//------------------------------// // II. // Story: Equus Wars-Episode I: Knights of Harmony // by Metal-Max1991 //------------------------------// Everfree Forest. 01:01 hrs Dawn Star pressed onward, the frigid air biting at her exposed fur and skin as the Everfree’s twisted branches loomed overhead. The first seemed to watch her progress, leaves and twigs rustling in a disquieting rhythm. She glanced back at the rest of the guard detail, their torchlight flickering amidst the dense foliage. The scientists hurried along in their wake, faces etched with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. None of them knew what to expect from the alien vessel that had crashed deep into these haunting wilds. Dawn Star’s ears perked up as she overheard their hushed conversations. “Great whippering stallions, this place gives me the creeps.” Dr. Time Turner spoke up, clutching his cloak tightly against the chill as his eyes scanned the tree line. “I am in agreement with that,” Dr. Lyra heartstrings chimed in. A chortle came from Dr. Bunsen Burner as he patted Time Turner’s shoulder. “My dear Dr. Turner, this old forest has its ebullient charms to it.” “As well as its dangers.” Professor Twilight interjected. “Ursa Major’s, roving packs of Diamond Dogs and especially timberwolves.” As if to prove the law of the jinx true, a howl off in the distance answered, sending a shiver down Dawn Star’s spine. She reflexively unsheathed her sword, her awareness heightened. The gentle but firm hand of Captain Mikoda brought her back to her senses. “That came from the south west of our position, about 10 klicks from here,” Mikoda said calmly. “Besides, a group as large as ours would deter most timberwolves. They prefer stragglers.” Dawn Star nodded, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, resheathing her weapon. “Apologies Captain,” she replied. “It’s just that timberwolves give me the willies.” “Understandable,” Mikoda replied in sympathy. “But we’re well equipped to handle any threats in this forest. Just stay alert and focused.” Dawn Star replied with a sharp salute. A snicker from one of the other guards piqued her attention. “Any threat save for the witch,” the guard, Wolk, replies Dawn Star turned to face him, a worried expression growing. “What witch?” She inquired. “Well,” Wolk began, matching her pace, “local legend says that a mysterious mare lives in these very woods. They say she moves here and there, and if you follow her, she disappears behind the trees. Some say she shapeshifts, turning into any of the wild animals in the forest. Others even say she can control them.” “Horseshit,” one of the female guards chimed in. “I hear she appears in the form of an exotic mare, luring in stallions with her feminine wiles, and when she has them under her trace, she drains them of their energy and spirit, then slowly takes them apart, piece by piece, to use them in her wicked brews and magic spells.” “You’re both wacky,” a third guard said. “I hear she lures in filly’s and colts and turns them into a stew.” Dawn Star listened with a building unease. Legends of a powerful witch in the Everfree were troubling, especially with an alien craft to investigate. “Lock down the chatter.” Mikoda ordered as the group reached the edge of a large clearing. In the center lay the smoking wreckage of a massive, angular spacecraft, unlike anything Dawn Star, or anypony for that matter, have seen. Around the crash site, the advance team had established a perimeter, vigilant Thestrals eyeing every dark shadow and potential hiding place. High above, two airships hovered, their powerful spotlights illuminating the craft and the surrounding forest. Dawn Star and her team cautiously approached the wreckage, hands tightly gripped on their hilts. One of the advance team caught her eye as they approached Mikoda with a prompt salute. “Perimeter has been secured, sir!” They said. Mikoda returned the salute. “At ease, soldier,” he replied, turning to the heap of torn and smoldering metal. “Any sign of survivors?” “None yet, sir,” the guard reported. “It would be a miracle if we found any.” Mikoda nodded in understanding. “Very good,” he started. “Keep your squad around the perimeter. Leave the rest to me and my team.” Dawn Star watched as the other guard saluted and returned to his post. Mikoda turned his gaze to her. “Dawn Star,” he began, “you, myself, Aysel and Wolk will enter the craft, checking for any survivors and set up a staging area for the others.” Dawn Star saluted as he turned his attention to the remaining guards. “The rest of you will hold here and protect our scientists until we secure the area.” The group approached the massive alien wreck with a mix of urgency and trepidation. The scent of burned metal and noxious fumes filled Dawn Star’s nostrils as they moved closer. The sheer scale of the craft became apparent - it towered over them, easily the size of Manehatten. Dawn Star, Mikoda, Aysel, and Wolk carefully made their way to a large gash on the side of the craft. The advance team had already cleared the immediate area, but the atmosphere crackled with tension. Mikoda paused for a moment, examining the ship's open wound. “Everypony stay alert. We don’t know what we might find inside.” He stepped in first, followed by the others. The interior of the craft was dimly lit, with an otherworldly glow. The air was stale and the atmosphere oppressive. Dawn Star trembled, everything felt unnatural. “Stay close to me,” Mikoda ordered in a hushed tone. “Keep an eye out for any survivors and don't touch anything.” Dawn Star nodded, her nerves fraying ever so slightly as she followed the group deeper into the alien vessel. They crept along the corridor, carefully scanning for any signs of life, or more worryingly, threats. As they rounded a corner to a larger room, Dawn Star’s eyes widened in shock. Among the smaller crafts the room held, there were many bodies strewn about the floor. Most of them wore strange white armor with purple accents, painted eyes on the helmets seemed to stare back at them. Others wore different uniforms, some even decked out in garments similar to the menial laborers on airship fields. She froze, hands cupping her mouth resisting the urge to scream or make any sound at all, unsure of what to make of this disturbing discovery. “By Faust, what are they?” Aysel broke the silence first, the same stark horror that gripped Dawn Star in his voice. “Soldiers of some kind,” Mikoda replied calmly as he knelt to examine one of the bodies and device next to it. “How strange.” “You think the crash killed these ones?” Wolk asked, nervously stepping around some of the bodies. While the stallions pondered, Dawn Star trepidatiously examined the room, her eyes scanning the strange alien corpses strewn about. A sudden jolt from underneath brought her crashing down to the floor. She quickly flipped onto her back, her eyes face to face with one of the armored aliens, its hand clutching at her sabaton. “Good…soldiers…follow orders,” the figure rasped, its voice barely above a whisper. Dawn Star screamed, kicking back as the others rushed to her aid. Before she could draw her sword, the figure fell still once more. “What happened?” Mikoda stood protectively in front of Dawn Star, sword ready. “I…I think it was still alive,” she stammered, heart pounding. Mikoda checked the body, shaking his head. “Well it’s not alive now,” he replied grimly, turning his attention to Aysel and Wolk. “You two, see if you can’t find any more of these…things still kicking. We’re going to need one of them alive if we want any answers.” The pair nodded, turning each body over and checking for any glimmer of life left in them as Mikoda focused on Dawn Star. “I need you to double back to the entryway,” he began, his voice gentle, almost fatherly. “Bring in the scientists, additional troops and some climbing cables.” Dawn Star saluted, mind reeling from the strangeness of it all. ********** “Area secured, Captain Mikoda,” one of the soldiers reported as Mikoda surveyed the strange scene. Most of the Lunar Guard had finished connecting the various safety cables to an ad hoc post while others had carefully moved the alien dead aside. The various scientists, under the head of Dr. Lyra Heartstrings, worked diligently at cataloging the remains and any other strange artifacts they came across. "Good work, everypony," Mikoda said, surveying the secured area. "Now the real challenge begins. We need to split into teams and systematically search this wreckage for any survivors." He gestured to the safety cables anchored to the floor. "These will be your lifelines. The team leaders will be tethered to the cables, the rest of you will follow closely behind. Stay within sight of each other - this ship is massive, and it would be easy to get lost." Mikoda paused, his expression grave. "Be cautious and vigilant. We don't know what else we might encounter in the darkness. Your safety is paramount, but if there are any living beings who need our help, we must find them." He looked around the room, meeting each of his team's eyes. "Am I understood?" "Sir, yes sir!" they responded in unison, the sound echoing through the cavernous chamber. Mikoda nodded, satisfied. "Alright then, let's move out. Dr. Heartstrings, you and your team will accompany us. The rest of you, divide into your assigned groups and start your sweep." As the teams began to fan out, Mikoda turned to Aysel, Wolk, and Dawn Star. "Stay close to me. I have a feeling we're in for a challenging search." The team made their way carefully through the dimly lit corridors, following the safety cables as they climbed higher and deeper into the alien vessel. The air grew thick and stale, and the darkness seemed to press in around them. After what seemed like hours, the group made their way towards a large doorway that appeared to lead to what they’d hoped would be the main piloting area of the vessel. As they inched closer, Mikoda’s ears perked up - voices were coming from up ahead, a good sign. He held up a hand, signaling the others to halt. "Stay sharp," he whispered. Inching forward, Mikoda peered through the opening and spotted two figures in strange, white and purple armor. One seemed to be giving aid to one of the fallen soldiers on the ground. The other stood over a large console of some kind, pressing various buttons and switches. “This is cruiser Starlight,” it said, the voice modulated and gruff. “Come in! I repeat this is the cruiser Starlight, can anyone hear me? We have crashed onto an unknown planet, the ship is badly damaged and most of my men are dead.” Static was the only reply he was getting. Mikoda watched as the being, in frustration, slammed his fists on the console. “Dammit!” he growled, turning towards the other soldier. “Stitch, can’t you get that droid up and running?” “I’m trying, Captain,” Stitch replied, fumbling the instruments in his hand. Mikoda leaned his head into the room, carefully observing the “soldier” the alien dubbed Stitch was tending to. It had the same white and purple pattern as the other two, but it looked different - more angular and streamlined, like a machine. Mikoda had never seen anything like it before. The machine’s frame was sleek and muscular, built for speed and power. Its limbs were long and lean, ending with three, claw-like fingers. The “face” was ovoid, with two reflective panels acting as the eyes, giving it almost a skull like visage. Mikoda could sense an undercurrent of barely contained brutality in its design - this machine was built for combat and destruction. “This isn’t exactly my area of expertise,” Stitch continued as he worked feverishly to repair the droid, his movements precise and efficient. Mikoda pulled back, his mind racing and an uneasy chill running along his spine. He had to tread carefully here - these strangers seemed hostile, and their technology was clearly far beyond anything he or his team could handle, never mind other nations on Equus. He leaned back, his helmet pinging softly against the metallic wall as he contemplated his next move. “What was that?” Stitch uttered in surprise, leaping up to his feet and aiming a strange device toward the entryway. His partner followed suit, stepping forward and staggering his position. Mikoda silently cursed to himself as now both beings had him dead to rights. He had to think of a solution to de-escalate things. "Identify yourselves!" one of them demanded, his voice firm and authoritative. "This is a Republic vessel. You are trespassing." Mikoda raised his hands in a placating gesture, calmly stepping out into their line of sight. "Easy now, we mean you no harm,” he said, keeping his voice calm and even. “I'm Captain Mikoda of the Equestrian Royal Guard. We discovered your ship after it crashed - we're just trying to help." The two figures exchanged a glance, then the other one stepped forward, keeping his weapon raised. "I am Slade, and this is Stitch. 77th Clone Medical Battalion." Mikoda nodded, his attention shifting between Slade and Stitch, who was shifting his position with his back to the entryway. “Two other occupants of this vessel crashed into our castle gardens,” Mikoda began, his composure solid and steady. “We are hoping for some explanation as to how-” “Did she now?” Slade interrupted, his tone low and serious. He exchanged a glance with Stitch, who nodded as he closed the distance between himself and Mikoda, pressing the tip of his weapon against his head. “They survive by any chance?” Mikoda felt the tension rising, his heart pounding. "Now, let's all stay calm." He replied steadily, hoping to de-escalate the situation. “The female didn’t make it. The infant did survive.” “Well if that’s true,” Slade rebutted, leaning in to meet Mikoda’s stalwart but nervous expression. “Then I suppose you won’t mind showing us proof, eh friend?” “Alright, alright, easy now,” Mikoda answered, remaining outwardly stoic as his adrenaline slowly built, ready for a quick escape. “We can escort you safely back to-” “Captain!” Mikoda’s ears perked up at Wolk’s shouting. He glanced over as Wolk, Aysel and Dawn Star charged into the room, weapons drawn and battle cries piercing the air. Wolk rushed Stitch, swinging his blade with fury, but the clone was quicker. Stitch fired his strange weapon, the blast striking Wolk square in the chest. He crumpled to the ground, a gasp of air escaping his lungs. Mikoda let loose a primal, anguishing scream as he charged at Slade, getting hold of the weapon and wrestling with him for it with all his might. Two shots were fired in Mikoda and Slade's struggle for the weapon, the white hot beams piercing Stitch through the chest and neck. Aysel rushed at Stitch, hoping to avenge his fallen comrade with a precise strike. Another bolt leapt from Slade’s weapon, burning through Aysel’s shoulder. He recoiled in pain, dropping his sword as he reflexively clutched the wound. Mikoda and Slade continued to trade blows, each desperate to get control of the weapon. A sharp pain greeted Mikoda as Slade jammed the backside of the weapon into his gut, followed by the jolt of being struck in the jaw as he collapsed to the ground. Though dazed, Mikoda could make out the figure of Slade looming over him, the weapon aimed squarely at his chest. Before Slade could fire, a blur of motion crossed Mikoda’s vision. A quick slash rent the air, and a spray of blood splashed across Mikoda’s face. Slade’s severed head tumbled to the floor, his body collapsing behind it. Mikoda looked up to see Dawn Star, her sword dripping with blood. Her expression was grim, her breathing heavy but steady as the full weight of what she had done hit her. Her knees shook as she collapsed to the ground, the room flooding with the other guards as they began to triage those they could. Mikoda pulled himself to his feet, surveying the carnage around him. Wolk lay dead, Aysel wounded, and Dawn Star, the young warrior, now bore psychological battle scars. He took in a few deep calming breaths before addressing all in the room. “Gather what you can. We’re returning home.”