The Ghost's Story

by HiddenEntity

The Headless Horseman

Out of the ground emerged the pumpkin, and a headless body on a jet black horse ruptured out along with it. The body had skeletal, wiry fingers, and a tall shadowy form with a long, red cape. Even though the body had no head, the pumpkin in the right hand of the figure talked and moved. 
“Oh Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy,” The figure moved around me, while I was paralyzed with fear. It paced back and forth, and the pumpkin's mouth cracked into a grin. The pumpkin’s raspy voice was now loud, each of the teeth moving and grinding against each other.  
“Why do you not listen? I clearly called your name.”
“I-I I thought that it was the wind…” I squeaked out.
“The wind! That is absolutely ridiculous!” The pumpkin cackled. 
“Y-you can't scare me!” I cried shakily. The body moved towards me, grabbing my arm. 
"We'll see about that, Ms. Shy!"
I found the strength to rip free of his strong grip and tore away to a small child’s slide, and I crawled underneath. “Fluttershy! Oh, Fluttershy!” The dark demon taunted. I sobbed silently, hugging my knees, pleading to whatever gods sent this malignant spirit to take it away. I looked to my left: he was not there. I started to panic, and slowly turned my head to the right. The pumpkin was there, and I shrieked again, kicking it away, smashing its face in. It looked even uglier now than it had before.
 “FLUTTERSHY!!!” the spirit roared, bluish-green flames leaping out of the cracks forming the pumpkin’s face. The headless body on the horse raced to capture me. I scampered out from under the slide and took off at a dead run, forgetting that I was wearing high heels. I broke my ankle with a snap, and I slammed into the ground, screaming out with pain. Even the grass now seemed against me, cutting my skin.
 The horseman climbed down from his malevolent steed, and I saw the remnant did have a head. It was barely visible, like unto a ghost. I thought I recognized the face, the mustache, the evil grin. Then I remembered the photo. There was a man standing in the background, his hand on my father’s shoulder. Which meant… “Wait!” I cried out. “Y-you know me! I th-think. D-don’t hurt me! Please, I beg y-you!”
The zombie paused, seeming to recognize me, but did not. He turned to grab the pumpkin. I knew what he was about to do. I screamed bloody murder in terror as the horseman brought the flaming pumpkin down on my head with a crack of lightning. I felt the flames engulf me, and I shrieked and writhed in pain. The heat of the blue-green flames washed over me as it found my heart. The flames roared higher into the night, and the last thing I heard before I died was the raspy cackle of the evil remnant ringing in my ears.