Born a Princess: Forgiveness is Magic

by Nebbie

Coming to Ponyville

A lavender alicorn with a dark blue mane with a magenta stripe galloped up a tower's outside staircase and swung open the doors of the library at the top.

Inside, a small lavender and green dragon was too close, being flung aside.

"Spike! Spike! ...Spike?" the alicorn called.

"Ugh...Twilight, knock next time, you're not even supposed to be here right now, mandatory break from studying, remember," he replied.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, can you find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies?" Twilight asked with a smile as she helped him up with her magic.

"Uh, sure," he said, hopping on the bookshelf ladder, but then paused. "Nothing's on fire, right?" he asked.

"Well, not yet, but..." she assured him as she gave his butt a hard nudge with her head.

"Alright, alright, hold your horses..." he muttered as he climbed up the rest of the way and grabbed the book. "Right here," he said, holding it out in one hand.

Twilight immediately grabbed it in her magic, yanking it away, making Spike flail before falling off the ladder and onto her back belly-down, with his tail draped over the back of her mane.

"Woopise," Twilight said and giggled before kissing his side.

"Blegh, you've spent too much time around Cadance; kissing really doesn't make it better. there a reason you're being so...careless?" Spike asked as he got up.

"It's the thought that counts, give our big sister a little more credit. And uh, I'm just a little on edge," Twilight said as she patted his spines. "Now let's see...Elements of Harmony...see 'Mare in the Moon'?" Twilight said as she flipped through the book. "Hmm, Mare in the Moon...defeated by Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon, 1000 year solstice will have stars aid her escape... Oh no! Spike, take a letter."

Spike sat up, slid off via her tail, then grabbed some nearby paper, a quill, and an inkwell. "Ready."

Twilight cleared her throat. "My dearest teacher, my studies have led me to believe we're on the precipice of disast-"

"The what now?" Spike asked.

"Just...say the horse apples are about to hit the fan," Twilight said in frustration before turning around.

"Right..." Spike replied as he wrote with his tongue sticking out. "And?"

"Nightmare Moon, who is the Mare in the Moon, is going to return to Equestria on the day of tomorrow's Summer Sun Celebration, and bring with her eternal night! We have to do something. I await your response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said confidently as she looked out her window at the rest of Canterlot.

Spike wrote for a bit longer before putting down the quill. "Got it."

"Well what are you waiting for? Send it," Twilight said as she turned back to face him.

"Uh..." Spike stammered. "It's just that Celestia's really busy right now preparing. Maybe we could...wait a few hours?"

"Every hour we wait is an hour less for her to prepare for Nightmare Moon coming tomorrow! Send it, or I'll fly there myself!" Twilight shouted as she pressed her nose to his.

"Okay..." he said before puffing out a bit of green fire from his mouth, sending the letter off as sparkly smoke.

"Fly where yourself?" asked Moondancer as she trotted in.

"Oh, just to warn Celestia about Nightmare Moon," Twilight responded with a confident pose.

"Uh-huh. I'm sure that old mare's tale will fascinate her just as much as hearing that you snuck back into the library while I was doing errands in direct defiance of her orders," Moondancer said with a smirk.

Twilight laughed nervously.

Suddenly, Spike's mouth bulged and he belched, sending out dragonfire that swirled and popped into being a rolled-up letter. He grabbed it and unrolled it.

"2 bits says it's a reprimand. Whaddya say, Spike?" Moondancer said while putting out her hoof.

"I'm not making that mistake again, you only make bets when you know something..." he replied, arms crossed, before clearing his throat and looking at the letter. "My dearest and most faithful student..."

Twilight stood proudly and closed her eyes.

" know I value your concern, but you simply must stop spending all your time with dusty old books!" Spike continued.

Twilight gasped. "I-I...s-she...d-dusty?"

"Here it comes..." remarked Moondancer with a grin.

Spike looked uneasily at Twilight before continuing. "To teach you there's more to life than studying, I'm sending you instead of Moondancer to supervise preparations for this year's Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. Moondancer's position running the tower library will become permanent. Additionally, I'm tasking you with a more important task: Make some friends there, and don't read any books until you do! The royal chariot will be there shortly t-."

Twilight fainted, hitting the floor with a thud.

In a chariot flying high away from Canterlot, Spike waved a hand over Twilight's face as she laid on her back.

"Ugh, I'm fine, Spike, just a little down in the dumps. So...where are we staying?" Twilight asked as she got up.

"At the library. Apparently the old librarian got eaten by a...griffon," Spike said with a disturbed look as they came over Ponyville.

"Ugh, really? Celestia should've listened when I warned her," Twilight groaned.

"Well, Moondancer's notes say she was tasked not only with running the library temporarily, but making absolutely sure that there wouldn't be anymore problems between griffons and ponies there," Spike replied as he put a claw on her shoulder comfortingly. He promptly gave Twilight the notes and a lavender fanny pack with her cutie mark on it.

"Of course Celestia sent her, because I'm just not trustworthy! As if taking away my princess title wasn't enough," Twilight huffed before putting on the fanny pack.

"I'm sure she trusts you, it's just that well, your history there isn't the best. Now look on the bright side, just chat up a pony or two and then you can read all the new books Ponyville has to offer!" Spike said with a smile.

"You're right!" Twilight said as her wings suddenly spread, knocking him over. "Uh, sorry."

"Oof...well, here we are," Spike said as the chariot landed, and hopped out.

Twilight followed and bowed before the two pegasus royal guards. "Much appreciated, sirs."

"Any time, princess!" one of them replied, making the other and Twilight cringe.

The other guard whispered to him.

"Oh, apologies, miss Twilight Sparkle. I wasn't aware of the uh, status change. You still do carry yourself like a princess," he nervously said.

Twilight gave him a hug. "Thank you, really. It's good to know I'm still respected." She broke the hug shortly after and watched the chariot head off.

Spike tugged at her tail, making her turn around, and gestured to a pink pony with a fluffy pink mane coming up to them. "Hey look, a potential friend!"

"Um, hello?" Twilight asked as she rubbed one hoof with another.

The pink pony gasped loudly and bounced up into the air before running off in a flash.

"Maybe we should try that after ponies have gotten used to seeing an alicorn on the streets..."

"Right, well, first on Moondancer's list is the catering: Sweet Apple Acres!"

One incredible assault of apple-based food and names later, Twilight trotted slowly back into town with a belly twice its normal size. "Ugh, that was too much pie..."

"I'll say. Now, there's supposed to be a...griffon named Gloomy Dash in charge of the weather," Spike replied.

"Huh, I knew they could walk on clouds, so I suppose it makes sense they can move them around too," Twilight said with a hoof on her chin.

"Says here she's the best weatherp-creature in Ponyville. You want me to handle this one? I mean..." Spike trailed off, sounding uneasy.

"Hey, I can handle myself, trust me. Besides, she sounds like she's grea-" Twilight started, but was slammed into by a huge azure and grey blur hitting her from the side.

When she landed, she was in a large mud puddle snout underwater and butt up, with a griffon on top of her side, who had an azure mane and grey body, and was over twice her height.

Twilight spent a moment groaning before opening her eyes, then pulling her head up.

The griffon got up and looked back, with a few bits of mud slopping off, before giggling. "Uh, 'scuse me?"

Twilight groaned again and sat up, covered in mud as Spike stifled a snicker.

"I'll get it!" the griffon said as she brought over a cloud and jumped on it, drenching Twilight.

Twilight simply sighed and stared.

"Right, next step..." the griffon replied, before zooming around Twilight, who went wide-eyed and stood up, shaking slightly.

After a moment, the griffon stopped, leaving Twilight with her mane and tail poofier than the pink pony earlier.

"No need to thank m-...heh...hehe...bahahaha!" the griffon broke out laughing to the point of tears and fell backward, with Spike soon following atop her.

"'re Gloomy Dash, huh?" Twilight asked.

"The one and only!" Dash replied as she got up, sending Spike flying, and held a claw to her chest proudly. "Say, what's with the belly?"

"Applejack," Twilight replied with a look of annoyance.

"Heh, same here," Dash said as she put a claw on her own belly, which seemed slightly bulging.

"Huh, well I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike, Celestia sent us here to check preparations. Looks like you're...not ready yet," Twilight said, pointing up at the many clouds.

"Yeah yeah, but I've got all day, and I can do it in 10 seconds flat!" Dash boasted as she hopped on a cloud and laid back. "...just as soon as I'm done practicing to be a Wonderbolt"

"A griffon like you in the Wonderbolts? Pfft" Twilight chuckled a bit, snorting.

Spike and Dash went wide-eyed and dropped their jaws, then looked at each other a moment.

"Um, Twilight..." Spike started.

"Oh don't get me wrong, some griffons are great, but you just slammed right into me for no reason. You could've hurt me. Tartarus, what if your mouth had been open? I mean, with a griffon there could be...accidents, and well, that's just not what the Wonderbolts, the protectors of ponies in the sky, are looking for..." Twilight said with an eyeroll.

Dash growled and sat down. " take that back! Moondancer promised past accidents wouldn't be held against me! And now you come here also under Celestia's orders what, toy with me for her?"

"Wait, I didn't know Moondancer promised tha-...I mean, I'm sorry, I just..." Twilight said as she started to sweat.

"Twilight, no more," Spike said as he put a finger to her lips. "Dash, look, I think you'll be a great Wonderbolt, but right now, we just need the weather. You said 10 seconds flat, well, prove it! Show Twilight she's wrong!" he said with an air punch.

Dash groaned and stood up. "You know what? Yeah, you're right. Time it!" she said as she bent her legs, ready to spring off.

Spike grabbed a stopwatch from Twilight's fanny pack. "Go!"

Dash sprung off the cloud with a kick that tore it apart and began kicking cloud after cloud. Just as it was coming on 10 seconds, she did a loop-de-loop and soared down in front of Spike. "Well?"

"9.85 seconds, wow!" he said as he offered a high-five and Twilight just stood slack-jawed.

Dash accepted immediately with her claw, knocking him over, then stood up on her hind legs and wiggled her hips side to side while pushing out her arms. "Ah yeah, ah yeah, who's the best?"

Spike giggled as he mimicked her dance, and bumped hips with her, sending him into a nearby wall.

"I...think I owe you an apology, if you're willing to listen," Twilight started, eyes closed and head down.

Dash smirked. "Yeah, yeah, but you can kiss my butt and make up later, I've got practicin' to do! See ya, Spike," she said as she zoomed off.

"See ya!" he replied. "Um, and your mane looks kinda pretty like this, Twilight."

Twilight huffed and began trotting on. "Let's go find the one in charge of decorations..."

A while later, Twilight, with her mane back to normal, went into the library and slammed the door shut, not even taking time to turn on the light first. "Ugh, those two were worse than Dash..."

"Hey, Rarity was dreamy!" Spike rebutted.

"Yeah, if your dream is to be constricted to death by jewel-encrusted fashion statements without your consent right after getting your belly stuffed," Twilight groaned back, patting her stomach, which wasn't quite back to normal yet.

"Oh come on. What about Fluttershy? She was nice, and it was really rude to lie to her," Spike said as he pointed a claw right in front of her face.

"Spike, she made me tell her how you were potty-trained, and I really thought I wouldn't have to describe that ever again," Twilight said with a shudder.

"You're just jealous I got a friend first, and one who actually likes all the ways I can shoot fire," Spike retorted with a giggle as he crossed his arms.

"Eugh, look, I need to be alone for a bit without any crazy ponies...or griffons, so where's the light switch?" Twilight asked as she started looking around.

The lights suddenly came on, revealing dozens of townsponies, along with everyone she met earlier except Applejack, and Fluttershy who was probably still just outside the door, crammed into the room. "SURPRISE!" they shouted in unison, releasing balloons and blowing noisemakers. There was even a blue and white DJ playing music.

Twilight froze. Spike however looked around with a smile before going up to a bright teal unicorn swinging her rear back and forth to the beat. "Lyra!" he said as he waved with his claw. "Good to see one of Twilight's old classmates still here. We just moved in."

Lyra smiled and bumped hips with him. "Hey little guy! I hardly even go to Canterlot much anymore, can't escape me that easy!" she said with a giggle.

Twilight just watched awkwardly as Spike then ran up to a nearby Gloomy Dash and another griffon, who had a brown coat and a white mane. The three immediately started doing the dance from earlier in time with the music, while ponies seemed to keep their distance from them, except Lyra and Fluttershy.

Twilight's eye started twitching. "Is that...Gilda?" Twilight breathed heavily for a moment as her eye continued to twitch.

The pink pony from earlier suddenly zoomed into place in front of Twilight, making her back up and fall onto her rear. "Hi! Yep, that's Gilda; she can be a little mean sometimes, but she's a great partier, and she Pinkie promised this time not to do that thing she did the last time you were at a party with her. Oh, speaking of Pinkies, I'm Pinkie Pie. I set up this party just for you! Were you surprised? Huh? Huh?" she asked, bouncing up and down.

"Uh...very, very surprised. You know, libraries are supposed to be quiet," Twilight said with a disgruntled look as she eyed up a table with glass bottles whose label showed some kind of martini-like cup with bubbles and promptly began trotting towards it.

"Well that's bor-ing! I knew you two needed a party when you first got here because you're new in town, and everypony has to get a welcome party! And Dashie said that you were all serious business and needed cheering up!" Pinkie said as she bounced alongside Twilight.

Twilight rolled her eyes and grabbed the nearest bottle in her magic, pouring it and taking a huge sip immediately, only to suddenly find her mouth hot and her eyes tearing up, rearing up as fire practically came out of her mouth.

Spike came over and looked at the bottle. "Uh, that was hot sauce, not the sparkling applejack..."

Pinkie shrugged and covered a cupcake in the hot sauce before eating it, much to the shock of Spike, Fluttershy, Gloomy Dash, Gilda, and Rarity nearby.

Twilight meanwhile galloped to the bathroom.

Later in the bedroom, Twilight was face-first in a pillow, holding it to her ears while the sound of the party in the main room could be heard.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Spike with a lampshade on his head holding it open. "Hey Twilight! Dash is doing something weird with Pinkie in a game of spin the bottle! Wanna come watch?"

Twilight groaned and raised her head, putting the pillow atop it. "No! It's nearly sun-up Spike, I haven't slept at all, and everyone in this town is nuts! For all I care, Dash can eat Pinkie; it'd be one less problem I have to deal with!"

"Whoa, hey, you should lighten up, it's a party. Everyone just wants to be ready for when Celestia raises the sun. It'll happen in only ten minutes!" Spike said.

"Wait, ten minutes? It's a 2-minute walk to town hall, we've gotta get going so we're not late!" Twilight said as she got out of bed. She took a look at the moon, with its horse head pattern, and the twinkling stars, then galloped out of the room.

At town hall, Twilight trotted in with Spike standing on her back. Looking to Dash and Gilda bumping chests to her right, she headed left and took a position next to Rarity.

"So, I take it decorating went okay?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, absolutely, darling," Rarity replied.

"You look great," Spike said. "Er, I mean, it looks great. Real...fancy."

Rarity hmphed and smirked, then trotted over to a set of stairs in the back.

Suddenly the birds started singing triumphantly, and a pale brown mare with a grey mane came onto the stage. "Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration! In just a few moments, our town will witness the sun rising to begin the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce Princess Celestia!"

The crowd cheered, with Lyra even bouncing up and down. The mayor gestured towards a balcony, where Rarity pulled the curtains, revealing...nopony.

"Um, one second, everypony," Rarity said as she trotted behind the curtains. A moment later, she came out. "She was just here, but, it seems she's gone!"

Gasps erupted from the crowd, intensifying when a wispy blue smoke came out from next to Rarity.

Rarity quickly dived off the balcony, and was caught by two brown earth pony stallions, one lighter with a CM of three blue horseshoes, the other darker with a CM of an hourglass, that she gave a smirk to.

Twilight flew up above the crowd to the height of the balcony, but kept her distance. "Spike, you know what this means?"

Spike simply gulped as he grabbed tightly onto her neck.

The blue smoke expanded rapidly and parted in the middle, revealing a dark purple and black alicorn with a mane and tail formed by the smoke itself. "Oh my beloved subjects, it's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces."

Dash flew up next to Twilight angrily. "What have you done with our princess?" she asked as she prepared to attack.

Gilda grabbed Dash and whispered. "Hey, I love a good fight, but let's not pick one with a pony that took out Celestia without making a sound..."

The alicorn chuckled. "Why? Am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Spike nervously chuckled. " wouldn't happen to be uh...Black Snooty, the fun-loving mean queen of darkness who's just here to fill in for Celestia?"

Twilight facehoofed. "Spike, she's obviously Nightmare Moon, formerly the mare in the moon, who's been imprisoned for a thousand years!"

Everypony gasped.

"Well well well, somepony actually paid attention to the signs and legends; then you also know why I'm here," Nightmare Moon said with a grin.

"'re bring eternal night..." Twilight said with a look of sadness.

Nightmare Moon giggled. "Indeed I am. Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" She finished with a cackle as lightning struck from her now-swirling ethereal mane.