Second Thoughts

by starcoder


I step into the library and the first thing I see is Twilight surrounded by stacks of paper. "Uhh, are you okay, Twi? What are you doing?"

"I'm putting together a few friendship lessons. I need them to be perfect! After all, Starlight's my first pupil and I don't want to fail her! And she might need proper lessons after everything she's been going through," she vented, sticking her muzzle in my face.

I pushed her away, thinking. "So, then, what is Starlight going to do right now?"

Twilight rubbed her chin, thinking for a moment. Then she got an idea. "Why don't you spend some time with her today? She could really use the sense that she has good friends, and you are pretty kind and welcoming. I bet she'll love having some company!"

"I don't know Twilight," I stretch the words. "She's been seeming like she doesn't want to spend time around many ponies. Or dragons, for that matter. She seems to want some alone time."

"Spike, just trust me. She probably needs it, no matter what she wants. Go wake her up and spend some time with her while I finish up a few friendship lessons for her, alright?" I sigh in defeat, knowing that I'll have to eventually spend some time with her, no matter what.

As I walk towards her room, I think to myself. I eventually cross the realization that I'm actually a bit afraid of Starlight. She did almost destroy Equestria, multiple times. Maybe I'm just scared to spend time with her because I'm afraid she could hurt me or my friends in some way.

But from what I've seen, she's more afraid of being judged on her past than I am of her harming me or my friends. I guess that shows that she really has changed a lot. Maybe I shouldn't distrust her based on her past. I got off easily with Luna, and even Discord, so why is it so hard with Starlight?

I shake my head as I enter her room, trying to act casual, as if I wasn't scared of her. I'm honestly not sure if it works. But I notice that she's asleep right now, meaning she won't be able to hurt me. I back out of the room, remembering that I'm supposed to help her feel better and spend time with her. I mean, I can't ignore direct orders from Twilight.

I sigh in defeat and, hesitating, I prod her hoof with my claw. She slowly opens her eyes and I'm honestly so afraid of what she could do. But then, she lazily asks, "Twilight?"

“Uh, no, I’m Spike," I fearfully answer. "Twilight told me to get you out of bed and give you some time to have fun today.”

Starlight groans. "Oh. Sounds great," she sarcastically says while closing her eyes.

I bite my lip and pull her mane a little the way I do with Twilight when I want her attention. “Come on, Starlight. If you’re not going to spend time with me, at least have breakfast," I quietly say. I'm fine with her not spending time with me, but Twilight wants her to feel comfortable here in Ponyville. I could cook something for her. I bet that would make her feel more comfortable, right?

She abruptly sits up. "With... you?"

“Mm, yeah, Twilight’s putting together some friendship lessons, so I guess I’m going to spend time with you instead,” I summarize.

She considers the offer with a slight smile. Hopping out of bed, her smile widens a bit. “Come on, then, Spike." I expect her to teleport us outside, or somewhere else she can fight me (what am I thinking?), but she walks outside instead. I stand there for a few seconds, then rush outside. Closing the door behind me, I see Starlight under a nearby tree, happily waving to me to come over. When I arrive, I help her set up a picnic blanket, where some food appears. It's a daisy sandwich and a crystal cupcake. I'm assuming it's for me, since ponies don't eat crystals.

I grin and laugh, taking a bite. "Wow, thanks, Starlight!" I cheerfully exclaim. I take another bite and look back at her. Her eyes are closed and her head tilted upright. She takes a deep breath, opening her eyes and taking a bite of the sandwich. I smile; her happiness might be from the fact that she's spending time with friends. Or one friend. But it's great to see her smile. Maybe I've been wrong to judge and fear her. After all, I think that's what she doesn't like. That would be me being a bad friend, then. My gaze shifts to where a trio of ponies walks past us.

It's Rose, Lily, and Daisy from the flower shop in town! I wave to say hi, but they seem more focused on Starlight. They lower their voices and I gape as I hear the words slip from their mouths.

“I heard she stole the cutie marks of her whole village!” Rose says.

“I heard she traveled back in time and almost wrecked time and space and Equestria!” adds Daisy.

Lily looks between the two. “I heard she tried to kill Princess Twilight!”

“Imagine what she could do to us! Oh, the horror." Rose faints.

“The horror!”

“The horror!” The other two start falling down too, and I blink a couple of times, shocked. Then, I shake my head and look to Starlight. Her hoof is covering her mouth and her eyes were holding in tears. I place a claw on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Starlight. These three can get like this pretty easily. It’s not your fault," I assure her, unsure if she really will be okay. She shook her head slightly and looked away from me so that I couldn't see how she reacted. I looked between the flower shop ponies and Starlight, knowing she needs help right now. “Just take it easy, Starlight," I tell her.

She looks at me with a heartbroken glare and finally shouts, "No!" I jump back in surprise as she starts to run away. I take a few steps, but knowing that she can easily escape me, I decide not to go after her and instead tell Twilight and the girls.

I find Twilight in the library, still making lesson plans. Slowly approaching her, I fumble with my options for the best way to break the news to her. I decide on, "Starlight ran away."

She drops her papers and sticks her muzzle in my face, grabbing onto me. "What? To where?" Then, she steps back and lets go, sheepishly laughing.

“I don’t know. I let her go because I know she needs space," I tell Twi. And because I know she's just going to run away from me, I think to myself. "But I have no idea whether she’s coming back or not."

“Well, let’s pray to Celestia that she’s okay. Meanwhile, we need to look for her," she declares, clearly determined to find Starlight. It seems to me like she cares for her a lot. I wish I had been the same way in the beginning. Maybe then, none of this would have happened.

But then, a thought comes into my mind. “Yeah, well, she could be anywhere. She’s got magic, remember?” I remind her in frustration. It's going to be near impossible to find her now!

Twilight shakes her head. “But still, that won’t stop me. She’s my friend, and I’ll do anything to keep her from any danger.”

Scared, this time for, and not of, Starlight, I reply, “Let’s just hope she’s not already in trouble.” Twilight looks just as worried as I do. If not, she looks even more troubled than me. I sure hope my friend is alright without us.