulled back and smiled, “Good. Rest well, Prince Vegeta. Supper will soon be upon us. The doctors will be watching thou closely.” She walked out the door.

Vegeta allowed his head to sink into the pillow. “Well…” he mumbled, “at least Bulla is out of danger… that’s one good thing you’ve accomplished, you son of a bitch…”


Cadence backed up from the door. “Well?” she asked.

Luna gave a firm smile, “Prince Vegeta will not be pulling such behavior again.” She turned to Captain Speakchucker, “Do you wish to be debriefed? We can arrange for a counselor.”

“No. But…” he paused, “I would like him transferred to the care of another neurosurgeon.”

“It will be done,” Luna nodded, “And a counselor will still be available if you change your mind.”

“Thank you, Sire,” he bowed. “If you would excuse me, I must make his records ready for transfer.”

“Oh. Yes, of course,” Cadence moved out of the way and he trotted swiftly down the hall.

“Princess Luna… I think Princess Celestia should hear about what just happened.”

“We agree. Come,” Luna said, trotting down the hall with no hesitation over her accent.