Samurai Soul

by Visharo

Arc 1 Japanese Dictionary

The Filly:
Samurai = Japanese warriors
Ronin = Masterless Samurai
Katana = A curved sword, tempered and folded many times. Quite durable.
Men = Noodles, interestingly enough.
Yama = Mountain
Sakura = A pretty flower

The Monk:
Seppuku = Cutting of the Belly. Ritual Suicide.
Bushido = The moral code of the Samurai. A way of life.
Komuso = Buddhist Monks.
Yokai = Demons of sorts.

The Thief:
Tengai = A hat that is a basket. It is the traditional headwear of the Komosu
Tsukuyomi = Shinto Moon Goddess
Daisho = The pair of katana and wakizashi
Wakizashi = A curved short sword. Partner to the katana
Kunai = Throwing dagger
Kama = Hand scythe

The Duel:
Mura: Village
Torii: Shinto gateway
Sake: Rice wine, very popular
Tanto: Knife
Tenno: Emperor
Dokugan: Single eye
Isunoki: A sturdy tree
Kami: Spirits or gods, depending on who you ask.