//------------------------------// // Chapter 14: The Woman in White // Story: Black as Sin // by BearstarSeraph //------------------------------// Chapter 14: The Woman in White On the other side of Canterlot, there was a fly on the wall. Actually, several. One in each room. “This is so boring…” Discord thought. “Tell me about it….” Discord #2 answered. “The argument this morning was fun,” Discord #4 mentally said. “I want to see that clicker machine in action again,” Discord #7 mentally kicked himself, “I had no idea what that was until I heard ‘Message sent’.” “At least we know it’s lightning based,” Discord #5 mentally said. “This machine in the basement is bugging me,” Discord #3 mentally said. All the other Discords giggled. “Ha ha ha,” Discord #3 thought, “This lightning maker is clearly jerry-rigged to use magic as its power source. I want to know what it uses for real.” “Oh! Oh! Oh! Clicker going off!” In the room, a griffon that had been at a desk walked over to the table, picked up a piece of wood and a wax tablet, then put a claw on a lever with a black knob and gave several clicks. Then the rod began moving on its own and the griffon began pressing letters into the diptych. “What is it saying?” Discord #1 asked. “No clue,” he answered, “I don’t read Griffon. Just trying to take a mental picture for Luna.” The clicker then stopped moving and the griffon closed the diptych, headed to the door and passed it onto a soldier. “That’s your cue,” Discord #7 mentally said. “On it,” Discord #6 began buzzing along the ceiling following the soldier. He followed for several turns. “He’s heading for the Ambassador’s office. Breaking off pursuit.” Praetor Irmhild was sitting at his desk in full military uniform, his son, Legatus Ermendrud, sat along the wall without clothes and a gladius before him on a red velvet pillow. The door swung open. The griffon extended his right front claw, “Hail the Emperor.” Irmhild raised his claw in response. “What is it?” he said, lowering his leg. The soldier walked forward and placed the diptych on the desk, “Wireless message. High priority.” He then raised his claw one more time before leaving. “Wireless?” Discord #4 thought, “That would mean there is a wired version.” “But what wires?” Discord #1 thought, “At one end is the lightning generator and the other end of the wire is that ridiculously large flag pole.” Irmhild opened the diptych. “What is the emperor’s decision?” Ermendrud asked. “Wait… the Griffon Empire is on the other side of the ocean?” Discord #4 mentally said. Discord #2’s jaw dropped. “They are communicating without magic! How? What other medium could they be using other than magic to transmit over the aether?! And why haven’t I thought of it!” “We are invited to a grand feast in celebration of a new treaty. The emperor is recalling the entire staff and transferring all of us to the new embassy for this kingdom. The zeppelin will arrive in three days with the new ambassador and staff. We are to turn over the embassy without ceremony to expedite our arrival.” Both Ermendrud and Discord’s jaws dropped. “Wha…What about last night? My dishonor before the Princess? The loss of the fallen?” “He said the fallen is of no matter. That the gods have given our nation the ability to right ourselves in their presence,” he plopped the wax tablets on the desk, “Quote.” “Th-That can’t be real,” Ermendrud said in disbelief. “He’s going to pluck the lot of us.” “Then we face our deaths with honor,” Irmhild said standing, “Gather the staff for a meeting. And keep a straight face. I don’t want them knowing we suspect otherwise.” “Celestia needs to hear this,” the Discords thought in unison. “Keep an eye out for a chance to sneak away,” Discord #3 mentally ordered, “We’ll regroup in the alley behind Donut Joe’s.” ~~***~~ “And that is your entire report, Captain Spitfire?” Celestia asked, looking over the documents in her magic. “Yes, that is everything that occurred at Donut Joe’s.” Celestia put her elbows on the ornate desk in the side chamber and rubbed her temples. “Well, at least we know where the leak about the prince’s condition came from,” she said, putting the papers in a pile with her magic. Spitfire stiffened further, “Ma’am?” Celestia dropped her hooves, “You and your unit are not in trouble, Captain. You are dismissed.” “Princess,” Spitfire saluted and marched out. Raven straightened the desk stacks, “Do you want to summon Pinkie Pie, your Majesty?” “No!” Celestia said exasperated. She coughed into her hoof. “I mean no, it is not necessary at this moment in time. But could you arrange for copies of the court papers to be brought here. Also send a few guards to interview the employees serving at the time of the incident. We need to know who they talked to and the identities of the customers.” “Sister? Art thou free?” they heard outside the door. Then a loud knock came, “Princess Celestia! We have urgent concerns about Prince Vegeta.” Celestia turned to the door, “Come in.” The door burst open and Cadence charged in, “Princess Celestia! Prince Vegeta assaulted a doctor.” “What?!” “Princess Cadence,” Luna said sternly, “While unpleasant and inexcusable, it does not constitute assault.” “What happened?” Celestia demanded. Luna stepped in front of Cadence, “Captain Spearchucker did not believe the abilities Prince Vegeta demonstrated during his mental examination. During the ensuing argument, the captain said ‘show me.’ So he deliberately projected into his mind one of his more graphic battles. It hasth shaken the good doctor greatly.” “Children!” Cadence stuck her head out around Luna, “He has killed children. He boasts about slaughtering cities without remorse.” “That… That is not the stallion I just spoke to.” “Sister, we believe he is reformed like Discord. Whatever crimes he committed in the past, he has no desire to repeat and every desire to prevent others from following his previous example.” “Marauders, pirates, Vikings. That’s what he called his Saiyans. Said they were murdering longer than the age of the stars in the sky.” “Princess Cadence?! Thou were dropping eaves?” Cadence walked around Luna and confronted her, “Yes, I was. And it was you that said ‘What is complicated about killing children?’ when he showed pride in his actions. Not just no remorse, but Pride.” Suddenly Discord teleported into the room, “Celestia! You’re not going to believe this.” “Discord, just the creature I wanted to see,” Cadence said. “Oh?” he said, floating to the floor. “I was about to use you as an example in an argument,” she turned back to Luna, “Prince Vegeta’s past crimes have come to light by his own mouth. But Princess Luna still claims he is reformed even though not only does he show no remorse for his acts of murder but feels pride in his murders.” She turns back to him with a smug look, “I’m sure as somepony who is actually reformed, you can correct this.” Discord was uncharacteristically still.  “It’s…  more complicated than that…” Cadence was gobsmacked. Her eyes widened and jaw dropped in a silent scream of ‘What the buck?!’ “And what do you mean by that?” Celestia said standing from her desk. Discord turned to Celestia. “Don’t get me wrong. But I am more than a spirit of chaos,” he took a dramatic pose, “I am chaos. Pure chaos right down to my mana filaments. Chaos is what I do and I take great joy in it.” He crossed his arms, “I am very proud of my past accomplishments and still laugh as I look back at them. I have no regrets, excluding getting turned to stone. But would I repeat those pranks today, no. Not because I see them as wrong, but because at this moment there is something else in my life that I also enjoy that is in some way juxtaposed to chaos, and I’ve had to make a choice. Do I still cause a great deal of mischief: Yes.” He raised his fist triumphantly as a mini storm cloud thundered behind him, “Is my imagination constantly filled with greater and greater cacophonies that would surpass any of the past triumphs,” he raised his voice with the lighting and thunder, “Absolutely. Am I going to follow through on my master plans?” he lowered his arm and the cloud popped out of existence. “No,” he said normally, “Because I’ve made a choice.” He turned to Cadence, “Prince Vegeta is a god of war. No different than you ladies are the day, night and love. War is one of the ultimate acts of chaos, so I have a better understanding of him than most. War can be an act of aggression but also an act of protection. I assume from the context that Prince Vegeta was once an aggressor but now has switched priorities?” “Prince Vegeta has slaughtered children,” Cadence said, trying to mask her fury. “I think I’m going to need full context here,” Discord said, crossing his arms again. Several minutes later… Discord put his claw to his chin, “Hmmm. Vegeta’s comment about good and evil definitely shows cynicism, but also an admission of guilt. But I think you are overlooking one detail, Princess Cadence.” “Which is?” “Who the buck puts a three-year-old alone on the battlefield?! Raising a child to be a son of a Diamond Dog is one thing, but at three? Who cares if the brat is physically capable of slaughtering millions!” He began to jump up and down like a toddler’s temper tantrum, “Three! Three! Three! Three! Even the Griffons and Minotaurs wait until eight or nine before they allow them to kill animals, and teenagers for sentients.” “We believe Griffons are an appropriate facsimile to these Saiyans,” Luna said, “They are what he would call a ‘warrior race’. Aggressive, violent, steeped in blood and proud of it. Not until my sister defeated them in my absence did they cease their relentless conquests. But still today many mercenaries and raiders come from their species. If this spell did not specifically say ‘pony’ he might have been turned into one.” “What about what I discovered about the geas?” “That is something to be looked into, Cadence,” Celestia put her hoof on her shoulder, “But sometimes as rulers we must dance with the devil.” She sighed, “Prince Vegeta is definitely a son of a Diamond Dog, as Discord so eloquently put it. But for all his faults he is a loyal protector and has offered his friendship. I know I asked you to look into his heart, and the darkness you found is concerning. But that does not change what was revealed about his character when he broke his horn to protect us from the darkness you witnessed within. He is as terrified of himself as the rest of us.” She smiled, “It might ease your heart to know that his request during the dreamwalking negotiations was for his magical locks to be put back on once he was medically able.” Cadence stomps her foot. “I’m not scared of him. I think he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” “A gravely injured wolf in sheep’s clothing,” Celestia lowered her leg. “He will be bed ridden for quite some time. If Princess Bulla’s estimation on how soon she would be found is correct, he will still be in care by the time his friends come.” “True,” Luna smiled, “Prince Vegeta spoke very highly of the one called ‘Cat-co-rot’.” She tapped her chin, “He seems to be a stallion who values friendship above all else.” She lowered her hoof, “He intrigues us greatly.” Cadence rolled her eyes, “Is this Cat-co-rot another Saiyan?” “Princess Cadence?!” Celestia gasped, “What’s gotten into you? You’ve never acted like this before!” Cadence stuttered, “Wha-I-don’t-I…” She gasped, “You’re right! I’ve never acted like this before.” She sat and put her front hooves to the sides of her head, “Oh my goodness, have I accidently been exposed to dark magic? Does Prince Vegeta have an aura?” “No he does not,” Luna said, “But we have noticed changes in behavior. Ponies are in less control of their emotions these past few days. Their minds and dreams are going places never traveled before.” She looked at Discord, “Have thou felt anything?” Discord shook his head, “Nope.” Then he chewed on his claw-thumb’s talon, “But after what I just saw, I’m really starting to question my self-perception.” He lowered his claw. “You’re not going to believe what I saw at the embassy! It was so unbelievable,” he took his eyeballs out, breathed on them, then rubbed them on his chest, “I had to check my eyesight.” He stuck them back in his head. “They are doing magic without magic! They were even communicating with Emperor Aurelius in real time. No fire scrolls, no teleportation. Not a slightest ripple in the aether, and yet everything was working! Luna, we need to do a dream walk together with Celestia.” Cadence’s jaw dropped, “You were spying on the Griffons?! Wha… Why!”   “Because I committed a major dishonor against the Ambassador’s family. And their clan is more than powerful enough to start a war even without the emperor’s consent.” “What did you do to them?” “Do you remember little Dalibor, Cadence?” She smiled and nodded, “Of course. That little rascal couldn’t sit still if his life depended on it.” “Dalibor deliberately failed his coming of age seven months ago. He became a slave to the Ambassador’s son and I confiscated him as soon as an opportunity presented itself. He is a high value political symbol. There will be death of one form or another at the end of this, and I do not want it to be that brave young male.” She looked at Discord, “Discord is the only one who can get in and out unnoticed. Ignoring this technology for the moment, what are they planning?” “Emperor Aurelius’ message said that the loss of the fallen, which I assume is this Dalibor, does not matter and that the entire staff is being transferred to a new embassy in a kingdom they just made a treaty with. The staff swap is in three days.” Discord lowered his brow and acted serious, “The message said that this treaty has given them the chance to right themselves with the gods, Celestia. But all their gods are in one way or another gods of war. Even the goddesses of sex and childbirth carry sword and spear. The ambassador and Legatus think it might be a ruse to bring them quietly to their deaths, but if it’s true, they are sending to this nation experts on Equestria.” Celestia looked down thinking, “It takes five days to cross the Coltlantic by military airship. If this is a war treaty, it predates Dalibor.” She looked up, “Get word to our embassies in Prance and Trottingham. They would have gone through their airspace.” “What about the Nordic Eyries?” Luna asked, “Their nations are the old tribal clans but modern generations view griffons as griffons, Germane or otherwise.” “Good thinking Luna. But since this is just a staff change, they shouldn’t be advertising that route if they plan to use it to skirt Western Eulope for a surprise attack.” “But I don’t understand one thing,” Cadence asked, “We have been at peace for 500 years. Why now? What’s changed? They were defeated so easily by one alicorn. Now there are four plus Discord,” she pointed at him. “We know thou will not like this Cadence, but we think we should bring Prince Vegeta into this discussion,” Luna said raising her hoof, “Let us explain. When Celestia and us visited his dreams he showed us a glimpse of his world. They are as advanced if not more so than we are, and yet they have little magic.” She lowered her brows, “They have found a way to use griffin fire as a substitute for magic.” She looked at Celestia lowering her hoof, “We know you said it is knowledge that Equis cannot afford, Sister. But what if it is already too late? Their great stacks already burn firestone.” Discord put his claw to his chin again, “I don’t see how griffin fire could be used to power what I saw. But whatever it uses, it was jerry-rigged to use magic and rather temperamental about it too. I got to watch it being repaired while a backup thingy picked up the work. It was making nonmagical lightning for the clicking machine they were communicating with.” “Oil and electricity,” Celestia said, “Yes, we need to bring Prince Vegeta in on this.” She looked at Luna, “Any news on the changeling before we go?” “None. Any news on the leak?” “Pinkie Pie!” Celestia growled. “We’re tracking down the ponies she talked to. But so far no direct link to any nobles or embassies.”  Discord rubbed his hands eagerly and chuckled, “Oh ho~ho, I can’t wait to ask Vegeta who or what it was. What type of monster could it be?” Everyone looked at him. “What are you talking about?” Celestia asked. “Well, think about what we know of him.” Discord appeared in a college professor’s sweater, black nerd glasses with the white nose bridge, and a green chalkboard behind him with a projection screen rolled up at the top. A balloon web chart was drawn on it. “Since coming to this ‘Earth’ he’s only fought in a handful of battles, all in its defense, but previously war was part of his daily life.” He put his claw’s finger on Cadence’s nose. “But you say he’s reformed.” He returned to the chalkboard, “If he was a slave forced to kill against his will, this change is predicable.” He rolled the board over revealing a second one underneath, “But you say he enjoyed the act. A crown prince raised for violence and power. After his species was destroyed and himself enslaved, yes, he was fearful of his masters, but not enough to stop him from scheming their downfall for decades before implementing it. If someone tried to stop his lust for death and power by offering friendship, he’d laugh and kill them if they were weaker than himself or patiently scheme like he did while enslaved if stronger. But something Stopped. Him. Dead. — pun intended” he added proudly. “It would be like if you and your sister never touched the sun and moon the rest of your lives.” “He did witness Hades upon his first death,” Luna said. “No, he continued his murder spree afterwards without the slightest hesitation. He only stopped after spending time on Earth.” “Maybe his mare?” Celestia asked. “Vegeta was a power hungry tyrant in ascension. He viewed all individuals as tools to be used and discarded.” Then a pink book with a stallion on the cover appears in his hands, “It’s not like these lovely novels you keep hidden from Shining Armor by using fake covers, Princess Cadence. Where a criminal falls in love while under a false identity…” Cadence gasped and the book vanished in a blue pop. She looked at the wall trying not to blush. “Well, as I was saying,” Discord continued, “Vegeta never hid who he was. Any mare that would fall for him at this stage of life would be highly naïve or just as ambitious. Something stopped a god of war, a god of death and made him play nice. Something scared the shit out of him. Something even the flames of Hades could not do.” The board slammed shut and the projection screen unrolled. Discord then gave the string a tug and the entire board rolled up with the screen before it disappeared in a pop. He smiled as his clothes vanished, replaced by a worn top hat with a price tag in it on his head, “I want to know what this is.” ~~***~~ “Achoo!” “Oh, sweetie. You are worrying yourself sick,” Mrs. Brief said to Bulma, who was sitting on Bulla’s bed crying into her daughter’s Twilight plushie. “Baba said those nice ponies saved Vegeta from those wolves and Bulla was with that pony she likes with the diamonds.” When Bulma did not look up, Mrs. Brief walked from the door and sat next to her. “They are all nice, safe and warm in one of these lovely thatch cottages,” she poked a town house with her cane. “Or maybe that big castle,” she pointed at the Canterlot toy city with her cane. “Or even they’re in pony France with that lovely Eiffel Tower,” she pointed at the toy Crystal Palace. “Mom… That’s the castle for the Crystal Empire…” Bulma mumbled. ~~***~~ All the mares in the room got a few shades lighter. “Yes… I see your point, Discord…” Celestia said.   “Good. I’ll meet you in his room,” Discord said. His body faded away until only his smile was left. Then it disappeared with a pop a few moments later. “What would you like me to do, your Majesty?” came a shaky voice. Celestia turned around surprised. She had forgotten Raven was still in the room. “Go fetch those court papers like I asked,” Celestia said, failing to hide her own nerves. Raven nodded and scrambled out the servant’s door.  ~~***~~ Vegeta was dreaming. He knew he was dreaming, but he could not get a grip on it from the outside. “Aurgh!” Vegeta growled. “Fine! Be that way!” Vegeta looked around. He was in a black space, but he was standing on a solid surface. He was in Saiyan form, dressed in his white and blue uniform. Suddenly a strong wind came from his right and began pushing him, almost blowing him off his feet. “Alright! Alright! I get the hint!” he shouted, skidding across the ground. The wind lowered to a strong breeze, but continued to blow. Vegeta kept his back to it and followed where it was guiding him.   But after several minutes, he still saw nothing but black. He turned to face the wind. “Where are you taking me?” he growled. Suddenly the breeze turned into a violent whirlwind filled with something white beating against him. Vegeta covered his face with his elbow and ducked down. He could feel the impacts through his clothes. If it was not for the armored cloth, it would sting. Suddenly one of these objects lodged under the sole of his boot. He picked it up with his free hand. “A feather?” he thought. Then he noticed the black center and looked at the tip. It was cut. “An Earth writing feather?” The moment he thought that, the whirlwind returned to a gale and blew the feathers away. Vegeta watched them fly off before a light opened in the dark, shining down like a spotlight onto the surface. He stood as they turned vertical as a vortex pulled them into the light and vanished. His feather yanked free and caught the tail end of the breeze, but the wind ended before it could be swallowed by the light and gently floated back down. It hit the ground, and caused ripples spreading out not much farther than the light’s hard edge. Recognizing his dream’s destination, he jogged over and knelt at the edge of the pool. He shouted in surprise and fell on his rear. He clenched his eyes and took several deep breaths through his clenched teeth letting them out in puckered bursts. Steeling his heart as little as it could be, he crawled back over to witness what he knew from experience he must endure. A Saiyan toddler was throwing a temper tantrum in the dead of night at his door. Vegeta knew the tear-choked boy in his onesies holding his stuffed Oozaru all too well.  “I want my Daddy! I want my Daddy now! Now! Now! Now!” “We have sent another message to the king, Prince Vegeta,” the guard pleaded, desperate not to join his smoldering, but still breathing colleague in the new entrance into the hallway. “But he may just order you to just go back to bed again.”  “What in the full moon?!” “King Vegeta!” the guard dropped to his knees. King Vegeta walked into view in his black fur robe and looked at the hole in the wall and the guard in the rubble. Then he turned and glared at his son through the door. “Are you three the only ones who have witnessed this farce?” “Yes, Sire,” the guard behind him said. “You two. Get your comrade to recovery, now.” “Yes, Sire.” The guard got up from his knees and he and his partner pulled their moaning comrade from the wall. They each draped an arm over their shoulders and carried him down the hall. King Vegeta filled the entire door frame glaring at his son. Then he raised his arm. There was no scream. Just a flash, a shock wave and the smell of burnt flesh. Vegeta stood stiff like his father taught him when scared as King Vegeta stormed in. The king loomed over his son, completely in a dark silhouette. Then he felt pain in his face and went flying through the air. Vegeta stopped himself with his energy before he impacted the wall, but promptly fell onto his head. “Owe…” he said, rubbing his head. He looked up at his father. He had his arm outstretched pointing upwards. Then he clenched his fist and lowered his hand grunting. The very fabric of the universe ripped asunder for the boy. His daddy…  just struck him? “What did I tell you…” King Vegeta growled, turning to him, “What did I tell you about crying?!” He pointed out the door, “I had to kill three good men because of you!” “Cr… Crying? But I’d never… It’s cowardly,” the prince sniffled. King Vegeta bristled with rage, “Then why is your face covered in snot and tears?!”  Prince Vegeta rubbed his eyes with his left arm, “Eye water makes my nose run, Father.” King Vegeta’s nostrils flared as he suddenly picked up his son and sat him on the edge of his bed. He knelt and looked him in the eyes, “Tell me that you know that ‘eye water’ is crying?” “Wa…?” Prince Vegeta’s mouth hung open. His face told his father everything he needed to know and he put his face in his elbow and growled, “Aurgh! Gods, what child have you given me?!”  He took a deep breath in and out. “Ok let’s save that conversation for the morning…” King Vegeta said standing. He crossed his arms. “Now what is this about?” “Someone is going to kill you, Father! I saw it.” King Vegeta growled a sigh, “Vegeta. Do I look like a ghost to you?” “No, but…” “Then why did you scream for me if you knew it wasn’t real?” “But it was real!” “Then how am I standing here!” Vegeta jumped up and down, “It hasn’t happened yet!” He stopped and glared at him. “But it’s going to happen,” he sniffled, “You need to stop it.” “You seriously think you had a vision of the future?” Vegeta nodded, “Just like the other super Saiyans from your stories.” King Vegeta sighed. “And why do you think this wasn’t a dream?” Vegeta hesitated, “It… It didn’t feel right. Everything about it. It wasn’t a dream.” “I think it’s time to begin your mental training.” Vegeta tilted his head, “What’s mental?” King Vegeta sat on Vegeta’s bed. “It means your mind,” he said, tapping his head. Then he patted the mattress, “Sit.” Vegeta obeyed and climbed next to him.   “Vegeta, I know the great legends tell of the gods speaking to the Supersaiyans in dreams, but do you really think the gods spoke to them every night?” He shook his head. “Vegeta, there are many types of dreams, each with their own feel. Just because you never had one like this before doesn’t mean it was from the gods. Once you've been trained, you’ll be able to see the difference. But as of right now you are too young.” King Vegeta stood, “But that will change starting tomorrow. So go back to sleep.” “But, Father! Don’t you want to know what it looked like? Just in case? Just because I…” “Vegeta!” King Vegeta raised his arm. Vegeta cringed bracing for another slap. After several moments, he opened his eyes and saw his father lowering his arm. “Vegeta. If you ever see me getting killed in another dream, no matter what the creature, know immediately that it is false. Do you honestly believe anything is capable of killing me?” “Not…” he sniffled, “Not till tonight.” “Vegeta. Nothing can kill me. Always remember that.” “Yes sir.” Vegeta looked towards the door. “Did you really have to kill them?” “I did not kill them, Vegeta. You did.” “What?! But I didn’t do anything! You…” “Vegeta!” King Vegeta growled. Vegeta cringed and stopped talking. “Vegeta. Physical strength is not the only aspect to ruling. You must also have strength of personality. I did not inherit power from my father. I gained mine through making others believe my judgment could be trusted. And the main way of doing that is,” he tensed his shoulders and clenched his fists, “Not Showing Cowardice! One act of weakness will haunt you your entire life.” King Vegeta raised his fist then threw his arm to the side, “This crying fit would have destroyed any chance of you becoming king. No one can be allowed to witness any moment of weakness. If any situation can be remotely viewed as an act of weakness,” he lowered his arm, “it must be dealt with before that information can spread.” King Vegeta pointed at his son, his index figure inches from his nose, “You and you alone are responsible for those men’s deaths. Always remember this.” King Vegeta turned and walked out of the room.   Vegeta leaned back as the pool darkened. A tear rolled down his cheek. “But it wasn’t just a bad dream, was it, Father? The creature I saw… It was Frieza.” He looked up into the light, “Why are you showing me this? What’s the point?” The pond brightened in response and Vegeta looked back down. He saw an image of his living room. Bulma was on the couch with the remote in her hands clicking through the channel guide screen. Vegeta noticed her hair. “She hasn’t had a perm like that since before Trunks was born,” he thought. Vegeta walked into the room in shorts gripping a towel hung across the back of his neck. “You haven’t showered,” Bulma said, not looking back. “I just came in from outside!” Vegeta barked. “The ship is back that way. The shower is up ahead.” Then he caught a glimpse of the program playing in the upper box. “What the hell are you watching?” “It’s Holy Week for Christians. So, there’s almost nothing but religious programming on for the next few days.” Vegeta rolled his eyes. “Oh yes, remembering the day your kind murdered one of your own gods by painting eggs and eating bird and rodent shaped candy. Makes perfect sense.” ”Next on the Seven Deadly Sins…Gluttony” the commercial spoke.. “What is this planet’s obsession with the number seven? Seven days in your week. Seven colors in your rainbow. Heck, most female jewelry I’ve seen has seven foci to it.” “It’s magical in most cultures, mainly because it is the number of planets that are visible with the naked eye.” “I highly doubt Kami chose to make seven dragon balls because humans needed a telescope to see…” “Vegeta!” “Neptune. I was going to say Neptune.” “I can hear your smile from here,” Bulma said, not turning around. He chuckled, “If I was asked to sum up Earthlings in one sentence and said they named one of their system’s planets Uranus, no one would believe me. So… what are these sins that the gods will throw lightning bolts at you if you do them?” he asked with a barely more serious tone. It was Bulma’s turn to roll her eyes, “It’s a list of seven behaviors that if you let them control your life, it will harm you and those around you. No lightning bolts included.” “So what are they?” “Umm…” Bulma clicked forward through the guide, “Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride.” “Sounds more like a personal check list of yours than a list of things to avoid.” This finally got Bulma to turn around, “Look who’s talking, Mr. Pride and Wrath.” Vegeta grinned, “Flattery will get you nowhere.” He walked off. “I’ll be in the shower!” he called back. “O-kay… That was random,” Vegeta said as the pool went dark. *Paparapapa!* Vegeta was thrown backwards like a ragdoll by the percussion of the spell. He skidded and rolled across the ground, finally coming to rest on his back. “Babidi,” Vegeta coughed, gripping at his chest as the familiar pain screamed through his body again. He struggled against his body’s twisting and writhing. He could feel his teeth crack from clenching his jaw to not give the bastard the pleasure of his screams again. Then Vegeta saw a white light coming from the direction his body was pointing. He painfully forced himself to roll on his side and tilted his head to see. Vegeta thought he had hit his head worse than he initially thought, as he could not focus on the being walking towards him no matter how hard he tried. In the fleeting moments of clarity, the white smear shifted between a human woman in a sparkling white slip and short red hair, and a very tall white unicorn with a red mane of the same cut.   *Paparapapa!* Remember who you are *Paparapapa!*   Remember who you are *Paparapapa!*   Remember who you are The whirlwinds returned, violently lifting him into the air. Vegeta reached for the ground only to see a pair of black hooves instead of his white gloves. Suddenly finding himself back as a pony, he was at the mercy of the gale, unable to use his energy to right himself. His normal screams came out as desperate neighs and whinnies as he flailed his four legs and wings to no avail as he somersaulted higher and higher. R E M E M B E R ~~***~~ Vegeta snapped open his eyes and gasped for air. He could hear his heart monitor screeching. “Oh thank goo—Prince Ve—What happe— did you see?” It took Vegeta several moments to realize that the jumbled sentence was actually several different voices. His eyes finally focused, revealing Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Discord? was it?, and several doctors and nurses, even Captain Spearchucker. “His heart rate is returning to normal, his vitals are stabilizing,” he heard a voice sighing behind him. Vegeta noticed Luna’s horn and Discord’s hands ceased glowing. “Did… Did you two do that to me?” “Nay, Prince Vegeta,” Luna said, “We were trying to rescue thee, but even combined could not pierce the veil. A powerful magic was cast upon thee so thy vision would proceed unhindered.” “Vision…?” he said between pants, “Ok which one of your goddesses… is a white unicorn with red hair so… I know who… to punch for that nightmare?” “We have neither god nor goddess of that description,” Celestia said. She looked at Discord, “Are you sure the magic was harmonic in nature?” “Celestia, I haven’t felt pain like that since being blasted with the Elements of Harmony.” He held up his hands showing they were horribly burned. “On a related note, I’m going to faint now.” He turned into a goat version of himself and bleated, falling on his back. But his front legs were still burned. “Discord,” Celestia scolded, “Be serious so we can treat your arms!” Vegeta watched him turn back to normal and the nurses begin cleaning his wounds. He saw him wobble. “You have internal injuries, maybe neurological.” “I’ll just need to rest for a few days,” he said, “Whoever said ‘opposites attract’ never dealt with magic.” Vegeta furrowed his brows, “Then the unicorn who induced that nightmare is your enemy?” “Not necessarily; the princesses and the girls wielded harmony magic as well, and now we’re just peachy.” “But no living being can physically contain the full fury of harmony magic,” Celestia lowered the tilt of her head, “This unicorn must have an artifact of some kind. We should send somepony to check on the tree and see if the elements are still embedded.” She looked at him, “What exactly did you see? You described it as a nightmare.” “Just random memories with the unicorn’s voice repeating ‘Remember who you are’ at the end.” “Maybe there is a pattern that we would recognize that you would not. Please go into full detail,” Cadence ordered. Vegeta rolled his eyes, “Fine. It’s your sleep tonight.” Several minutes later… “Your father murdered his own guards… because they witnessed a child’s crying?” one of his door guards stuttered in disbelief. “That was only the beginning…” Vegeta said solemnly, “When I refused to say who else had seen me, my father simply threw a party for the household staff and then blew up the building, blaming the attack on political rivals. He didn’t even need to have trials; once he released the names, vigilantes had killed them and anyone even remotely related to them within the hour. Though I wouldn’t put it past him to have slipped some men into the riots to make sure no one escaped.” “Your father was a mad stallion!” Vegeta chuckled, “I’ve dealt with far worse individuals than my father. He was actually considered too kindhearted and weak by his peers.” Celestia interrupted the next outbursts by the staff, “The night I assume was the first of many prophetic dreams, and then a lesson on what to your wife’s kind are the equivalents of elements of sin. These are all tied to your magic, but I don’t see a specific message being conveyed.” “With Prince Vegeta’s skill at dream manipulation, perhaps this pony believes these lessons are the key to controlling his dark magic,” Luna said.  “This ‘remember who you are’ is troubling me. And I know what you two are going to say!” Cadence cut Celestia and Luna off, “The obvious conclusion is to remember you are reformed and to not give in to the darkness, but I can’t help but think there is more to it.” She looked at Vegeta, “Is there anything you’re not telling us about the geas?” “Weeeeeell…” “I knew it,” Cadence thought. “I could mention how I had the misfortune of not going to the lavatory prior to the battle and the obvious consequences while writhing in agony as it was applied.”  Vegeta smiled as his comment had the intended effect. He felt he was getting good at guessing pony facial expressions, at least obvious ones like revulsion and disgust. Luna coughed into her hoof, drawing everyone away from their imagination. “The quills used to draw him in could be a clue to this mage’s identity,” Luna said turning to Celestia, “I would like to be in charge of this.” “Of course,” Celestia nodded. She turned to the doctors, “How soon until you rule him fully stabilized?” “After that near heart attack, I’d say 30 minutes minimum. I’m sorry, your Majesties, but you will have to postpone your meeting,” the doctor’s voice said behind him. Vegeta furrowed his brows looking at Discord, “What do you need?” “You are perceptive as always,” Discord chuckled. “But it requires a visit to the dreamscape and I doubt you will…” “If it will not affect my condition, then we should get this over with.” Discord smiled, “You’re just a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?” “Nay, Prince Vegeta,” Luna said, “You should know better than most the perils of mind magic. Your brain must rest. This matter, though urgent, is not worth your health.” Vegeta closed his eyes, “How is my daughter?” “Princess Twilight and the Bearers are keeping her mind occupied and her tummy full of candy and cupcakes,” Celestia said, “but I fear court business has prevented us from obtaining a more recent update.” “Well…” Vegeta closed his eyes and adjusted his head in the pillow, “No news is good news I guess…” Suddenly a solar guard knocked on the door, “Forgive me, your Highnesses. But Secretary Raven says you asked to be informed when the court papers about the riot this afternoon arrived.” Vegeta opened his eyes. “There was a riot… in happy rainbow glitter farts ponyland?” he said in disbelief. “Prince Vegeta,” Cadence scowled, “A stallion in your position should not be so quick to insult others.” “Yes sister, what tis about?” “I’m sorry Luna, but as I am involved in the investigation, you need to stay away in case of appeals.” Celestia turned to the staff, “I must take my leave of you. You have gone far beyond the call of duty caring for the prince. I am very proud of you, my little ponies.” Vegeta rolled his eyes as Celestia exited. ~~***~~ In the barracks, Aquafina and Trident were waiting in a meeting room, sitting side by side. Their faces lowered but defiant. Then the door opened. Blarney walked in. “Well, when I got your request for representation, I was actually speechless,” Blarney sat across from them at the table. “But I assume we are here not just to discuss your arrest?” He grinned, “ I’m sorry to say a hold has been placed on your bank accounts. There are workarounds of course, but I fear dealing business the old-fashion way with paper and bullion will limit what can be paid to only 55% of our original price.” “That is not the only reason my wife and I summoned you,” Trident raised his head. “I assume your visit with my daughter was to blackmail her into marriage?” Blarney shook his head, “Tisk. Tisk. Tisk. Blackmail is such a dirty word. I simply explained her current predicament and recommended one of several solutions we discussed.” “She will never say yes you know.” “That would be… an unfortunate decision.” “What if we made it a more likely discussion?” Trident said. “Oh? And how will you accomplish that?” Aquafina spoke up, “We’ve discovered the name of the father. Do with that information what you will.” “I assume once you take control of my company, you will be selling it to your partners in the Holy Gryphon Empire?” Trident added. “And why would that have anything to do with your decision?” Blarney’s grin widened, already guessing at the innuendo. “Well, I assume a— species, of their persuasion would take a different business approach than we would.” Blarney nodded, “Of course. As a multinational corporation, Dark Horse works within many disparate cultures.” “We will give you the name on one condition,” Aquafina said. “Your tastes in mares and methodology have been whispered about for years.” “I’ll have you know those rumors are baseless and disgust me to no end,” he said indignantly. Aquafina lowered her gaze and chuckled, “Well, in any regards, our condition is this:” She looked up in an icy glare, “Don’t. Hold. Back.” “On either of them,” Trident added. “I don’t know your lower limit, but I hope having to wait a short time won’t negatively affect your decisions on these matters.”  Blarney nodded, “I see. So what is the name?” “Bocce Boules of Ponyville. Tan unicorn with black hair and brown eyes, a bocce ball with a green stripe as a cutie mark. He will be with Duke Fancy Pants, Fleur dis Lee and possibly Lady Rarity. He is actually,” Aquafina shuttered in disgust, “nouveau riche, so he could be dressed as either peasant or nobility.” “Do you know his business?” “The lower’s 10 pins abomination.” Blarney stood, “Thank you for the information. Dark Horse will finalize our arrangement and will be in touch with you tomorrow morning.” He trotted to the door then turned around, “I will also see about our lawyers defending you. After all…” he grinned, “We are family.” He opened the door with his magic and walked out.