Antipode Juxtaposition

by Mokoma

Chapter 1 - The Celebration Preparations!

Twilight trotted through the path of Creatureville, Spike vigilantly sitting on her shoulder as he looked out.

"So this is Creatureville, huh?" Twilight asked. "It's...nice." She softly coughed. But why were all the locals so friendly? She was being waved at from every part of the street, and all the ponies smiled wide at each time. "But I still don't get it. It's not like the fate of Equestria rests on me making friends."

"Twilight..." The phoenix softly spoke. "Princess Celestia cares about you - that's why she wants you to make friends! And, besides - this is a whole new town! Maybe the creatures here have something interesting to talk about!" He proposed.

Twilight rolled her eyes - and stopped. She looked up into the air...To see what appeared to be a flying figure, flapping its wings...The earth pony blinked up at it, unsure what exactly it was, as the glare of the sun made it nothing more than a silhouette. She was sure however that it paused to look at her.

Spike yelped softly - he was able to identify the shape fast, but Twilight was not. Much to Spike's dismay, the pony waved.

"Hello!?" Twilight called out.

All that Twilight heard from the mysterious figure flying above her...was a shrill gasp that echoed down upon her - and a bright flash of pink as it flew off.

"...That was certainly interesting." Twilight grunted.

"Was that a griffon?" Spike yelped.

"Hm?" Twilight turned her head to the phoenix. "Probably - looked like it. Why?"

"They're not considered to be the most joyous type...I thought she was gonna get down here to do or say something rude..." The phoenix muttered.

"I'm here for you, Spike." Twilight smiled. "Now come on - first step for the preparations...Sweet Apple Acres!"


Twilight was able to see an orange shape on the horizon. She squinted, and smiled softly. Okay - this must be the mare in charge. She could see an orange earth pony, bucking an apple tree. Maybe with it being a fellow earth pony - it would be a smooth transaction. Just come in, and make sure that the food for the celebration's prepared. What's tough about that?

It was a little funny to her how this orange mare didn't have a cowboy hat or something. She thought it was a staple of most farmers, but what did she know about agriculture in practice - other than the 6 books she had read about it.

"Let's get this over with." Twilight cleared her throat as se approached the mare. "Good afternoon! My name is Twilight Sparkle, and--"

The orange earth pony beamed with a wide smile. "Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance! I'm Applejack - we here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!"

"Friends?" Twilight frowned. "Actually I--"

"Howdy!" Said a voice from behind Twilight.

Applejack smiled. "Hey sis!" Applejack called out.

Twilight turned her head - and blinked. She saw another orange earth pony - the same eyes and...pretty much the same cutie mark? This one was smiling too.

"O-Oh!" Twilight blinked. "You have a twin? That's...Really interesting, I--"

"I'm Applejack! Pleasure makin' your acquaintance!" She beamed.

"Aaaand you have the same name! That's...uh, I--"

"Howdy!" An orange mare jumped down from the tree. "I'm Applejack! We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!" She grinned.

Twilight's pupils shrunk somewhat as she started to back up. "W-Wait, what's going on--"

"Howdy!" Grinned yet another Applejack who had just approached from over the hill - by her side yet another Applejack.

Twilight yelped in surprise; backing up, only to bump into another Applejack.


"I'm Applejack!"

"We here at Sweet Apple Acres--"


"--sure do like makin' new friends!"




"I'm Appleja--"

Terrified and surrounded by the orange wave of Applejacks - Twilight was unable to take it any longer as she let out a shrill scream of terror.


"What in the simmering sour apple fritter tarnation' is going on here!?" Yelled yet another Applejack - her voice instead loud and quite upset. All Applejacks turned their heads to the sound, and so did Twilight. This Applejack was perfectly identical to all the other Applejacks - with one particular difference; this one hat a brown cowboy hat on her head.

Upon seeing her, the Applejacks blinked at the hatted one...and some of them began to giggle.

"Sorry sis!" Spoke the Applejack which Twilight spoke to first. "You know we gotta find a fun way to spend the time!"

"Har har." Sarcastically did the hatted one laugh. "Playin' cruel an' dishonest pranks on guests ain't no way to spend the time 'fore lunch! 'Specially not by abusin' my pony form! Now go on - you've scared our guest like she forgot her lasso 'fore the rodeo! Shoo, shoo!"

The swarm of Applejacks began to giggle and howl in laughter - and suddenly much to Twilight's shock, they all flashed in a green light; turning into odd colorful, bug-like creatures, who continued laughing as they flew off.

The hatted Applejack sighed - green light flashing over her as well as she turned into the same bug-like creature. Her chitin was orange, and her eyes were green. A big smile adorned her face, with fangs protruding from the upper jaw. "Sorry 'bout that, ma'am. M' sisters 'n brothers here are the devious and tricky sort when they get bored. Never figured how lying could ever be a good way to pass tha' time. You okay, sugarcube? It seemed like you were getting both the daylights and nightlights scared out of ya."

"I'm...Fine." Twilight coughed. "I just got caught off-guard...I've never met a changeling before - especially not a whole group that tried to prank me like that..."

"Shucks - what's your name?" The orange changeling smiled softly.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." The earth pony smiled.

Twilight felt what it was like to become a jackhammer as an orange hoof held onto hers, and began to give her a most powerful hoofshake. "Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance! I'm Applejack - we here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!"

Twilight narrowed her eyes at Applejack. This felt like a fever dream.

Of course, it didn't help that she was then asked to sample the food.


"Applejack wasn't kidding..." Twilight groaned, walking as she felt how gravely she overate. "Food made with love - so as to fit the dietary habits of changelings...Really makes you feel full fast."

Spike, in the meantime, used a talon to go over a list. "Hmmm...There is one "Rainbow Dash" here in Creatureville who's supposed to be clearing out the clouds." He said.

Twilight looked up at the sky with a bemused look. "Uhuh. Well, this pegasus certainly isn't doing her job very well, is she?"

Suddenly, Twilight froze in place. Spike saw her look, turning to her. "Twilight? What's wrong?"

"Do...You hear that?" Twilight asked.

"Hear what?"

"It sounds like..." Twilight blinked. "Singing...?"

Spike had to listen in just a tad harder - but he was indeed able to hear that sound - carried by the wind.

"Laaaaaaaaaa-laaaaaaaaaa, dah~...Laaaaaal-laaaaaaaaaah~...Laaaaal-laaaaaaaaaal dah, aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaah~..."

Twilight was completely still...And quiet. She started to softly walk towards it. Spike assumed she merely wanted to check out the source - but this wasn't like Twilight at all; since when did she even have any interest in music? And she a zombie.

"Twilight?" Spike asked again...And no response came, his eyes now wide. "Twilight!? H-Hey! Twilight!"

And Twilight kept walking...she began to walk to her destination. Not even Spike trying to tug her by the mane with his beak came to any solution...As Twilight now began to walk over the edge - about to enter freefall...

And so, she stepped over the edge, and began to plummet down...

As she went over the railing of the bridge...she fell a measly meter or so before cannonballing straight into the Creatureville river - Spike ejecting at just the last moment.

Twilight re-emerged sputtering water, coughing as she finally snapped out of it. She looked at her surroundings and had no idea how she even appeared here, right under the bridge.

"Oops." Said a scratchy voice - chuckling nervously. "...Excuse me?"

Twilight spun around in the water - and was made with a most imposing appearance. A being with blue scales, and yet...not quite a dragon. At the top of her head, she had fins - fins that seemed to have a Rainbow-like shine to them, gorgeously glistening against whatever rays of sun broke through the clouds.

However, this "dragon" didn't look so large. She was relatively the same size as Twilight, albeit slightly bigger. Twilight then realized what she saw...

"Lemme help!" The siren said, and levitated around Twilight, as she flew her over to shore. Twilight stood there with wide eyes, soaking wet like a distressed dog who barely swam ashore. She gasped in surprise as she saw however the siren fly above her and inhaled...

She then began singing. Twilight was unsure exactly what the purpose was - why she did it...But she felt a force around her, as if her voice was having some sort of effect on her surroundings...Twilight would feel the bite of cold wet air relent as now, with the siren's singing...she became fully dry.

Save for the fact that her hair then instantly poofed into the shape of a mushroom cloud.

The siren grinned - showing off her pearly whites, and burst into laughter. Spike himself was unable to help, also falling to the ground and breaking into the same howling laughter.

"..." Twilight looked at the siren with furrowed brows and a scowl. "Thanks..." She said past grit teeth. "Why did you lure me in in the first place, though?"

"I didn't mean to." The siren said - trying to catch her breath in-between her howling laughter. "I don't usually end up hypnotizing others - it happens though when they don't really listen to music much and their ears are unaccustomed to good sounds. Those without music are more vulnerable to siren hypnosis." She explained...Twilight took it as somewhat of an insult - but it was true. She really gave no time to music.

"Ahem." The earth pony closed her eyes. "Anyways - would you happen to know of a certain pegasus named Rainbow Dash?"

"Pegasus?" The siren laughed. "Whatever gave you the idea I'm a pegasus?"

"Well." Twilight furrowed her brows. "Since this "Rainbow Dash" has a duty of clearing the clouds for the summer sun celebration, I--...Wait, you're Rainbow Dash!?"

"The one and only!" The siren grinned with her sharp, pearly whites.

"...Huh." Twilight blinked. "But...I thought weather control was..."

"Usually it's the job for the pegasi, yeah." Dash nodded. "But I can do that job myself - with speed and ease. Siren magic, missy - sing the right tune, and you can make the sound do anything!"

"...Well, I'm Twilight Sparkle - here on the behalf of Princess Celestia to oversee the preparations for the celebrations...And sorry to say, I don't think you're doing a good job so far."

The siren floated up into the sky, making spins as she looked at Twilight. "Nope - I haven't started yet. I'm just doing some practice for now."

"Practice?" Twilight tilted her head. "For what?"

"The Wondersirens!" Rainbow Dash grinned. "Most talented siren singers in all of Equestria! They're so good, you gotta wear special headphones during their shows to prevent being accidentally hypnotized!"

"Well, if you're showing this much responsibility with the task you were given, Iiiiiii don't think you're on the right track to impress them." She coughed. "I doubt they'll want a siren who claims she can clear the weather but can't even do so for one measly day."

"..." The siren narrowed her eyes at Twilight. "Hey, I can clear this sky. In ten. Seconds. Flat."

"Prove it." Twilight smirked.

The siren grinned.

Rainbow Dash flew up into the air...And put one of her hooves on her heart.

"Laaah-taaah, laaat-taaah aaaah aaah taaaaah~...Laaah-taaaaah aaah aaah - aaah aaah, laaa taaa~..."

Repeating a pattern, the siren began singing...And Twilight could see the air around her mouth shimmer...Suddenly, waves of sound would emerge from her, and crash against the clouds...In one smooth wave, the waves of sound crashed down into the clouds...and dissipate into nothingness.

Leaving a clear, deep blue sky.

"What'd I say?" The siren asked with a challenging tone. "Ten seconds flat. I'd never leave Creatureville hangin'."

"...She's amazing!" Spike blinked.

Twilight sighed. At-least this was something to cross off the list. Still, now she was left a little humiliated; and with a disaster on her head.


"Decorations..." Said Spike. "Let's see - we're actually given an address here! Carousel Boutique?"

"That should be easy." Twilight smiled - frowning as she remembered what hair style she was now left with, though. She sighed - if she had a horn, she could easily just fire up a mane-resetting spell and make easy work of this mess...

"Only one issue..." Spike said as he looked up.

"What?" She asked.

One of his wings unfurled to point into another direction...

A sign hung there, the letters arranged in glistening gems of various colors...It indeed spelled out - The Carousel Boutique.

Except, this boutique seemed to be the entrance into a mine shaft. The entrance seemed to have had some kind of light, stylized curtain covering it.

Twilight blinked. "This can't be right." She said. "That's...really a boutique? I don't get it." She blinked, unsure how to make heads nor tails of what she saw.

"Creatureville must really have a tough real estate situation, huh." Spike muttered

Twilight sighed - she had no other information, and the decorations had to be sorted out. She narrowed her eyes, and walked towards the entrance, before stepping through the threshold and entering the mine. As she brushed against the curtain, the strange chime of a small bell was heard...Twilight looked up at it, and blinked...before going deeper in.


They were surrounded by the stone cave walls, and accompanied only by the railway that led further in.


"Huh. It's dark here." Spike muttered.

Twilight squinted her eyes to see somewhat better. "What did you expect, Spike? We're in a mine." She said, and then sighed. "If only I had a horn, I could be able to get some light..."

"Hmm..." Spike smiled. "That's it - hang on."

Twilight would hear the flap of wings, and a green flame would be produced from him - allowing them to see just a bit better.

"Great thinking!" She grinned. "Okay - now we just..."

"TWILIGHT!" Spike exclaimed. "LOOK OUT!"

The earth pony was barely able to turn around to see what the issue was, and with a yelp, her strong earth pony legs gave her the boost necessary to jump out of harm's way - a bit too well as she bumped right into the cave wall. She had just narrowly managed to avoid the mine cart that madly dashed straight through her previous position - as in the darkness, Twilight had no idea she was so close to the rails.

With an obnoxious screech and sparks, the mine cart stopped...And a pair of white-furred paws made contact with the dusty ground as its driver jumped off.

"Oh dear!" The mine cart's owner exclaimed. "Darling, I'm so sorry about that - but why didn't you wait at the entrance? You know my boutique is set up in the diverging tunnel system on your first left, and that I arrive quite fast! No need to go down all the way to the deeper mines!"

As the dust settled, Twilight looked up to see what appeared to be a canine - yet a bipedal one. She had gorgeous white fur, and what appeared to be purple, wonderfully curled hair on her head. She also had a pair of massive, powerful clawed paws which seemed made Twilight shudder at the sight. And her tail looked more like a mace - than an actual tail. She wore a gorgeous and wonderful vest, which was seeping with colorful gems as the pockets struggled to hold them. Blinking, Twilight stood up.

"You have a boutique in the mines?" Twilight asked.

The canine giggled. "Sorry, Darling. We diamond dogs don't do well with urban architecture too much." She said, her eyes closed and her head raised high, walking in an elegant catwalk (ironically) and making her way to Twilight. "I sense you are new to this town if you're not aware of mine-boutique. My name is Rarity, dear. What is--"

The diamond dog released a shrill scream as she opened her eyes to take a look at Twilight, who also yelped. However, Rarity quickly scooped Twilight up with one of her paws, making the poor earth pony nearly scream with the assumption she was being attacked...Until Rarity used one of her claws to point at Twilight's mushroom-cloud manestyle.

"Darling!" Rarity exclaimed. "What happened to your head coat!?"

"My hair? I-I'm just here to check on the decorations!" Twilight yelped. "I promise I'll get out of your mane--

The diamond dog spent no more time, and lifted Twilight up with both hooves, before carrying her off - making Twilight scream as she forgot she's not being kidnapped.


"Next up is music!" The phoenix said with a whistle.

"Okay." Twilight sighed, walking as she was forced through an hour and a half makeover session; which she was able to weasel out of just in brink of time to make sure she looked the way she usually did. "I think we can organize that quick - after all, we are quite close to the music hall."

Spike scratched his head with a wing. "Actually, the address isn't the music hall."

"Ah, good call." Twilight nodded. "Outdoors event, need to go for the right acoustics - so they'd probably be rehearsing on the site of the celebration - or a stadium."

"Not that either." Spike said. "It's asking us to go to...some place called..."


"The Butterfly Mountain!?" Twilight shouted, standing in the middle of the edge of town, surrounded by cliffs and even more mountains. "Why is this the address!? This must be some kind of mistake!"

Spike shrugged. "Maybe we just got confused? Could be another place in Creatureville with the same name?"

Twilight groaned in frustration. "Who even made this list!? First we end up in a mine--"

"Technically that was the right address." Spike coughed.

"And now we're in the middle of some MOUNTAIN, trying to find the creature responsible for the music!?" She yelled, and stomped her hoof. "Forget it - we're going back, I'm sure whoever has the music, has it covered. I just want to go back to the library and--"

In the middle of her speech, she felt a shadow appear above her.

"Oh really." Twilight groaned. "And Rainbow Dash still didn't even clear all the clouds as she was supposed to!?"

"Twilight..." Spike gulped.

"I mean..." The pony rubbed her face. "I don't get it - what's up with this town!? Is this some kind of test!? I--"

"Twilight!" Spike exclaimed.

"What!?" She barked back.

Spike unfurled a wing to show her that the object that blocked her sun was not a cloud...For it was in-fact...

A dragon.

Twilight let out a shrill scream, ensuring that Spike was latched onto her tight with his talons before she began to sprint. "Where do we go!? Where do we go!?"

"There should be a cave somewhere on this mountain, I saw it while scouting ahead!" Spike exclaimed. "Go left!...Forward! Right! Okay, it should be on the left!"

Twilight was hyperventilating - but was finally able to approach what appeared to be a cave entrance. She dashed inside - and ran in without even paying attention to her surroundings or being able to see what was around them. All Twilight could see, barely, is what appeared to be some cover. She ducked behind it, and wrapped a hoof around her own mouth.

Attempting to gasp for air yet keep quiet, Twilight was glad to find solace on the darkness. Twilight softly whispered to the phoenix.

"We should be safe..." She said.

"But I don't even know where we are..." Spike muttered.

Suddenly, all the light that poured into the cave...was gone. Twilight gulped...This must've meant that...the dragon was here.

But if there was a dragon, why did she barely hear it? No "thumph" of it landing or anything. What exactly was going on?

Twilight squinted her eyes hard however once she felt light awash the room, following a 'click!'. Much to the surprise of the two - it appeared that the light came from...a series of lightbulbs?

They were shocked to see that they were indeed in a cave - yet one that looked quite...homey. The floors were surrounded by carpets and rugs, explaining why Twilight had such an easy time sitting behind the cover she took - which she realized was in-fact a sofa.

Twilight blinked at Spike.

Suddenly, they heard a voice speak up from behind them - although they still didn't look around to see who it was. "Okay!" Said the soft, angelic voice. "Sorry I took so long to come back! I think we're ready to continue the rehearsal! Is everybird ready?" The voice asked.

In return, the voice was met with the harmonic chirping of several birds - and they all began to whistle in unison, singing a lovely, warming song.

Twilight kept blinking at Spike, before smiling. "Huh - I guess it wasn't the dragon. Somepony or somecreature seems to actually live here." She whispered. "And I guess the address was right - this is the music!"

"Well..." Spike thought. "We are probably trespassing. Let's apologize to her and try not to spook her. I guess she'll sympathize if we explain that we're running from a dragon."

"Mhm! Let's do it!" Twilight smiled, and stood up - smiling wide enough to let her cheeks block her eyesight.

"Hello!" The earth pony exclaimed and waved a hoof. "I'm so sorry for the intrusion! My name is--"

A scream came from the angelic voice. Twilight understood that her attempt to not spook the resident didn't go so well - so she frowned...and her eyes were opened up.

So now - the cave had two screaming entities; a screaming earth pony...

And a yellow scaled, pink-spined dragon the size of half a barn - who should've released flame upon the pony with her own scream...except it sounded like the scream of a little filly - not a scaled beast.

"Please just take all my belongings! Just please don't hurt me! Or talk to me!" The dragon cried out - hiding her face with her wings as she began to sob in fear.

Twilight was unable to hear the words, shaking with fear. "Please don't eat me! Or burn me to a crisp! Or--" Then, she understood what she was told...and blinked. "Wait, what?"

The massive dragon slunk away into a corner of the house, covering her face with her claws as she shuddered; enough to induce a minor vibration in the entire chamber. Twilight kept uncertainly looking at the massive dragon, and turned to Spike - who shrugged with his wings.

"I'm...Really sorry." Twilight said. "We thought there was a dragon around these parts and we thought it was chasing after us...That...wasn't you?"

The dragon with her angelic and soft voice kept speaking. "I-It...It was me. I just...tried to avoid you, s-so I just kept flying around..." She whimpered. "S-Sorry."

"You don't need to apologize!" Twilight tried to patiently smile.


"...Anyhow, we'll just...get out of your way, and--"

At that moment, the dragon's eyes opened wide with wonder, and she stood to attention, quickly standing on all fours to lean in close - Twilight freezing in place as she thought she was going to end up as dragon food. She saw those massive dragon fangs - but they were seen through a massive grin of adoration.

"Is that a baby phoenix!?" She squeaked out. "I've never seen a baby phoenix before! He's sooooo cute!!!"

"W-Well, well, well..." The phoenix gulped.

"He can talk!? Oh my - I had no idea phoenixes can talk! What's his name?" Fluttershy asked Twilight.

"I'm Spike!" The phoenix proudly said - now feeling relaxed at the fact that the dragon was not such a threat, apparently.

"Nice to meet you, Spike! I'm Fluttershy!" She smiled. "Wow, this is so great! I had no idea phoenixes can talk! What do phoenixes like to talk about?"

The phoenix smirked. "Well, what do you wanna know?"



Twilight had been forced to walk home - with the benefit that she was able to sort out the music as discussed...with the downside that she was now being followed by the half-barn sized dragon, while her phoenix proudly boasted over his life to the scaled beast. If "beast" was even applicable. A creature Twilight once found terrifying - she now just wanted to get home.

"And that's all about my life up until now! Wanna hear about today?"

"Oh, yes please!"

"Oh look, we're here!" Twilight smiled wide as she stood right in-front of the door to the Golden Oak library. "I'm really sorry, but we have to go now. Spike needs his nap! Phoenixes get soooo cranky when they don't get their nap!"

Fluttershy blinked at the phoenix and nodded. "Poor thing - you simply must get to bed--"

"Bye!" Twilight said, pulling Spike in fast as they entered the library. It was pitch black due to the sunset, as the lights were not yet turned on.

"Well that was rude." The phoenix narrowed his eyes at the unicorn.

"Sorry, Spike. But we have much more pressing matters! I need to start writing to powerful unicorn mages in Equestria to gather and prepare for the arrival of the Mare on the Moon! Get me a paper and quill, we--"

Twilight flicked on the lights, and gasped in shock.

"Surprise!!!" Exclaimed the crowd of a few ponies and creatures - and in the middle stood a pink-feathered griffon, who threw her talons up happily before coming over to Twilight. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! And I threw this party just for you! Of course you can call me Ginkie Gie if you're not used to griffons who don't have a "G" in their name, or Gpinkie Gpie! Some people call me Gump - but I dunno WHAT that means! I managed to gather around fourteen attendees for this party! So this is like, the fourth biggest party I've ever made! I know that's not like, big - objectively - but I guess being a griffon party planner does that since nocreature thinks "wow, griffons make great parties and aren't grumpy party poopers", but that's okay cause I'll just do my best to prove them I'm great at parties! So, what's your name!?"

"Twilight Sparkle." The earth pony sighed softly. Coping with the shock of having so many ponies and creatures appear in her home, she sighed and walked over to the table to get a drink. She at-least appreciated that, perhaps thanks to the fact this Pinkie was a griffon, there weren't as many party goers as they could've been.

"Nice to meet you!" The griffon grinned. "I threw this party seeing as you were new in town! Were you surprised? Of course you were! I brought a buncha creatures here who you probably met! For an example, that's Applejack!"

"Howdy! Good to see you again." Smiled the changeling as she drank a Love cider - previously transforming into the Mayor Mare for the sake of playing a silly impression.


"Evening once more, darling." The Diamond Dog gave Twilight a cool smile as she finished gussying herself up using Twilight's own mirror.

"Rainbow Dash!"

"Yo!" Twilight had to look up - to see that the Siren was carelessly floating about the ceiling, a boombox in her hoof as she let music cover the room.

"And Fluttershy!"

"...F-Fluttershy!?" Twilight yelped - wondering just how she'd fit...Before she looked at the window to see the dragon's head poking through.

"Hello...! I just remembered that this was also the venue for the RSVP." Fluttershy blushed. "Sorry I'm not letting Spike sleep...M-Maybe I'll--"

"Nuh uh." Rainbow gave a grin with her sharp teeth. "You're staying around, Flutters!"

Pinkie would begin to list other partygoers, some ponies and a few other creatures, but by then Twilight was already done pouring herself a drink. She would take a swig - before her face contorted wildly, and tears flowed down her cheek.

"...Are you alright?" Fluttershy meekly asked.

Twilight could only sputter and groan - before she stormed off, revealing that what she poured herself was instead natural lemon juice.

Pinkie shrugged. "Huh - that's where I put it..." She took it into her talon, and shrugged. "More for me!"


The earth pony struggled to sleep. Through an opening, Spike flew in, excitedly sitting on the window sill beside her. "Twilight!" He said. "You gotta come to the party! Pinkie Pie is getting the board games out!"

"No!" Twilight grunted.

"O-Oh. Why not?" The phoenix frowned.

"Because...Every creature in this town is CRAZY!" The pony exclaimed. "I thought I'd be able to get a confirmation on when Nightmare Moon is coming, and yet - here I am...You know that if she comes and Equestria is doomed, then it means I am going to have been useless!?"

"Twilight..." The phoenix frowned.

She sighed. "It's the eve of the celebration. Everycreature has to stay up to see the sun be raised. Yet, on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape. I hope it's just a silly prophecy and that at the end, all I will be is just some silly crazy mare - because I really hope that in the end, I will be wrong."

The phoenix frowned, watching her. The earth pony rose from bed.

"Let's go. The celebration starts soon."


Mayor Mare - a light-brown pegasus, smiled as she addressed the crowd. "Ladies and gentlecreatures!" She exclaimed. "As the mayor of Creatureville, it's my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration! In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate the longest day of the year!"

The ponies cheered - surrounded by creatures and ponies who excitedly looked up at the balcony up ahead. Yet Twilight kept looking carefully around - to see for one sign that something was wrong.

"And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very draconequus who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..."

The curtains were opened - and a familiar white draconequus stepped forward. Everycreature cheered, clapping and stomping the ground. Twilight blinked too. She couldn't believe it - were things actually going to be okay?

"See, Twilight?" Spike smiled. "It's not going to happen! You can relax now--"

And with the words, the image of Princess Celestia shattered like a porcelain...And all gasped, as underneath...Was a different draconequus. Her colors were blue and dark blue, and her mane sparkled like powerful stars in the fog...

And she had the same animal limbs as Celestia - except all were swapped to be in the opposite places.

"What's happening!?" Exclaimed a voice from the crowd.

"Oh my subjects." The draconequus grinned. "I see etiquette has been forgotten. If I recall, you must bow to your monarch. Or have you grown to love the sun so much it has fueled your insolence!?"

"Where is the princess!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Why, YOUR Princess - no...your QUEEN is right here!" The draconequus bellowed.

Twilight gasped. "You're...Nightmare Moon!"

"Well well~! Seems one of you knows her place!" Nightmare Moon giggled. "Now, it's time for the last...forever! Mwahahahahahah~!"

Twilight shook fearfully - and within a blink...The draconequus disappeared, leaving an empty balcony...and a very confused, fearful crowd.

Grimacing, Twilight ran off to the library.

"Twilight!" Spike yelped, flying after her.